
Blood Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"Terminology that hopefully creates a connection to your soul... you have red blood and then you have green blood, that's the chlorophyll."
"Blood is not powerful because of the color or because it is liquid. Blood is powerful because the life of whatever organism produces it is resident in that blood."
"The life of any living creature is resident in its blood. The life of the flesh is in the blood."
"There's just something powerful about blood, some primal responses the sight of it just provokes in us."
"The most disturbing thing about the truck was the blood... the entire interior of the cab was drenched in even more blood than the man and his bags had been covered with."
"Given blood saves eight people every person."
"Your blood accounts for about 10% of your total body weight."
"They don't have to keep killing people for fresh blood anymore."
"The life of an animal, the life of a human is in the blood."
"Nothing could hide the trail of blood she was leaving behind, nothing but indifference."
"Both Austin and Undertaker ended this match covered in blood."
"His blood is unique. It doesn't just give people time; it cures them."
"And you know what veins have in them? Veins have blood in them."
"Boxing: show business with blood."
"The vampire flourishes on the blood of the living. Without this, he cannot live."
"The trailer ends with Homelander covered in blood as he rides an elevator alone."
"Albumin is extremely important because it loves to bind onto particular drugs inside the blood."
"From ancient Genesis to the modern screen the name Written in Blood."
"Sometimes family isn't about whose blood you share, it's about the people who care about you."
"Your value is the price paid for you, sacred blood was given."
"Oh man, I mean, you just look at that crimson mask."
"The blood, the sweat, the tears are very, very important and necessary for processes like this."
"Why do they care so much about stealing blood?"
"I am asking then not only is your blood giving you the legal right to forgive me and to remember my sins no more but lord I thank you that your blood is silencing every voice that's bringing accusation against me."
"Time, blood, and a whole lot of praying. If you don't have faith, what do you have?"
"The blood of Jesus breaks foundational curses. I pray that the blood of Jesus will begin to break all strange patterns and curses in your life and family."
"It's almost Tarantino esque, just the blood, it almost reminds me of the first Adams Family movie when the kids have the blood spray during their play."
"Blood isn't thicker than water. You don't have to agree with this, popular opinions, they're like unpopular for a reason."
"His blood is going to atone for the sins of those who have fallen by the transgression of Adam."
"If you like Gore and lots of blood, you're at the right place so let's get started."
"Common hemostasis tests include platelet count, PT, PTT, fibrinogen, and D-dimer."
"Wow, I've never met Shadowhunters before. Is it true that you guys have Angel blood?"
"What's that, just checking, blood? Where is it, blood?"
"The blood speaks for my exoneration and freedom."
"After every line, you burst with blood, so you have to swash your mouth out."
"The gods have been gone for a long time, but their blood runs through my veins," Caius grinned, explaining his lineage.
"No one is safe from the temptation of the old blood or the desire of wanting something greater."
"In the future, blood will be the new oil."
"I'm like what the like you feel me I can't even see where the blood coming from."
"For now though most of their history is written in blood."
"There's nothing more gross than dealing with a bug that's a true human parasite that only eats blood."
"Yo, feeding it blood, oh my God, it's a vampire!"
"Blood can thin, but legacy... Legacy lasts forever."
"The blood speaks better things than that of Abel, it speaks mercy and life."
"Any picture you take looks a little better with a little blood on the face."
"But the blood in the basin doesn't protect anybody."
"Just one drop of that blood can do what your arguments and your posting and your social media ranting could never do."
"Blood, it's sorcery, pretty big asset."
"Mannequins, guys. They told me that all the blood that we sample from the plastic containers."
"When you put the blood of Jesus over you, there's power in that blood."
"Most of the blood was inside of him. There was a lot of blood there, but it wasn't that much blood in the grand scheme of things. Most of the blood was inside of him."
"No scary costume would be complete without blood."
"Just blood oozing from all the ripping wounds across its body."
"He said you got to get out of here, they got roadblocks everywhere looking and they think the Americans in here are dead because of all the blood that was in the plane."
"I say blood spill when I book it this scary movie is totally gory."
"The sight of blood made me dizzy."
"Something about the blood that would never lose his power."
"You're still connected by blood at the end of the day."
"The light went out again, and in fear, Harry stepped back onto a pool of sticky blood."
"They even covered the arms and legs in fake blood. Sure enough, everyone who saw it was disgusted - and concerned!"
"Now you know what it means that he spilled his blood for you."
"I came for blood, not gold." - Red Lamb
"For it is said… the blood of a living host is all the more delicious compared with the ‘Karash’ wine of donated blood."
"What does this mean? It simply means that the blood is a sign of self-sacrifice."
"The blood was effect never dwindles."
"The blood carries a most devastating and irresistible force within it."
"It is God's last card for man's rescue in every conflict of life."
"Angels didn't win that battle, the blood won it."
"Every time Satan challenges you, pull out the blood."
"Blood has a way of Connecting People whether it's running through veins or spilled across the ground soaking into the dirt."
"The blood is the only way to get forgiveness and get to heaven, amen."
"Do you think your powers would be full-fledged and come out if you drank someone's blood to activate them?"
"They want to capture as much blood as they could and bury it with the body, because it was sort of the life-giving portion of the body as well."
"There was so much blood that, um, I was just afraid to let go of her."
"And what could stand against me when I'm covered by the blood?"
"I don't mean to be morbid, but for slitting somebody's neck like that, that sure wasn't a lot of blood."
"Everything you need is in the blood."
"That shows me that you want to be saved and that's nice, but you can't forget the blood."
"I just walked in the living room and when I walked out there, I see blood on his forehead."
"...Jesus offered his own precious blood to legally take care of our debt of sin."
"Higher fibrinogen levels mean clotting occurs more quickly."
"All this for a single drop of blood."
"He made peace with us through his blood."
"If you kind of squint your eyes, it's like a skull in red blood, red on his, so it's kind of like an origin of what the skull would look like."
"Sue young loves violence, Sue young loves blood, she loves pain."
"And that's their blood. And, uh, there's a lot of it actually."
"Will they make an appearance if there is enough blood going on in the water?"
"Without the shedding of blood, there's no forgiveness of sins."
"God, this another totally unplanned thing is the way that Tommy shoots you totally coats you in blood with no reaction from you is so good."
"I'm afraid that she will run out of blood."
"Blood is the principle whereby 'I'hood is attained and 'I' can express itself only in a being who is able independently to formulate the pictures the outer world produces within the self."
"In human evolution, blood plays a crucial role."
"Blood is the physiognomic expression of the soul and spirit behind it."
"Families are families and you're together no matter what. You can hate each other, love each other, it doesn't matter; you're blood, you love each other at the end of the day."
"Striker understood that when it came to getting people on board with this kind of propaganda one thing worked on getting the attention of regular people better than anything else and that was blood."
"Blood is a substance, not superior nor inferior."
"I can't be mean. It's just not in my blood. I can't be like [ __ ] you."
"The life of the flesh is in the blood... long before men discovered scientifically the presence of viruses and bacterias."
"More blood in fact than he'd ever imagined a human body could contain."
"There were red and black Nike flip flops with suspected blood on the left shoe."
"There was suspected blood on the black McDonald's hat."
"There was a white jacket from the rear driver's seat with suspected blood."
"Blood is transported through the body on two systemic loops: pulmonary loop and systemic loop."
"Components of blood: plasma, erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), and platelets."
"Just because they are blood doesn't mean they are family."
"I saw what I thought was blood on my hand and I tore a piece of tissue that was right there and wiped my hand."
"Their weird blue blood contains cells called amoebocytes which form a gel-like goo in the presence of harmful bacteria."
"This represents my shed blood, which will be poured out for the remission of sin."
"The blood of Jesus is Redemptive blood and we all need Redemption."
"Redemption through the blood and faith in the blood."
"Whatever effects were happening were happening through the blood."
"Blood has the potential to carry oxygen throughout the body and deliver it to different systems as it is needed to keep the body functioning constantly."
"Blade himself is half human and half immortal, and the vampires of Los Angeles are after his special blood type."
"The circulation of the blood is primary through its rhythmic pulsations; it is the blood that drives the heart and not the other way around."
"Gladiator blood was recommended by Roman physicians to aid various ailments."
"He shed His blood for you so you can give Him the highest praise."
"Our blood is a river of life, a life that builds and yet it also defends."
"Beets are a really good blood builder."
"Hydrogen ion is responsible for causing acidity in our blood."
"Monarchy has always been about blood, but it had shifted from being less about whose blood you spilled and more about whose blood ran through your veins."
"The drinking from the cup has to do with Christ's blood shed on the cross."
"The blood of Jesus brings healing, He is enough."
"I saw a liquid trickling to the ground and immediately knew it was blood."
"The average adult has five liters of blood constituting approximately seven to eight percent of the body weight."
"Drink ye all of this; for this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins."
"One of the functions of blood is transportation."
"Another function of blood is regulation."
"The third function of blood is protection."
"A live heart actually beats powerfully enough to squirt blood more than 10 meters."
"If they're feeding on meat then there's a lot of blood and blood has got a lot of water content in it."
"This is the blood of the Covenant which Adonai has made with you in accordance with all these words."
"Blood definitely has strange properties that cannot yet be explained by science."
"Plasma is the sort of the liquid phase of blood."
"You were slain and have redeemed us to God by your blood out of every tribe, tongue, people, nation."
"Nothing can go through the blood, amen. That blood is too thick to go through."
"Leukemias are circulating tumors that primarily involve blood and bone marrow."
"Humans' blood contains iron, that's why it's red."
"Hypoxemia exclusively means decreased oxygen in the blood."
"It was neither by the blood of goats or calves, but by His own blood that He entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us."
"For blood defiles the land, and the blood cries out for justice."
"A hematoma is an accumulation of blood outside of a blood vessel."
"Blood is actually a type of connective tissue."
"There is full redemption for all through the precious blood of the Son of God."
"Leukemoid reaction is happening when the peripheral blood picture is resembling that of leukemia."
"Brave is shocked that the thread is stained with blood and the Bride is standing before him, pleading."
"Your blood is healing everyone, your blood is making all things new."
"The average adult human body contains approximately four and a half liters of blood."
"The normal pH of blood is 7.4, slightly on the alkaline or basic side."
"There's more to parentage than blood."
"The normal potassium level in blood is 17 milligram percent."
"Being blood-related and having a parent-child relationship are not the same."