
Player Satisfaction Quotes

There are 435 quotes

"Getting to pick your loot and its Masterwork and then getting multiple drops for just one run of this activity makes it feel incredibly rewarding and satisfying."
"Sometimes a little frustration in a game actually leads to higher highs when the player actually gets things right."
"We wanted the player to feel satisfied, not challenged."
"What could be more important than making the game that people paid for, that they're actively playing at this exact moment, better?"
"We want players to have an amazing experience in Warzone 2.0."
"There's a lot of intrigue and interest and just general player satisfaction that comes from, 'Hey, I found Blue Build Ezreal.'"
"Human beings feel like a game is fair when they win seventy percent of the time."
"We feel we have an amazing game on our hands and are willing to make every decision, even the hardest ones if it ultimately leads to you getting a video game you'll fall in love with."
"Us Gamers really only want one thing: to play a fun game."
"Vanillaware's games are focused on making the player happy... rewarding and enticing players with sheer beauty and spectacle."
"This multiplayer mode is exactly what people wanted for their single-player experience."
"This game seems pretty damn complete, so that's really promising."
"I think the biggest takeaway from this game is that its size is near perfect."
"There is literally nothing wrong with Jhin. He is perfect."
"The success of an MMO will hinge on its ability to create work the players can derive some meaning and satisfaction from."
"Soulstone, you can summon people, one of the best feelings."
"They nailed the combat system this time around and they feel really, really good."
"I genuinely love the weapon selection in this game."
"We wanted to make sure that when you see the ending of Mass Effect you now have the information in the context to feel satisfied."
"We know reducing player power is bad, not fun, and it's something that we ourselves know."
"Ultimately, ARPGs are about power fantasy, and we need to make sure we aren't punishing players for engaging in that fantasy."
"The rewards loop is not one that is really terribly satisfying or rewarding to a ton of people."
"When you get in those matches and everybody's just playing the game as it should be played and having a good time, I'm really enjoying Siege right now."
"Had he just made a simple check list of what he shouldn't do this game, Warwick would've probably gone to bed happy with his free LP."
"Shadowlands was a pleasant surprise for a lot of people."
"I feel like the options and the availability of those options really made this expansion such a refreshing experience for a lot of people."
"It feels cool and it feels like it's doing something."
"This game is fantastic. I'm enjoying it so much."
"If a game does that it's already it brings it up to like a 9 out of ten and then it's like the games to lose you know you can only lose a maximum of one oh it's so good every time I get it it's such a relief."
"I really do think that they get the base layer of what makes Call of Duty multiplayer fun correct."
"The world doesn’t feel broken while playing, which ultimately is what’s actually important from a gameplay perspective."
"It did sort of revive the game. Is exactly what everyone was craving."
"Number 5: Grand Theft Auto 5 and Grand Theft Auto Online. Whatever aspect of the complete package caught your eye, there's a good chance it proved fulfilling from start to finish."
"I made two people rage quit today, that's a success."
"In any game when you pull off a sick combo like that, it feels good."
"But we also want you to have that feeling of accomplishment."
"For all the things that can be criticized about Reforger, there's so much more to love."
"All maps are now available in rotation. Love it!"
"Competitive playlists dramatically increase replay value and overall player satisfaction."
"It's got very good gameplay mechanics... It feels satisfying when you're shooting them."
"I just want the game to be solid, fun, balanced as much as possible."
"But at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter. What does matter is the player's feeling after completing an experience that takes dozens of hours and lots of blood, sweat, and tears."
"Ultimately, as long as we're keeping social groups somewhat healthy, we want people to play the game in the way that makes them happiest."
"Pretty much everything about this map is good."
"I think Sonic Frontiers leaves me wanting more and I guess we can only really see that as a good thing."
"Successful non-lethal engagements are much more rewarding."
"Some of the most fulfilling experiences challenged me to learn my class, coordinate with my group, and give an awesome sense of achievement."
"And Stanley was happy. So that's how the game is supposed to happen."
"The art in this stuff is amazing because a lot of it is just throwbacks to Dungeons and Dragons, and when you have cool art you want to be able to show it off."
"Skyrim's rewards are compounded over the course of the entire dungeon... a continuous, addicting game that satisfies the hoarder within you."
"This Vergil is everything I could reasonably ask for in a playable character."
"Keeping players happy by providing them with meaningful updates to their experience."
"The combat feels fantastic in this game from what I've played with a short time to kill, great long-range accuracy, and satisfying kill confirmation sound effects."
"The loot system has been vastly improved and is much more satisfying."
"All of the zones look amazing... almost nothing to complain about."
"Nothing beats the feeling of crushing that final boss level."
"If you're gonna die in one shot, it's like, might as well have the Rengar player be happy."
"No more level 80 boxes from World tier 4 open them whenever you please a simple change but a change that people really wanted."
"I don't mind this pack, and thankfully, all the whims match."
"It's everything we hoped that Jedi Fallen Order would be."
"Lords of the Fallen gives the player exactly what they want."
"The loot feels like a reward and not compensation."
"No one likes being simply handed a win after hours and hours of gameplay."
"These changes aren't the end of our journey to make Overwatch 2 a more rewarding game to play, they're just the beginning."
"The richness of the progression that was in D2, I feel that richness in D4."
"I'm glad that this set finally came out for witch doctors."
"the combat in Hogwarts Legacy as stupidly good and it was one of the most praised features overall."
"Ordinarily, a sterling critical reception means that a game is an absolute slam dunk. It's a badge to players that the developers have poured their blood, sweat, and tears into making a game that's totally worth your hard-earned cash."
"We want to make OverWatch the best version of OverWatch it could be."
"So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, it turns out Age of Wonders 4 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits whatsoever."
"Maybe it could be the case that 10.0, maybe it's not gonna be a masterpiece but honestly I think we'd all settle for a seven and a half out of ten or an eight out of ten."
"They did so well with this card, I still cannot believe how nice all rounded he is."
"This is one of those big gamer accomplishments."
"Luigi's Mansion 3 absolutely knocks it out of the park in terms of everything that gamers are looking for in a game."
"Overall, a lot of players were happy with this as it felt like Mihoyo was finally listening."
"I think there's so many small little things we can do to so many champions that could just make them all feel a lot better and like really wouldn't impact their win rates too much."
"As a fan of this series, as someone who has spent just way too much time playing and replaying the franchise, I am so happy with how this game is evolving."
"The menagerie is pretty sick...I thought this activity this expansion was fantastic."
"I've just got Ronaldo, Declan Rice, and Koundé," exclaims Mark with satisfaction.
"There's a lot of satisfaction and enjoyment to be had in simply leveling up these characters."
"I give this game my completionist rating of completed."
"Everything else... lots of great, great options in the book."
"Feels good to feel good about wow, doesn't it?"
"Our goal is for players to enjoy going to the shop, buy something whenever it catches their fancy."
"It's like Elven Ring is a ten out of ten to so many."
"Seeing them retain their Nintendo 64 moves, I was like, okay, that made me really happy."
"Lost Legacy... it just kept getting better and the more I play, the more I liked it."
"It's exhilarating stuff and the quality of the animations makes every move satisfying to pull off."
"The smaller scale conflicts and higher lethality weapons feel more powerful and satisfying."
"This is a really cool gift tank it's balanced it's so much better than all of those old tier 3 garbage huge respect to you for giving something that is actually really fun."
"Nothing compares to the awesomeness of recent leagues."
"It feels really rewarding and like their downtime is actually having an impact."
"Coaching and developing players can lead to a happier gaming experience for all."
"The extra options give you more control and satisfaction in character progression."
"I'm honestly glad that we're getting some of these balances and these changes to the troops that we have now."
"A noticeable improvement even on triple-A titles."
"Every single side quest in this game feels meaningful, and the satisfaction you get by helping people is intrinsic."
"Thank you Stadia, giving the players what they want: Panzer Dragoon."
"Fighting games should focus on mechanics being satisfying, things feeling good, and being fun."
"Diplomacy has just had such a great overhaul."
"We concentrated to make sure the moment-to-moment gunplay feels really good."
"Critical reception wise the game's doing really well, I mean generally it's been received really positively among both critics and players alike."
"After spending a year and half doing nothing but making this game, to see people just really enjoying it and being so excited about it was like the greatest feeling in the world."
"Just everything about the game is just so incredibly satisfying just to experience it's one of those games that's just kind of a joy in of its own."
"It felt like they got the loot right, it felt like they got the weapon damage balancing right."
"It's my personal view that players obviously want game integrity that's extremely important to them but they also want a fun friendly atmosphere for them to plan so that you can just enjoy themselves."
"I feel like a fun atmosphere that is player friendly is at the forefront of everything and of course never to sacrifice game integrity or game security."
"Oh does this game just nail it oh my God the free flow combat this was the Arkham experience that we had been asking for."
"We give this game our completionist rating: Completed."
"So, with everything I've said in this video you're probably going to assume that I despise this DLC. Well, no... it's well made, incredibly polished."
"They did do a good job at making rewards more satisfying in general."
"If they do it a little bit better... new world's gonna be a fantastic game."
"Dodging was way more fun and rewarding this time around."
"Clash of Clans is in the best state that it's been in a very long time."
"Ronaldo is definitely an end game player and if you have 96 Ronaldo if you went and completed that SBC you probably won't regret it."
"Thankfully been one of the most well-received aspects of Hogwarts Legacy thus far."
"We designed this league to be a relatively simple one to go alongside all of the new atlas content in this expansion, and it exceeded our expectations."
"It's such a satisfying use of objects in the game, and the devs did a great job including this level of detail."
"Void 3.0 has restored my faith in our subclasses."
"Blizzard's like hold up wait a minute and now they change it good I'm happy this is great."
"This raid just doesn't have a single bad encounter."
"If you don't show ambition, your quality players start getting restless."
"It's hard to find fault with a system that allows players to have on hand exactly what they want at any given time."
"I like the fact that it's pretty clean when it comes to cash packages, it makes me feel better about the game."
"Definitely one of the best units released in version 4."
"That mechanic is awesome and so OP, and I'm so happy they made it into the game because it makes me actually want to grind."
"The PSP version represents a long journey of longing, hard work, and finally getting satisfaction."
"Everything from combat to just moving down a hallway feels more Snappy responsive and satisfying."
"The Extended Cut was well received and restored the closure many players were looking for."
"It's a testament to how good the game actually is."
"Thankfully the April update didn't flop. Far from it, it's very much rejuvenated destiny from this point moving forward."
"Come on, give me another legendary and I'll be happy."
"Many were proud of their profession, bearing no resentment for the cards life dealt them."
"The rework of the skill tree... I think that's absolutely amazing."
"Completing Shovel Knight is wildly satisfying; this game rewards patience and mastery."
"I love this game a lot, in fact, when it all comes together, it feels really good." - Unknown speaker
"Most players are not going to mind or argue with getting inordinate high amounts of treasure, but in the long run, it's not going to give them the same satisfaction as if they were slowly amassing all of that treasure over time."
"This is the biggest W you've done all year long, EA. Do not revert this."
"It really seems like the developers are finally going to be able to fix almost everything that was wrong with the division one and give us the experience that we've always wanted."
"Their goal wasn't to make players happy, it wasn't to make a better game system, their goal was to monetize everybody more effectively."
"We finally did it, we have full dark steel sword armor."
"That high when you are a sniper in TF2 and you get that real good head shot on a scout... that's worth like 20 minutes of crap that's a human you just [ __ ] on."
"We think that Minecrafters will be incredibly pleased with the survival world that GeminiTay has created in Crystal Palace RTX."
"There is satisfaction in completing a game or at least getting better at a game that is difficult."
"The spear is much stronger now. Very, very good."
"Rabbit hole classes for this game are so good."
"Continued improvements to Iron Banner and faction rallies, including uniqueness of rewards."
"You kind of make everyone happy... have a happy player base overall."
"Rematch option added - a much-needed improvement to the lobbies."
"Making the support champions as fun to play as the other roles would go a huge way in smoothing out matchmaking."
"It's not about how fast you get rewards, it's about feeling like your time is being respected."
"It may not be a perfect game, but I think Outriders at this point is a pretty solid game."
"It just works so well, making all of the content of the game feel like it's current day in terms of the gameplay design."
"A game that makes me, of all people, happy? Yes, you can still do most of the things you could do in Splatoon one."
"Ultimately, I want DICE to take a view where they understand that everybody needs to enjoy Battlefield."
"Decisions in games are meaningful when the outcome satisfies one of our needs of competence, autonomy, relatedness."
"It's always better when we have at least more than three games."
"The tech tree is impressively large with intricately intertwined paths, affecting the satisfaction of various characters."
"This has been one of my most favorite updates in the game."
"Technology is finally caught up to Sonic Unleashed, it's so satisfying to play it there."
"I'd give this weapon a solid 9.5 - maybe even 10."
"This is genuinely a good game, it feels finished, complete, non-gimmicky."
"Skyrim was everything that I had hoped it would be and more." - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
"Having a sense of completion that is attainable for players who don't devote their lives to the game is just crucially important."
"With the new system, we would get value equal to the amount of content that Supercell actually releases, which makes sense to me and is enjoyable and is fun."
"The way this game rewards the players for in-game completion is really wonderful."
"You have a build that has a very high skill ceiling but is also incredibly satisfying and rewarding to play."
"Each Champion is not to deliver what players expect instead it reaches higher to deliver what they deserve."
"We want to approach our characters that don't just deliver what you expect instead reach higher and give you what you deserve."
"The game has changed and evolved so much and no one acknowledges the wins."
"I think there will be at least four games out of the 24 that everyone will be delighted by."
"There's so many champions that are going to love this so much."
"It's been nice to have gear this whole time."
"This should help ease the frustrations quite a bit."
"Anything that Platinum Games makes, I'm all for. They're so good at just meaningful, accessible enough, but just hard to master and satisfying to master combat."
"The rewards could be cosmetic, ultimately, and I think that's fantastic."
"This game comes just about as close as I have ever seen to eliminating the sense of waste and useless gear."
"Epic fantasy is a game for people that don't have a lot of time but still want to feel progression."
"A very, very small quality of life change, but I'm happy to see it regardless."
"Now, we can actually make it through, I'm pretty happy with the rebalance, hopefully you guys are as well."
"They know how to make a good game, I enjoyed playing."
"What's not to like about what we're seeing out of Dying Light 2?"
"I hope that our opinions help you decide which ones are the most satisfying for you to play."
"Overpowered items create Eureka moments. Discovering the best strategies or synergies feels rewarding."
"I kind of want to give it a 10 out of 10... I think it's actually a ridiculously good looking super."
"It's a really nice buff, so this is good for Caitlyn."
"Space Engineers is now a released game, the fact they're still developing it makes me happy."
"This does it right, it's an example of doing that."
"I'm really happy with this free DLC, it's like a little bit of Seasons mixed in!"
"I like that people enjoy the game. That's fun, right? It's why we continue to put so much effort into updating it after it's been out for so long."
"Taric: Awesome rework for him. Probably one of the best reworks as well."
"Players would be happy with a new talent row, maybe class sets returning."
"Combat in this game feels fantastic, from smooth mobility and dodging to the satisfying sense of impact."
"Mario 64 is one of the most satisfying games on the planet to get good at."
"For being such a low level, I'm quite happy with how we did against the enemy."
"You want to know how to address player problems... It's through giving players what they want."
"For anyone who was worried that we wouldn't be able to update our player character's clothes or looks you'll be very happy about this."
"It's so exciting, it's doing exactly what you want to do."
"It really is a testament to the quality of the game."
"I don't want to spoil too much here since part of the satisfaction of completing Ritual of the Night is figuring these things out yourself."