
Non-political Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"The redemption of the world is not political; it happens at the level of the individual."
"Popularity is not political; it is in the work they do."
"These are not political issues; these are common sense efforts to keep our children safe, keep our country safe."
"This is a cultural phenomenon; it's not politics."
"It really is not political. It is just an up by the bootstrap story."
"It's not leftist to work out, it's just a good thing. Not everything you do is supposed to be for revolutionary purpose."
"You don't have to be in politics before you can make a difference."
"Being anti-bullying is almost a non-political position."
"For me, it's not even political ambition that brings me into this."
"The revolution is cultural, it's not... it's not politics."
"Life is sure don't this is more important than any election."
"God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, and he's not talking about political power..."
"I just want to make educational books for kids. I want to make products that families can use that aren't political."
"There's nothing political about the scientific facts."
"Love your life, treat your life good, don't let politics ruin your life."
"This judgment is not political, it's about protecting vulnerable children."
"I don't want to make overtly political merchandise, it should be fun cultural stuff."
"Please wear a mask. Not wearing a mask is not making the political statement."
"Health care is not politics and it shouldn't be about politics."
"This is not about politics. This is how a life can change because COVID. It can dominate you."
"For 4 million individuals living in America, this wasn't about political intrigue or party alignment. It was about the basic human right to be free."
"Trust the science is not a political strategy, it is a belief."
"This is not political to wear a mask. It is about being safe."
"Treating people with respect is not political; it's just what you should be doing."
"Everything we're seeing now is spiritual in nature, not political."
"It is not a political problem, it's a spiritual problem."
"We run a business, we don't run a political organization."
"Wearing a mask is not a political thing, it's just common sense."
"So I support the projects that are interesting to me and there's nothing political about the Salvador Dali movie."
"This is a battle of good versus evil. It's no longer a political deal."
"Vaccines aren't political. No, you should be vaccinated." - Michael Jones
"Wearing a mask is not a political statement, it's efficacious."
"Not everything has to make a political statement."
"Climate change is not a political issue; it's just what's happening to our environment."
"There are not political solutions to spiritual problems."
"Don't be complacent. Simple thing to wear a mask. It's not a political statement. It's a health statement."
"Criminal justice reform was really not about politics."
"Life is more than politics. Life is more than power."
"Helping children is not a political goal, it is our moral imperative."
"If you come to my church you won't hear any politics you will hear exeresis on the gospel which is what you should hear in a church."
"Could it be that guys want to give attractive women money and they don't care about her politics? Yes."
"It's just a mask that you should put on your face and has nothing to do with politics."
"She really wasn't about politics as much as she was about her boss and a certain fairness."
"Their marriage was absolute, without any political interference."
"The right to life should not be a political debate."
"I've never been political, I have no political convictions. I'm an individualist and I believe in Liberty."
"I'm not going to get political, but it was very impressive and very moving."
"I am not a politician; I seek no political office. Therefore, I don't care for a friend if that friend is not a friend of truth."
"I'm just trying to humanize our system and it doesn't have to be political."
"It's not political, it's just... general concern about where we are and what we're doing."
"I'm not here for a political reason; I'm just here having some scrappy fun and sharing deals and things that I enjoy."
"Politics and music, at least for us, don't mix, it separates people, we want to bring people together."
"Music is music to me; I don't try to put anything political or anything else with it."
"That's perfect; I'm glad you're not in politics."
"I don't think when you're telling stories and attempting to be a good citizen of the world, that that's political."
"We just want comics to be about comics and not be about politics all the time."
"I'm not talking about politics, I'm just talking about life."
"Americans who want their nest egg financially secure, but secure from politics as well."
"It's a show designed to entertain and offer positivity without involving politics."
"Music is powerful; music can do certain things that politicians can't do."
"Livy was the only Roman historian who was not a politician, although his work did include some political commentary."
"How can we communicate our environmental concerns in a way that is not political to those who may perceive it as such?"
"The most influential human being in history never led an army, held political office, never did any of the things that we would consider today to be great."
"The university as a corporate body does not have anything to say about politics because universities should not be political institutions."
"My position is not a political position."
"It's not about politics, it's about humanity."
"The Armistice was thought to be a military measure, not a political one."
"I am a religious man and not a political man."
"This is not about politics; this is about protecting the health and safety and security of the United States of America and the American people."
"...I'm going to do whatever I can to help. I'm certainly not someone who has some kind of deep-seated desire for political office."
"Scholarship, service, and a focus on the social rather than the political."
"It goes to show how comedies can be really funny these days without having to reference Trump and partisan politics whatsoever."
"The objective of the Combi Life channel is not political; we aim to share our discoveries, whatever they might be, about the world and life as full-time nomads."
"Solidarity for humanity, not politics."
"It's not about politics, Richie, it's about love."
"We like to think we're a nice little oasis, a little corner of the internet where you can go learn about hibernation and not talk about politics."
"We have to live our lives, we have to leave our politics, we have to live as free people who want to operate with others."
"Thank you, Tom Cruise, for making entertainment that is woke-free."
"They believed in winning through culture, not through politics."
"I don't play politics; it's not what I do."
"It's the music, it's not about politics."
"We decided together that we're going to look at this not through a political lens; we're going to look at it through a public health lens."
"It's meaningful to have a figurehead that's not a political figure but is yet a unifying figure."
"It doesn't have to be political; it can just be fun, it can just help people be positive."
"Let's just enjoy it and not get political."
"We're not here to dive into politics... our intent is to cover the marketing impact, the PR impact."
"They kept their heads down, they worked hard, they weren't exactly sure about all the things going around, but they knew they didn't have extra time to go make politics and make discussion—they had work to do."
"I'm in this to actually solve problems; I'm not in this because I'm not running for mayor."
"If you like sports without the politics, you'll love our channel."
"Luckily we are guided by our counsel and not by politics."
"We got a whole different formula in our mind, and it's not even to be political; it's to be from a whole creative standpoint."
"Can't we just celebrate a good thing regardless of politics?"
"Their friendship has nothing to do with politics – they’re happy to help each other simply because they’re friends."
"There are things in life that are meaningful that are not related to politics."
"This ain't CNN, what we doing? We ain't got to be political here."
"The psychology of individuation has nothing to do with politics because it deals with the ultimate values."
"We cannot reduce the harm and pain caused families and the whole country by turning this matter into a political media circus."
"Every show has to be political, every show has to be about some agenda... This is the only show where I could sit back and relax and have fun."
"Launching this campaign from his heart rather than for any political reasons."
"We cannot become numb to this; this is not a political issue, these are human lives that were lost."
"Asking for peace is not political; it's humanitarian."
"The mask thing is not political, it's medical."
"We're over all of it. People are moving on to entertainment that doesn't call them names; it just entertains."
"It's either it's right or what's wrong, bruv. Do you agree with equality or not? It's not political."
"Focus on government and focus on policy, and keep politics out of it."