
Biblical Truth Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"The world is actually catching up to what the Bible has been saying all along."
"Let us be committed to the truth of the Scriptures and have some humility."
"We believe that the Bible is true and specifically that our interpretation of the Bible is true."
"Faith is believing what God says in his word rather than what you see or feel or experience."
"The number one biggest reason why I believe the Bible's true is Jesus believed it was true."
"The Word has power. The Word of God is what sets our spiritual boundaries."
"The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of God abides forever."
"If you were to open the Bible you will see that everything that was told it fulfills."
"We must arm ourselves with revelation knowledge and the truth of God's word."
"The only truth is in the Bible... if you actually read your Bible, you will understand the truth."
"Give us great strength and boldness to stand upon such truth and do it with such joy because you are our Lord."
"You're going to find out folks the Bible's truth they'll find it out they'll find it out the hard way..."
"Every part of the Bible is true, properly understood."
"Oh Lord how thankful we are for the truth of your word."
"We need a line of truth that we can literally stand on and that is the word of god."
"Your word is forever settled in the heavens."
"Take a Latin, because if you know Latin, an inflected language, so my Greek teacher said then you can understand Greek."
"The narrative of ancient history is a lie; the Bible is the truth."
"The prophets have spoken, and the Bible tells us that none of their prophecies will fail."
"God has said everything in his word. Jesus Christ."
"The word of God is true, it's always going to be true."
"The word of God will never go and come back void. It will always accomplish the purpose for which it was sent forth and it's accomplishing it over your life in the name of Jesus."
"The Bible is 100 truth. It's given us historical truth, philosophical truth, you know, truth for living."
"The most high y'all not a man that he shall lie."
"God, by his Sovereign Mercy, will continue to give us Grace to grow in the truth of his word."
"We need another Reformation in the church, a return to the truth of Genesis 1 to 11."
"The Bible's proven to be true...the critics were wrong." - Rick
"You win the battle of your mind by filling your mind with the truth of God's word."
"My faith comes from the fact that your word is true and everlasting."
"If any man is in Christ, they are a new creation."
"I can see it with my own eyes, that what it says in the Bible is true."
"Psalms 91 is still true through this whole last year."
"You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." - Jesus
"There's only one truth and that is the Bible."
"Jesus summarized the entirety of God's word with one word in John chapter 17: 'Thy word is truth.'"
"Everything that's in the Word of God is not a lollipop."
"God's Word takes it a step further; it makes it a reality."
"True Christians build lives of obedience, built on the rock of biblical truth."
"We are calling people back to the truths of the Bible that have been lost."
"Compromising biblical truth in the process is not the way to go."
"Open doors are a Biblical truth, not just a concept."
"But even greater challenges threatened biblical truth. The Beast that ascended from the bottomless pit made war against the holy scriptures, making war against the holy scriptures."
"Hold it in tension hold truth in tension because the Bible gives you that balance."
"If we are to revive Christianity, we need to stop running away the second liberals gain some power. We need to stay and stand for biblical truth even if we're going to suffer for it."
"Jesus died for his people, Jesus died for his friends, Jesus died for his sheep, Jesus died for his brother... Jesus dying for his own is one of the hardest biblical realities to swallow in the scriptures yet it's truth."
"It is crucial that worship songs are rooted in biblical truth."
"...to preach the truth and the truth that means biblical truth and it means all that the Bible has to say in the proper proportion and context to which the Bible addresses."
"Absolute certainty of biblical truth lies in the fact that God said it."
"We want to defend biblical truth and make clear what the gospel is."
"Only the word of God can set you free."
"The Bible knew always that Darwin was wrong, and now science knows that."
"How important it is in these last days to have your life anchored in the eternal truth of God's inerrant word."
"The cults that hold onto the Bible, they say, 'No, no, the Bible is true.' Even Catholicism, they say, 'We are the only ones that can interpret it.' That's when they actually put themselves up to be a higher authority than Scripture."
"But the Bible tells us that God's word never changes, that he's the same yesterday, today, and forever."
"The word of God is infalible, it's going to be kept, it's going to be followed, it's going to be honored, it's going to be ultimately fulfilled."
"You're not known by how powerful you are in bed, you're known by the truth of what the word of God is."
"We may have the witness in ourselves that the Bible is true, that Christ is the Son of God."
"The best explanation for parts of the Bible being true is that all of the Bible is true."
"When I really read and believe what I read over what I was told, and see that that was error and the word of God is true, and now begin to apply this information that was always there, then I saw changes."
"I would never want my kids to believe that about themselves, I'd want them to believe what the Bible says about them, which is, you're a child of God."
"You pick up the Bible and you start applying God's truth to your life, and your life will change. Period. Your life will change."
"This Bible is not our truth, it's God's truth."
"The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God; everything that it says is true."
"Salvation is still by faith based on the Word of God."
"Middle knowledge redounds to the glory of God and illuminates biblical truth in a dazzling way."
"To ground ourselves in the truths that will actually set us free, we have to look to the Scripture."
"Really, an illustration is a window to help you see a Bible truth more clearly."
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
"The truth that's in the Bible, we have to stick with the foundation of the Word of God, and that is the foundation of heaven."
"There is just one answer, found within the word of God."
"Sanctify us through thy truth; thy Word is truth."
"The truth of the Bible is something you need to know."
"Revival is the result of people being exposed to the truth of God's word."
"Tell them what the Bible says is true about them more than you tell them what you can physically see."
"Let the words... coming out of your mouth remind your child of what is true."
"Read the word of God; it's always true, never lies."
"The language is simple and without metaphors, the truth of the Scriptures is rendered in images."
"The Bible is the infallible Word of my God, Whatever it says he will do, he will do."
"The Bible's testimony: if it can be shaken, it will be shaken; if it can't be shaken, it will remain. What will remain? Jesus, Jesus in you by grace."
"God's word is the foundation of all truth."
"God's Word will not fall to the ground."
"Bible is real, and sometimes we can't handle realness."
"Every truth in God's word is balanced by an apparent opposite contradictory truth."
"Amazing Facts is a Christian media ministry... sharing some amazing fact from nature, history, science, and then segue into some biblical truth."
"What says the Bible, the blessed Bible? This my only question be; the teachings of men so often mislead us, what says the Word of God to me?"
"God's Word is true; he's bringing them back from every nation under heaven."
"Now all things are of God, meaning everything that is true about you is what God's Word says and only that is true about you."
"The Bible is right now, has been right since the day God gave it, and will be right forever."
"People need biblical truth and Bible prophecy to help them contextualize the things that are happening in the world."
"I believe the Bible is the truth of God's Word."
"Consecrate them in truth; your word is truth."
"Jesus said you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
"God's Word means what it says and says what it means."
"The word of God has to become life to you."
"Believers, Jews, Gentiles born of the spirit, baptized into Christ, they are true Israel, the Seed of Abraham, God's chosen people."
"There's truth in the books of Daniel and Revelation."
"The Bible is God's revelation of Himself. It liveth and abideth forever."
"The Word of God is more established, more sure than most of the historical references that we referred to."
"The truth is contained within the Bible alone, and that truth ends in the salvation that can only be provided by Jesus Christ."