
Intelligence Gathering Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"You can source any material. Go out and find the best information, find the best intel."
"It's because I suspect Ukrainian intelligence gathering and ISR is just superior."
"The success of our patrols depended not so much on the number of Nazis we killed but on capturing some alive and bringing them back to our forward command post."
"Espionage lets you spy on other domains, which is obviously useful."
"Good intel will keep you on top for a very long time."
"We had to be thinking constantly about what we needed to do on the collection side; what do we need to do in terms of informing policymakers, coming up with options, informing Congress, what to say publicly?"
"Well, one of the four principal functions of the CIA is to gather intelligence and ideally forward it to the president."
"Knowledge is power; effective intelligence gathering enables informed strategic decisions."
"It's really how far these sorts of signals intelligence platforms have come."
"The end and aim of all spying... is knowledge of the enemy."
"Sova is easily the strongest intel gathering agent in the game."
"He appreciated the value of secret information and he went on getting secret information from all sorts of sources throughout the 1930s."
"The use of Open Source intelligence like satellite imagery has revealed key developments in the war in Ukraine."
"The best intelligence often comes from the source you least expect."
"Just by asking that first question, why are you going with me, why did you come to me, is going to give you a lot of intel."
"We should probably gather some intel first. Let's spy on the superheroes."
"Why can't we get someone in there under deep cover? We should be doing that."
"But Director Brennan, intelligence gathering, as you certainly know, is an art."
"Being able to talk to people and gain intelligence... it's been very beneficial to me."
"What the indictment does is it solidifies into the justice system a lot of intelligence that we knew had to exist."
"It's an effort for the Russians to learn about Ukraine about their air defense systems their industrial and Military facilities and their energy infrastructure..."
"If Google Facebook Twitter etc and many others did not exist then the military intelligence network would have had to invent them because they get everything they need from there."
"Astral projection... maybe we could use this as a form of espionage for intelligence."
"It's getting more dangerous to go out... I wonder if there's a way in the colony to generate intelligence."
"The collective internet hive mind is collating the kind of intelligence that the CIA once had to just make up."
"The FBI was watching them, surveilling them and collecting intel for the whole six-year period."
"This intelligence archive... has enough information to blow the lid off this..."
"You have to build out an intelligence profile. What do these militia look like? Who are they? Where do they operate? Where are they funded from?"
"I gather intelligence so that the government can protect the British people. I do not gather intelligence so that the government can lie to the British people."
"The essence of espionage is access... you need to get an agent or some kind of device close enough to the target."
"Some of the biggest winners of the night were the fans."
"Remote viewing was developed by intelligence services because it's a really cheap way to get intelligence."
"She's still amazing at gathering intelligence."
"The ninja rise to become an indispensable part of the Japanese military machine as intelligence gatherers and operational agents."
"Peacekeeping is a strange job at times and intelligence gathering is one of the strangest bits of it."
"You can stay submerged for up to a week at a time on the mesma just tooling around at four knots sneaking around collecting your intelligence or maybe even putting yourself in a good position for an attack."
"His job was to screen the armies movement as it went north and gather intelligence about the Federals, that's what his job is."
"We need to find out who the informant is."
"The acquisition of information is the goal of course of any intelligence operation."
"Tell me everything you know about Gato and his army."
"We changed the way that technical intelligence is collected. We don't passively wait on it. We go get it."
"The ability to get the broad area search that we get out of the hexagon system may have been the most important intelligence contribution that's ever been made by a reconnaissance system to our foreign policy establishment."
"Network activity warrant allows the police to collect intelligence from devices or networks."
"Our objective was clear: gather intel, disrupt enemy operations, and remain unseen in the unforgiving landscapes of Gaza."
"On any given day, we're the guys and gals that are collecting and assessing and warning of what bad actors are doing or could do using the maritime commons."
"As in previous campaigns, Stewart had brought key intelligence at the key moment."
"Spies today gather information on such things as movements of naval warships and submarines."
"Threat intelligence gathering is a very important step."
"To extract the essence of the market intelligence expressed on the tape is a task which can be accomplished successfully only by one who has a very deep understanding of the business."