
Cultural Conflict Quotes

There are 277 quotes

"All of our values, everything we stand for, everything you've been raised to believe in, it's currently being destroyed by a very small group of people."
"In Scotland, centuries-old hatred between Catholics and Protestants are relived every week by fans of Glasgow's two famous football clubs."
"The West's values are under threat, and we need to recognize that a large chunk of the world does not follow our value system."
"When I say civil war, it's meant to be somewhat in jest, like the cultural issues and social upheaval we're seeing is some kind of big conflict."
"We live in a dark moment and have to confront the fact that we're in an internal sort of cold cultural Civil War."
"Night of the Living Dead inspired an explosion of films that embodied the exact counter cultural conflicts occurring across America."
"It's weird because in this culture war, the tribal left, whatever you want to call it, is like, 'Let's just insult instead of address the issue.'"
"The conflict between the inclusivist or the cosmopolitan tradition and what can be regarded as a fairly exclusivist one in a secular modern environment."
"War being waged here isn't being done through tanks and bombs but instead through the invisible forces of culture and ideology."
"All of us can feel it when we interact online, how it bleeds into our personal lives and hurts friendships, it offends feelings, uncomfortable conversations at Thanksgiving, everybody knows what I'm talking about."
"In such a relatively short period of time, we've just become really two almost warring tribes."
"Traditionalist women are leading the trend, and feminists have absolutely no idea how to respond to this."
"Defying the woke mob is a sign of character - a sign of intellectual courage."
"Things get a little crazy when you disagree with them or you speak out against something that they hold very dear."
"The real war isn't necessarily over what's on Twitter or what's on YouTube. It's over memories."
"There is an ultimate irony in all of that because I am often Accused by uh vulnerable sort of far-right winger sorts of white nationalist movement types of hating white people."
"The culture war is always about race and diversity."
"Our civilization is under attack, our social system is under attack, our political system is under attack."
"Everybody loves the Spartans well except from the Persians and anyone that doesn't really like the Spartans."
"Freedom and liberty are winning the cult of the left is losing dramatically."
"It's unhealthy for everyone to be linked together across a country where people basically just desperately disagree on all kinds of value-based issues."
"We know we're at war, but we don't know the history, the whole story."
"Immigration is the bridge between bigoted cultural War grievance and economic nationalism and populism."
"If the US can't even get along with itself with the culture war, what makes you think the culture clash between, say, Russia and the US would not be worse?"
"I think we're going to beat the woke idiots."
"It is your worldview that is Waging War on ours."
"The fight we're all facing now against militant wokeness is something that everyone who believes in old-fashioned liberal values of free speech, freedom of assembly, and so forth need to embrace."
"Do not surrender to the woke brigade, do not surrender to the SJWs."
"We have to understand that there is a spiritual battle."
"Our duty is to fight for the people who sent us here, to fight for them against a cultural Elite who wants to rip away their lives."
"This kind of loot behavior is now being condemned by the president like that's culture War Victory like the one of the best we've seen."
"Our overlords in Tech and politics enjoy us having culture wars, they profit off of the outrage."
"We gotta fight the woke mind virus. It's up to the fate of civilization for us to destroy the woke mind virus. We're saving civilization itself."
"They're not just trying to ban books, they're trying to ban people. Banning and censorship they want to, you know what, where do you find that in our culture?"
"Let's encourage vaccination rather than activate the personal Liberty culture wars that result in people becoming more entrenched in their opposition."
"Don't let the cultists tell you otherwise. They mock and harass you, fine, they've done that to others. They've done that to the best of people. They did that to Jesus."
"There are legitimate reasons that people have to be concerned about SJWs taking over entertainment that they enjoy."
"A clash of cultures has always been and it appears always will remain a challenge for mankind to overcome."
"Florida is where woke goes to die. So don't bring any of that crap in this room."
"There's the potential for a new fault line in America's ever-growing debate about parental rights."
"You can't win a culture war without any culture."
"We're fighting a war right now of culture, we need to bring people into the community."
"Cancel culture is now all around us, the new intolerance that shuts down debate and reviles dissenting points of view."
"They thought Trump was creating the problems, tension, and culture war when in fact he was not."
"If you and I are not within the acceptable boundaries of what a society can tolerate as differences of opinion, we're totally screwed."
"Once you understand the core ideology of why the left's doing what they're doing... you'll never ask questions like why is it they throw gays off buildings in Iran."
"It's no longer it's just it's not culture war there's a power grab happening."
"This dangerous anti-American ideology has no place." - Governor of Georgia
"Egyptians are angry, many claiming to be victims of a plot concocted by Afrocentrists."
"Driving people from their jobs, shaming dissenters, and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees. This is the very definition of totalitarianism and it is completely alien to our culture and to our values."
"Kamala Harris definitely tapped into something that was populist, that was culture war-ish."
"Conflicts over naming erupted across the country."
"It's not abortion, guns, and church closings that made coronavirus a culture war; it's the clash between people who think those things should go one way and people who think those things should go another way."
"If we don't fix the culture wars happening in this country, we'll just be at each other's throats until it becomes a kinetic war."
"Does the United States have the moral standing to lecture other countries about violations against human rights?"
"The culture war is raging across this country in all aspects."
"Enough is enough! The Europeans have gone too far. They are now threatening the British sausage."
"Scarier because culturally, and legally, and increasingly physically, we’ve been staring down the barrel of genocide for a long, long time."
"I think this is, a, a partial parental revolt sparked by the pandemic of the last two and a half years, and I also think it's part of a little cultural war."
"Every immigrant who brings his butt into this country has mother culture who's fought America and Black Folk went out there and fought them to get them off of America."
"Embrace the culture battle and embrace the fact that everyone is opposed to what you think." - Michael Knowles
"Everything that is wrong with America is rooted in two major issues: the intersection of cancel culture and identity politics."
"I think it's the healthiest thing possible. I think the right has now understood the rules and is exploiting them to their advantage... the more we make this a cultural fight, the more they're going to lose."
"What they really like about the Republican Party is... the culture war stuff."
"Council culture at its root is an attack on free speech."
"We fight the woke in the schools, we fight the woke in the legislature, we fight the woke and the corporations."
"It requires a certain amount of privilege and having won the culture wars to be able to cancel someone."
"We believe every time Disney spends a buck attempting to push its woke agenda, it's pushing more people into our corner."
"Don't tell me that if I don't march in a parade I'm a homophobe, and if I don't like critical race theory I'm a racist."
"Free speech is under attack in America too... we are facing the virulent aspect of our culture that wants to cancel people for saying anything they don't like."
"The Democrat party has ripped the welcome mat out from under Christianity."
"It's a battle about language and who defines words."
"The battle is about language and defining words."
"Wokism is hell-bent on taking away our freedom of speech and freedom of religion."
"We lost a fight with the people who wanted to tell a different story, which was the story of the wickedness of Western civilization."
"The greatest cultural battle of our lives doesn't end now, it begins."
"The culture war is what people are hit with in the face every day. They're not hit with policy every day."
"Trump doesn't hate the left. He's making deals with them right now. But culturally, he doesn't like them."
"There is a war on Christmas going on in our culture."
"Prohibition was completely foreign to the immigrant population in Chicago, so to them, it was only natural to start to produce alcohol. But then as they produce the alcohol, they realized that they could also make a lot of money off of it."
"We're not gonna get bullied by canceled culture it's just not gonna happen."
"The first major offensive of this cultural war of independence came in 1866."
"We know that you're anti-black and that you want to deny your Hispanic heritage."
"If they're gonna murder us then we have to stop doing what we're doing and that is just the worst thing you can do in the in the face of Islam because it's just what they want us to do is submit."
"Canceled culture and political correctness is dividing people and ultimately conquering them."
"Woke freaks... destroying whole departments... sick and tired of this lecturing."
"If we lose the culture war, we lose the country."
"An exercise in theft and deception and copying and propaganda."
"In the culture wars, by definition you're in a war. You're in a war on reason, on logic, on evidence-based thinking, on common sense, on reality."
"Wokeness is about destroying America, destroying American values, destroying the family, inciting racism more than ever before."
"What we were trying to create was a little loyal Jewish olster in a sea of hostile Arabs."
"I just sort of feel bad for this guy who's 100 percent caught in the culture war and stuck and he's like brainwashed by it to the point where he says deranged stuff like this."
"The cancer at the core of the fight over Joe Rogan is both a distraction from real problems and a symptom of how much the nation has been poisoned against itself."
"I think it's a fight over the identity of our nation."
"It was two types of black guys you know it was one from where he came from and then it was like he was saying you know like the uncle Tom and then uncle Tom's always got the upper hand."
"The pagan Viking culture clashed violently with the expanding Christian world."
"When society demonizes and punishes anyone who disagrees or even dares to ask really important questions, the resulting polarization, disrespect, and simmering anger can have devastating consequences."
"The movies relation to white man's overtaking of the Indian... building on the sacred ground of their dead."
"This is why they don't want to war your classic black society. They don't want that. They want [ __ ] Buzzi pop it."
"In the culture War, I don't think it's possible to go too far by speaking truth. The truth is the truth."
"The French of all people are coming out against the woke culture of American leftism."
"You cross the woke and they will come for you."
"The culture war is insane. It's quite literally a clown world."
"It's not only about politics, it's about clash of system of values."
"I'm gonna extinguish all of these flaming culture wars as often as I can to cut through the nonsense and say what's really going on here."
"You send your thoughts and prayers, we ain't praying to the same god."
"The culture on Mars by this point had become very anti-earth."
"Islam, as one of the Abrahamic faiths, has a greater right than the atheists lobby which has repudiated the whole of the Christian heritage."
"It's not a question of being good or evil. It's about a clash of mentalities, and the traditions established by the community are their own reality."
"We're losing because it's a spiritual battle."
"The tension between the communities is illustrated by a wire net that protects the Arab food and clothing market from the garbage of the Jewish residents above."
"One of his main mistakes was to be shoulder shrugging about the woke mob."
"This just further goes to show that when you stand up for anything in Hollywood that doesn't align with the far-left echo chamber, they will try to cancel you."
"In Fallout New Vegas, the Honest Hearts DLC will take us to Zion and introduce the conflict between the tribes that call the area home. We will also meet one of the most memorable characters in New Vegas, Joshua Graham, the Burned Man."
"The other side are essentially flat earthers and they're winning in spite of that."
"The success will be significant and it will then lead you to be able to fulfill further ambitions."
"It's a very big advantage that these athletes can tap into that experience."
"It's threatening their ability to make art because you know, we've moved from a place where it's about the battle for the battle of ideas to the battle for ideas."
"Something terrible must be happening somewhere because we've got a brand new very public entry into the culture war for the first month of 2022."
"The culture war has reached the highest level of governance."
"People don't care about Biden. They would rather watch their cannon fodder for the culture war."
"There is a battle going on right now for the soul of America."
"A war based on culture creation paradigm-shifting and social engineering."
"The culture war is actually not a political battle at all, the political battle is a facade for the actual battle." - Jordan Peterson
"Now I'm looking and I'm starting to think because I look at this woke scholarship that this critical stuff and so especially right now it's flaring up that they're like trying to undo math."
"The first casualty of a culture war is the truth."
"Thor's mythological battles with giants symbolized the man vs. nature conflict the Vikings encountered every day."
"I try to ignore [the culture war]. I live in the real world, not on the internet."
"Canadians don't agree with this stuff, they don't like this stuff, they don't want little children to be exposed to this stuff."
"They hate everything we believe. They hate God. They hate family. They hate the freedom that we stand for."
"The culture war will not be fought on the physical battlefield. Instead, it will be fought on the digital plain where words are as devastating as heavy artillery."
"The culture war matters, it does, and to actually win a culture war you need voices, you need views, you need hype, you need noise."
"I see a cultural civil war coming to the US and it has nothing to do with Tory or whatever that's a whole other battlefield."
"The fight for the salvation of Western civilization is the fight that is going on right now in the Catholic Church." - Michael Voris
"Cultural assault that's tearing society apart is obviously a spiritual assault."
"It's very clear that American owners of Premier League clubs have a bottom-line orientation that doesn't sit well with many football fans."
"Kamigawa's primary conflict was a clash between the mortal world called Utsushio and the spirit realm called Kakurio."
"We have a disconnect in American culture because of the use of subterfuge to create false identities."
"We are playing offense with a sense of urgency to win America's culture war."
"We cannot be afraid of this culture. What we're dealing with is actually paganism revived."
"This is about you owning nothing and being happy and they want to redefine everything from pronouns to gender, this is just an attack and a war on everything that we value and that we love."
"The Trump era will be marked by potentially violent conflict over cultural issues."
"Militant Catholicism... that's the thing that scares the hell out of the demons."
"I'm sick of white men whining and complaining about wokeness."
"It is completely unacceptable that we are now living in a culture in which one must choose between remaining in a racially hostile psychologically abusive environment or giving up their income."
"The attack on the Bible is coming next, the Bible is next, mark my words."
"So when we start talking about the concerns of men we're not going to get this influx of thousands and thousands and thousands of women begging to hear that message because it grates against everything that they think they know."
"The Brahmin hatred shown in Tamil Nadu is now being shown in Uttar Pradesh and it's also shown up in the United States."
"Cultural war for me is generally understood as backlash against the struggles of women and minorities for their rights acceptance security dignity."
"Instead, I guess this is another reverse cancellation. We're canceling the people who have tried to cancel the gender roles because that's just never actually going to work."
"America in particular is reaching an all-time low in this issue of race and culture and class."
"There is no racial slur in that, we speak English in America."
"We're rushing to tribalism, political partisanship, and woke rage."
"There's a war on masculinity they don't realize what they're doing."
"And yes I realize she said that in regards to a movie but it's basically the real problem here that when you just dismiss certain people they're only going to dismiss you in return and the gaps that separate us are only going to widen."
"Babylon wins... How can Babylon rise in a Christian Nation? How can churches fail and anti-God institutions win?"
"The forces that are determined, committed to this breaking India project since my early Breaking India book first one dozen years ago and now Stakes in the Ganga these are getting stronger and stronger."
"The culture war has a unique ability to turn people into moronic hypocrites flipping on their stated principles."
"The new culture war is not theocratic really in nature at all... it's kind of returned to like almost a South Park era..."
"We are at war, and it is a spiritual battle for the soul of America."
"Perhaps in finding those answers, we'll find a way to end wokism once and for all."
"Wow, the diversity, you woke people so stupid."
"Wokeocracy is infected so many institutions."
"He decided to cast the whole thing as a cultural war."
"Both parties push culture war to distraction."
"Nope, nope. Savages everywhere. Monsters everywhere. People taking over the culture and continuing to do the worst things to their own people and their own children."
"They're tearing down the statues and they're trying to hide our history and get dumb stuff like this like this is some kind of a win."
"The cultural war is over in Canada, with Christians conceding every point, leading to less visible conflict but not necessarily a better situation."
"We are simply in a focal point of this larger battle, not only with economics but as we see with Florida and DeSantis with some cultural things as well."
"I will be silent no more, will cancel culture prevail?"
"We are in a battle of culture and civilizations—only the strong win."
"Part of the major problem that we're having at the moment is an ongoing information war with the forces of political correctness against the forces of I think we can describe it as just broadly populism."
"This culture War... when you back an animal into a corner they will lash out violently."
"America is met with ferocious backlash from those who fear progress."
"The dehumanization of people has taken hold towards Arabs."
"We just disagree with the method in which they engage in the culture."
"What's going to fill that vacuum... is going to be the culture war stuff on wokeness."
"You're playing the game. You want to support one half of the culture war? Well, congratulations, you are in it, and now they're coming for you."
"There's a war going on in our culture and there are two basic sides one side says God made this world he owns it he makes the rules the other side said nobody makes this world there are no rules."
"It means canceled culture and partisan activists are coming for your business."
"America is more his than ours that is it is on us to have to conform to the way he thinks that things should be not that like so he has more rights to this country."
"Communism has adapted to Western values. It's not bourgeois versus proletariat; it's cultural points: immigration, race, sexuality, feminist stuff." - James Lindsay
"How you destroy a future of a country by letting invaders come in that don't believe don't want to assimilate and don't want to be part of your country."
"Extremism, soloin, and tribalism... are scratching the surface of the screwed-up patterns fostered."
"Let's stop fighting culture wars, just get the shot."
"Fighting censorship is not the culture War it's the foundation of freedom and democracy."
"Simply because some people don't like certain movies, they're trying to take that movie away from someone else."
"For some conservative-minded people in the United States at the time, Dungeons and Dragons was a direct attack on their religious and moral values."
"I don't care what your culture did with a plant. I don't care if a particular plant is sacred to your religion or your history or your ancestors or how you think it's supposed to be used."
"The CCP culture is contrary not only to American values but also to the universal values of the world."
"The worship wars are real, can we get good music back in the church?"
"There's a war on Christmas and we're [ __ ] winning!"
"They want to rewrite the past. They want to take, you know, if you control the past, you control the future. That's all it is, it's a cultural revolution."
"But really I think yes this battle for history as well is certainly beyond the schools and education it's moving into other areas."
"The fact that he beat them makes me so happy because it's made me realize that common sense is still out there and the woke mob are not always guaranteed to win."
"Until the theological presuppositions that underlie the attacks on evolution are addressed by churches, by clergy, that this anti-evolution movement simply is not going to go away."
"It is a battle of civilizations, and if you people win on the left, it is the death of Western civilization."
"It's not just a war on religion; it's a war on the natural disposition."
"The truth is the identity politics movement is the reason Brittany Griner is caught in a Cold War game that used to be reserved for men only."
"The truth is the identity politics movement is the reason Griner is caught in a Cold War game that used to be reserved for men only."