
Community Value Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"Think about it, we have this amazing community, but it's only amazing because of all of us."
"Because for once I wasn't shifting the conversation to be all about me, but instead, I was having a much more value-based approach."
"With NFTs, you're able to create something where the community gets to capture the long tail value of that item."
"Your channel, this channel is absolutely nothing without the people that get behind it."
"I appreciate every single one of you guys for being in the stream."
"Communities are probably the most valuable part of the internet."
"The things that we exchange in community are often much more powerful."
"But we've you know it's not because me and Cheryl are great and then we don't do this for any pats on the back it's just like everybody there's value in everybody"
"We all want Scott back because he's a right laugh."
"Nothing is a waste of life when you guys are here."
"The basis of dignity is to be needed... by your community."
"There's nothing I'm prouder of outside of my family in this life than the bit squad, that's all I got, be blessed."
"It's better to have a following and not need it rather than to not have a following and need it."
"The only thing that's going to stay behind is the knowledge and value provided to the community."
"Once we reach the point where we truly can open up, I think there are a lot of people who are going to greatly value being able to get together and just to be able to say hey and hang out with somebody."
"Having a targeted group of people who care about your work... has real value in today's market."
"Community as the new currency, that is where the wealth is."
"You all are what is good and decent in this world."
"They have protected the best ghost towns in Montana and they're well worth protecting."
"GPK and Nightfall are the most coveted CIS players."
"The real wealth in this world comes from community, from friends, from people who will be there when times are tough."
"It's not trophy brook trout but it's ours and it's worth fighting for."
"The true reward for this quest is the community itself."
"The writers and developers succeeded in showing us how much more meaningful a sacrifice is when it is made for a community rather than for oneself."
"My biggest takeaway is that the Puerto Rican people are very special."
"Life wouldn't be the same without all of you."
"Does it respect the principle of common solidarity, based on the notion that the quality of our social relations is our greatest treasure?"
"The simple joy of human contact, of people coming together in local communities, is incredibly precious."
"It just makes me realize how important this community is to me."
"Being having grateful hearts to see how everything and everyone is interconnected and how everything and everyone is an invaluable asset."
"Community equals value. If a community is riding hard behind a coin, then there is value there."
"Community and people are the greatest resource."
"A job's about a lot more than your paycheck. It's about your dignity, respect, and your place in the community."
"A common good product measures what really counts."
"Night Vale is good. Night Vale is art. Night Vale is valuable."
"Hispanic Americans are cherished members of our national family."
"Having social connection is so meaningful and so valuable for our overall health."
"The children in McDowell County are quite as important or more important than the billionaires."
"It should not be the case that people feel like they have to leave their hometown or to have a good life."
"Don't discount the value of such a crazy awesome Community."
"Whether there's only one of you or a million of you... I just want to say thank you."
"Some effort to, like I don't know, I guess to the best of my ability remind people of what was fun about this community in the first place."
"Whenever you talk to someone and ask them why they bought into a certain profile pick collection and why they think it's going to do well it's not going to take long until they say something along the lines of well the community is great."
"This is really, really a real dope piece of art that we have in our culture right now."
"We as a black community deserve nice things, black women deserve luxury."
"The value in this website exists with the users."
"Personal excellence is a facade; your community is what makes you you."
"Our community is small but meaningful, and that's what I always say."
"I know what a blessing this community can be."
"Their story says really nice things about the club... makes fans feel like we're part of a club that means something."
"One more chance. To be Amity is to forgive others and yourself."
"Appreciate our bodies, appreciate this practice, appreciate this community."
"It's a very special culture, special community of people."
"One of the worst things you could do is have knowledge and not share it with nobody." - Uncle Larry
"We have a genuine fan base that will come up to us, talk to us, tell us they like our videos and stuff like that, just means the world to each and every person."
"I love now where I'm at just having better community."
"The real rings of power were the friends we made along the way."
"It is great to have you guys as our community because this is one of the things that you can't shake you can't lose and that is great communities."
"That's the best part... to be around like people that you genuinely like and enjoy."
"I appreciate that you're even watching this... I care about... we have to have this sort of community."
"This community is the most important thing to us."
"Our lives are just as valuable as their lives on the other side of the tracks."
"Single-player games are still important to a lot of people."
"I know I've been there whether your answer is to open up that bible and to get a therapist whether your answer is to go do yoga do it all do it all do whatever you need to do to save you because trust us you are needed here and you are valued."
"I always wanted it to be about providing value to the community."
"I love it when you guys holler out things that are worth watching for tomorrow because that's the best thing about the community."
"And the fact that so many of you left these like heartfelt comments that you know you support me and regardless what I choose to make videos on you're going to keep watching, I honestly teared up reading a lot of those comments man."
"Community is the best hope for people who believe in individual freedom and sound money."
"Don't trust the devil you already know is the devil." - Dave Rubin
"Your fan base is like a form of capital that can either be grown, or blown."
"Beyond the mechanics of the game, the biggest strength Counter-Strike has is the community."
"We believe our services are most useful when people are connected to people, groups, and organizations they care about."
"My happiest is when I'm around my community, right? The people that I love."
"You have supported art, and that means everything."
"This community in this channel is nothing without you."
"It's nice to know that you guys feel the same as we do, trying to make the best we can and keep it subscription-free."
"Love you guys, you're the high point of my week."
"Sometimes you can forget about how needed you are, but you are needed."
"Thank you for your friendship and sense of community."
"Your community is a huge form of wealth that you need to be developing right now because it will survive the dollar collapse and the financial collapse and the everything else."
"The camaraderie of this Park field cannot be overstated."
"Once in the true religion, cherish and treasure your membership."
"There may be something more important than being right in every particular, being together is at this moment a challenge to which our faith calls us."
"Every single one of you are so incredibly valuable to me."
"We better not kill the Golden Goose that has laid an egg here that has provided a pretty darn good life for all of us who live here."
"Your single biggest advantage is your community."
"Talk about being lucky, right? Opening this stuff every year because you guys are here, that is the real gift."
"Hey man, so glad I have something to turn on every day and watch rather than movies and stuff because you've brought a lot to the table, man."
"Even though you don't have a million followers, you do have a thousand really dedicated followers."
"Community is really everything, backed up by the metrics."
"At the heart of Opportunity Zones is a belief that every American community is worth cherishing, protecting, and renewing."
"The places where streetcar era urban fabric is largely intact are not only the gold standard for urbanism, but even in 2022 they are the places where people do enjoy a high level of amenity in their own neighborhoods."
"They are so supportive. I'm so blessed to have them."
"I think what makes Marbella so special is the people and the culture here."
"It's important to have varied perspectives around you for better citizenship."
"The RV Odd Squad is the best community on the planet."
"Everyone has a valuable contribution to make."
"I really do appreciate you guys, you know, you guys are awesome."
"He knows that we are very fond of what he's given to the club."
"It's important for us it's definitely important for me and I think it's important for some of you to have something that you know is going to be there like it's always been."
"Our vibe equals our tribe. Our network is our net worth."
"The work is pure and beautiful, and I will take it back to my people."
"It's clearly a wonderful artifact and we'll be sure to make it another point of pride."
"No person is small in the kingdom of God. We all have our appointed tasks to do, whether you're doing videos, editing, or just cleaning. We're all important."
"Follows community where goes the community goes the value."
"The therapeutic effect you have all given me this year has far exceeded the 5 bucks a month and I will be indebted to you for a very long time."
"Don't forget to subscribe or I'll face you like two vix getting really hot still with the phaser."
"Nice guys get the stamp of approval; they're loved by friends and family."
"The most valuable resources provided by co-working spaces are actually the people who use them."
"I think it's been a very worthwhile exercise; it made me realize just what we have going for us."
"Digital scarcity creates value. The value of a piece of art or media is directly proportional to how the community around it and who's using it and who's promoting it."
"If you take the initiative to start something new and different, and really own it, you can become the connector who is adding tremendous value to your community."
"Most of the things you value have a community around them."
"Community is important. Think of your neighbors."
"The respect that contractors are getting is at an all-time high just because we are so needed and valuable in our communities right now."
"You guys are the MVPs, but all of you are MVPs if you support us in any sort of way."
"Investing into these kinds of experiments is valuable to the community and keeping reefing fun and engaging."
"We must be more considerate of each other."
"Thank you so much for watching, I definitely appreciate every single one of you guys."
"It's a real testament to the community more than anything."
"Community is everything... it's having people around you that will be family in the good and family in the bad."
"The value of the dam resides in its value to a community."
"Gary has a lot of untapped potential; there are a lot of diamonds in the rough that people discount."
"I'm just unbelievably grateful for your support."
"I think personally, in many aspects, the community is underrated."
"Example 512 of why this website is so freaking unique and stands alone in its own little place."
"The community are like the best thing ever, they're truly wonderful people."
"Community tokens are like luxury real estate or stocks in the old days; they not only bring profit but also give the right to access an elite group of people."
"You guys are the ones that count."
"The context of this sweet beautiful little building really started to speak to the fact that as the second oldest park in Columbus, it needed a full-time caretaker."
"I wanted to be in a place where community matters."
"Community is most important to me."
"I want to bring as much value as I can to these hangouts."
"I think this town is important, I think it's inspiring, I think there's magic here."
"Good wine is everywhere, but good solid community in people, that's what makes the valley unique."
"You're a National Treasure to this community."
"Little shop matters way more than a bunch of overpaid cloud puffs blowing some ball around."
"Now more than ever, a community in real life, in person, is the most underrated thing you can be doing for your overall health and well-being."
"...we're losing literature, we're losing the love of books and we're losing libraries as a center of the community..."
"Every person has value here, and everybody can contribute."
"Everybody in that community is worthy; everybody needs each other; everybody is connected."
"You don't leave where you're loved."
"Everything is worth it for our Marvel Squad."
"And I'm just so grateful for you guys every day."
"It's that community, it's that connection that we do this for."
"Community is arguably the most important thing."
"This community is something that we all need to cherish a little bit more."
"We very much value the community but we also spend a lot of time trying to perfect our audio and video."
"You may think yourselves as silly entertainers who live on the Internet and in people's computers, but you foster an important community that celebrates individuality."
"No one will ever value our lives any more than we value ourselves."
"I do appreciate the community that y'all set up."
"I appreciate you guys, bro. Yeah, I don't understand when I'm on campus, I don't talk to nobody. I come on stream, and I talk to y'all 'cause y'all my guys, and it's better for my mental health as well."
"We value everyone... our volunteers, our donors, our organization."
"You all are like a real highlight to my week."