
Online Communication Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Empathy is more difficult online, for that reason."
"I think there's a lot of frustration around the quality of voice chat."
"We get so used to getting messages from dudes on the internet that it's hard to remember that sometimes it's not that."
"The only solution is unmonitored free speech."
"Please maintain civility and respect for everyone involved in the comments below."
"Humans are inherently social creatures, so if your only social interaction is online, that's a problem."
"Thank you so much for tuning in to this chat."
"You wouldn't appreciate being bombarded with insults, so let's not do it to others."
"It's not hidden part of our society anymore. These people are on the open internet talking about threats to FBI agents."
"Most of the people down into the chat don't even do this."
"For those guys that are still watching or maybe even care, comment frog if you care."
"You need to remember that there is a real person behind the text that you're getting and the text that you're sending"
"New space has spawned a new breed of online science communicators."
"It was back in the age of ASL, you know, where it was like if you typed in Jesse it would be like what about s EJ?"
"They know they don't have anything to charge these people with conspiracy with, and so they're begging for it, they're jumping into their chats."
"For too long the commenters have toiled beneath us, sweating away in their text box prisons."
"It's that kind of gameplay that causes people to be up at 3 am on Discord, telling your best friend about taking out a giggle of neon-colored grunts with the quickness."
"How about you mute your mic, maybe?" (Repeated for emphasis)
"It's a time where you want to share with someone and this was around the time that Samantha started to use the chat rooms and messenger more and more."
"Online communication has brought the entire world together in ways no one imagined possible."
"Anything that's not so generic like 'hey' is usually your best bet."
"They hopping in the general chat forever I'm the general of this freestyle war."
"If you get a message from this person, please don't fall for it."
"I can't even begin to describe to you how excited I am for voice chat."
"I'm going to go offline, you've all made me hungry."
"What these followers mean is people who have subscribed to receive notifications Whenever there is a new answer to this question."
"Discord has become a part of our daily lives."
"Online forums and Facebook groups are risky but potential options."
"Please come stand with me, you won't know this because it's my chat, but they're all spamming go and just make your house and ignore Thunder, he's stupid and doesn't have hair."
"I wish nothing but the best for all of you in chat."
"Twitter spaces have been such a great resource for everything."
"Thank you so much for watching, don't forget to hit the like button before you watch your next video, and I'll catch you next time. Bye for now!"
"I've started the discord server for those who are interested. I've linked their Twitter in the description please check it out."
"When he says something on the forums that comes across as like alienating the community, you see that as him almost being horrified that his words created that division because that wasn't his intention."
"When we refer to vlogging, it's usually filming your real life."
"Communication on Twitch is one of the main functions, and it's as simple as opening your wallet."
"If you're reaching out to the community, that's not a spam post."
"That was such an easy dub! Oh my god, dude. Yo, I was so caught up with trying to get that guy's scar."
"If you want to have live interactions chats then Discord is the place to do it."
"The aim is to raise understanding, mutual understanding and respect between different traditions, moving away from the simplistic polemics that so often characterizes online discussion."
"Sometimes I wish people would just think before they type"
"Spammers get hammered. Sleep, alright? Bye bye."
"That's what Deadpool is so popular for, because he talks like Dora the Explorer to a bunch of weirdos online."
"Even if it's whether it's on the Internet or whether it's you know just hanging out it's not fake yeah it's no it's not it's not but uh we do have a lot to talk about today everybody's a little tired."
"Thank you, bro, sorry [__] got to me in the chat."
"One thing I really like that Jack said was that he felt the ability to communicate online was a right we should all have."
"GG's in the chat not just for aye-aye-aye and for nan probably say his name in."
"Praying that YouTube's going to come back up, otherwise I'm talking to myself right now."
"Join the discord as well if you guys want to just talk and vibe and I'll catch you guys later."
"What a gift it is that there are people out there that I will never meet in my lifetime that literally turn on YouTube and hear me talk about the most random things that are so kind and loving."
"This place is bustling! That's how you know it's a dream—because there's a girl spamming your DMs."
"I think letting someone know what time zone you're in doesn't put you in enough danger to warrant banning it, you know?"
"The only thing I was doing was talking online. That's all I've been doing."
"Tony's joined that group chat a lot more."
"Can I see a picture of you? Yes, yes you can. I'll send it right away."
"She contacted me online, the same way you met JN."
"The power of that, yeah, is crazy. It's crazy because you don't have the ability to go up to a girl face to face and say something real. You can just hide behind the computer forever and you never need to go do the thing if you don't want to, yeah."
"I only want to fuss with you online and then pick up my daughter."
"The thing about disputing online is that this can definitely give you a quicker result like if you were to call them on the phone."
"Thank you for all the time you spend 12 hours a day online talking to people like me, and we appreciate you so much."
"Zoom is a way to have online video calls... great for calls, discovery calls."
"Never know what somebody means online. And that's for anybody, anywhere."
"I'd rather not comment at all, but if I was going to be something positive, if I'm going to put something out there, I want to be positive. I don't really understand the people who, you know, do put negative things out there, want to put other people down."
"Thank you for attending the class. See you later on Discord or on Teams. Goodbye for now."
"I love e-dates because you can see the messages live, you can see the comments live, in person, in real time."
"We have to show that the United States of America stands behind our principles and that our principles do also transfer to the responsibility of communication online."
"Interacting with human beings online will never be a decent substitute for interacting with human beings in the real world."
"It's really important to keep safe when speaking to people online."
"The best way to connect and engage with a stranger in an online conversation is to be pleasant and conversational, not intense or domineering."
"All communication we conduct online, like on Facebook, leaves a trail. Like an etching on the wall, they help reveal some of our innermost struggles."
"By moving everything online, we now have this kind of instant response to when you've worked a contact."
"It uses the internet to communicate."
"Your monkey brain does a better job of modeling the other person in your mind when you are then talking to them online later."