
Societal Debate Quotes

There are 307 quotes

"Quiet as is kept, people with secure jobs, secure income, and secure housing are not talking about programs they need from the government that the immigrants are taking."
"The content of tonight's program has been deemed dangerous by the mainstream media, Silicon Valley, and those members of the world economic forum."
"In 2023 America, we deserve to have a progressive conversation about how we can choose both."
"This is a civilizational type of thing we're dealing with. This is the Public Square."
"If you value security more than freedom, I don't know what to tell you."
"What we're really talking about is the fact that people want to absolve themselves of personal responsibility."
"Freedom is not simply a matter of some sort of abstract good that you can either have a lot of or a little of... it's precisely because freedom is such an imprecise concept that we're always struggling to define and balance and get right."
"We don't agree on sex, we don't agree on basic foundational questions of whether a girl is a boy."
"Abortion is the killing of the innocent on a mass scale."
"We now live in an era in which the left insists... that we rewrite biology, language, religion, politics, art—all of these things must be rewritten so that we all stay woke."
"We've got to say these are the values and the laws of this country."
"Reopening schools for in-person learning is an example of white supremacy."
"There's a really fascinating conversation... about how much public safety do we thrust on people in exchange for how much."
"We have more than a right to ridicule them; we have an obligation, a positive duty to ridicule them."
"It's a chance for us to fight for truth, not absolute truth, but what deep down we know is more true."
"Dumping them in daycare centers from their earliest years...probably a bad idea."
"Now we're talking about whether or not someone's personal religious beliefs can be forced onto other people, that's the conversation we're having and the answer is a resounding no."
"Why can't we even just ask questions why are we even being censored for having our conversation?"
"It's not our left or right that is the problem that we are arguing over here in America."
"Every reasonable person knows that men and women are not the same thing."
"When people insist that one term must encapsulate both phenomena at once so when someone asks what is a woman expecting to get a very simple answer that children can understand they are sorely mistaken."
"Your womanhood hasn't been erased by a single fucking person."
"The catch 22 with cancel culture is what is the solution to cancel it."
"We're in unknown waters. History's in the making. Gun ownership in the US will be permanently altered."
"We're in the middle of a cultural Evolution right now. These fights that we're having, this the culture war that we're having, it is a cultural revolution."
"We're finally at a point now where we have to start asking ourselves, 'Okay, should we be paying for some of these things?'"
"Getting rid of debt in America and getting rid of this burden on the back of everyone is somehow going to cause the American capitalistic system to completely fail is asinine."
"Almost every societal debate comes down to this sort of um this argument between the collective and the individual."
"Thank God we have the First Amendment so that we can stop you from doing what you've been doing."
"We're always going to have disagreements, and the question is how we're going to resolve them. We reason or we use force."
"If people feel like this is their only recourse, then it's probably worth addressing."
"There's nothing I think more dangerous than not talking about stuff. Bad ideas survive when people don't refute them by talking about them."
"I think people are kind of coming around to this cultural appropriation thing being BS."
"It's a writ large attempt to criminalize and deter questioning any official government narrative."
"Resistance to wokism in America is quite real."
"JK Rowling is apparently the worst person in the world. She refused to give in to the big one which is men can be women and women can be banned."
"I've seen a lot of 'how does a 17 year old have an AR-15' but I haven't seen any 'how come a convicted felon had a pistol'." - Michael Nolis
"It's a fight between individualism and identity politics."
"Education is being attacked from both sides."
"This isn't about left or right anymore, this isn't about beliefs, this isn't about anything but truth now."
"Canceling people for us is counterproductive to the overall goal that I feel like we should have."
"It means absolute free speech and ain't nobody going to be able to complain."
"This is actually a public argument over our society’s values."
"Stop attacking people that try to have this conversation."
"It's a matter of good and evil at this point, simple as that."
"There's the potential for a new fault line in America's ever-growing debate about parental rights."
"Are you claiming that men can't get pregnant? Yeah, that's what I'm saying."
"There's no simple answer to what a woman is. There's not even a singular biological answer to the question of what defines a woman."
"Authorizing violence the same as doing violent crime?"
"This is an attack on women to try and convince women that their sole political power is anchored on their ability to kill their children."
"It's important we talk about honestly and right now there's just a lot of propaganda going on in revisionism about radical Marxism."
"It's not about helping women, it's about erasing the differences between genders."
"This abortion law goes beyond a woman's issue and it goes beyond anything you can ever imagine."
"It’s not just about the statues. It’s about the statutes."
"This is a big deal to try to restrain everybody's speech in this fashion."
"Do we as Americans have the freedom to go out and know that we are less vulnerable to a deadly disease? No, we don't have that freedom."
"We're a secular nation and now... We've sidestepped away from that and make it seem as though this is simply a conversation about murder."
"The culture war is raging across this country in all aspects."
"It's not the gun that pulls the trigger, it's the person."
"Pushing back against cancel culture is crucial; we shouldn't cheer someone silencing themselves."
"Either it's okay to call people predators with no evidence or it's not, these can't both be true at the same time."
"We're debating people's right to exist, which is just insane."
"It's a slippery slope when you start giving religion special place compared to secular reasons."
"Australia's gun debate informed by history, landscape, and legacy intensified by growing urban-rural divide and the technology's ruthless efficiency was at an impasse."
"Freedom of speech is bad but what kind of speech do we need?"
"We want reparations too, my people were starved, enslaved."
"The question is not whether they should be allowed to inconvenience us or bruise our egos or hurt our feelings. It's whether they should be allowed to control us, censor us, and rule us."
"It's my body, my choice. Don't tell me I have to wear a mask."
"Cancel culture is an attack on free speech, which is guaranteed by the Constitution."
"We fight the woke in the schools, we fight the woke in the legislature, we fight the woke and the corporations."
"The left right dynamic doesn't really make sense anymore... it's us versus the woke."
"This is not a battle of ideas anymore... This is a battle over good and evil."
"Our book argues for balancing tradition and progress, challenging both conservative and progressive viewpoints."
"It's incredible to me that there are so many folks on the left in this country who believe that the right is fighting the culture War."
"It's been getting better for so long. Now, they want us to teach that white kids are oppressors and black kids are oppressed. None of it's true."
"If abortion laws have to be made by our elected representatives, women all across this country will be cruelly forced to convince their fellow citizens by using reason."
"Multiculturalism is an implausible philosophy."
"We've become a nation of one idea. There's no debate. You're not allowed to have an alternative viewpoint from that fed to us by the establishment forces wherever they are in our country."
"In traditional culture, it is two opposite elements working together in harmony to form a whole; however, this was inversed under the Chinese Communist Party."
"That is a free and moral society obliged to allow the promotion and growth of an ideology that seeks to replace it with immorality and tyranny."
"Ideas should be challenged. If you spread misinformation, it should be countered in the public sphere."
"The initial book for the IPO was very incredibly solid."
"Which is why we’ve been arguing about how to change this system since forever."
"What's the beautiful part of an obsession? Honestly, it's purpose."
"You can't take away my freedom of speech just because you're offended."
"We've moved on from the trans bathroom and we're talking about trans women in sports, partially because of Joe Rogan and the massive audience that he has consistently talking about this."
"The criminal justice debate is framed as one between compassionate supporters and people who just don't like black and brown people."
"We're going to see the overturning of abortion."
"Do you believe they should still be protected?"
"We're not playing the 'who's black' game on your terms either."
"There is a war against men, masculinity is in great decline all across the board regardless of race, nation or creed."
"When they start trying to talk about regulating information, guys, that is extremely serious."
"Are we now at the point where we believe that people throwing mile 12 cocktails at Federal buildings last year in 2020, they're mostly peaceful protesters but parents protesting radicalism in their kids' Schools, they're the domestic terrorists?"
"The overwhelming weight of political correctness, cancel culture, phenomenon is coming from the left."
"The rehabilitation of fascism is well underway... who's based and who isn't based."
"So when people are telling me that men can get pregnant, I can take that back to creation."
"The whole debate was fueled by a lot of negativity, and ordinary citizens were getting angry that while they served their time in the military, celebrities would get Exempted simply from promoting overseas."
"In the culture wars, by definition you're in a war. You're in a war on reason, on logic, on evidence-based thinking, on common sense, on reality."
"This is not the story of a character, this is a story of an empire built from the efforts of a slime turned to God."
"So perhaps the answer to today's conundrum lies somewhere in the middle ground between two points of view."
"This is frankly an attack on the First Amendment."
"How do we get 80% of America... to join a digital Town Square... and maybe once in a while change their minds?"
"If the left wants the right banned, well, if you don't, the left leaves. So what do you do?"
"America doesn't have a central side it has it has multiple people competing in ideas and Concepts and want those to refine and Define the other Concepts."
"Race is not important, and to say it is, is racist."
"Life begins at conception... it's a Slaughter in our country."
"Let's have a discussion instead of shouting at each other and being shouted down by media and the general hysteria."
"The fact that people can't have a conversation or debate the issue is insane."
"You have women arguing about wanting to stay an object of desire for men."
"Politically correct police have silenced the debate—we have to create the debate again."
"We should be able to discuss these things in a rational way without demonizing people."
"If people stabbed, would we say knives were the issue?"
"That is the world we live in, so for Stephen A. Smith to say that John Gruden shouldn't be held accountable for what he's done in the past, that's completely incorrect."
"Does the truth matter? Not to groups like Black Lives Matter."
"This is a battle of good versus evil. It's no longer a political deal."
"Equality of result means the end of freedom. You cannot have equality of result and freedom at the same time."
"So enough younger people have been told that sex is too hard to define... it's impossible to define the word woman in any proper discreet freestanding way."
"Where does this leave people in media when it comes to freedom of speech?"
"There's no wage gap, there's an earnings gap."
"It's not hateful to discuss ideas. It's not hateful to discuss differences. It's not hateful to critique your own country."
"Just let people say whatever the [ __ ] they want and let the internet figure it the [ __ ] out."
"Freedom is being used for safety to take away your freedom."
"In a free Society, you're going to hear things you disagree with. How do you deal with things you disagree with? Not by censoring speech but by more speech."
"When biological boys and men are allowed to compete in girls and women's sports and rob them of victories and use their bathrooms, that's madness."
"Your child is being taught through the lens of critical race theory, that's just a fact."
"Is truth a bad idea? I mean, that really there really is."
"When both sides are convinced they are right, how does this stop?"
"This case didn't come down to litigating whether we need more or less police in our society."
"Communism has failed but what about capitalism? That's a question for the ages."
"Nobody's replacing anyone, it's just an insane idea." - Rejecting the white replacement theory.
"Absolutely no empathy for crime victims only for those who perpetrate them."
"I don't see a single not one single justifiable reason why we as humans actually need to go down this pathway at a Breakneck Pace."
"This is an election about basically racism and socialism versus capitalism and freedom, something like that."
"If you've got people on the fringes on both sides upset then you're doing something right."
"You should see people's reactions when you challenge their narratives."
"Instead of having the argument like everyone wants to have the debate at a level of like what do we need to do...?"
"It really is no longer a question of left and right, it's a question of fear and freedom."
"The current war to accept fatness minimize the health effects of obesity minimize the real cost of drug and alcohol use and then mock discussion of testosterone it's a war on biology and on well-being itself."
"There should never be a war on experts, there should never be a war on science."
"Jays actually taking action and doing something about it, and why do we have to pick a side?"
"If you believe that some states should reopen because they're not being - you're a psycho, you're anti-science, you're [ __ ] it."
"Cops kill too many people but it's not a racial issue."
"We do ourselves a disservice if we try to stifle every contrarian voice out there."
"They're spending far more time on social justice issues, gender studies, gender equality and things of that sort rather than the basics."
"People do not have the right to tell you what you can and cannot listen to. This is a university. If we cannot have this conversation here, we can't have it anywhere." - PSU Professor Peter Bogosian
"When we stop debating over gods and what they want us to do, we can begin to do a much better job of debating the real issues."
"I'm tired of the left calling it a landmark case in one breath and claiming it's not even a ripple in the pond with the next."
"I'm for Law and Order, but I'm not for this brand of vicious, brutal authoritarian policing in our country."
"Promoting this to children who don't have a fully formed brain to make permanent, unalterable decisions about their body... that's what I'm against."
"It's not really the gotcha that so many of these right-wingers like to pretend it is."
"I'm glad to see there's a lot of pushback on things now, and it's coming from really a lot of bipartisan folks. You have parents, politicians, kids, students, you know, a lot of pushback, and I am really, really glad to see that."
"You don't treat mental disorders by enabling them and forcing other employees to change their speech."
"We let the ideas compete with each other, not the diversity of skin colors but diversity of thoughts."
"The best disinfectant of Dangerous Ideas is to let people be exposed to them."
"If it's gaslighting the kid into believing that the parents don't have a gender or the kid should believe that they don't have a gender till they grow up and take puberty blockers, for me that is child abuse."
"The hijab in all its iterations has become a symbol upon which Muslims and non-Muslims attach their opinions on religion, politics, and nationhood."
"Why don't we just decide once and for all that people deserve health care?"
"Instead of trying to figure out ways of reconciling our competing rights, saying that people have a right to go to the government to try to protect themselves from gun violence and also a right to own guns is something that has to be reconciled."
"Americans should not be targeted for talking about things even if they turn out not to be true. The way we find out if they're true is we talk about them we don't silence each other."
"For our children and for their schools, we must win this culture war."
"A lot of people are defending this child abuse on the grounds of free speech."
"We really need that public discussion much more."
"I have a right to bear arms. I have a right to freedom from search and seizure. Just because everyone's scared and wants to make everyone guilty to prove innocent does not overthrow my rights."
"I can't overstate what a huge step this was for privacy, and what a tremendous amount of good it did to kick-start a conversation about why private messaging is essential for a free society."
"Capitalism will always trump socialism and PC culture and cultural Marxism."
"There's no right, there's no wrong, there's no clear evil villain on either side of this, it's just a matter of who you agree with."
"Not this woke garbage that some are trying to replace good values with."
"Neglecting the fundamental rights parents have to raise their children is wrong."
"It's totally unworkable in that regard but the point that you're making to I wholeheartedly agree with which is it's foolish to think you can censor your way out of this."
"Men and women are biologically different. I'm gonna die on that hill."
"A will is not about you... it's about your loved ones."
"I think it varies, I think for some of them they are sincerely convinced themselves, at least, that this is a better way to fight crime..."
"The best argument for anarchism is that core argument which is what happens when there's only four of us that are gonna... which is not solved by monarchism."
"It's always been a battle against free will."
"It's not about whether you should or shouldn't, I think if you really want to build a case for like this uh argument or like line of thinking is coming from a place of maternalized misogyny go for it."
"If you want to wave a Gadsden flag and demand an end of the shutdown because it is your right to live how you see fit."
"No matter how you feel about vaccine mandates, it's true that many people are choosing to leave their jobs or being fired because they don't want to get the vaccine or they disagree with vaccine mandates."
"I actually don't accept the premise that government is a place of ineffectiveness and the private sector is full of dynamism."
"Good guys with guns are real, they like to see that stories like this as well as like."
"If you deprive a person of their right to be heard, are you still protecting the right to free speech?"
"If we know about this, then at least we're in a position to argue against it."
"We should be allowed to discuss material reality and tell the truth."
"You might not even be against masks or lockdowns. You can still be against this."
"The achievement of progress defies ideological indictment as well as justification before their tribunal."
"Medical tyranny is to me one of the most evil things out there."
"Restriction of Freedom... for the common good."
"Cancel culture has become a Republican talking point."
"Freedom is not free, and if we can't talk about our differences, can't have different opinions, I mean where does it go? It's very dangerous."
"The real issue here transcends political affiliations, it's about the core values of our nation."
"Tolerance must not come at the expense of truth."
"Freedom stops where mine begins. But the nuances of what freedom of expression really is can make or break a democracy."
"Religion is an idea and as an idea it should be eligible for criticism, discussion, and yes, mockery."
"You would think that we would be progressing quickly instead we're just arguing more."
"For the sake of living in America, we're going to be free and take this off. Yeah, it's the mandate problem."
"There's a war for reality happening right now."
"The whole gen z versus millennials argument is really stupid."
"This is a fight for the future of civilization. Free speech is the most important thing." - Elon Musk
"It's not wrong to say it should be people's choice."
"Do you guys support men having the right to have a financial abortion?"
"Especially in our society, I would disfavor any approach that tries to shut people down, right?"