
Public Sector Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Governing the public sector wrongly is reactive, too little too late, because you're fixing failures versus proactively shaping an economy."
"We're in this together, all of government, the public, and the private sector."
"There is no economic law that says only the private sector and the market can respond to people's needs. The inequality within Western countries cannot last for much longer."
"Public sector unions should be illegal. It should not be legal for people to strike against the taxpayer."
"The federal government should spend money on the things that it needs to keep the economy up."
"The state is going to be the major employer but we're going to make sure that everyone has the basics."
"We have to harness the goodness and the decency for political purposes because what we did in the nonprofit sector can be done in the public sector."
"Governments don't know how to make money; they're not designed to make money."
"They probably would benefit from effective communicators that could bridge the gap between the private and public sector."
"Unless we have a dynamic, capable, ambitious, and well-resourced public sector, it's very hard to get the kind of dynamic public-private partnerships that are ambitious and really focus on public goals." - Mariana Mazzucato
"There was real leadership on the top, but it's not like it was just the public sector. There's huge amounts of private initiative." - Mariana Mazzucato
"When you build the public good sector, you improve public schools, create public transportation, build a public health system, and provide universally free higher education."
"We have to address the structural issue that is public education."
"Public sector could build more homes to address the housing crisis."
"Social housing has become a major priority not building houses for private ownership but rather building houses which will be kept in the public sector and rented out at affordable rates."
"Privatization has absolutely demonstrated itself a complete failure."
"The public sector needs a balance of young and bright students."
"But what I really want to talk to you about, is the other side of the financial markets, which is the public sector side, and I want to share with you my own experience in the public sector."
"The public sector should step in and build public housing."
"Public sector deficits are private sector surpluses."
"On the other side what you've got is the public sector has been spending furiously I mean this is big big government spending big government and big spending and that is what's keeping the US economy float."
"It is important over the long term to make sure that the private sector is growing faster than the public sector."
"I wished I had more experience working in the public sector and the social sector."
"We have a better chance of solving an issue if the private and public sector work together and collaborate."
"We are all going to have to raise more resources domestically in the public sector."
"Government must intervene just as we did with furlough. The state must step in when the private sector won't."
"The public sector is funded by the government through taxation which is collected from individuals and corporate. Public sector buyers are subject to a high level of accountability because the public sector is funded by the people it serves."
"It shows that the public sector is ripe for being a pioneer of shorter work weeks."
"This is really that public-private partnership that you see going on."
"Public organizations are not established to make profit, but they are established to render service."
"We haven't had that same kind of re-think within public institutions. I think Obama once had a really good quote, he said that the last time we rethought government was in the age of black and white TV."
"We as government and the private sector will need to co-invest."
"We should have equal types of 'be hungry, be foolish, think out of the box' for public institutions."
"What New York City Hall did with its predictive data, what many private and public sector institutions are doing with predictive data in terms of mashing up different data sources, can be incredible."
"To change Africa, the private sector alone cannot do it; we need public sector partners and we need capacity in the public sector."
"We have the smallest percentage of these new jobs in the public sector and the highest percentage in the private sector in the United States since the 1920s."
"Without a vision in the public sector, we wouldn't have the internet, GPS, Siri, or touchscreen displays."
"The public sector is generally subject to tighter budgetary constraints than a private business."
"We've got to have a public sector, a government that is accountable to the people."
"If you feel like you have a kind of community spirit, you want to serve, you want to give back, you want to do something helpful, come and work for the public sector."
"Public-private partnerships are essential in this area."
"We no longer have a public purpose - and kind of a directionality to what the public sector is doing."
"A Triumph of function over features, a Triumph of patriotism and Ingenuity in the public sector over the money in avarice of the military-industrial complex."
"Policy is a function of government."
"The public sector's main objective is to look out for the welfare of the citizens."
"Jeremy Hunt is right to begin a conversation about public sector productivity."
"Public hospitals lack funding, unfortunately."
"Affordable housing a public responsibility that is best met by an effective public housing sector."
"I've worked in kind of like public sector NGO space for the last couple of years doing UN facing advocacy."