
Future Benefits Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"If you're delaying gratification and going to the gym, you're not doing it for your current life, you're just stacking it up for the future."
"Even though it might feel uncomfortable in the moment, I know that my behavior will pay off in the future."
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but it yields a harvest of righteousness."
"Living a meaningful, purposeful life is often about doing the hard stuff for the benefit of your future or someone else's future."
"What really excites me is how we can use these technological breakthroughs to benefit more cost-effective, more energy-efficient cars in the future."
"The idea is that we're also suffering a lot, and hopefully, we'll be suffering for you, so there will be less suffering later on."
"When you do things that are hard, you have to feel bad now so that you can feel good later."
"You can improve and you can have a better life if you have discipline now. It'll give you freedom in the future."
"You're gonna see the benefits of hard work that you put in this October."
"It is a guarantee that it might not change your life today. It might not be one of those 'But wait, there's more' kind of moments, but you will thank me three, four or five years down the line that I can promise you."
"It's amazing where you're gonna be, Andrew, once you pay off the house with the selling this rental property."
"There's something you're working on Sagittarius, and it's going to be really beneficial for your future."
"Investing time into your aim, your future self is gonna thank you."
"The things that you do the month of July are going to benefit you very much the month of August."
"Sacrifices of today deliver you from the anguish of 'I wish' or 'if only'."
"What you can put away right now is going to save you money for the future."
"Eat shit for a couple of years now so you can eat caviar for the rest of your life."
"The sacrifices you make today will be worth it."
"The bronze pack method is not gonna earn us immediate coins right now but later it will."
"Technology is magic, and the great thing about living in the future is we get to reap the benefits of all this technological advancement."
"You could save $3,000 or $5,000 and not have to wait for 45 years to reap the rewards."
"Work and invest in yourself and you'll be glad you did."
"The sacrifices you have been making to change your life are going to pay off."
"Providing value for others rather than one person is going to be far more lucrative for you in the future."
"This is worth doing... will pay dividends for you for the future."
"Every good thing you do now might not have a big effect right now, but it will have the biggest effect in the future."
"Difficult decisions now can lead to significant future financial gains."
"You never know what you do right now how it pays off in the future."
"All these technologies that are coming... will be beneficial to people."
"We are building healthy habits that are going to help us tomorrow."
"You're about to come into that harvest because you're putting in the work now."
"Trust this process and know that it may bring you something even better."
"Prepare yourself for the incredible benefits that are on their way to you."
"This is actually going to make things better."
"There is no better sales pitch than 'get paid more later.'"
"Investing consistently, I promise your future self is going to thank you."
"Investing in you is a good idea because it will pay off."
"The sacrifices you make today will be worth tomorrow."
"Get your financial situation in order. Your future self will thank you."
"It's not a sign up here and get $500 into account every month, it's put the work in now by leveraging your time, knowledge, and resources to earn freedom later."
"It's these times when things seem to be dark that pay off down the road."
"Watch this video all the way through because I promise you the content you're gonna get here is going to be very valuable for you in the future."
"Whatever you're putting your energy towards this week is going to pay off later."
"The investment you make in yourself in this lifetime will pay tremendous dividends in the next lifetime."
"Everything you're doing right now is investing in your future health."
"Reaching financial independence isn't easy, but it's worth the temporary sacrifices for a brighter future."
"The whole point is that the more you learn and the more this will continue to be able to benefit your life in the future as well as it is now."
"We may never see this, but somebody in the future will inherit a huge beautiful place." - Deep South Homestead
"Intuitively you felt you should hold on to it because it might pay out for you later."
"Be that person who plants the tree whose shade you'll never use."
"Do the things today others won't, so you can have what others won't have later."
"Get excited about what you're going through...there is an after-map that you will get to enjoy and experience."
"As soon as you start taking this stuff seriously and you invest consistently, this number will creep up on you way faster than you could ever imagine."
"You act now so that you benefit in the future but that's not the end of the constraints you have to act now so that other people will either cooperate or compete with you in the present in a sustainable manner across all those time frames."
"Ultimately it's gonna be worth it to go through these few weeks of sadness."
"It's just super fun to build your own PC. Learning the ins and outs of your computer whenever you're building it really helps you out in the future."
"Yes, for a little while, I'm not going to be able to go out or have fun or do other things, but I'm going to feel so much better when I reach this goal."
"Financial reward is coming for your hard work."
"Something that you've already put some investments of yourself into is going to be paying off for you."
"Just really, really spend the research on it 'cause the more research you spend on this, the better this is gonna be in the future."
"This is a time for change and big change. Your future self will thank you for this moment."
"You gotta sacrifice comfort, you know what I mean, for better comfort down the road."
"Your spiritual team is really pushing you to make beautiful decisions that your future self will thank you for."
"They don't understand in 5 years they're going to be glad they did this."
"Work hard now, so you can enjoy the long-term game."
"See how hard you've worked to strengthen your foundation; it will serve you well as you move forward."
"The pain you're gonna feel from that realization is worth the pain that's going to be spared by the potential."
"You definitely won't regret that in a few years time."
"You should do something today, that you will thank yourself for tomorrow."
"You almost can't afford there's a thing you're gonna look back in like five years be like oh my god I just got like thousands dollars worth of value potentially so you gotta do it."
"Always take pleasure in something that didn't naturally please you."
"I feel there is like a harvest coming in for you."
"The hard work that you're doing now will pay off later."
"Losing 500k maybe even a couple mil isn't fun but the lesson that you learn could be worth a couple mil off in the future."
"Trust me, it's well worth it in the long run."
"Discipline is doing things for current you that will be rewarding to Future you."
"What we don't have in the moment that gives us twice as much or something more meaningful tomorrow or next month or next year."
"God says 2023 will be a great year for you; unexpected benefits, wonderful news, and miraculous occurrences will come your way."
"It's not just about making money now and getting lucky, but it's understanding the actions that you take today that benefit your future self."
"I'm adamant a lot of good's gonna come from this."
"If you can get through this time where it's uncertain, then I think that's actually going to help us more than hinder."
"You're getting closure in particular situations that will help you later on down the line."
"Paying a little bit more taxes today could mean paying little or no taxes at all in the future."
"I want us to think more long-term and think that it's okay to kind of forgo some of that excitement now because in the future you're setting yourself up for a much easier life."
"Short-term sacrifices for long-term gains."
"Everything we do now pays us five years from now."
"If they do this, it will be an interest to mankind permanently."
"If you can learn these lessons when you're younger, you are so much better off when you're older."
"Cultural ecosystem services... could produce new medications or help students earn more wages in the future."
"Sacrifice now while things are... when the kid can't even remember things, sacrifice now, you guys will live an amazing life."
"It's an investment in future gains and future health."
"You're trying to figure out if converting some or all of that traditional IRA to a Roth IRA now will be more beneficial to you."
"Put the work upfront and reap the rewards down the line."
"What choices can you make in our lives today? Maybe it's a sacrifice that will pay us greater rewards tomorrow."
"Small changes, small differences can have dramatic and big rewards for you in the future."
"Practicing yourself is always gonna help you down the road."
"In 10 years, my face is gonna thank me."
"There are some payoffs you can have down the road if you think about these ahead of time."
"Basic research is discovery of information; it may not look immediately useful, but downstream it might be of great benefit."
"Forever, this is something that will reward you forever."
"It involves a current outlay or maximum is current and the future outlays of the funds in the expectation of receiving stream of benefits in future."
"A little effort now will pay off later."
"This time off will pay dividends later on."
"That will pay dividends in the future."
"Delayed gratification are the things that are usually harder and uncomfortable right now but your life is better later because of it."
"Asset is a resource that will provide future benefit to the business."
"Those who do not study the past are doomed to repeat it, but in this case, those who study the past will be prepared to reap it."
"Whatever work you're putting into your life right now, it's going to benefit you greatly."
"If you adapt your core to be stable and strong, then it's going to pay off dividends in the future."
"At the end of the day, everything you do now, you'll be blessed later."
"You're learning the benefit of saying no to ourselves a little bit in order to say yes for something better in the future."
"What doesn't feel good right now may just give dividend after dividend in the future."
"As much as it kind of hurts to tear down a perfectly good shop, it is going to be so worth it in the end because we're going to have a much, much better end result."
"If you're feeling the inclination, absolutely go for it because it will come back and serve you at some point in your life, if not immediately."
"Whatever changes you're going to make in your life now are really going to pay off for you."