
Political Satire Quotes

There are 327 quotes

"Winnie the Pooh is a lovable character, but Xi still didn't take kindly to the comparisons."
"Political satire is a very dangerous enterprise for any comedian, anywhere."
"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."
"Meanwhile, at Trump's White House lair, a flailing president begins to hatch a devious election plot."
"In their defense, these two men were simply acting out what the US Senate does to the American people every single day."
"We're getting to the point where people will elect a ham sandwich over an establishment."
"As a comedian, it is as fun to make fun of the left as it is to the right."
"You go from wear this mask to Joe Biden is a hologram in [__] nine months."
"When democracy is at stake, the only thing that you can do is laugh."
"All of our kids are in the surf class... and they will be the ones masked and holding the train of AOC's dress."
"Let's go Brandon ladies and gentlemen that is it yeah all right and finally."
"Elon Musk trolled AOC with a screenshot of her own store."
"Kick back today, print out the 5,000-page coronavirus relief bill, grab a couple of bottles of whiskey, and read through it."
"If Donald Trump Jr had received a single Ruble from Russia during Donald Trump's tenure in the white house they'd all be in the Guantanamo Bay prison cell on the moon."
"Democrats defending Joe Biden be like 'Don't touch my garbage' and it's a possum snarling in a dumpster."
"Impeachments manifesto complete: political fake news, motivated by trolling kittens who are blaming the aliens. I love it."
"Honestly, I feel like these left-wing academic types always have to connect everything to their intersectional obsessions... it produces bizarrely entertaining content for you and me."
"I think the idea of the rightwing being like the party of Fitness and maybe even yoga is actually a pretty funny concept."
"If we're gonna elect unqualified leaders, shouldn't those leaders at the very least run their own moderately successful YouTube channel?"
"Here's to Bernie showing up to a buttoned-down event wearing oven mitts."
"Three things are absolutely certain in life: death, taxes, and a Tory party leadership election race."
"As a frantifa super soldier I don't encourage violence... but all I can think is I wish a karen would."
"Let me know what you hope that I can do as the United States and joining the Axis and helping out Nazi Germany."
"Veep’s predecessor, The Thick of It, captured the farce and folly of the modern political circus."
"Veep carried on this mission in an American context, and did it so well that this satire was widely hailed by insiders as TV’s most realistic version of DC."
"Jonah Ryan is the only candidate who's honest about his dishonesty."
"Kathy did not forget that disgusting remark... a parody of Trump's own sexist remarks taken to an extreme absurdist visual."
"There's a level of character and Artistry in his work that's exceptionally rare in political satire."
"Why would the American people reject Joe Biden as president even George Washington voted for good old Joe?"
"One nation's common sense is another nation's high blood pressure." - E.B. White
"And besides if we're going to deal with these trash bag politicians we might as well be allowed to laugh at them right."
"You know what's really funny? Economic Forum. Yeah, we should just abolish States and go County only."
"The opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian guy who likes numbers."
"It doesn't matter if you're black like President Obama, or white like President Obama, or red like President Obama's agenda, or orange like Speaker Boehner. America is, and will always be, a great place."
"It's an asset dump movie where former president Donald Trump disappears for a millennia only to return to Earth after it's been conquered by the space-based Illuminati made up of a bunch of hideous aliens."
"Donald Trump is a wizard of oz in an alternative universe where he actually takes your brain, he takes your heart and he takes your courage."
"What if that person lived at the White House and actually roomed with the president of the United States?"
"It's like the members of Congress just get dumber every year... we live in this world now where there's so many incentives to just act in the worst way possible."
"North Korea has elections and, surprise surprise, Kim Jong-un got 100% of the votes."
"Politicians are a joke and comedians are taking seriously I've existed forever."
"The Democratic Party: they fight just as much as the real housewives of Atlanta, only they get less done."
"Putin's just awarded himself his 87% election victory, what the Russians are now calling the 'world majority.'"
"Let's go Brandon! 2032: The authoritarian moment."
"It is time for everybody to watch or re-watch Dr. Strangelove because that is exactly the times that we are living in now and may have the same ending."
"Jim Acosta, in his own mind, is already president. I don't want to disabuse him of that."
"You couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, foolish Grug bored merchants, build a wall, you can't stomp the Trump."
"It's like getting I don't know what were like the tiny islands that bush got in uh, you know, the invasion of Iraq and said like oh we have this massive Coalition of the willing."
"Politicians should have clown emojis instead of check marks."
"Jenna Ellis didn't realize the moment that she was at a fake elector hearing that wasn't really a real hearing and Giuliani was farting on her."
"Our politics and our politicians in the United States... lend themselves to satire. They're so absurd, ridiculous, and surrealistic in and of themselves that only satire in some sense can catch the absurd truth."
"Corona, stay with us. We still need you. There's an election coming up."
"I don't have many tips for the people of America, but if they find themselves behind Donald Trump with a statically charged balloon, take your chance."
"Preserve his brain in a cyborg body, yeah for Robo Trump, Trump Mecca, Trump Trump. Yeah, you gotta do a robot version."
"If there's one thing that all Jews have in common, it is feeding you until you cannot breathe."
"Half the candidates said climate change was a hoax. Good, I'm glad we're well on our way to dealing with it."
"I don't do much political humor, 'cause the way I look at it is if you think either one of these jinky ass parties gives half a fuck about us, you've been misinformed."
"You should know about Dems. It's about D-E-M-Z. Dems is the first investment product that attempts to deliver performance and exposure similar to what you'd expect from the S&P 500 without all the Mitch McConnell."
"Tricking people into voting for me is a whole lot easier when nobody can read."
"The NPC meme takes things a step further into political zone where mass outcry against a serial harasser is racial injustice or Trumpian ideas as dismissed as inherently uncritical."
"Republicans are like the walnuts from Plants vs. Zombies."
"The appropriate way to pay off your loans is you get elected to the U.S. Senate, you barely show up for work..."
"You have to burn off dead wood. Haven't you seen the meme of a V for Vendetta? Your government is doing what? Have you tried turning it off and back on again?"
"If you subscribe to my Channel right now I'll finally put an end to this politics thing. I'll make one Mega party called God steamroll and we will legislate unknown Horrors from Beyond the cosmos."
"The problem with liberals is their masks aren't tight enough."
"You have to be some kind of lunatic, you know, some kind of deranged psychopath to get elected to congress and then go to like some luxury apartment building with an infinity pool and like a whole foods in the lobby."
"Melania Trump attempts her fashion spin on 'let them eat cake.'" - Patricia Arquette
"Honestly, could Trump love America just let the rest of the world have something nice for five minutes? 🤔😒"
"The Death of Stalin: a savage, witty, and outlandish comedy."
"But like, the Trump Girl thing is so f_cking funny. It's so funny."
"So, is Saruman woke? Of course, Saruman doesn't represent the complete tapestry of modern woke politics, but his corruption does convey several critical messages about the problems with the woke movement."
"Some games are going for art, some games are guy think leaves room for ass all types."
"What's the issue? Yeah, there we go. The only acceptable outfit choice for a socialist."
"Donald Trump has been impeached. Peach President Donald J. Trump."
"No man is above the law, except for a failed reality TV show host."
"Biden cancels Christmas, Trump cancels the Republican Party."
"Build better bunkers, not 'Build Back Better.'"
"Don't let the radical left turn our founding fathers into our founding non-birthing parents."
"Unfortunately they've been roving bands of Biden's just lurking around the neighborhood sniffing children."
"I will not rest until bitter pandering has become the standard for all human interactions throughout the land." - Mayor Bitterly
"It doesn't matter how dumb you may be, if you make someone laugh and that person has voting power in the country, you could be president."
"Fearlessly, Williams delves into the headlines of the day, humorously poking fun at figures ranging from Trump with his mug shot to deanes in a yin-yang manner and exploring Biden alongside the concept of unclaimed baggage."
"This is a guy who helped coin the notion of Russia being nothing but a gas station disguised as a country or, yeah I think that's it, a gas station disguises the country."
"These people who are having dreams now... they seem to be real enough to the people who have them, to suggest at least the possibility that God is doing some remarkable work in the world through Muslims pointing them to Christianity."
"The only way for us to live up to the promise of America is to give it our all and to give it for all of us."
"Beta O'Rourke: From punk rock band to President."
"I just wonder what is Ted Cruz like? Did they expect Ted to go there with like a blowtorch and start defrosting all of the pipelines?"
"President is totally allowed to take uh any you know classified documents these are my favorite documents yeah i love i love this documentary watch me hug them."
"Russia is basically a gas station with nukes."
"The danger of accelerationism is that maybe we'll just end up with Dwight as the boss forever."
"Yo it is gonna be lit in november and then we can all get disappointed by republicans doing nothing when they win nah i demand i want to see real action investigations impeachment impeach joe biden over ukraine no messing around."
"This is like a career politician named Joe being the man to clean up Washington." - Carlin
"If you make woke leftists the object of your contemptuous ridicule, then you'll never work a day in your life."
"Finally a person like that could be President of the United States slow clap America well done."
"They compound it by... every time a shadow cabinet minister is on TV it's now become almost a joke..."
"Politicians and diapers must be changed often and for the same reason."
"We are living in Orwell's 1984. Freedom is slavery."
"No money, no politic, a Terabithia no solution."
"Capitalism for the working class, socialism for the elites."
"If you had like a golden retriever that had been elected member of Congress for that district it would have done more because the golden retriever presumably would have been like brought to the district to like you know appear in photo shoots."
"Plutocrats of the world, my name, of course, is Over the Potato, and this is plutocracy - the game about money and politics and everything in between."
"I think is absolutely perfect taking the Obama hope theme and turning it into Revenge."
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch; liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjamin Franklin
"Bernie will die but return tomorrow multiplied ten thousand fold."
"Reasons to vote for Democrats: It's a pretty thick book but it's filled with empty pages. It's totally empty."
"All you need to do is find the most... presentable crackhead in your nearest vicinity and convince him to run for office."
"Remember that old Robin Williams bit about politicians wearing their sponsors on badges like NASCAR."
"And the money wasn't for the presidential administration of Russia or the Russian government. That 50 was going straight to the Vladimir Putin golden toilet fund."
"Did you think the comedian was going to give the audience and the president such a big hand job tonight? Come on, are you guys gonna applaud for me?"
"I will give you a million dollars to your favorite charity paid for by Trump if you take the test that it shows you're an Indian."
"Thank you coming in while you're trying... Well you're trying to be in school... Oh man it is it is unbelievable how quickly you could turn a progressive into a [__] Make America Great Again jump start..."
"House of Cards captures a tone of outright, over-the-top wickedness, letting us live our juicy imaginings of how bad Washington might be, while scaring us with the thought, at times, that it's not purely exaggerated."
"Preserve comedy, save comedy, vote Trump out."
"Forget democratic elections, forget climate systems breakdown, do you watch the Queen's Christmas speech?"
"I know that this is a visually simple movie, but it's a hilarious commentary on the buffoonery of politicians."
"I am personally writing in 'Let's go Brandon' for the next presidential election."
"Trump's the DJ, Trump's the maitre d', Trump's the guy who comes through saying, 'Is there a Flynn here?' It's all getting wacky."
"The appropriate behavior, the scientifically non-political appropriate behavior, is to banish Mike Pence to an island in the middle of the Caribbean."
"Tony Husband, the revered political cartoonist with a sharp wit, left a void in the world of satire and humor." - Tony Husband
"Let's go Brandon is the perfect phrase for these times."
"It was a complete mockery over the justice system."
"Tell Kamala she better get her funny-looking self down to Howard. Tell Kamala she needs to get her funny-looking self to the White House and tell her white supremacist zaddy Joe Biden that he promised to do something for Black students."
"Donald Trump is a top-secret Mother Teresa in front of the cameras."
"Time to give the peasants a voice by making the peasants pay."
"Oh the U.S. is like totally cool with Syria becoming a Saudi Arabia style theocracy."
"Conservatives are the court jesters in the kingdom of liberalism."
"It's actually kind of like a slapstick comedy rather than like this holistic collusion scheme."
"Because at the end of the day, even when they’re feuding, Republicans still care about people. Assuming those people are giant corporations."
"The vast right-wing conspiracy known as Clavenon deepens as the wandering shadowy figure known as K gives us the truth behind the lies that are behind the truth that are behind other lies."
"But I'm not in favor of um legislation which would say you're not allowed to mock your political leaders um i'm i'm not in favor of that."
"Like the Chernobyl musketeer, please America put this man out of everyone's misery but now actually seems like it might be a good time to talk."
"Democrat officials will dial 9-1-1 so social workers can come and put out the fires by politely asking arsonists if they can think of a more constructive way to express their search for equality and justice."
"Just tell us what you want. So tax the rich okay fine take all their money do it."
"Let's go Brandon! Oh my god, what a sick burn! What can he do? Can he do that? Oh my god, from the rapture, holy [__] yeah, whoa!"
"The UK Conservative Party is being led by Communists."
"Looks like American foreign policy has become a cross between the Three Stooges and The Godfather. It's an amazing mix of venal, violent corruption in complete and utter incompetence."
"If you give a country a Trump you'll have a Trump for four years, teach a country to Trump you'll have Trumps forever."
"Biden has canceled Halloween guys, happy Halloween, happy Halloween."
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner."
"If Atlanta wants more voting resources maybe they should just declare that they're a country in the Middle East."
"Treat him like a baby with a binky in his mouth. Treat Trump like Mitch McConnell, treat Trump like Mike Pence if you don't like Mike Pence."
"The setup sometimes is more valuable than the punch line. I mean, American democracy is pretty much a joke at this point."
"Some may argue that a baby might make a better head of state than a politician."
"Dr. Killinger is a spoof of Dr. Henry Kissinger."
"There's an even deeper deep State... I call it the dumb state."
"If this seems like comic book villainy, that's because it is."
"Let's non sarcastically do what this man says and move on from the Muller report for just a moment."
"Jon Stewart paved the way for political satire."
"I would be announcing the most dishonest and corrupt media Awards of the year."
"Essentially the government is run by a bunch of Oxford educated individuals that control the government through WhatsApp messages."
"My favorite part about the show is how they're all Libertarians but really that just means they read Ayn Rand."
"Ladies and gentlemen, something that is not gold is Joe Biden. Joe Biden is, if he were a precious metal, he would be dirt."
"If I want to mock Boris Johnson, I'll do that... her whole raison d'etre is to go after identitarianism in particular on the left."
"The show has been drawing parallels to Donald Trump and Homelander all season long."
"The Spanky Tanky bullshifting his video to hide how red his fascism would become is too funny."
"Now he realizes that the president being eaten by a giant moon snake would be more trouble than it's worth."
"I think the only provision I would amend is the amendment provision."
"I'm glad they're getting rid of Lynn Cheney. I wish they would get rid of all of the Republicans... have just one left."
"You should have hated Superman from day one if you're a Republican. He's an undocumented immigrant."
"I fully endorse Cthulhu as the next president of the United States of America."
"Her ability to spin absurd lines about urine into digs at Donald were priceless."
"We should just move to China if we're excited about what Joe Biden's bringing to the country."
"You don't have to understand politics, but you can understand the absurdity of it."
"Outrageous that would be and would have been the fact that we now have actual major politicians like Ted Cruz taking a stance against Big Bird getting a vaccine is unreal."
"In rivers and bad government, the lightest things float to the top."
"The ridicule that is coming out of Saudi Arabia is a direct intangible result in the price of oil and gas."
"A few vagina hats and a crazy Ashley Judd tirade does not a modern civil rights movement make."
"Just because I go and watch National Treasure and I come up with some date and something happen with Korea or whatever, it doesn't magically mean that Bernie Sanders gets to be president. That isn't how reality works."
"I think shadow the hedgehog should be the mayor of New York City. He would probably do a better job."
"To make fun of Joe Biden is to fulfill your patriotic duty."
"Monopoly for socialists doesn't work. That's the joke."
"The magical leftist tears were just flowing into it. I had to drink them hot, there's no time to let them cool." - "The magical leftist tears were just flowing into it."
"The White House now sounds like the world's fanciest nursing home."
"Humor in politics is very important; there's nothing more damaging than being made fun of."
"You know when a Democrat says give me all your money and I'll change the weather, that doesn't bother you? Who said that? That's essentially what the Green New Deal is."
"I support and stand with Joe Biden, he has changed this country for the better."
"You worry about him executing you? Just make sure you don't lose your temper and completely obliterate prime minister Lou."
"The government got so corrupt that the Supreme Court decided to ban all humans from politics."
"How do you go from people being banished to Saturn to 'let's go Brandon,' dog?"
"Elf will be the first president in history to destroy the country... I mean make the country better."
"Hope you spent your Valentines’ Day with someone who loves you as much as Obama loved drone strikes."
"Just because some watery tart threw a sword at you is no basis for a system of government."
"It's like a joke. Nancy Pelosi, more like Nancy MS-13 than borders, am I right? That's how right-wing Mandela was."
"So much for conservative personal responsibility."
"There's never been a better time to buy off a politician than right they are available ladies and gentlemen."
"Every presidential election in America... should be in charge of the world."
"I voted for Bernie because Donald Trump says rude things and before I tolerate that I'd rather lose all my freedom and have my children starve." - Suburban homemaker
"What's more pro-life than drowning a pregnant woman?"
"Trump is what you get if Orwell was a staff writer for the Onion and it became real."
"We elected bizarre Obama, a one-to-one negative image of the empty suit in the offal office."
"No one is more entertained about this [ __ ] right now than Putin."
"If you're not a meth or crack smoker, and you're not confused about your genitals, then this is not the presidency for you."
"It's the fact that a man baby is running the country."
"This is the guy who released a book on how great his leadership was during this crisis. Ah the hypocrisy, you know me, I love a good bowl of hypocrisy."
"Democrats have been in a panic hunting for white nationalists and they finally found the insidious leader Candice Owens yes cleverly disguised as a black woman."
"Conservatives talk sense and liberals are so insane that memes are easy."
"Richard, the crypto communist... who is spearheading the apparatus of our digital immiseration is running for PM on a fake anti-woke ticket."
"Former presidents just in Mar-A-Lago drinking a damn Sprite, eating a McDonald's Big Mac, boom, gets indicted."
"The choices made in the hearts of individuals will determine what the clowns in Davos and the clowns in DC do."