
Presidential Accountability Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Former president Trump's stance would collapse our system of separated powers by placing the president beyond the reach of all three branches."
"The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing."
"The authors of the 14th Amendment knew that no one in the United States is above the law, not even the president."
"The impeachment judgment Clause does not support the argument that the only way to pursue criminal charges against a president, or former president, is through the impeachment process."
"The text of the constitution makes clear there is no January exception to the impeachment power, that presidents can't commit grave offenses in their final days and escape any congressional response. That's not how our constitution works."
"We should never want our president to go to prison unless the facts demonstrate and a court demonstrates and the judicial system demonstrates that he or she has violated the law."
"The president must be held accountable. No one is above the law."
"No one's above the law. It's settled, the president has no immunity and is subject to the laws for purely private acts."
"You cannot let the president be above the law."
"If these allegations are true, can the President be impeached?"
"There's no such thing as criminal immunity for a former president."
"To authorize the indictment of President Biden after he leaves office for mismanaging the border would be a shocking ruling."
"The frightening future he alleges for presidents seldom or ever prosecuted because they have to be impeached and convicted first is the one we have lived under. That is not a frightening future."
"I don't believe presidents are above the law."
"We have never had a situation where a president left office and then was charged with crimes he committed while being president."
"That choice is now an obligation of our office... We can stand up to this president in defense of the country and the Constitution and the Liberty we love."
"Out now the CIA and everybody's coming out and saying no no no no we warned him we told him this would happen he didn't listen."
"Judge Meta's ruling was a sweeping and systemic rebuke of the President's claims that he is above the law and not susceptible to congressional oversight."
"The president may be disciplined principally by impeachment not by private lawsuit but he's otherwise subject to the laws for his purely private acts."
"The office of the presidency does not place its former occupants above the law."
"Impeachment is a separate process from electoral processes. It's a way to weigh a president's fitness for office and whether or not he's committed high crimes and misdemeanors."
"A president may be impeached tried and upon conviction afterwards be liable to prosecution and Punishment in the ordinary course of the law."
"Impeachment, not criminal prosecution, is the principal check against the president."
"The committee believes that more than sufficient evidence exists for a criminal referral of former president Trump."
"The proper remedy against the President for official malfeasance is the threat of impeachment, not criminal prosecution."
"The president may be prosecuted for his private conduct, but in his public character, he must be first subject to impeachment."
"It is for this reason precisely that we have to take action when a president is openly violating the oath he took to the Constitution."
"It cannot be the case that a president of the United States can attempt to overturn an election and seize power."
"The president is at heart a citizen, and when he or she is a citizen, they are not immune from responding to the law as any other citizen would be."
"The president of the United States would be liable to be impeached tried and upon conviction of high crimes or misdemeanors removed from office and would afterwards be liable to prosecution and Punishment in the ordinary Court of the law."
"I can think of a couple times in my life in which presidents admitted they made mistakes and America even rallied around him."
"For the first time in our nation's history, a grand jury has charged a former president with committing crimes while in office."
"Never before have we seen a former president charged criminally at the federal level with trying to overturn an election."
"We are not looking for special treatment for President Trump. We are recognizing there is a context here where no president has been responsive."
"It would send the message that a sitting United States President is not above the law."
"For a president who has gotten away with so much, E. Jean Carroll is someone who's not going to back down."
"No one, not even the President, is above the law."
"Impeachment may be the way not only to target a corrupt president, but to actually ensure we're not redefining the presidency."
"We can tell the American people whether this president is acting outside of the rule of law and assure the American people we would make sure he'd be held accountable."
"A sitting president stood by and did nothing, fell down on the job, failed."
"No person is above the law, not even the president of the United States."
"No one in the country, including the President of the United States, is above the law."
"No one should be above the law... especially a president."
"You can only prosecute a former president for official acts if he's first impeached and convicted."
"The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress."
"The rule of law applies even to the President of the United States."
"And if they're holding the Constitution over the president's head, that will tell you how low this administration and this president has gone."
"No man is above the law, including the President of the United States."
"The president is not above the law, the president is not a king."
"There is none and never will be presidential immunity for criminal conduct that's committed by a person who occupies the Oval Office."
"The president is not above the law; Congress sets the criminal law, the president has to follow the criminal law."
"It's a fundamental precept of our constitutional order that a president isn't above the law."
"Presidents are not immune from being accountable."