
Life Protection Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Row versus Wade is the enabling of killing babies; overturning it is to stop the enabling of killing babies and to save lives."
"I believe all human life is worthy of the protection of our laws."
"I do it because I want the black community to be better"
"She's one of many Democrats, in fact every Democratic presidential candidate, to vote against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act."
"Unborn babies are human beings, and they should be protected as any human being would."
"If you say that [human life] is not worth protecting, you're going to have to explain why certain types of human life are not worth protecting." - Ben Shapiro
"Protecting lives is far more important than money."
"Once you say you can protect some lives then the argument - why don't we just protect them all if they're human lives to begin with is a very strong one."
"Our job is to make sure that we are protecting lives."
"God's law demands that you protect and preserve human life."
"Government's main job is to protect life, not actively take it."
"If you don't have an answer, you can err on the side of not ending a life."
"Defending life in the womb is not a demonic agenda."
"I urge people to get security themselves, not just for assets, but to protect their life."
"Human life matters and so we do all kinds of things... to protect human life... and the dignity of human life."
"The solution can never be to kill somebody who's innocent."
"We are fighting for the lives of the unborn."
"Protecting one life is very, very important."
"Don't be persuaded by emotionalism, put policies that protect lives."
"The only moral goal and activity of government is to protect natural rights; the greatest natural right is the right to live."
"The government has a moral obligation to protect innocent life when confronted with the question of someone intervening to end that life."
"The first mission of the Church is to protect human life because it is given by God."
"There is no single issue that threatens innocent human life more directly, consistently, imminently, and urgently than the deliberate killing of baby boys and baby girls in their mother's womb."
"It's never a terrible thing to protect innocent life."
"There has to be some Universal morality there that says no we we have to protect these lives."
"Our position begins with protecting the unborn but it doesn't end there."
"Respect is protection, it's protection, okay? Sometimes the universe is protecting you from the unknown so we have to embrace rejection. Embrace when somebody tells you no because the universe just looked out for you."
"Stay informed stay focused and save our life."
"The purpose of government in America is to protect life, then Liberty."
"Protecting and saving innocent lives has to be a priority."
"If the protection of life is the preeminent duty that every government owes to its citizens, then the number of those who died is an important, if not the most important, marker against which your administration must be measured."
"My job was to protect human life and that is the number one duty of government."
"There's no atmosphere in space to shield us from the high-energy protons and other cosmic rays that would otherwise well destroy life."
"The one who guides his mouth protects his life; the one who opens his lips invites his own ruin."
"The most important thing that we look for is the protection of life."
"Your seatbelt could actually end up saving your life."
"We differ in data as well as in our hearts because we do want to protect innocent lives."
"That really is the goal of self-defense laws, it's avoidance, de-escalation, protecting life, not taking life."
"I'm the Hokage, so I'm going to save the life of my people."
"The fear of Jehovah is a well of life, to turn away from the snares of death."
"Do that daily inspection; it only takes 15 minutes, you could be saving a life, maybe yours."
"Ecofeminism decolonizes the violent process of a war against life itself and the war against women and war against the future by removing the false assumptions of superiority and separation."
"I want to protect life, I want to help people improve their lives, I want to strengthen families, I want strong communities, more people working."
"Your Durable Power of Attorney is the most important legal document you can have."
"Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception; abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes."
"The purpose of government is to secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life."
"The protection of life is the preeminent duty that every government owes to its citizens."
"The goal of a doctor is to alleviate suffering and to protect life; those two things together, not separate, those aren't mutually exclusive."