
Gameplay Elements Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Clearing a house of all its potions and potatoes to later finding myself using those potions or eating those potatoes made me sit back and think, yes, this is fantastic."
"Wildlands is a game geared towards completionism but not really one that even requires it."
"This kind of oddly revolutionizes, and this is gonna be the stupidest thing."
"Just the thought of playing something that doesn't involve a land kind of ruins it for me."
"The biggest thing that it does is it leans heavily into its role-playing elements."
"As you could tell right here there are a lot of different arrows in this game and I mean a lot."
"Corruption: S and actively made the game worse at the same time."
"The primary mechanic of day stages is the boost."
"Overall, it's more of the same gameplay wise but what's really interesting is the level design."
"The game is built on those little moments of joy."
"Everything that's placed in that game was placed there on purpose with the reason."
"At its core, this game is basically 75% Breath of the Wild and 25% Assassin's Creed."
"It's interesting they didn't include the gameplay elements within combat as they had in last of us part two i feel like that would have been a worthy inclusion and heightened the gameplay aspect of this remake"
"I think we need more unique experiences in Apex."
"God of War 3: 'It has some great action, awesome set pieces, and of course, the glue that holds everything together is the quick time events.'"
"If NG3 had just taken the swordplay exactly as it was in NG2 and slapped it in here then I could see the argument for foregoing an upgrade system."
"The gameplay of Xenoblade Chronicles can be divided up into a few distinct facets."
"The Wisps from Sonic Colors are back in the form of the Avatar's special tool."
"When these elements are combined, it makes for a rich comprehensive gameplay system."
"Resident evil favors horror closer to the jump scare than existential dread."
"Players will battle across different regions with different inhabitants and in turn different gameplay elements."
"Efficiency, silk touch, unbreaking, hellforge, blast, and haste, the lucky one was haste."
"The shooting is like such a small portion of it."
"In Pokémon GO, there's literally only three things you can really do in this game."
"It feels like Resident Evil with all the item collecting."
"Items have two components: primary stats and unique passives."
"Surprisingly doesn't end and mixes it up with all kinds of different modifiers and objectives throughout."
"The real star of the show during this section is the enemy placement."
"It's not entirely mandatory but it was awesome to suddenly have this almost metroidvania element added to the game."
"I preferred the moment to moment stuff more, especially the side quests."
"The game rewards experimentation and exploration."
"There are a lot of very unique elements in this game."
"Looks like the entire party animals team has decided to coach third base and they make the right decision sending home skull now it's a 4-2 lead for the party."
"Why would you remove all the stuff that makes the game cool?"
"There is sufficient weapon variety, locale variety, and eventually enemy variety."
"Little details like the adoring fan showing up... that's gonna be fun."
"A surprising new benefit to look out for with roadhog is his environmental kills."
"Usable junk crafting, weapons, companions, and even difficulty levels are just much better and more interesting than Skyrim."
"Nothing's really purely aesthetic in these tracks. If there's an object, it's likely solid."
"The best hub worlds tend to contribute to a game in a handful of categories: Tutorialization, Story, Style, Exploration, and Secrets."
"I found myself loving this game for many of the exact same reasons I love 2D Castlevania."
"Every red beast that you get has like a different thing."
"Tear effects are the most fun items in the game, full-stop, hundred percent. Don't disagree with you."
"Plants aren't exactly a building block for a planet and they can't be boiled down to something on a sub-atomic level like literally every other in-game element can."
"Not all games need these things. There's no winners in Animal Crossing for example, but there's creative expression, there's skill involved, there's choices to be made."
"One of the most often overlooked aspects of this game is the weapon variety."
"Ryze also tried a lot of new things and concepts: it added in wire bugs, it introduced palomutes."
"Halo Infinite successfully embraces its arena shooter DNA."
"I love that this stuff in the background is a hint about what kind of mini-games they're going to be playing."
"The introduction of the charge shot alone is proof enough that this game left an impact."
"There's an awesome gliding elem in the game which I had a lot of fun with."
"Laundry is a fun gameplay challenge sometimes."
"Maniacal laugh is actually one of the better finishers in the game now."
"The game is more than a series of unrelated design ideas; it's a story, scenarios, and mechanics."
"Every detail about this game so far, from the abilities to the... universe or planets... has been excellent."
"I think they did like a really good job with that element of the game."
"The core aspects of the gameplay are solid: enemy variety, boss fights, and the loot system."
"Once you've got the Flint knife, your adventure truly begins."
"So here's the first of several slightly odd rules in the game."
"This game is surprisingly deep, there's surprisingly a lot of stuff going on."
"He's effectively a boss version of the character."