
Global Connectivity Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"You can listen to signals from around the world on shortwave, the prehistoric internet."
"I love you. I hope you have a great week and, as always, I hope you're having a lovely morning, afternoon, evening, wherever you're around the world."
"The entire universe has become an electronic echo chamber where every single thing that you do, for better or for worse, has the potential for rippling around the entire planet."
"The world is much too large and life is much too short not to take the opportunity to connect with one another."
"Smartphones have become incredibly personal devices that are all about us... for the first time in history, we were in direct contact with anyone in the world from our pockets."
"This is a revolution that will change the world; it will tear down borders, connect the globe, it is as important as the internet was."
"I just love the real-time nature of the world."
"Open. That is the key word. Borderless. Transnational."
"Communities online...allow us to play digitally across the world...you have a lot more opportunities now."
"Starlink will be one of the fastest options available to transfer data around the world."
"The internet has brought right into everyone's homes the ability to gain information from outside sources that they never had encountered before."
"In today's interconnected world, the internet is the bedrock of our modern civilization."
"Supersonic flight holds immense promise for airlines where it offers a new way to connect the world."
"If we can provide easy affordable education to anyone in any country and if we could connect and help billions of people in remote locations inexpensively access the internet, this is an amazing thing."
"People come to Twitter to see what's happening in the world."
"The world is now more connected than ever thanks to the internet and social media."
"What Starlink is doing...I can't even articulate how impactful this can be."
"When everything is connected, all of a sudden we have data that allows us to really understand the world."
"Technology has helped me communicate with my friends and family across the world."
"Experience freedom that's not bound by language or physical location."
"Online communication has brought the entire world together in ways no one imagined possible."
"Twitter is an incredible, incredible, incredible invention that you can use to make friends with people all around the world."
"How amazing is it that we have this tool called the internet? We have this amazing platform called Psych2Go that allows us to connect right now, right here from all over the world. Yes!"
"The world is getting more and more connected but there's still a big gap in understanding."
"The world is just smaller than it's ever been."
"Good night to those they're gonna sleep and have a great day for those in daytime right now."
"Starlink internet aims to beam strong broadband connections across the globe using a network of thousands of satellites."
"This girl and she's just oh, oh that's so cute, these are people around the world at the same time as me taking a bunch of chicken really cool."
"I think it's exciting regardless just from the standpoint of bringing internet to regions not necessarily just in North America but possibly eventually to regions that have zero connectivity."
"The internet has become a major form of interconnection organizing not just in the United States, everywhere."
"Social media Bridges gaps between people from all over the world and gives us instant access and the opportunity to communicate with people we would likely never have otherwise met."
"Let's learn from it to understand better how we are connected to the supply chain."
"We stand side by side with our communities around the world and we'll always find ways to stay connected because we're in this together."
"I think at the end of the day it's providing more opportunity then I guess disruption that the fact that now more people around the world have a chance to share their voice or share their talents is a good thing."
"Eventually, we need to have speed so fast of the internet, so much connectivity that someone can instantly download something in a remote desert in Africa."
"StarLink is finally here... internet everywhere which is really, really, really cool."
"We now have some load balancing going on with geos, so a lot of people in Australia and the general European area have noticed a lot of improvements."
"Thus, 10,000 or more Starlink satellites, all orbiting at incredibly fast speeds in a low earth orbit, are required to provide satellite internet to the entire earth."
"Desire for a canal connecting the Atlantic and the Pacific."
"Global communities are just as important as in-person communities and both of them can flourish simultaneously."
"Imagine if every person on Earth will be able to connect to the internet at a reasonable price. That would be fantastic."
"To bring a child up bilingual it's not only the language, it's a gift, it opens the world with so many other people."
"Thankfully, unlike them, you no longer need to travel to the ends of the Earth in order to get access to great tasting food."
"The world is a more connected place than I think any of us realize."
"Seven-year-olds today may have more in common with seven-year-olds in India than a 65-year-old in their own country."
"Surf the web in any country in any time zone."
"Foreign we are live on the world wide web." - Dave Rubin
"Starlink now has about 140,000 users in 20 countries."
"Only an online game can offer the experience of partying up with living, breathing companions from locations across the globe."
"The Belt and Road Initiative promotes infrastructure connectivity across Eurasia and East Africa."
"What drew me to teaching English is the fact that it helps people connect to the entire world."
"In a world as interconnected as ours, language really should not be a hurdle when it comes to vital health care knowledge."
"The internet is a global thing. It works everywhere and it's something that is probably the only place we'll have left to have any form of freedom on."
"Connecting with other cultures globally or connecting with the world at large."
"Any system that can enable you to exchange value instantly with anyone in the world at a trivial cost with a compelling UX should be near the optimal point."
"Satellites fly around the world so we can have TVs and the internet, really."
"For now the project is simply connecting the world even more and potentially opening avenues."
"It's a global conversation, showing how ridiculously easy it is to connect, share, and ultimately organize."
"If you can go from Shanghai to New York in 30 minutes, that will revolutionize business and how we can interact with each other."
"The Suez Canal: linking two hemispheres and opening endless opportunities."
"Were you in a small town? I was in a small town but now I can be worldwide."
"Teleportation is too important to keep secret. I'm urging the United States government to declassify teleportation to allow people to teleport between major world cities."
"Mail often makes it from an address in the U.S to a carrier sailing somewhere around the world in just 10 days."
"Connecting to Ripple and getting one API, one integration to the whole world, allows us to recruit and get more clients to our network."
"Starlink internet appeared in Antarctica... now officially present on all six continents."
"Dubai is one of the greatest travel hubs in the world."
"What's better than sports to bring the world together?"
"Like, why is there anywhere in the developed world that you can't have good internet access? How's that possible?"
"...set myself to be anywhere in the world virtually and access content from those regions."
"How do we use this worldwide technology to spread well-being and compassion and understanding between people?"
"Anyone on earth regardless of where they were born what color their skin is what their credit score looks like wherever they are can now put an app on their phone and then start to transact with anybody else on the planet."
"Through technology and technological innovation, we have made the world a neighborhood."
"Isn't it strange how I am from Norway, I'm sitting here, I'm getting a haircut in Rodos, and you guys are watching in Africa, in America, in Europe?"
"To break those chains, now, those kids have access to everything. The world's not closed off to anybody."
"...the promise of the internet is that sort of it's kind of a Transcendence of physical geography..."
"That's what the internet's for. You can make a payment on a ticket from the other side of the world."
"Without leaving your home, you can see what's happening on another street or even in some far corner of the world."
"With current day technology, we're no longer restricted to our immediate surroundings."
"At a time when Earth is now populated by more cell phones than people, you have the power to connect with each other across borders, across nations."
"It's one of the most brilliant but also kindest and most impoverished generations, where each member virtually every member of that generation has the power in their own hand to touch somebody halfway around the world in one second."
"The world is more connected than ever before, especially thanks to the internet."
"The good thing of online, the internet, is it's made the world so much smaller."
"Imagine the possibility of living in Sydney and being able to attend a business meeting in London the next day."
"Roughly 50 percent of the global population lacks internet connectivity today, which is absolutely mind-blowing."
"Planes, aside from being one of the most technical marvels of the 20th century, have brought the world even closer together than ever before."
"Imagine a world where New Yorkers can head to London for the day and be back in their own bed by the end of the night."
"Talking on the local repeaters is one thing, but the neat thing about DMR is you can talk cross country or around the world."
"The popular page was the key. It was the place to find out that you could follow anyone from around the world."
"Our world has become so much smaller once we were able to fly."
"Hello hello, welcome! Good afternoon or good morning, wherever you're located."
"I'm very much in favor of what Starlink is trying to do, like providing internet for people all around the world."
"The more travel we have, the better for all of us."
"It's amazing that we can do this and it's amazing that we're connected through the world wide web in this way."
"There's the prospect of being able to get good communications regardless of where you are on the Earth."
"DMR is great because it allows you to access people all around the world."
"One day you'll get on the plane, take a deep breath, and be in Europe. The next plane, another breath, Asia. From then on, it'll be kind of wonderful, like that, like breathing."
"And with 330 destinations, Frankfurt has earned its place as the world's most connected airport."
"I love that we can share all of this information with people from all over the world."
"With this, I could be in Las Vegas and set the antenna up in my house and be talking around the world without the use of a repeater."
"The internet is a global network of networks."
"With very little power, I have a way now to send an email to anybody in the world."
"The internet is really a remarkable thing to me that I can be sitting in London solving puzzles requested from around the world."
"We have access to the entire globe virtually, so when there is an event, we know about it quickly and with more detail than we've ever known before."
"Access your home network from anywhere in the world."
"It's absolutely incredible that we can sit here and show you what we're seeing, and you can be anywhere in the world and watch us."
"We have such marvelously working liberal movements of information where you can send packets of information anywhere all over the world."
"When 10 meters is open in the daytime, you can go all around the world with only a few watts."
"You can send or receive with anyone anywhere in the world instantly, basically for free."