
Religious Narrative Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"The entire Judeo-Christian narrative: Moses is forbidden from entering the promised land... merely because he uses force once when God tells him instead to use his words."
"Michael is the warrior angel who is to fight Lucifer in the final showdown between God and Lucifer."
"What we see, exactly as depicted in the Book of Exodus, is an Egyptian charioteer chasing Moses across the parted sea, then Moses turns and faces his pursuer, walls of water rise and come down on the Egyptians, and finally, rider, chariot, and horses are drowned."
"He was not killed, he was not crucified. Before they can get hold of him and kill him and crucify him, God protected Jesus and uplifted Jesus to Himself."
"Just when people needed hope, God would send a baby, a king, to offer a foretaste of a better future."
"It was because of that woman the Jews were preserved."
"The moral of the story is that morals won't get you into God's story but God has to come into your story God is a God of grace the real God."
"This represents God as the bad guy in the situation and Michael Todd as the distinctly good guy."
"What brought Jericho down? A shout of praise."
"Genesis inevitably wins in creation it's a cat as admired for its simplicity and grandeur its concept of man accord well with observable facts combined with this."
"The narrative of redemption that woke-ism puts forward is entirely antithetical to the Christian narrative."
"Lorgar wins. Yeah, at the end of the day, the entire Imperium believes him to be a god."
"The Gospel of Judas portrays Judas Iscariot in a positive light, challenging the perception of him as a betrayer."
"The temptations of Jesus: a timeless struggle."
"When I raised Him from the dead, it was the most powerful miracle that had ever happened in this universe."
"The center of the Christian narrative is a dude on the cross forgiving the world for all of the injustice in it."
"I want prophecies that would be hard to intentionally fulfill, that Jesus can be said to fulfill."
"In the end the story of Jesus is just that it is showing the way and it is up to each individual soul whether they will follow it."
"It's a work which shockingly suggests that Jesus was never human at all."
"The word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld the wonder of his glory."
"The Bible is God’s never-ending love story for us."
"Hey, you're telling the story of Jesus and everyone keeps getting sad when you talk about him dying."
"God tore that place up, absolutely tore it up."
"Jesus had an interaction with a woman alone... his disciples thought, 'What is he doing with this woman alone?'"
"God's story to the human story but God's story behind it all."
"It is a sound of praise and worship in the midst of all this controversy, God injects his narrative and bones rattle."
"The father was on this throne and Jesus said these words young man LOI LOL i by Sabich honey my god my god why have you forsaken me."
"God loves you so much that although mankind rebelled and the bridge was broken between us and God, he would be born of the Virgin, dwell among us, be brutally tortured and crucified."
"He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast up seven demons."
"This tells us that we've entered into a new phase of God's redemptive plan and story."
"The story of the Prophet picks up right from where Jesus left off."
"You think no impossible, beloved? Daniel chapter 3, there was Shadrach, say it with me, Meshach and Abednego..."
"A man representing Jesus's enemies gets his body."
"I think I learned exactly how the fall of man occurred in the Garden of Eden."
"What if you were to say, 'No, I'm going to retell this story where Abraham refuses God's command?'"
"Mystery Babylon: one of the biggest stories in the world."
"The Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea."
"He got up, took his mat, and walked out in full view of them all."
"The story of the whole Bible is a story of grace it is a concept and a doctrine foreign to every other religious worldview."
"Jesus went down into the earth and took the keys of death."
"Lucifer wanted to use serp worship that did not belong to him and that will never belong to him."
"The Bible tells us those who followed the star and worshipped Christ were commended."
"David's life as we've seen is a testament to both the heights of Godly obedience and the depths of moral failure."
"We are Barabbas in the story. Jesus took our place."
"Jesus prayed to God to save him from that crucifixion."
"Whether he'll do it in six days or not, I don't know, but you and I will get to watch God speak a new paradise into existence." - Narrator
"What if I were to tell you that the story of Jesus wasn't quite as unique as you might have thought?"
"Matthew wanted to present to his readers Jesus as the promised Messiah."
"John the Baptist's death, a sudden and painful realization."
"Jesus made no further answer, so Pilate was amazed."
"The story of Christ psychologically is radical acceptance of the worst possible tragedy."
"If a nation repents of its sins and seeks God, God steps in."
"The birth of Jesus was announced by a heavenly angel sent by Almighty God."
"A mere mention of the Book of Revelation can send shivers down the spine, not because it contains the story of horror, but because it paints the cosmic struggle between good and evil."
"This is not religion. This is the most romantic love story you will ever read in your life." - Highlighting the nature of faith as a love relationship with God
"And I am bold when the hero clasped me and they pierced me with dark nails all creation wept lamenting the Kings death."
"The leper didn't come to Jesus, Jesus came to the leper."
"Mary Magdalene's story reminds us of the power of faith, love, and perseverance."
"I am the God of your ancestors, I have seen the suffering of the Israelites and have heard their cries, I am ready to take them out of Egypt and bring them to a new land, a land flowing with milk and honey."
"For me, Sozo was an opportunity for God to tell his side of the story, to set the record straight."
"Esther had the favor of the Lord and great insight and wisdom for such a time as this."
"The Sermon on the Mount is a kind of beautiful story about the in-breaking of the kingdom."
"The story of Christ and the saints, that's our story, it's participative."
"Blind Bartimaeus refused to let Jesus just pass him by."
"The Word is the history of man and the greatest love story ever told between the Father and His creation."
"When Jesus the Son of God, in those critical moments in his life, took a moment longer to say, 'I want to be sure, is there any other way?'"
"The climax of Exodus is not the crossing of the Red Sea nor the giving of the law on Sinai, those are preparatory, the climax comes with the tabernacle; after the Israelites nearly blow it by making the golden calf."
"Jesus initiates a New Covenant by passing around wine and bread. One of his 'brothers,' Judas, betrays him for 30 shekels of silver."
"This awesome story that God did through Jesus, it's making sense."
"Jesus is sitting at a table eating with tax collectors and sinners."
"Jesus didn't come for perfect people, for if he did, he would have only been coming for himself."
"We would have no Jesus story with an angelic involvement. Without Gabriel's visit to Mary and Joseph, without the heavenly host in the shepherds' fields outside of Bethlehem with their announcement lighting up the sky, the story would fade away."
"Jesus had a last week of his life, and that's the important part."
"Now Jesus is cooking breakfast and hosting this meal."
"The world sees Jesus in a manger."
"Joseph Smith experienced his story of about seeking wisdom and being led to the Grove and led to God is an exact match to what those apocryphal texts say about wisdom."
"Despite all of the problems that Jesus creates for the parents, at the end of The Gospel there's this affirming conclusion that Mary, Joseph, and Jesus return from Jerusalem, they go back home to Nazareth together."
"The Beloved disciple took her into his home."
"I believe that people create stories and narratives because they need something. I believe we need God, and so I believe that Joseph Smith created a great story about God and people liked it, they loved it, and they followed him."
"There's a certain message in that, in that David despite being anointed by God, chosen to rule the Israelites, he even he is still not perfect."
"We just get used to it, we even get used to the grim depictions in the scripture of Jesus' own death."
"The stage is set for the final meeting between Jesus and His apostles and His subsequent arrest by the Jewish leaders and His passion."
"...the suffering, the death, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of the Messiah."
"It's a very poignant thing to even imagine that Jesus would have gone down the Mount of Olives on the donkey and up carrying the cross on the Mount of Olives."
"He absolutely welcomed it. Matter of fact, when everybody was praying 'Hail Hosanna, Messiah, King of the Jews, we welcome you'... Jesus welcomed the praise."
"Holy war should be replaced with the narrative of holy peace."
"Samson's story isn't quite what it seems. Some parts were left out because they didn't quite fit the religious teachings of the time."
"What manner of man is Jesus? He makes the blind to see, he makes the cripple walk."
"The story of the life of Christ is the story of giving the Atonement. The story of Adam and Eve is the story of receiving the Atonement."
"When God wants us to do something, I have found He deals with us far more like He dealt with Jonah."
"The exodus symbolizes the birth of the people of Israel."
"The creation of Jesus is just not the creation of Adam. I said 'Be,' and he was."
"...God's mighty outstretched hand brings them through the Red Sea, the mikveh, as if he's cleansing his bride preparing her for the betrothal at Sinai."
"John the Baptist is still the star here."
"Mary, disregarding cultural norms, anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair."
"When we look at the pastimes of the Hindu gods, they end up displaying the most fallible and human of qualities."
"Moses who died and was resurrected, and Elijah was taken to heaven without seeing death."
"Two thousand years ago, God sent the world an unexpected gift."
"Then Saul, who also is called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, set his eyes on him."
"Noah walked with God and then Noah worked for God building that boat."
"Man tempted by the devil let his trust in his creator die in his heart and, abusing his freedom, disobeyed God's command."
"Had their hearts been good, they wouldn't have crucified the loving Redeemer of man, the Lord Jesus, on the cross."
"God did breathe a soul into Adam and Eve into us."
"They will condemn Him to death and will hand Him over to the Gentiles."
"Dr. Luke puts the stethoscope of inspection down upon the baby of Bethlehem and again at the cross, and he says he's dead, but he also says on the third day he put the stethoscope down again, he said his heart's beating, he's alive."
"The Bible literally has God getting pissed off and punishing the Israelite people."
"The story of Yusuf alayhi Salaam is very powerful in the sense that it relates to the life of every one of us."
"Word spreads quickly that Krishna has performed a miracle."
"Legend has it that here on this outcrop of white limestone, Abraham bound his son to sacrifice him to God."