
Inner Change Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"It's not the money that's going to take care of everything; it's changing whatever is inside of you that attracts that."
"If you want to change, first of all, you need to change inside."
"Unless you change the image on the inside first, the outside will never reflect the new you for very long."
"God, I pray right now that this word would not just go into our ears but may it enter our heart."
"You're changing on the outside because you're being transformed on the inside."
"He doesn't just change your behavior, he changes your nature, your desire, and your heart."
"Something's about to be reborn inside of you."
"The greatest revolution: changing inner attitudes changes outer life."
"Holiness is not just a matter of imitation, it is a matter of inhabitation."
"You have entered a core year... inner workings... completely unleashed... exposed."
"You can't change what happened, you just have to move on from it. You can't change the past. It turns out that in this inner world, you can literally change the past."
"In order for things around you to change, you must first change your inner dialogue."
"The kingdom within you eliminates faulty belief systems and empowers you to overcome sin."
"The change that God had made in me emanated from me."
"Jesus is trying to cut things on inside of me."
"Everything in your life changes in the secret place."
"Create in me a pure heart, oh God, renew a steadfast spirit within me." - Psalms 51:10.
"I am willing to release the pattern within me that is creating this condition."
"Life is a miracle. I'm so thankful to witness this because so many times we take moments like that for granted."
"It was an unexpected revolution of the heart and mind."
"Transformation comes from within, through symbolic interpretation."
"Listen to your heart... God will begin to change your want-to's, he'll begin to shape your desires by spending time with him."
"Stop worrying about everything going on on the outside...we are the change that we've been waiting for."
"The message is one of heart transformation change from the inside out."
"You are going through a deep transformation of the self."
"Inner transformation precedes outward change."
"The change starts within and then in time shows itself in your external world."
"The evolution of consciousness is an inside job; it's the changing of you on the inside that impacts the world."
"I think a glow up is not only appearance but definitely affects inside as well."
"The same act is being performed, but who's inside is entirely different."
"Spirituality is the ability to do nothing about it because nothing you're going to gain through that outer experience really has any effect of change inside of you."
"They've already started to literally truly change from the inside out."
"I realized when I was a transformation that had taken place inside of my soul inside of me because my countenance was different my attitude was different."
"When you change truly change the inside, everything changes."
"...deliverance always comes from the inside..."
"It's not what you do for God, it's what He's done in you."
"There's a change on the inside. It starts on the inside, then it shows up on the outside."
"If you force yourself to do good, it means you have not transformed from inside."
"...the Spirit of God will change you from the inside out."
"...when the Spirit of God comes within you, you will possess the strength to actually change."
"God exchanges Us From the Inside Out."
"Change me from the inside, because it is only as my heart is cleansed and put right with God that our words may be brought under His control."
"The actual change has to come from within."
"The greatest miracle to me is someone repenting and no longer letting God walk with them but now letting God walk in them."
"You need to get on the inside, so God can do it personally."
"When something goes off inside you, you'll know it because it will activate your faith."
"Authentic renewal is the change of the human heart."
"God is doing something so new on the inside of you that it won't look like the usual."
"Transformation doesn't happen from something on the outside; it happens from something that happens on the inside."
"It starts within, where you graduate from trying to appear like you've changed to actually becoming the person you want to change to."
"I felt different inside. I really did. I felt just a joy."
"Within the crucible of solitude, individuals undergo a radical internal revolution."
"I feel like once I got everything changed on the inside for me that's when my career changed on the outside because the gifts and the talent and all that stuff is already there."
"It will change you from the inside."
"The greatest miracle the bible is talking about is not on the outside, is inside of you. Salvation."
"Transformation gets underway from the inside out."
"The real changes happen on the inside, in the subjective world, in your thoughts."
"Change starts with a clean heart and a right spirit."
"God will transform you from the inside out."
"The world around you will change to reflect the world within you."
"I think a way for a person to change is to change within the inner side."
"You have to focus on changing the inner matrix."
"As you walk in obedience to God, He'll renew the internal parts that you don't know how to affect and how to change."
"Revival isn't like going somewhere and it's falling on you; it has to fall in you before it can flow out of you."
"The gospel is not change on the outside; it's about an internal transformation."
"Any attempt to change the outer world before he changes the inner structure of his mind is to labor in vain."
"When you change us from the inside out, the change will be forever."
"The only way that we can bring about the change that we desire on the outside is to foresee the change coming from within."
"Change starts within; we have the power to come together and do things to change this world in any way we see fit."
"The hut that she could build could be safe enough and that the vision of the flower was inspiring enough for her to wait for something better to happen inside of herself."
"You want to change us from the inside out."
"Being among Godly things doesn't change you; it is the power of the Holy Spirit working from inside that changes."
"Things happen deep down inside people's hearts and beings that change them."
"You need a heart change on the inside."
"Jesus doesn't just wash you from the outside in, but transforms from the inside out."
"God cares about our innermost first and as he changes your inner, then the outer follows."
"Religion ends in outer reformation, the gospel ends in inner transformation."
"Change comes from within; you are that change beneath the skin."
"I am a totally different person... not from the outside in but from the inside out."
"You have to make a change from within."
"Let the word do what only the word can do, and that's bring change from the inside out."
"I will put my Holy Spirit within you and I will cause you to walk in My statutes."
"Nothing in human life on the outside can transform until the changes on the inside take place."
"If people want their outer environment to change, they must first alter their inner world, including thoughts, convictions, and dispositions."
"This is going to be a transformation that is going to happen for many of you, and it's going to start from the inside out."
"We need to be transformed from the inside out by gazing at his beauty and being transformed from one degree of glory to the next."
"Change your inner world, change the blueprint, energetically, to have it manifest materially."
"The old Covenant is like the law written on stone; the New Covenant is the law written in the heart."
"Change comes from within, not from outside forces."
"Jesus paid a price to put who He is inside of every one of us; He didn't just pay a price to forgive you, He paid a price to transform you."
"I'm not doing this to get something outside of me; I'm doing this to change inside of me."
"I will one day write laws on their hearts and minds."
"There is a change going on inside."
"God still does miracles; He loves doing it from the inside out."
"It does something to you on the inside to see people delivered, to see people set free."
"The spirit of God comes inside you, and that's the rebirth of your spirit."
"If you can close your eyes to what's happening around you and begin to look at what God is doing on the inside, you can change things from the inside out."
"The spirit of God can go inside of you and dredge out that old thing and put something new in you."
"You changed who you were on the inside."
"Once you change inside, once you become a new person, brother, you won't have to do it, man. Those brothers will sense you're a different person."
"You're the god of your universe, you have the authority, the right, and permission, and actually the responsibility, to change your inner universe to influence your outer one."
"He's changing from inside out by being a teacher."
"God can transform you from the inside out."
"Some people's transformations begin from the outside in, and some people start from the inside out."
"Prayer fuels the function of the Holy Spirit in us and awakens the Christ-like nature in us."
"Allowing Christ to come and rule in us, that's the kingdom of Grace."
"Our hearts are naturally bent away from Him, and because of that, we need a new heart first and foremost."
"The journey of the divine is for you to change, not to change your outside world, but to awaken your inside."
"If there's going to be a change in our behavior, it has to be a change that starts on the inside."
"Change actually comes from inside, not from outside."
"True transformation only comes from the inside out when God changes our hearts."
"Change happens on the inside first."
"The miracles and the impossible things that He wants to do in your life start in your heart."
"The Holy Spirit is changing me from the inside out."
"You have to change the inside before you can experience the change on the outside."
"Who he is comes inside of me so who he is flows through me because we're the light of the world."
"God the Holy Ghost carved Christ in me, the hope of glory."
"It is not about changing location; it is about changing what is inside of you."
"From the inside out, you're having a transformation."
"The evidence of our faith is in the transformation of our life from the inside out."
"The change really has to come within you first."
"There's something inside of you that is changing or needs to change."