
Market Response Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"You will get punished by the market if you turn your cultural dramas into political propaganda."
"New technology will come out and it will just be kind of crappy...yet it sold like crazy."
"Lukewarm reception aside, Killzone shipped two million units worldwide."
"Once we sort of relaxed and said no, let's stop trying to do what other people do and just see what our customers want us to do, we managed to find things where it's pretty clear that customers are very happy."
"It's a true definition of the consumer decided. Consumer decided that wasn't a business plan. So, to that point, it was how do you resource what the consumer's saying and needing outside of that?"
"90,000 people put an $800 deposit down in the first 24 hours of the orders being opened..."
"You adapt your product to what the market wants."
"Tesla Insurance in Texas showed strong take rates and encourages safer driving."
"I hope they do that, that the company made fortune on Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse decide to go all in and have non-binary Mouse and see their share price plummet even further."
"But we're also going to sell incandescent bulbs and people are so happy about it."
"They're listening to us they're improving their product they're giving us better stuff they're giving us a wider variety of stuff."
"Thank God because two things happened: sales of Night Trap just went through the roof and then they came up with the rating system."
"Fortunately for Netflix, we all responded positively."
"If you make something genuinely good, genuinely good people will buy it in droves."
"Rather than Tesla going 'let's build lots of cars and not sell them this quarter,' they cut prices because there were new incentives phasing in."
"It speaks to something more. An earnest desire to create a game that responds to what their target market actually wants."
"Please don't sell Cronus anymore, y'all have got to take that [ __ ] off."
"It's not that we thought that the Stadia controller was bad or that the service was bad, it was they monetized it in the worst possible way and it failed. The market spoke and you [ __ ] up."
"This is exactly what people were asking for."
"Hopefully, other companies will realize that similar results will follow."
"Sig is listening to what's going on in the market and they're responding to it."
"Already selling reservations incredibly well."
"ArenaNet should allow people to buy these skins individually just like people asked for Halloween."
"Inflation-linked debt has immediate effect of bringing some calm to the markets."
"Overall, my feelings towards our western release so far are positive."
"Even if they do raise rates, it'll be kind of like too little too late."
"Some markets decided to simply not release the season at all other markets came up with creative ways to cover up the gender non-conforming characters."
"The private market, the private sector, is responding. They're responding to inflation, okay? Where can we cut? How can we still increase margins while facing higher prices?"
"The only way we get off that floor is when the market believes hey we finally finally are actually responding to the fact that we might be inducing a recession."
"Markets were betting that this Supply shock lack of credit growth lack of money growth would end in exactly the way it appears to be ending as 2023 begins."
"The Love Flush blushes were kind of an instant hit."
"Markets do not really react to bad news; they react to uncertainty."
"Sometimes these numbers are in line with analyst estimates and the market has a ho hum reaction other times like like yesterday with meta they blow out any and all expectations even the most optimistic ones."
"Listen to what they're saying and give them what they want."
"This looks like a new stock that looks like something came out pre-market and just skyrocketed."
"Chevy took a big swing and it paid off, everyone wants one of those things."
"It's a bummer man, yeah, they shut down immediately after Warfighter, just not a hit." - "Just not a hit."
"People are not idiots. They buy them because it actually does the job."
"McDonald's and Coca-Cola shares jumped Wednesday after the companies reported rising demand even in the face of price hikes."
"Ever grand or ever grande? China steps in, markets breathe a sigh of relief."
"The reason why it's going up is obviously because this new sedan is just gorgeous."
"Brands are really thinking about what people want in terms of sustainable products."
"Start small and throw a lot of things out while you're small... Try a bunch of different ideas and see what people are liking and resonating with."
"Apex Legends may have launched embroiled in controversy about not being Titan vol 3 but that's been apparently resolved because it's now one of the most played games on the market."
"That's great news for Lordstown Motors... Being rewarded by the market right now."
"For every Twilight knockoff that was a success, there were 10 that did OK and 30 that flopped."
"Lucid has delivered like 100 cars yet it's up more than Starbucks."
"You never hard close a trend but then you reject the move."
"When I see the numbers for Universal, I'm like one of the things that Disney has done in the past and they'll continue to do in the future is they will react right."
"It's clear the product was an immediate sales success."
"Shouldn't businesses adapt to meet the needs of their customers?"
"Expectations aren't really pricing in big inflation expectations. It's almost kind of like the bond market is starting to listen to Jerome Powell when he goes, 'We ain't raising rates anytime soon.'"
"Nikon is serious about this they want to stop the bleeding and we're not talking about just a bleeding thing like you cut your finger and you put a band-aid on it we're talking about a gusher here."
"It's good that it exists, it's not exactly what we all wanted."
"We began allowing limited buys of these securities the following day and we have since lifted the restrictions entirely."
"How did Animal Crossing: New Horizons do? Did it make up for the failure of Amiibo Festival?"
"This thing's going to be a hundred and fifty dollars more."
"Valentine books saw an opportunity in that sudden unmet demand for fantasy stories and quickly pivoted to provide more choices for readers."
"They spent more to make it; it did open bigger than the other two but has dropped by 70% in its second week."
"Pricing obviously will be a bit of a determinant on that I'm not exactly sure where the pricing is if it's too expensive it might have trouble of course but I like what I see and I think a lot of other people will too."
"Tesla and pool employees are smart cutting the X and S prices was brilliant."
"It's not the only cards they're scrambling to release."
"Sony sees that and they're going after it. It's smart."
"At a restaurant, if everything on the menu sucks, they'll close."
"Despite that, it quickly became the company's third best-selling vehicle."
"This new Resident Evil Renaissance we now find ourselves in might have only been possible because of our East muted response and sluggish sales numbers."
"The Hunchback is as well an enduring reminder that the customer can and will make their own product if the company fails to deliver on what the customer actually wants."
"If it's good, you'll have exponential demand for it."
"The market has spoken, actually it appears that the people have spoken, and they have spoken with their own dollars."
"The video game industry is just responding to market demands. If it was an overwhelming majority of women playing video games, all the video games would reflect what the women wanted to see."
"And also for most people, the Macbook air is absolutely the one to get."
"This could be a point that causes mass replacement of equipment in the computing marketplace."
"People are so tired of all this stuff that if you were to make a film explicitly against all of that, it would clean up."
"Expect more of a roller coaster and we'll see how this drama unfolds."
"People will get what they want, one way or another."
"Sony's plan to move these games up in terms of pricing hasn't really affected their sales overall."
"Why are people moving their money into ethereum? That is because we now have a date for the merge between proof of work and proof of stake."
"As Americans seek economic protection... gold is up 30 percent and silver rising more than 50 percent."
"Remember, the customer is always right, and if people stop buying it, it changes. That's a fact."
"Nobody started buying them anymore. Fool me twice, shame on me."
"Does Chevy finally give the people what they really want?"
"Ultimately right now I want to see what happens when we buy these."
"Respected Financial onlookers seem to have two takes on this week's bad Chinese headlines."
"I think the Fed goes negative, and I think the market has taken their first."
"In the moment, I have to make sure that I'm trading the market that's right in front of me and not giving into FOMO."
"I truly believe when they resolve the debt ceiling issue, everything in everyone's portfolio will be green."
"Eventually business fundamentals win if good growth comes eventually the stock will respond."
"It took about six months for those higher mortgage rates to filter into higher inventory."
"That's definitely what this project was for me was a Learning lesson and then just also like a project that I poured my heart into and I'm really excited to get it listed and see what my market thinks."
"React to the reaction of the market and then change your plan accordingly."
"The Fed's been pretty consistent. The market just hasn't believed them or large parts of the market have believed them."
"The Game Boy was created in response to the booming success of Nintendo's Home console."
"The regular Ford Ka continued to be sold without much of a styling change, but it didn’t matter as it continued to sell well."
"Americans are really responding to what the Kona is offering... it's become an overnight success since it arrived to dealers about two years ago."
"Treating it like a business like with any business you have to listen to your customers right."
"It's easier to lower price in response."
"I think it's one of the responses needed for that market under the circumstances of that aging population."
"I'm skeptical too, but I think that the consumer response shows that this is something that people have been waiting for for a long, long time."
"We sold out of those within a couple of hours, so that was awesome."
"It's nice to see the markets reacting this way."
"It's been super fascinating to see how the brands are adapting and pivoting."
"You want to be McDonald's competition, get in there as soon as they drop a menu item, you pick it up."
"It's a good example of how you respond to the feedback and the demands of the market."
"You demanded it and we are delivering it."
"You make a thesis and you try and wait and see, and you see how the market rewards you or punishes you."
"The brand is taking a hit, the backlash from gamers is more extreme than we ever imagined it would be."
"It just goes to show you, when you show the demand for a product, the company will deliver."
"The feedback from the market or from consumers is so strong with our brand."
"It was successful because it delivered in areas that people seem to care about the most."
"Gee, what a flipping concept, if you make a good product, the market gets happy and everybody's excited about it."
"If the price goes up, do sellers sell a lot more or a little bit more? If they sell a lot more, we would say that supply is elastic."
"If we have a highly elastic demand, price increases have a large effect on customer demand; however, if it's inelastic, price increases have very small effects on demand."
"Ruger's done an unbelievably good job at listening to what the market's demanding for concealed carry and accommodating that demand."
"Price elasticity answers this question: if price changes, how much does demand change?"
"Just a small change in price will lead to a huge change in quantity demanded."
"As interest rates rise and housing sales slump, how are investors responding?"
"They've done a great job giving people a lot of what they want."
"The more stress in the banking system, the more the market knows the Fed has to print money."
"As my story has shifted, my valuation of Tesla has shifted."