
Physical Response Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"If you're not allowed to talk about the trauma, then the memories of it go away, but your body keeps reacting because your body knows."
"The first time in my life I ever cried tears of joy... my body was weak, it was damn near orgasmic."
"Your body literally responds to what you think. This is how powerful your thoughts are."
"If you blow all the air out of your lungs, you're gonna sink."
"The more you think about your desired future, the more your body shifts."
"His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy."
"It made me sick... it really made me feel ill."
"Your brain is getting so over stimulated that your body doesn't know what to do, so it just starts moving in rhythmic patterns."
"Most people after drinking a cup of cinnamon tea will notice greater mental alertness, liveliness, and what some herbalists refer to as the inner tingle."
"Remember you're training a movement and now you're training a response and a muscle."
"When your body starts shaking... this is your astral body trying to get up out of your real body."
"The hair stands up on your neck and you get a chill down your spine."
"It's beautiful, heart's pounding, feeling good. Oh yeah."
"You know how people talk about gut feelings? Well, I suddenly felt extremely sick."
"I remember being frozen still, hair standing up on my skin."
"I dropped my phone and ran back to my friend. I felt so nauseous that I vomited."
"In just a few seconds, though it felt like minutes, but the man in a blink of an eye jerked his face back, bringing up his hands as my knife sliced his palm of his hand."
"When you're in the back of an F-18 Hornet and throwing up repeatedly, that's why your flight suit has so many pockets."
"Every time I got near Pasqualita, my hands break out in a sweat. Her hands are very realistic."
"It makes my heart sing. I can just feel my heart beating so fast."
"Almost instantly my back rang cold... I could feel my heart flutter."
"There's literally a physiological change that happens to you. It's not just in your head."
"Your body is literally gonna follow what your mind is feeling."
"I almost made myself nauseous playing poker on Oculus."
"Truth will always resonate in your body. Untruth will always not resonate in your body."
"A good solid whip crack in the head, I think that has a good potential of stopping someone."
"I couldn't even speak, my heart was pounding like I was slipping under deep water."
"Dude, it was, my hands were [ __ ] sweating so bad, I was sweating just doing my normal playthrough."
"Music (which is driven by rhythm) literally moves us—and movement, especially the energy and speed of movement, is something we closely associate with specific emotions."
"Anytime I'm stressed or anxious, I get really nauseous."
"My heart rate has gone up slightly. In fact, it's gone up quite a lot."
"The hair on the back of my neck was standing up."
"It's just a kind of encounter with the Holy Spirit that prevents a person from standing."
"I did find that after some running in this shoe a sort of steady Pace that my legs are aching perhaps a little bit in some different places."
"It made the hair stand straight up on my neck and arms."
"When you feel things viscerally, your body is affected, your cells are affected because your energy is affected, so it affects you physically."
"I like started to be like man, my cheeks hurt because I've just been smiling and laughing, it's so good."
"Notice what happens to your body when you listen to an incredible piece of music."
"I mean the hair on my neck was standing up."
"Why do hearts pound when people kiss, when they touch? Excitement."
"Music affects us physically... certain sounds and certain rhythms can make you either agitated or rejoice or soothe."
"You know when people get stressed, sometimes the hair turns gray."
"It petrifies you to your very core as breathing becomes near impossible, and your heart screams to get out of you."
"Heat and blood pulsed through me; there was no stopping the way my body swelled in reaction to her."
"I've noticed that I sweat less, my hands feel less clammy when I'm going through those stressful moments."
"I could feel my heart beat heavily."
"I was feeling something in my abs, so I thought, okay, she's definitely laughing."
"When they say your heart breaks, it literally is breaking."
"When you're in stage four sleep, your body is now responding in this deep, very relaxing sleep."
"I suddenly felt goosebumps all over my body."
"I'm already sweating, guys, I'm late to wake sweaty."
"You can't out-think the way that being nervous makes you physically feel."
"Fitness helps in a lot of situations; that can help you better physically respond to a situation, help you think clearer as well."
"The total physical response method incorporates physical actions and commands as a means of language instruction."
"You'd feel elation and euphoria on occasion, and you get goosebumps."
"We both had a physical reaction to it; we got intense chills and could feel the goosebumps on our skin all over our body."
"Her heart pounding hard enough to make her body shudder."