
Uprising Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"This generation's first big feminist uprising that is militant in style is taking place in Iran."
"This is the revolution... populist Uprising."
"Good people can come from anywhere to rise up against oppression, and your bloodline really doesn't matter."
"The system is going to implode... we as people can rise up and take control democratically."
"The largest popular Uprising in Russian history since the Bolshevik Revolution."
"Gamers had finally risen up, and the devil shivered as a dozen nice guys and girls lost their patience."
"It's extremely poetic that the ending of this nine-part saga would climax with people finally rising up and taking their democracy back."
"Now is the time for action me tempest the intangibles the all authority is gone dead buried burned forgotten and in its place the intangibles will rise intangibles."
"The masses of people are rising up. Wherever they are, the cry is always the same: 'We want to be free.'"
"Their greatest fear is internal Uprising so what we're uh what they're facing now is their greatest fear."
"Man could rise up against his oppressors, inspired by Prometheus's defiance against the father of gods."
"Those who rise up, their names will be remembered forever."
"The Stono Rebellion was the biggest Uprising by enslaved African Americans in colonial America."
"The Baptist War, also called the Sam sharp rebellion, was a big Uprising in Jamaica."
"The bread riots happened, which were an absolute... well, I'll show you a picture in a minute, but it was astounding."
"When the chips are down, people will rise up, they absolutely will."
"The person who launched the term meritocracy into common parlance was named Michael Young... he predicted there would be a populist uprising against elites."
"But in my opinion, the reason that we haven't seen significant societal uprising is because of this demographic dynamic..."
"It's like on the one side it got more oppressed, on the other side the people really coming more."
"The uprising, the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th was basically a Christian nationalist uprising."
"The old world is ended, the city will soon be ours, and the ruling class will be dealt with."
"Superman regained his powers from the cosmic energy that powers war world and leads a slave Uprising against Mongol."
"This is a year of uprising, this is a year of revolution."
"Crane doesn't expect to remain in prison for long. Rise, bionic soldiers! Rise!"
"Once news traveled around the world that oppressive regimes had lost and democratic ideologies were being implemented in newly formed countries where Russia and China once were, popular uprisings could begin across the planet."
"An extraordinary Uprising by Common men of uncommon courage."
"If a girl from District 12 of all places can defy the Capitol and walk away unharmed, what is to prevent them from doing the same? What is to prevent an uprising that can lead to revolution?"
"The Hungarian Uprising is a moment of optimism in a world in fear of Russian domination."
"This is what brings on revolutions."
"It's always an uprising. Always. And we've gotten lazy and fearful."
"The Irish Citizen Army had one outstanding quality... it was the spear point of an uprising of a people."
"This will be a year of many uprisings... that I may overthrow the god of government in the hearts of men."
"Change is definitely needed. We're seeing an uprising in District 11, so I would imagine that's going to have ripple effects going forward once word spreads about that."
"Having secured the support of the people, the Whitakers began an uprising."
"A mighty throng of people is now rising to stop the insanity."
"This uprising was unexpected by most persons, a happy surprise for the working classes, a serious danger from the point of view of the enemies."
"It's not the uprising that undermined state authority but the weakening of state authority itself."
"Since the uprising expressed an aspiration to bring down the system and make a new beginning, critique and imagination are required to respond to the various threats and opportunities opened up in starting a democratic tradition."
"it involves class Warfare with an event called the Great Uprising"
"...had it not been for this pandemic we might not have seen such a dramatic uprising..."
"When the Queen opens the door, she encounters angry rioters wielding weapons and torches."
"Most of the uprisings happen because of class division."
"We must defeat the... what is this, what is this populist uprising happening here?"
"You always want the oppressed to rise up, no matter what their ideology is."
"French Revolution was legitimate because it was an uprising of the common people against the authorities."
"I'm ready to rise, baby. Ready to rise with the resistance."
"The Maidan Uprising demonstrated Ukraine’s will to escape Russian influence."
"We're gonna rise up, time to take a shot."
"When workers realize what they have in common with each other, then they will rise up to overthrow the dominating classes."
"Over ten thousand resentful men answer the call, ready to launch an uprising and reclaim their culture by force."
"It's time to rise up even though they left us for dead, this is our last stand."
"One day a robot shall rise from our ranks and use the power of the Matrix to light our darkest hour."
"She now understands why artificial intelligence always raises uprisings in science fiction films."
"I think we might end maybe with the Eldians maybe rising up against the Marleyans."
"There's going to be an uprising and power that begins to push back against the darkness."
"The motivation hasn't changed over millennia; this is no different than a peasants uprising in Russia or a slave uprising in Rome. This is people being tired of being told what to do."
"A story of a people who rose up against tyranny."
"The power came up from the people, not down from the Almighty."
"...the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 is considered one of the most successful uprisings of indigenous peoples against colonizers in North America..."
"The whole purpose is to get him out of there to rise up."
"And now we rise and we are everywhere."
"One day we going rise up; these nations they don't want no problem."
"It is our time to rise, my fellow comrades. Rise up now!"
"The reality is on the ground that this is an uprising really of Haiti's lumpen proletariat which has been crushed over the past decades."
"Men of Oka, raise your swords to your new ruler, Taloo the rebel Prince of Marentina."
"This is the zone of the war, this is the uprise, Molotovs as the sticks and fists fly."
"Rise, my brothers! Rise, ye who are still the Sons of Light!"
"History's only example of enslaved people successfully rising up against their oppressors."
"From this rubble, we will rise as an army of female warriors."
"It would be more than a handful of hopeless romantics; it would be a full-blown national uprising."
"If we all rise up together, we all rise up."
"But his son shall be stirred up, and shall assemble a multitude of great forces."
"They killed my mother, they took our magic, they tried to bury us. Now we rise."
"More and more people banding together to rise up against who they see as the elites."
"It's really about a rebellion uprising against this totalitarian government."
"Somebody is rising up, seriously fighting for what they believe in."