
Data Importance Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Data is the new oil. It is the strategic asset that's going to determine which countries rise and fall."
"In God we trust. Everybody else, bring data."
"I just have a basic understanding of why data collection is important and why statistics matter."
"What I'm saying is when the costs are being racked up in real time, you better damn well come up with the data fast when people are just gonna start ignoring you."
"In the absence of hard data, I'm gonna say, hold on. Just hold on."
"Data is the new gold, that data is extremely vital to the existence of a company."
"I think the problem with it is, and large language models is a great example because you know I think that we thought it was processing power and actually it was data."
"Numbers matter. When you give people numbers, they give you numbers."
"When everything becomes about data and management... there is one piece of data that matters above all else: 26 billion dollars."
"China believes big data is its most important national resource."
"Scouting the archives for data requires a lot of time and effort, but the information is invaluable."
"What we need now is science and good data, and the process of getting that has begun."
"The new money, the new currency of the world is data."
"Data is as important as the customer. There's nothing more important for the survival of a business than to see where the world is going, not where the world has been."
"The reason we see it start with military applications is because it's mission critical and a lot of times it's life or death, so you get not only boatloads of data but you're getting data at scale tied to important mission critical outcomes."
"Neural networks, when given a lot of data and computing power, tend to outperform all other models most of the time."
"Data and education are going to be very valuable in the next 10-20 years."
"With the right data and the right model, artificial intelligence can solve many problems."
"Constant data I think is going to be beyond critical and be beyond critical and helping us live with this virus."
"Metadata is more important now than ever before."
"It’s our personal data that allows companies like Facebook and Google to exist in today’s world, where data is king."
"Your data is more important than you probably give it credit for."
"The training of AI as well you need it's not just having the machine or some data it's having a lot of data."
"It's a capital mistake to theorize before one has data because insensibly that person will twist the facts to meet their theory."
"Data is a strategic resource in the 21st century."
"Metadata is more important than the transaction itself."
"Data is the new oil, so China is the new Saudi Arabia."
"Analytics is everything data is everything right now can tell you everything you need to know about your business and how you can improve your business man."
"It's time to pay attention because there's a lot of facts in the charts."
"Disaggregated data is essential for targeted advocacy."
"Data such as photographs and videos are so important."
"We always need solid data and evidence to make a point. Speculation without evidence is dangerous."
"Improving the data is not a pre-processing step that you do once before you then do the 'real work'... improving the data is a core part of the iterative process of model development."
"In the digital age, your data is your lifeline."
"Data is important... real data is better than unsure information."
"Some example tracking data will be coming out with the things that we do."
"You just got got right there because you showed up with an opinion to a data fight."
"The more we can rely on scientists to take the knowledge and data we have model it and give us guidance based on what they know there's nothing more important than this than facts and guidance for the public."
"Data's the new oil... but somebody described data more like water."
"We need to look at the world in a digital data format."
"The numbers in MMA provide a lot of direction, the stats are incredibly important."
"One of the main keys to success has always been good data."
"Data, data, data. That's what it is. It's the new oil."
"It is not wrong to be skeptical at the start about this when there is limited data presented."
"It's the lack of choosing to take an action based on real data."
"Data is really the basic building blocks of our information, our knowledge, and our wisdom."
"The most important thing is data preservation."
"We need good data. If we don't have good data, we can't make rational decisions."
"Data is the new oil, but oil is useless without refining. AI is the refinery."
"LSTMs are able to store past information that is important and forget the information that is not important."
"For today's flight, we will consider any data received that helps inform and improve future builds of Starship as a success from a milestone standpoint."
"Your data is the most important asset you will ever have."
On the importance of data: "The more data that we have, the easier it's going to be for us to figure out how you're going to make more money faster."
"If data is the new oil then scale is the refinery."
"Adding data that is not part of the training set is very important in machine learning."
"Information is worth everything now."
"The most important thing about a statistical method is not how you analyze the data but what data you include."
"Without data, you're just another person with an opinion."
"Remember, if you want to train an object detector or any type of machine learning model you definitely need data."
"It's all about data. Data will speak."
"The data matters, the consumer matters, the perspective of the consumer also matters."
"In machine learning, the most important thing is data."
"In this day and age, when big data is practically everywhere, visualization is also in high demand."
"Data culture's been important but never more so than it is today."
"Data is the new oil of the 21st century."
"Data is the center of everything we do today."
"When you asked for 20 million, you better have solid data, not a story."
"Retail sales consumer data is always an important data release."
"You should treat data as you treat code; they're a first-class citizen in your ML application."
"Data is the food of machine learning, and if you don't have enough food, you starve."
"Data is the new currency; it's all about the data."
"Data is very essential to any companies that want to leverage AI."
"Our training data is absolutely critical for what we do."
"It's just so important that we just get as much additional data as we can get."
"There's a veritable tidal wave of data that we are encountering that we need to use to manage and improve or mitigate or remediate and sustain the world around us."
"Data is important and data is worth more than any kind of payment to a lot of people."
"The accuracy of the data and the magnitude of data is extremely important."
"Data, we really believe, is the voice of our customer."
"You'd be crazy if you did machine learning to just go about doing learning by saying, 'We're going to ignore that'."
"Having data is never a bad decision."
"Data is the future, data is now, and that is the future."
"Data is the new oil. Data is crucial to every sector you can imagine."
"Keep in mind that data is critical in BIM when it comes to cost."
"The concept of data management is important both for organizations and also for the students who are at a higher level of learning."
"Data runs the world these days, and it's important for us as individuals, or when we're working on a team, to the companies and organizations that we work for, that data is protected."
"Data is crude oil for the 21st century."
"Data is becoming more and more important and more and more valuable to any business let alone any given website."
"The trick with programming isn't to concentrate so much on the algorithms, it's to get the data right."
"It's all about the data; when we started out, our data was woefully unready for use in machine learning."
"Without data, you don't know where you've been, you don't know where you're going."
"It's just plain data, and that's the really important thing."
"Model assumptions and methodology are important, but input data is crucial."
"We live in a data-driven world; data is the new oil because of high demand for it."
"Data is everything, once you have good algorithms, data is everything."
"Data is by far the most valuable and most important thing for building anything on the internet."
"Data is the next commodity, so store your responses, see what people are saying, get a better understanding about language."
"If you take nothing else away from this talk, remember this: Data is a business asset."
"No model is complete without data."