
Family Health Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"If your wife is stressed out, if she's full of anxiety all the time and depressed, what do you think the children will be?"
"Depression is fairly strong in the family. There's been so much of it, I find that you think about it more."
"You're doing the cooking every day, Dad, or you're doing the cooking every day, Mom, why don't we try to introduce more vegetables?"
"Heart health and staying healthy, especially when you have family, friends, or loved ones, is so important."
"No family is perfect... but there are healthy families out there that exhibit these qualities."
"We want you and your family to live longer, healthier, and happier lives."
"It's time to get back to care for our health, for ourselves and our families."
"Alicia and Josh should not be drinking if there are any children or homes that come from alcoholism."
"I just wanted to say that I've been off YouTube for a few weeks because my husband was sick."
"Would you rather have your child grow up in a completely broken household or send a message that you're willing to fight for healthy love?"
"Sorry if I'm a little distracted, my mom had surgery today and she's she sounds like painkillers or something."
"They don't value healthy families and healthy kids."
"This could be a game changer for a lot of families."
"So my husband and I take our ritual vitamins every day but then I thought I have a teen daughter and not only that my seven-year-old daughter needs her vitamins."
"My goal is to make healthy families the norm."
"Prayers to anybody out there who has a family member or relative that has a pre-existing illness or ailment that COVID is expediting the process of."
"One of the most important things in my life is the health and well-being of my family."
"My wife is breastfeeding she had this stuff so this matters my wife has to know do i need to stop breastfeeding"
"Everyone I know and love is healthy and that's really all that matters right now."
"It is never too late to begin making the best possible health choices for ourselves and for our families."
"It's been a real game changer for her her Aunt other members of our family and for many other people now you two can benefit."
"It's okay to eat junk food but it's not okay to eat it all the time specifically because you're my dad."
"Reduce the viral load of your children, your parents, your partner."
"Your health is very important because if you're healthy it means your parents will be healthy and your grandparents will be healthy."
"Kids, probably the best reason there is, to get healthy and stay healthy." - Alan Robertson
"It starts with the parents. If the children see their parents taking their heart health seriously, their health and wellness seriously and they too know that this is something important."
"Blame it on your mom: Epigenetics tags the baby's genes."
"My mum had a fall, she's now in an old person's home, lost all faculty, can't have a conversation with her."
"Your dog's health is as important as every other member of your family."
"If she is not okay, your children are not okay."
"You are going to be stronger and healthier for your family and your loved ones' health."
"Learn about what you need to learn for your health and your family."
"The biggest goal is what I'm actually praying about more which is the health of this baby, the health of our family, the happiness of our family and just going through this transition and glorifying God through the process."
"And let me remind you, this is great for kids too."
"Success for me is just having a roof over my head, food in the fridge, and my kids are healthy. For me, that's success."
"Feeding my family the healthiest food I can find is so beneficial in so many ways."
"No family should be kept from seeing a doctor or getting treatment."
"It sucks when family are dealing with health issues it's a very helpless feeling."
"Honestly, I feel so grateful and happy that we're a healthy family again and that we don't have to ever go through the rough times."
"Children seem to confer a protective effect against COVID-19."
"You said you want your kids to have 20 20 Vision I'm like okay then have 20 20."
"Your father-in-law is still here himself and relatively healthy. If you prevent your wife from enjoying this time with him, you might as well get your divorce papers in order because you will kill your marriage."
"I give it all away for my oldest son to be healthy right all of it."
"It's so much better for your kids. You're just gonna be healthier. You're going to be happier."
"Healthy families mean a healthy society."
"Let's talk about mum. After having a newborn, mum enters a period called postpartum. The postpartum period."
"To alleviate stress, to avoid stress completely, we can implement meal planning in our families."
"By planning meals and following the principles, the nutrition for our families is going to improve."
"We ask you to protect these wonderful children, keep them healthy, keep my wife healthy."
"The reason I've been acting a little off lately is my daughter, she has leukemia."
"Thank God I'm alive and thank God my family's healthy."
"The Family Systems and Health journal promotes the biosocial approach."
"Imagine what eating for your mitochondria can do for you, your family, your country, your community, your world."
"What brought upon this business is that my dad was suffering from cancer."
"I had a life again, a healthy life that I'm now inspired to share with my mom so she can achieve the same."
"This year we have so much to be thankful for, one of the main things is obviously Franco being healthy and strong and amazing, and of course, having a healthy and strong baby girl on the way too."
"And it's not only good for the kids, it's good for me as well."
"I am grateful for all that I have, that myself and my children are healthy."
"As long as the baby is healthy, that's all that really matters."
"It's best when people are healthy, happy, and able to raise families."
"Choice allows you to determine what scale of healthcare you need, what kind of package is good for you, your family or for your business."
"Fewer germs, more time with my family, and I am really looking forward to having this baby."
"Just remember, Javina, you're here, your child is healthy, you're healthy, live in the moment, please enjoy it while you're here because you're not going to be here forever."
"Read your labels when you're shopping for your kids and your family and yourself."
"I got my family members to also take vitamin supplements and a variety of issues that they had went away very quickly."
"For the health of my daughter and grandchild, we believe the best thing to do is be supportive."
"One healthy parent is better than two dysfunctional ones any day of the week."
"When we see families or individuals who have those three together, it seems that they're a lot healthier, a lot stronger, it gives them hope for whatever is going on."
"Number one is to be alive, number two that my family is in good health right now."
"As you will appreciate, Rosemary's family therefore already have conditions which necessitate particular attention to diet."
"Healthy churches are going to have to be made up of healthy families."
"Allergic disorders tend to follow in families."
"Every single Albertan is thinking about Ottawa's jurisdictional role; they want to take their kids to a doctor, they want to go take their kids to great schools."
"How do you help an entire family get healthier?"
"I'm feeling so much better and our family is definitely on the path to feeling better and doing better as well."
"Marriages that are difficult but nonetheless could stay together in a reasonable way are good for children."
"Thank you for the health of my family, thank you for my beautiful children."
"Your mental health matters and is an essential component of the health of your family."
"I am however very grateful that my mom is starting to do a little bit better."
"I'm massively impressed with you... I wish you and your family continued health and happiness throughout your existence."
"It filters out irritating smoke, allowing my family to breathe cleaner, fresher smelling air."
"Whole healthy families... how they're going to save the world."
"Families who eat well together, feel well."
"In a healthy family, the individuals are what's important."
"I promise you, I won't judge you or your family if you don't buy all completely toxin-free organic products."
"I have a healthy baby, I'm a healthy mama with a healthy husband, and we love the Lord in our community and tribe."
"The kids need you, but they need you to be healthy and they need you to make good decisions."
"Someone who sees a grape tree full of grapes, his wife will have healthy pregnancies, no miscarriages."
"As long as the babies are healthy, as long as mama's doing good, and cie is doing good as well, then I got no complaints. I'm blessed."
"A healthy family, that's all I want."
"Each and every individual values the importance of good health for the family."
"I got a healthy baby, my wife is already up and jumping around like a bunny rabbit. I got no complaints whatsoever."
"We have been so blessed with healthy parents, healthy siblings, and healthy children, and not everyone in the world can say that."
"Enjoy the Limelight you've earned it, although on the family front, someone's health could cause some secret worries."
"I am very very blessed to say that nobody in my family has been directly impacted in terms of their health."
"I give all of the glory to God. He introduced me to this GAPS diet and it has been just such an amazing thing for our family."
"I feel like it's very healthy as a family to exercise."
"We are currently in an 11-day quarantine in my home because my daughter's come down with COVID."
"Starting out healthy habits as a family is something that really excites us."