
Legal Case Quotes

There are 410 quotes

"You hear the first bang, which is Mr. Ziminski's shot."
"One component of the scheme was that at the defendant's request, a lawyer who then worked for the Trump organization as special counsel to defendant lawyer, covertly paid $130,000 to an adult film actress shortly before the election to prevent her from publicizing a sexual encounter with the defendant."
"Garrett Phillips wasn't killed by someone passing through town who hates little boys; he was killed by Nick Hillary."
"The state rushed this case to indictment to appease the woke left mob."
"The lady who sued McDonald's really got seriously injured and required extensive medical treatment."
"Amber did win one of her three claims against Johnny and was awarded two million dollars."
"Elizabeth Holmes was convicted a hundred thousand years ago after she was indicted 200,000 years ago for mostly defrauding investors."
"The nature of the crime being not particularly serious and because General Flynn had been cooperative."
"Jim Garrison's case involved prosecuting a New Orleans person for his actions in New Orleans to conspire to kill Kennedy... That's usually how that comes about: conspiracy type, aiding and abetting, things of that nature."
"We got an interesting development in the case of Kyle Rittenhouse... It may not seem like that big of a deal, but I think it strikes the heart of the conservative argument."
"Even if Chauvin could identify some minor fault, any error is harmless. The evidence of Chauvin's guilt was captured on video for the world to see."
"I represented him because I believed in his case. It's an important case that involves issues of monumental importance to this country."
"Arrested: the boys found in the lecturer's house, suspected of cultism."
"Emma Tustin was charged with Arthur's murder and given a life sentence... a minimum of 29 years."
"Then when you look at the specific facts surrounding this case... she took her four-year-old innocent and helpless autistic and nonverbal child into this body of water and let her drown."
"The jury not only didn't believe Amber Heard but in ruling that she acted with actual malice."
"Nancy is guilty of murdering her husband, and it is now up to you to deliver the justice for Chef Dan Brophy and the rest of the Brophy family."
"Both Eddie Huff and Linda Ortega had the same or at least very similar stories to tell."
"What's the deal with this case? Was there something paranormal going on here?"
"This is a very big case not only do you have the fates and the fortunes of the individual defendants at play here."
"This case is being watched, discussed all across the country."
"Another shocking turn in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery."
"She's the owner of the LA pubel restaurant where Danny Masterson drugged Jane Doe three."
"Joe didn't talk to anybody about the hunter case... he has not talked to anybody about that case."
"Kyle would have been jailed, would have been likely convicted, but for the public coming to his defense."
"Thank god there was video in this case but it still doesn't give William Bryant a pass because he was able to produce the video."
"This case is about whether the Supreme Court is going to adhere to an almost 50-year precedent of respecting the individual liberty to make decisions about pregnancy."
"I think we're going to see Kyle Rittenhouse walk. I think we are going to see Kyle Rittenhouse walk. Maybe some minor charges..."
"As this would have been the conservatorship's worst nightmare, the case may have settled, but the movement did not. The public knew the truth, and the fight would continue to rage on."
"Anything's possible with this case, just when you think you have this entire story figured out, it sends you on this tangent in unknown territory."
"You do not point a gun at a man lying helpless on the ground and pull the trigger unless you intend to kill him."
"Mr. Depp is not suing Miss Heard for making statements about society in general; he is suing her for publicly naming him as an abuser, which is fundamentally personal in nature."
"Dr. Shiva exposed deep collusion between the United States government and social media companies - a backdoor portal that allows governments to censor and de-platform."
"The mountain of evidence that Mr. Depp abused Ms. Heard is simply not there."
"This trial is about so much more than Johnny Depp versus Amber Heard, it's about the freedom of speech."
"Trump is defending a white supremacist who murdered two people in cold blood."
"If the jury finds in favor of Amber Heard regarding defamation then surely they have to find in favor of JD too, her press was much more damaging."
"Words matter. This case is about Ms. Heard's words."
"Words matter and this case is about Miss Heard's words."
"What happened in the H3H3 case was that he thought he had made a video, it had critiqued or criticized really pretty heavily criticized what Matt Haas was doing in his videos."
"Ultimately, she said that the fair use went in favor overall of h3h3 because they were offering critique and commentary and not usurping the original market for the work."
"That individual had some pretty damning information and I think it'd be valuable to the case sure no problem."
"Even outside of the conclusion of the SEC Ripple case, there's anticipation for a big move to the upside."
"You want a slam dunk prosecution case that will put this guy away."
"Stephanie Lazarus was convicted of the murder of Sherry Rasmussen and was sentenced to 27 years in jail. Which, good."
"This is not even a case about whether or not Johnny is abusive, it's how big a victim he was."
"The evidence in this case is going to show that Dr. Amy Harwick was murdered by defendant Garrett."
"Chauvin's reaction to his sentence was stoic, he removed his mask and spoke briefly offering condolences to the Floyd family but did not express remorse for his actions."
"Why do you believe Julius Jones is innocent? You know when I was first presented with this case, I was skeptical."
"It was discovered that Lori and Chad believed that they had extraordinary abilities..."
"I think if they did not have that particular photograph, then it would have been a disputed fact as to where that gun was, was it even in his hand pointed at Kyle?"
"If you're in the camp of believing Adnan's innocent you have two witnesses who say we heard Hay say I'm not giving you a ride home."
"This is a white person who shot three other white people who were attacking him."
"The Supreme Court heard arguments in the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health Organization case, potentially overturning Roe v. Wade."
"The only thing they had was the deceased's DNA in the trunk of the defendant's car."
"Donald Trump was found liable for rape by a federal jury and Donald Trump is now tormenting his rape victim and further defaming her each and every day."
"How do you out of a case about whether or not this lady was shot in the foot by this person walk away from that case and be like yeah Meg is a bad friend."
"I do not ask you to convict him because truth or right or decency matters nothing to him, but because we have proven our case, and it matters to you."
"That's why again voting in 2024 ensuring that you're properly registered and so will your neighbors and your family members."
"Big news in special counsel Jack Smith's criminal case against Trump."
"FDA settles Ivermectin case, agrees to remove controversial social media posts."
"When they say you'll be happy, what they mean is you'll be enslaved."
"A virginia jury's decision to side with johnny depp in his defamation lawsuit is drawing both condemnation and praise."
"Let's wait and see what happens with the US case." - John Campion
"No charges were brought against anyone in Jimmy Hoffa’s disappearance, which brings us to the question that kept the mystery alive for 40 years, where is Jimmy Hoffa?"
"People like Paul Manafort, even with Donald Trump supporters on the jury, was found guilty."
"Chauvin killed George. Not only did he kill George, but he also displayed a total lack of consideration for human life as he did so."
"The impact that this case has had on this community is profound. It goes far beyond what happened on May 25th of last year."
"The state has nothing, and they know it, and the media knows it."
"We're all fairly optimistic. We look at what happened with Kyle Rittenhouse. Justice was served. Kyle should not have been on trial in the first place."
"This case is a unicorn... it's its own thing that has has really never been seen before and hopefully we all you know pray we will not see again."
"What they were about as this judge made clear is that Paul Manafort ran a ten-year fraud."
"James A. Garfield - The fact remained that the President was dead and Guiteau had shot him, which turned a 1st degree murder case to a Capital crime case."
"New evidence threatens to undo the entire case and set Steve Crum free."
"After a 3-month trial, the predominantly white jury acquitted the officers, inflaming citizens and sparking the violent infamous 1992 Los Angeles Riots."
"The only person that should be remembered from this case is Hope."
"Little did I know how radically this half-baked idea was going to change my perception of this case."
"Nick Sandman's victory in suing a group of left media outlets has really encouraged Kyle Rittenhouse."
"This is yet another frightening case that reminds us how fragile freedom is."
"I want to challenge anyone who says this is not an incredibly serious case and that this case that's going forward starting next week is one of the most important cases of our lifetime."
"The case gained him notoriety in 2005, and he was heavily covered in the British media."
"If they bring this case, I believe this will catapult him into the White House."
"The verdict for the 22 year old American handed down earlier this evening and we're told she was sobbing while the decision was being announced."
"The facts of the case and the facts are that the coroner just said in the press conference this afternoon that Gabby Petito at 22 years old died of strangulation."
"He shot at people that shot at him first and attacked him."
"Darren Lopez has been charged with the murder of Jamie James Faith."
"Charles Moses Jr was finally in police custody."
"There's absolutely no case here. It's an open and shut textbook example of self-defense."
"A Darwin jury found Bradley John Murdoch is the outback killer."
"Stay out of the Bagwell case or you and your family will face the wrath of God."
"A victim in this case, Jussie deserves dignity and respect."
"Natavia was found guilty for the second-degree murder of Linda Stein and sentenced to 27 years in prison."
"Len Davis was sentenced to death for his role in Kim Grove's murder."
"Time is sadly running out...justice for Julius Jones."
"He's on death row right now for a crime he did not commit."
"As of right now Rex Huerman has been charged in the deaths of Megan Waterman, Melissa Barthelemy, and Amber Lynn Costello."
"Jussie Smollett was charged with filing a false police report, arrested, and the whole world learned the attack was faked."
"In a stunning move, court overturns Michelle Ludzinski's murder conviction, setting stage for her release."
"This is Alex Murdaugh at 4147 Moselle Road. I need the police and an ambulance immediately."
"That's right, several sources tell our sister station that the former South Carolina attorney is expected to be indicted for their murders this week."
"I hope that this post office case goes against Amazon because I don't think they should get a subsidy on every package they send from the United States."
"There's a lot at stake, there's a lot to be focusing on, I think in terms of courtroom decorum, courtroom behavior because it's such a... creative which really means weak case..."
"This is not a First Amendment case. Of course she should have been charged."
"Ripple's lawsuit will end ultimately favorably for Ripple and XRP."
"A case of great consequence and a case that's never happened before." - Cyrus Vance
"No one else lied to their friends, to their family, to investigators. No one else benefited from the death of Kaylee Marie Anthony."
"Was Kenny Richey responsible for the death of Cynthia Collins? And if so, does his punishment fit the crime?"
"It was very clearly a self-defense case and he was being railroaded."
"There is so much misinformation surrounding this case."
"New York Times v. Sullivan is a watershed first amendment case."
"Whatever the truth about Kathleen Peterson's death, the staircase succeeded in turning a family tragedy into a public inquiry."
"Louise Woodward guilty of second-degree murder."
"The Department of Justice certainly would have a case."
"This case is literally the epitome of what this channel stands for."
"Mackenzie Shirella murdered my son Dominic as well as Davion."
"Am's suicide planning shows how insanely far he is willing to go."
"This lawsuit, 75 pages of just shocking allegations, many legal experts say the accusations are very similar to those of Jeffrey Epstein's case."
"He probably learned a lot from the Kaye Jean Turner case."
"This is not a case about Meg versus Tori, it's about Reasonable Doubt."
"After nine days of deliberation, they finally came back with a verdict. Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of rape and sexual assault."
"This has the potential to be a groundbreaking case, especially with U.S lawmakers right now actively going after the big four tech companies for antitrust concerns."
"Gloria Schmidt, attorney for the Osundairo brothers, laughed out loud at the continued lies by Jesse Smollett and his attorneys."
"The prosecution team will argue that Chris Sutton was motivated to kill his parents because of a toxic mixture of greed and resentment."
"An arrest was finally made in the Aton Pates case."
"Thankfully, Leilani is finally charged with the murder."
"This case came down to, did Rittenhouse have the right to defend himself by taking the lives of two others?"
"The prosecution contended Alexander shot his family after his father told him to get a job or move out of the house."
"The only reason they're not alive today is because both of them attacked Kyle Rittenhouse."
"There is no way to oversell how disturbing this case and this crime is."
"That storm would finally begin on August 10, 2022, when Courtney was arrested on charges of second-degree murder."
"The judge repeatedly warned Akilah Hughes that the use that Sargon of Akkad was quintessential fair use."
"She realized that this case was gonna be way bigger than they originally imagined."
"This case comes down to one simple question: Did Nicole Bell intentionally shoot and kill Henry King? If the answer is yes, you must convict."
"The case got dropped because the judge said this is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in my life."
"Celebrity chef Mario Batali, the verdict in his sexual misconduct trial."
"I'm not a betting man but honestly I don't think I need the tarot cards to tell me how this case is gonna go."
"A federal jury convicts three former police officers for violating the civil rights of George Floyd."
"This case is really sad. It's unfortunate. Rodney Reed, we stand with you."
"Now, I don't use the word evil very often, but this indictment describes the pure evil of the scheme that Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein had."
"According to ABC News, Brandenburg faced a maximum penalty of 10 years of imprisonment at $250,000 in fines for each felony count. Prosecutors asked for a sentence of three years and five months, and they got pretty much what they asked for."
"A seven-count indictment I think is a very serious one but it shows the Special Counsel's office is uncovering the evidence that it needs."
"By filing this lawsuit, Mr. Vyas becomes the first person to finally expose Wells Fargo's fraud victim account closure scandal to the public."
"This case is not a whodunit. This is not about what happened. Nate Holden is the one who is responsible for the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor."
"Larry Race: What happened that night was an accident. I didn't kill Debbie."
"This is a good tip but the case is far from over."
"Harris's sexting history seems damning but may not indicate guilt."
"Mueller had a tight case against Flynn to begin with. According to this judge today, it got even tighter thanks to Mike Flynn."
"I just believe that there was evidence to prove that he was involved in the conspiracy to kill my father."
"The case against Robert Farquharson charged with murdering his three children in September 2005 was building. Police alleged he had deliberately driven his car into a dam and his sons had drowned."
"My name is Adrian, and today we're looking at the case of Jose Almonte Extrada."
"Like I said, it's a very frustrating case, but it is one that really needs attention."
"Michael's false confession did have a tremendous effect on her case. It kickstarted the investigation because the police realized that Alyssa probably had not run away."
"Thank you, E. Jean Carroll, we are standing with you today."
"Kyle Rittenhouse is lauded because he fled first... defended himself... and then immediately tried to get the police."
"This is a landmark case in the video game industry."
"I really feel like this is just like a case for the ages a case for the books."
"Yesterday was huge in the ripple versus sec case. I mean it was huge."
"The treatment of women in this whole case is disgusting."
"He shot Joseph Rosenbaum, a convicted child rapist, who was attacking him."
"Prosecutors eventually arrested her husband Barry Morphe, charged him with murder."
"The court ruled that a high school football coach had a constitutional right to pray at the 50-yard line after his team's games."
"A general court martial was convened for Hector Coleman on August 18, 1999. He was found guilty of the robbery and murder of Stephen November. He was sentenced to life without parole in a federal prison."
"The magnitude of Destruction and harm the defendants incited is astonishing."
"Why would Fox, if you suspect they have such an airtight case here and a First Amendment case too airtight strong yes but you know a very good case here um why would they be in talks to settle?"
"I didn't pull the trigger, you never pull the triggers." - Alec Baldwin
"It takes very little to press the trigger." - Alec Baldwin
"She should have been taken off the Trump conspiracy case already."
"If we can get to the document, it matches exactly what happened in the Jack Smith case."
"The voices are getting louder. This is going to be quite a case."
"If you just read through the first eight pages of the Department of Justice report you would know that the wound on Michael Brown's hand could have only come from him reaching for Officer Darren Wilson's gun while he was in the police vehicle."
"Facts matter and if you look at the facts of this case..."
"Fast forward to 2024 and Scott's making waves again, but with a twist - this time, there's talk of innocence. Strap in, we're diving back into the whirlwind."
"Quinton simultaneously to the Jessica Chambers case as I mentioned earlier was actually facing charges for a different murder."
"He said that um Florida this case arises out of Florida's latest assault on the right to vote"
"John Collins was arrested in charge of the murder of his father."
"He's convicted and it's interesting because... her family they say of course we want to know... but more importantly we need to make sure that he spends the rest of his life in prison."
"During the trial of Elizabeth Holmes, prosecutors showed a presentation that she had made to the board of directors saying that 10 of the 15 largest pharmaceutical companies in the world had validated the Theranos results. This was a lie."
"Well that's a pretty good case for double homicide."
"The main headline is that Donald Trump is going to win this case."
"Cooper died because Ross left him in the vehicle."
"I know that it's not Financial advice from him, me or anyone else and I don't know but what I do know is that this case is about to have a ruling any day now."
"It's a lot of sketchy stuff going down in this Ariana Taylor case."
"One of the most brazen murder/assisted suicides I've ever seen."
"There's a major lawsuit that your listeners might be and that you should be really interested in it's the students for fair admissions versus Harvard lawsuit."
"This case is certainly disturbing, the video shocks the conscience of anyone."
"Charles Chase Merritt was convicted of killing the entire family."
"The Integrity of this case, and so that Justice is served."
"They arrested Chris. He admitted to everything."
"The jury said he was killed by Derek Shelden that legally is the distinction here that's why he was convicted."
"Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted. Innocent. Whatever you want to call it, Kyle Rittenhouse is a free man for defending himself."
"It's easy to believe that young black men who testified in a case against a white cop, that something happened to him because he was black."
"The conviction of Ms. Magbanua, Charles Adelson's former girlfriend, was based on evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that she was the critical connection between the trigger man who gunned down Dan in his own garage."
"But just that piece alone is damning for the Amber Heard case, damning! It shows that she is full on lying."
"They admitted that your case is a case of election fraud."
"This case has proved me wrong and I am stunned."
"All that remains in Monroe's case can be contained in one file."
"This is shaping up to be one of the most bizarre celebrity trials of the century."
"He literally killed both of them. Kyler Yust was charged with the deaths of Jessica Runions and Cara Kopetsky."
"Scary Terry... He lies and contradictions that he tells basically bury the case."
"People from both sides criticize me because a lot of people are not looking at the facts of the case emotionally."