
Jewish Community Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The decision seems to stem from a misinformed view that to advocate for Palestinian human rights is somehow offensive to the Jewish community."
"My relationship to the Jewish people has become my strongest human bond."
"Islam saved Jewry. This is an unpopular, discomforting claim in the modern world, but it is historical truth."
"Germany should have made vast reparations to the Jewish people."
"America is the safest country in world history for Jews."
"Jewish community's success story is an inspiration."
"Many parts of the global church are not even aware of what God is doing among the Jewish people."
"That combination hurt Jewish people and must never be repeated."
"Jerusalem and the temple might emerge as powerful symbols not just of the oneness of God but also of the oneness of the Jewish people."
"I'm really appreciative of my Jewish allies who have sat with me to explain what they feel and who have also listened to me."
"The Jewish programs in Russia had caused a flood of Jewish immigrants to Britain."
"I think it's been very inspiring to see young Jewish people standing up for Universal values."
"People would say, 'Oh well, it's to do with cultural factors and Jewish people being wealthier or more educated or more urban or whatever. No, the difference is on G.'"
"The Muslim civilization protected the Jewish people for over a thousand years."
"The values are the same, the beliefs are the same, we really have a strong connection with the Jewish people."
"This president has been the best president for the Jewish people."
"We need to speak up for the Jewish Community."
"It was a dynamic and diverse community whose roots went back to the Middle Ages."
"Every Jew cares about every other Jew all over the world, if they're of a different race, a different color, have a different vernacular language, have a very different background, it doesn't matter."
"Dr. Martin Luther King... he had a tremendous love for Jewish people, just tremendous love for Jewish people that's really very striking, very striking."
"They weren’t confined to ghettos, weren’t barred from owning property or working in certain industries, and they didn’t live under the constant threat of violence."
"By 1880, San Francisco’s Jewish population was second only to New York City."
"She created a Jewish revolution; she touched hundreds and thousands of neshamas, of souls."
"...we're all different factions of this incredible tapestry of the Jewish people."
"We're taking advantage of this Gutenberg moment to hopefully reach a much larger group of Jews with the message of why you should connect."
"...Poland was for the longest time the best place in the world for the Jews."
"American Jewish attitudes have changed substantially."
"Alfonso actively encouraged Jewish participation in the arts and sciences."
"...the Statute of Kalisz, which had first guaranteed Jewish rights in Poland, continued to uphold Jewish rights..."
"Every Jew should have the right to live everywhere, anywhere in peace and tranquility and security."
"Lincoln was the first American President to become officially involved in questions of Jewish equality."
"Wishing the Jewish Community a happy Passover, a celebration of freedom."
"We heard the rumor there is going to be a raid against the Jewish people either tonight or tomorrow night."
"The Jewish people are the World Wide Web of good in the world."
"In India, the Jewish community was never persecuted... there was never a phenomenon known as anti-Semitism."
"For 75 years, Israel has stood as the ultimate guarantor of security of Jewish people around the world."
"The Jews should flourish, not only here in Israel, they should flourish everywhere."
"With the Nazi invasion of Holland in 1940, it was particularly shocking for these Dutch citizens to be singled out, forced to wear a yellow star, and eventually to be deported."
"For 75 years, Israel has stood as the only guarantor of security of Jewish people around the world."
"Our wish for Jews everywhere is for them to prosper and to live in peace."
"We are acutely focused on the threats to the Jewish community which very much needs our help."
"I'm sorry for the hurt that's been caused to many Jewish people."
"The achievements, the accomplishment of the Jewish people in Israel, it's phenomenal."
"The Constitution confirmed that the Jews were a lawful component of the Ukrainian state."
"I love and support the Jewish Community."
"Jewish people in this country deserve to be able to walk our streets in freedom and security."