
Educational Approach Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"We should provide them with content that...wrapped them in a sense of joy and gave children the opportunity to engage with them not as lessons but as entire worlds."
"You really do learn well when you explore things."
"Science shouldn't be about whether you're good at it or not. It should only be about whether you're interested."
"Well, I said we can have fun, we can also learn, so here's a learning experience."
"Science should be simple, something that anyone can understand. Anyone can make things complicated and complex, but it takes a genius to make something simple."
"Education is always good, just go at your own pace... colleges are actually a lot more lenient than you think."
"Stupidity is not a permanent condition. We can educate students instead of blacklisting them."
"I'm all for showing less great man history, more diversity in representation."
"We're gonna grow our brains analyzing crap, dissecting crap, and then we're gonna get onto the important stuff, because this is real or not fake or not staged or not, this is crap."
"Study hard what interests you the most... in the most undisciplined, irreverent, and original manner possible."
"Anybody who goes into marriage thinking that it's going to be like a fairy tale has another thing coming to them..."
"Most people don't want to talk about it, and so the fact that Anthony has decided to make a full video on his main channel talking to actual Satanists is a big step in the right direction."
"Studying art is doing pages of anatomy studies in a Sketchbook."
"We can disagree with someone's ideas and thoughts and we can work to correct them and help them learn without having to turn into an all-out war against a person"
"If you want to follow along, let's get into it."
"Learning through practical application is the way to go."
"We're not here to receive answers but to learn something and engage in a discussion."
"The smartest investors were like explain that to me like I'm a toddler."
"I think it's really good to incorporate other aspects of theory from other cultures into our understanding of music theory."
"You understand what I'm saying, you break it down, you're making it easy and fun at the same time."
"Just by watching you will learn nothing at all, so you really need to do something on your own to really learn something."
"Each individual point of discussion is fully explained from its first principles so that everybody understands what is going on."
"I try to frame concepts like adaptation, geologic timescales, and symbiotic relationships in a way that appeals to gamers and uses a language that they're already familiar with."
"I love that he doesn't just tell Harry here are the facts and here's what what you need to know but he actually takes Harry and shows him Voldemort from the very beginning."
"We prefer creating content over pitching courses."
"But my attitude is just yo just educate them do not give them an option to to stand with lies and deception."
"Brilliant makes complex topics like probability and statistics surprisingly easy and fun to learn."
"He's one of the very few individuals who's very open about his use and tries to use his platform to be educational."
"Hopefully, I broke it down in simple enough terms to get you started."
"But yeah, I mean, I want it to be a little bit of that, you know, where it doesn't always have to be, you know, like I said the most academic thing and you know it can be more fellowship, more interactive that way too."
"It's so important to just be in a mindset where you let yourself learn."
"Even the professors, we have to constantly learn these new tools. So bottom line is, get broad first."
"You don't have to know everything to do the thing that you know."
"Garvey's approach... expose people to larger vision."
"It's very important to be able to educate and talk to others in a one-to-one manner that doesn't talk down to them."
"None of this is personal is for our learning."
"If you can entertain me while teaching me, there's a 100% chance that I will actually learn."
"We do it by embracing our Rich history and empowering them with the truth."
"First learn, then earn: practice on our simulator before trading with real money."
"You know you're not playing school, you're playing right."
"Every question is valid, every question is welcome."
"Discipline doesn't mean punishment, it means learning steps."
"That's a great way to share information with somebody or show them how to get something done."
"In order to study something, you don't have to get bored... it should be fun."
"There's no such thing as failure, just failure to learn."
"Like studying for a test and then saying, 'I'm not gonna use any of that for this test,' right?"
"We're gonna clown but we're gonna make it teachable. We're gonna always evolve and grow so thank you ladies so much."
"Letting the parents let their kids fail, teaching the parents how to let their kids fail is one of the most important things."
"To me, it's more about education, give more information and then let people make their own decision."
"I'm going to try my best to be as thorough as possible and also I'm going to try to be as beginner friendly as possible in case you're just starting out with color grading or DaVinci Resolve."
"Learning can be fun and not just a memory task."
"Helping people to understand the enchantment is a great way for them to see past it."
"A mind that doesn't just ask the teacher, 'Why?', but 'Why not?'"
"Generics may look really scary, but when you start from the beginning, you'll realize they're actually quite simple."
"More important than just teaching you a combo is teaching you what is going on... so then you can take your characters and build unique combos with them."
"Make disciples of every nation, turning them into students."
"People need to stop and learn to approach historical interpretations with nuance and critical thinking."
"You always educated us on the why, why we were doing things."
"What better way to raise a new generation of thoughtful, eco-friendly city-dwelling humans?"
"This course is centered around practice, practice, practice."
"I had to come up with a solution rather than just talking."
"I'm not interested in just talking anymore by itself. I'm interested in educating but also providing Solutions right after that."
"Students should be given an opportunity to assert themselves, to be actively involved, and to invest themselves in the learning experience."
"A lot of people memorize stuff, and that's not the same as understanding it."
"That loss helped me learn what I didn't know, and now I teach those rules."
"Honestly at this point this is basically just like a fifth grade science experiment and I'm here for it."
"So what I wanted to do by asking the question was to open up the discourse a little bit so that students may see me as an example and maybe model for them that it's okay to question ideas."
"Children should examine things from many angles, hopefully have fun learning a whole bunch of stuff."
"Teach what you learn; the best way to solidify knowledge."
"They're teaching you how to fish, not just giving you a fish."
"I greatly appreciate it here's how this works we'll go for an hour on the free questions."
"Jaime had been captured, the siege of Riverrun broken and an entire Lannister army destroyed."
"Why tear down one kid's joy rather than building up the other kids' joy so they're all joyful together?"
"I try to bring education instead of bringing shock and awe."
"If they list the ingredient and why it's in there it makes like it educates people but also takes away some of the fear-mongering."
"I always try to show you exactly how I've come to that conclusion."
"I feel 100% with every fiber of my being that using Montessori at home with my children is the perfect parenting style for our family."
"There is no right or wrong reason to learn a language, there is just your reason to learn it."
"I'm going to take a slower approach. I'm going to try to explain every step in detail so that someone who's a beginner, who's brand new to sewing, can complete this project and sew their own cargo pants."
"It's really great; now it is time for our bite-size questions."
"Providing children with narrative examples of history that are more stimulating and less based on memorization, yeah, it's pretty rad."
"Start making a couple of these flying lead harnesses first because you'll learn so much."
"You control your money. That's a big part of what we do here at Ramsey solutions, helping you with your money."
"It's crucial to prioritize ethical guidelines and actively shape the learning environment for AI systems."
"Learning physics isn't easy. There's a certain way to approach physics problems, a certain style of thinking that needs to be adopted."
"Solving real problems is definitely the best way to learn something."
"I feel like in my videos I try to keep it more presentable and commentary wise, but at the same time still be educational."
"Binary is actually a really good way to get introduced to how programming works."
"Learning at your own pace on your own schedule."
"It's not about selling, it's about teaching and providing value."
"We shouldn't be shaming anyone. We shouldn't be having arguments about it. Just educate, make the decision."
"Teach everything you know for free, but teach it one bite at a time."
"It's all about learning. It's, we just did, we just tried it. We tried it and it's all about learning."
"I want you to know what is going on, but also why and how to apply it."
"Science is about inquiry, experimentation, being curious and interested in inquiring about the world around us."
"What I'm doing when I'm lecturing is trying to figure out things better, and so I'm thinking I don't know what the consequence of the thinking is going to be but I hope that it'll be more clarification of the proper path through life."
"Ultimately, it's the same content: data structures and algorithms. And once you cover the basics, it comes down to being good at interviewing—it's the equivalent of being a good test-taker in college."
"The Socratic method of asking people questions ultimately leading them towards something. It's not dishonest, it's not a trick."
"One of the best ways for us to learn is to try something, fail, and realize what worked and what didn't."
"What do you think the formula is for understanding Yu-Gi-Oh GX?"
"I'm presenting to you as my findings, I always encourage you to go find everybody else's and then draw your own conclusions."
"If you're going to introduce people to this genocide it is important to help them understand it."
"You learn nothing by copying, you learn everything by understanding."
"I want my students to think of me as a mentor, not someone who grades them on their behavior."
"We try to give you documentation of History so that you can shed how you feel and get real with what's real."
"Teach the controversy... teach the controversies in evolution."
"Everyone has their unique talents that the school can identify and nurture."
"We need to stand together, learn, listen, and love one another."
"It's about choices, and you know, I think that's what needs to appeal to kids more than anything."
"Settle down now children it's time for an educational lesson."
"Serve them what they want to learn. Don't sell them what you want to teach."
"It's teaching time. It's getting ourselves organized. Make sure your portfolio is in the right places."
"Teach rather than attack, make the casuals hardcore."
"There must be far more teaching, far less preaching."
"Free speech is necessary. I'm not trying to tell you what to think. I'm trying to show you how you can think."
"We turn a storybook into a competition of knowledge."
"Playing with the code is the best way to learn from it."
"Teach both sides, let the kids decide for themselves."
"Healthy INTPs will replace any intentional or unintentional condescension with a teacher's and guiding mindset."
"Different doesn't mean incapable," said Dr. Carlock.
"The true mastery of a subject is achieved by teaching it to somebody else."
"Starting with the absolute basics is very, very important."
"I'm gonna walk you guys through the entire process from complete scratch."
"Make people feel that Tech is approachable... so they feel empowered to take action."
"Wow, you have a bunch of businesses for college students and you're showing us what you would do here and you're not a designer right, so you're scrapping these mockups together."
"This is not claiming to be the Bible, this is not a supplement, you don't watch this instead of reading the Bible."
"Bitcoin is the one at the moment that is absolutely smashing it so that is what I believe is going to continue because that the rise of Bitcoin is nothing short of fabulous."
"I hope you understand debates are really a starting point for further exploration. I hope you understand can't answer all questions, so you have to go do your homework now."
"Everything in science should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully and critically considered." - Ken Miller
"To teach children about tolerance with emotion, and their own emotion, how to experience emotion without acting out on it but acknowledge it, recognize what it is."
"Learning off of each other is really the key."
"Teaching somebody that somebody the reason the other people believe things is because they're just stupid or because they don't understand how the world works or because they're being controlled is the exact same thing."
"Build something and then analyze it. This helps both sides of the brain."
"The tutorial should never just be lines of text telling you; it needs to be tutorialized by example."
"I'm not gonna let you guys learn on an empty stomach so let's start this food tour."
"It's not about reading 100 books this year but about three that you can Master."
"So I really do believe that you can be self-taught and learn along the way."
"Even though she does things her own way, she's spot on here about real-world teaching efforts..."
"What we've just learned by doing is how to find the subject in a subject verb agreement problem."
"This is a subject that I have studied just a little bit in the past."
"It's more about understanding the process and the design principles. The tool is something that you can learn."
"The racism was loud so my response and this lesson had to be louder."
"We have to meet them where they are and then offer them what we know. That's the only way to do any of this, bro."
"Your grade is not what you should worry about; you should worry about learning."
"Put on your big boy pants and let's learn about what's really happening how the world really works."
"Learning is a process, and that means engaging with people you don't agree with."
"Correction is not punishment. Correction is protection."
"We don't want our children to say stop for Allah in front of science, we want them to see SubhanAllah in front of science."
"Don't obsess over learning a programming language. The programming language, while it is important because that's the language you'll be sort of talking with the computer, it's not the most critical part."
"End on a note of continued learning or vulnerability, not just success."
"I'm literally just asking these why questions because I want you guys to think for yourself."
"Learning is different for everybody... learn the basics of the thing that it is that you want to start and then start the thing."
"We need to start teaching our kids to question the things that they're taught, ask if there's an agenda if somebody stands to gain."
"Master the basics before tackling complexities."
"Understanding then memorization. That's the key."
"So instead of giving you a recipe, do this, do that, do this, I'm gonna try to give you in this video is an understanding of the principles beneath."
"If you can do your best to make math seem fun and interesting and not hard, even though it is, I'm sure you'll do great."
"I want to show you what I currently do, and hopefully you can learn a lot from it and adapt it into a workflow that works for you."
"A multimodal approach from gross anatomy all the way down to histology."
"Conversational tone makes learning more engaging."
"I'm confident in what I teach, only because the number one thing I say all the time: you name it, I have screwed it up."
"Content-based learning is about getting the real vocabulary and understanding it in context."
"This class is designed to get as basic as we possibly can."
"I really appreciate your ability on the show to focus on policy education as opposed to talking points."
"Let's roll up our sleeves, okay, and head over to PowerPoint because I want to dig right in."
"We will go through everything step by step."
"They're not erasing history, they're just trying to make things more relevant to the times."
"It's not just about completing a worksheet, it's about understanding the connection these numbers have to one another."
"I think a proper introduction of philosophy ought to take a couple examples of thoughts behind epistemology."
"If you like big complex mathematical formalism, this is not the course."
"Collaborative learning is a situation in which two or more people learn or attempt to learn something together."
"When you study the Bible verse by verse, you actually learn more of the scriptures."
"The Wiggles have maintained that by speaking to children as their equals, they were able to connect to children easier than their peers."
"Math is all about keeping it simple; easy math is the best math."
"That's why this bridging literacy method has worked so well for me."
"Rather than thinking of this course as a kind of survey course, I would rather you think of this really as an integrated whole."
"Their courses are project-based, which means that no matter which course you take, you will dive right into your own projects."
"When I give you a result, very often I'll show you why it's true as well as showing you that it is true."
"Let's see how we can put that into practice."
"Let's jump right in and get started; we have a lot to cover in 22 minutes."
"Family style learning is huge in our homeschool; it is a huge part of how we learn much of the beauty of our days."
"It's a great way to understand how things are made."
"Invitational language is empowering and it invites the student to reclaim their body, reclaim their choice, reclaim their autonomy."
"Your grade is not going to be based on like accuracy level or how good you are, no, the base is the idea of doing the research."
"It really is a great way to think about your online teaching."