
Skydiving Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"You're more likely to die in a car accident than you are likely to die skydiving."
"Almost every skydiving fatality occurs under perfectly functioning equipment, meaning the person flying the equipment makes a shitty decision."
"Much like Nick Piantanida, Nish Bruce was someone who seemed to belong to the sky, this time going out on his own."
"Safety first, let's verify that this parachute will be enough."
"Setting the record for the largest Free Fall formation."
"Falling through the sky with only a parachute to stop you from slamming into the ground below is an intimidating feat. However, what if you were to do it without a parachute on your back to rescue you?"
"this whole experience skydiving together I think has really helped our friendship and helped us grow closer together and understand each other better."
"Every time you don't jump for a little bit, that feeling comes back. I haven't jumped for a long time, so I know next time I go jump, it's gonna be like the first time."
"If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving isn't for you."
"What's on your bucket list? To skydive!"
"I want to skydive but with somebody, not by myself."
"Are we jumping out of the plane? Fck off!"
"It's like 10, 15 seconds, you're just going, and then he pulls the chute, and as soon as he pulls the chute and you see it, you just feel at peace."
"There's something beautiful about landing in the water though. Like you're literally skipping on the water to the landing. It's sick."
"You don't need a parachute to skydive; you only need a parachute to skydive twice."
"Just falling from the sky at what is it 150 miles per hour, 100, 200 miles? I don't wanna know the details."
"I went skydiving once and it was terrible."
"Skydiving cost you your first paycheck and then half your paycheck over this from that point on."
"If you're just joining us, I'm 13,500 ft over North Carolina. If all goes as planned, I'm going to jump out the door, fall about 9,000 ft, pull my shoot at around 5,000 ft and then float safely to the ground."
"Skydiving is safer because you have more options and you have more altitude you have a reserve parachute it's a really safe sport that has incredibly steep consequences when you get complacent."
"I would like to jump out of a plane at some point."
"You don't need a parachute to go skydiving. You need a pair of shoes to go skydiving twice. Deep Thoughts with the Deep."
"His suit starts beeping when he's 4,000 feet away, indicating that he is nearing the shoot opening altitude."
"This is my first time skydiving dude, like so mentally I was preparing to die."
"Go skydiving if you can. It's fun. It's a spiritual experience. It's a reset. And there's nothing to be afraid of. It's honestly so peaceful, and the scenery is beautiful."
"We're in this fancy harness today we are heading up in the plane to 15 000 feet and I'm going to be heading with Sinnoh behind me we're gonna be falling out of that plane Free Falling for however long it is and then we're going to pull the parachute hopefully if it works."
"The opening skydiving scene is awesome."
"And remember, if at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."
"Favorite thing to cross off bucket list: skydiving."
"...then you can go do a tandem out of the sky."
"Skydiving has been one of the best things I could have done for my mind. It has made me a stronger person and a more resilient person."
"Your canopy control will determine if you land near other jumpers or in the rocks or trees and can make the difference between a hard or soft landing."
"You need to be able to turn your parachute, redirect its forward speed to make it go where you want it to go, and control ground speed."
"Oscillations caused two problems: increasing descent rate and increasing chance of being injured on landing."
"Don't worry this time I have a parachute."
"When you're coming down and you're floating, I mean, for me, the fun part was the freefall."
"Skydiving's like 250 dollars. How poor would you have to be to resent someone?"
"It felt just like a training jump, but not training."
"Freedom is in the freedom an extended free fall provides, something that he loves dearly."
"Skydiving just helped me get over any fears of anxiety or what people thought of me."
"I still jump out of planes, skydiving."
"She was a qualified freefall instructor who had made 2,600 successful jumps."
"You should definitely do that skydive."
"I loved it, man. I did it, taught it out the freefall school, taught it as a contractor for a while."
"Skydiving can help burn off calories."
"It's much safer than it might seem."
"Good afternoon, welcome to the sky, brothers."
"Once you jump and start free falling, there's no control. You're just weightless."
"Jumping out of the plane at 15,000 feet!"
"The more air time you actually have, the easier it's going to be because you've got more time to sort yourself out."
"To put the experience of skydiving into words is probably best described as something that you can't put into words."
"Pure body flight, you're totally free between heaven and earth."
"Real freedom is skydiving on your own."
"It's all about speed, control, precision under the canopy."
"I jumped out of a plane; it was the first time I've ever flown in a plane, and it was skydiving."
"Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane was a beautiful thing."
"I want to jump out of an airplane and just fly."
"Skydiving, and they do it for recreation."
"Skydiving... it's going to be fun and it's going to be an experience that I don't even know how to put it in words."
"It's like the closest thing to flying."
"It took me to new heights as it was a tandem jump."
"You don't need a parachute to go skydiving. You need a parachute to go skydiving twice."
"Skydiving is a real social endeavor; it's a beautiful thing."
"There is absolutely nothing between you and the sky."
"I went skydiving last week, that was kind of neat."
"I've been skydiving, damn, it's tight."
"We're about to go skydiving, fortunately not out of a plane, but it's in the tunnel."
"It's my very own bucket list, and the first item says go skydiving."
"I wanted adventure; I wanted to do things I would not normally do, like jump out of an airplane."
"It's got an awesome bottom end flare."
"It's going to be a 60-second free fall and reaches speeds in excess of 125 miles an hour; it's going to be epic."
"It's more than just jumping out of planes; it's a lot more."
"Free flying is the most practiced, most well-known discipline in skydiving by far."
"Instead of being a two-dimension way of flying, you're flying in all dimensions, in all axes."
"It's important to check your alti, I know, but it's also mandatory to have an audible altimeter for free flying."
"This is the most fun you can have in skydiving with a lot of people."
"Congratulations, you're either a vertical record holder or you're a successful free flight team."
"You are more likely to be struck by lightning or win the lottery than to die on a tandem skydive."
"Tandem skydiving has the safest statistics of any type of jump."
"I love your cute little smile, I love your heart, and I love how you love to skydive."
"Free-falling through the skies in Manhattan is a feeling that can't be put into words."
"I don't think anything is quite the same as skydiving."
"I'm more of a logical thinker; that's why I skydive and why I'm not afraid of a lot of things."
"We're jumping out at like 20,000 feet, and that's about 90 seconds of free fall."
"The only downside, my ears popped beyond belief, and I'm still like half deaf."
"He pledged that upon eclipsing 6000 likes on Facebook, he would go skydiving."
"I would love to go skydiving with you guys."
"Proper action, isn't it? I know they're sorry I'm so scared doing it, but honestly, once you're up, then I've done it, I was like yes!"
"We really jump off planes though, that's real skydiving."
"You want to kiss the sky at 160 miles an hour."
"It's like having a safety using safety devices when you're skydiving."
"I guess my hundred and one wishes to go skydiving."
"Always sharing the passion of skydiving and helping you become better and safer skydivers."
"What better time to start skydiving than right now?"
"One lesson that I definitely learned is... wave, arch, reach, and pull."
"Once I let go, parachute fully open."
"I felt like I was floating; it was so peaceful up there."
"Skydiving is a relatively safe sport, especially if you're doing everything by the book and carefully."
"Skydiving is a dangerous sport that it can be done safely."
"Teaching people how to skydive, teaching vets how to skydive, and giving them that way to come back together with a small group and laugh and have a good time."
"When I'm skydiving, there's nothing else on my mind, and it is a true escape for me."
"I refuse, I've been invited to skydive so many times... zero chance."
"If you're gonna skydive, you might as well jump from the highest point you can."
"Never jump out of a plane with a backpack on and think it's a parachute."
"There's nothing quite like doing a skydive and jumping into the blackness of night."
"Who owns a skydiving helmet? Because that's what I wore in our picture. I do, but it was a gift from you."
"I remember my first solo jump, I jumped out and I didn't do anything with that, I just looked at the horizon, I looked at the San Diego bay, and it was relaxing more than stressful."
"Keep jumping, stay safe, and blue skies."
"The first thing I'm going to do after my career is Skydive."
"Spread risers, bicycle kick yourself out."
"We need to look for other skydivers in our airspace."
"Ideally, we want to be facing into the wind when we land."
"It's a skydiving classic and would be disrespectful not to include it."
"It's the single most recognizable plane in civil skydiving; it's the face of fun jumping."
"If we hit 100k, I will jump out of a plane."
"We're going skydiving. Have you ever been skydiving before?"
"Indeed, skydiving would be awesome. How can you not know if you want to do it?"
"I would want to do it because the sensation of falling through the sky would be incredible and life-changing."
"Chances of it going wrong are extremely slim, you have two chutes."
"It's one step closer to that skydiving adventure."
"I'll go skydiving before I go on a roller coaster."
"Skydiving is competing like you're doing it against yourself."
"When he jumps out of the plane, it's like that first moment when he jumps out, there's like no noise."
"Warning: If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."
"But the only thing I'm really looking forward to is controlling the parachute myself."
"Freedom is felt in this, really. This is the most important feeling."
"The beautiful thing about skydiving is you can push the front leading edge of what's possible."
"I love the risk, that's why I love skydiving."