
Mental Freedom Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"Reality only exists in your head, which is why it's beautiful; you can unlock the cell door and walk out."
"You have the ability here to think. And you can think anything you want."
"The word of God is something that is supposed to bring healing and refreshment, not enslavement of the mind."
"Showing up for yourself, going to the gym, and just remembering the feeling that you would get once you have that internal freedom within your body."
"The physical shackles ain't on you; it's the mental shackles."
"Art in many ways can be viewed as a playground of the mind, where the mind is given free reign to go beyond the constraints of the physical world."
"There is a war going on and it's for your minds."
"A mind in which something has the power to regulate what can be considered by whom and in what way, that mind is much more dangerous."
"Kerry Lake is presidential, I really do mean it."
"You may feel trapped mentally, but don't be afraid to let go and seek out new opportunities and adventures in your life."
"To think what you want to think is to think truth regardless of appearances."
"It's time to wake up and fight for your mind, do it through the power of our Messiah and let his truth set you free."
"Any kind of belief is a prison. Any kind of belief is a prison."
"It's the worst form of slavery imaginable because it's the slavery of your mind. You are not free to express any independent thought."
"Free is a state of mind. If you're blessed with abundance, you have a duty to go out and try to help other people."
"It's the one thing they cannot imprison: the mind."
"A trend where we regain control of our emotions, impulses, freedom, and the autonomy of our brains."
"We are stepping into the truth of God, a renewed mind which will set you free."
"We're not slaves no more. We don't have that slave mentality like y'all think we have."
"In the prison of the mind, it is we who Forge our own shackles... Thank you all for watching."
"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free your mind."
"Consciousness is free of all the comings and goings of thoughts and emotions."
"Liberate their minds in this moment from every addiction, from every anxiety."
"The devil wants you to think that you're stuck. Choose differently and unshackle yourself."
"It is such a lovely thing to have a task that's so busies your hands while your mind is free to roam."
"It's time though to wake up and fight for your mind."
"It's not true because it's just a prison for your mind and there is a way out by simply realizing who and what you are."
"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; none but ourselves can free our mind."
"They're gaining their independence from mental prisons."
"We always fought for Freedom... we were always free in our minds and words."
"We're in a prison of our own thought forms unless we become aware."
"That frees us to choose what's most important and to allow other thoughts to pass through so that we can focus on living the life we want."
"We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery because while others might free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind." - Marcus Garvey
"It's all in your mind... You're never free until you take the chains off your brain."
"I want you to be fully prepared and equipped to love your body and not allow others' opinions to control your mind."
"You can never be a free man, you will never be free in your head."
"No one is going to take over your mind. You're just going to be so free."
"The modern-day colonizer doesn't put chains on your body, the chains are on your mind."
"That's what freedom of having your own mind is all about."
"Understanding sets you free... simply understanding things as they are will set you free."
"So, thank you so, so much to all 1,700 of y'all that are here jamming out with me."
"Your mind will guide you to where you need to go. Unlock your mind and decide what's important for you."
"I'm put here that's a way of seeing life that will set you free from the need to understand all of the events as they're happening."
"You can create a prison or a palace in the unlimited dimension of your higher consciousness."
"Free your mind and be creative, be fearless."
"You must be afraid of some things, and yet, you're terribly free in your mind to imagine ways in which you can do things that others might not try to do with no physical disability."
"Liberation means getting free from the psychic prison of fake realities."
"You're not going to be stuck in your mind anymore or in a situation, and I'm seeing victory for you. So there is victory."
"The truth literally feels like it sets you free. It will free you up to relax, it will create a place of calmness and peace."
"Why fill my mind with things Jesus paid a price to do away with?"
"Set your mind to be free from suffering, set your mind to be emancipated from your mental defilements, set your mind to be free from your jealousy, your hatred, your violence, your greediness, the disappointment, the depression."
"Set yourself free from self-imposed restriction."
"Belief is the enemy of knowing. Belief is bait hiding a hook that will snag and hold your mind in fantasy if you allow it to. The question becomes, do you want to believe in things or know about them?"
"True freedom is attained when one transcends the illusionary imprisonment of their mind."
"Freedom of the mind, that's the first step to getting free."
"Imagine being more carefree, imagine having more fun in the process of manifestation."
"If the people around you have Minds that aren't free well it's likely that you're not going to be free either."
"Slavery is a state of mind, not a state of being."
"These thoughts are as wild as you let them be... I've got a pretty wild imagination so."
"The worst part of our enslavement is not the shackle on the hand; it's the shackle on the mind."
"The ocean has a way of releasing the creativity of our minds to break free of the fear, the negative influences in society that can so easily weaken our energy."
"Jordan will be remembered for giving us those tools that are helping us escape this mental prison planet that's been imposed upon us."
"Positive thoughts free your mind from the natural traps we set for ourselves."
"Now you're gonna have all the freedom mentally to be able to flow free, adapt, overcome chaos that will occur in the game that you're playing."
"When you have freedom from resentful thoughts, you're in a better position to solve problems."
"These people need to be set free. It's a decision up here that they make and even though it might be empty up there, it cannot be completely empty. There must be something slowly but surely still moving, right?"
"Preconceived idea, belief, whatever that may be, is the prison cell for most people."
"The real benefits of enlightenment are that you break free of your mental prison, stop being a slave to your thoughts and emotions, and experience deep, meaningful tranquility."
"We have to free ourselves from mental slavery."
"One place where you can get freedom, innit? Dreams. It's your escapement. There's no locked doors."
"Liberation, freedom of your mind, it's a jailbreak for your mind."
"What you need to release is the mental chains of caring about what other people think."
"Free yourself from the mental burden of seeing these things every day and being reminded of the guilt that you have for not using them."
"My brain is the key to set my mind free."
"I want you to get rid of those chains, not just around your feet and your wrists, but around your mind."
"I find that if you get it your stuff done in the morning you have a mental freedom to enjoy the rest of your day and you're not worried or stressed about getting your workout in."
"The key to a better world today is mental Freedom developed by learning beyond what we are born into and taught."
"Let the voice in your head become a companion leading you to a new height of freedom and autonomy."
"I'm not a slave to my thoughts anymore. I don't feed them anymore, except my practical thoughts."
"...advocacy for doubt as a path for mental Freedom."
"Joy is frequently used as a word by the Buddha for the experience of the mind unburdened."
"The function of meditation is to release our addiction to ideas as being the vehicle of truth."
"Our only chains are those in our minds."
"Free yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds."
"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery."
"Freedom is of the mind; I went to prison, but I never let my mind go to prison."
"That's the freedom from the mind itself, an even deeper freedom."
"You free your mind, your game will follow."
"Born into a prison they cannot touch or even see. A prison for their mind."
"Let's go right down to the core and free your mind forever from these crazy assumptions."
"I'm physically locked up, I'm mentally free."
"This is about how to use your thinking patterns, use your own mind free to improve your English speaking fluency."
"Indoctrination is when you get them to lock themselves in a cage mentally."
"The mental freedom I think it's gonna be so much more than the money."
"History is a weapon that can be used in your mental liberation."
"The night of stars and shadows had been transfigured; no longer did I see constellations and planets in their serene orbits, I saw a mind sailing free."
"By cultivating this awareness, we can loosen the grip of negativity on our minds and experience greater freedom and happiness in our lives."
"It's that loosening of the grips of our habits that seem to be the way that it allows people to escape these cerebral shackles."
"I want people that have been born into a system that is designed to mentally enslave them to start to look for the keys to the doggone cell because they can let themselves out."
"We have to start to dispel some of these crazy concepts because if we don't, we're going to persist generation after generation with this mental enslavement."
"The first step of his liberation was his mental liberation."
"Free your mind, not necessarily change the external world."
"Freedom starts up in your mind, growing in the dark, that truly takes a special shine."
"Feathers symbolize the ability to transcend and to move beyond your mental barriers and limitations."
"It's like a cloud disappears from inside your mind and things brighten up, life becomes, you see more."
"Giving ourselves permission to let our thoughts flow is crucial."
"It just frees your mind, getting back in touch with nature."
"All feels right with my life in the world when I'm flowing like this, always elevates my mood, expands my possibilities that exist in the prison that can be my mind."
"The best way to liberate yourself is mental emancipation."
"That you are a slave, born into what you cannot see or hear or taste or smell – a prison for your mind."
"Being free in your mind is the best thing you can ever have."
"I thank you that it is your will for me to live with a renewed mind, a mind free from bondage and oppressive thoughts."
"I'm in a battle for freedom of the mind, which is the last and the ultimate freedom."
"Our minds are in control of our singing, and we are going to free our singing by freeing our perspectives."
"It is the most freeing thing in the world that you can do to learn that you don't have to think the way that you think."
"I feel happy, I feel refreshed, I feel extremely free and mentally this is the best I've felt in a really, really long time."
"Freedom of the mind, your mind is the key."
"I came to free you from mental slavery."
"When you have freedom of your mind, when you're free mentally, everything else in your life changes."
"Black women need to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery."
"Your mind has no limitations whatsoever except those that you allow it to establish."
"You reach that point of the bondage of your mind where you know you got to get yourself set free."
"When you get a foundation and you're getting money coming in, you're happier, your mind's freer."
"When your mind is free, guess what, you can function better."
"You're not going to feel stuck in your head anymore."
"It's a question of freeing up your mind so that you can use the energy that you're kind of wasting hanging on to things and put it into more creative Endeavors."
"To enslave a person requires enslaving their mind first."
"I don't want my material possessions to clutter my mind; I truly want to be free of that."
"Let go, surrender, free yourself from all this negative thinking."
"You are no longer stuck in your head."
"I have a system so that I don't have to think about what I'm doing, and my mind is therefore free to daydream, to make plans, or listen to an audiobook or music, whatever I find enjoyable."