
Generational Legacy Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"That's so nice to hear you say because, you know, all we talk about is like we got to leave a good planet for our kids. Like, hey, how about we leave some good kids for the planet?"
"When you start thinking about your generation and the kids that you can't see, and what you're leaving for them, you really move different in this world."
"The greatest generation came back from all this hardship overseas and they were like, 'I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that my kids have everything they want.'"
"What I believe is that you should if you have a good life you should try and pass that on."
"We must make the world a little better for the next generation."
"The goal is to leave and nurture the generation before you go."
"You have the power to ensure future generations grow up in the truth and knowledge that we are not alone."
"We want the best for our country... and generations to come... Let's do what's best for the people."
"The purpose here is sovereignty... to make truth for our children."
"I will not hand his great-granddaughter a country shaped by hateful and stupid men. Your tears last night woke me up and I'll never go sleeping again."
"We are going to continue to do this for generation after generation of human beings that are not yet damaged. We do not have to damage them in the same way, even if we are not fully rescueable."
"You've got to fight for the next generation, and that's what we're here for."
"Equality is the gift you will pass down to the next generation."
"Thanks for raising me on great music, trying to do the same with my kids I hope you are too."
"It's up to us to preserve that liberty for the next generation to enjoy."
"It's important to have children and to create the new generation."
"The most important thing they will do in life is to bear and rear the next generation of children."
"Together, if we work our hearts out, we can still build a country that we are proud of to leave for our children."
"If you're not excited about the future, that quote about Society functions when old men plant trees under her shade they will never sit."
"What we're believing our grandchildren is not a planet damaged by industrial progress but a record of unfathomable silliness."
"We need to pass the torch and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light."
"Most people in life are just on this planet are just trying to leave a better world for their children."
"God is a generational God. It is the will of God to pass on the spiritual faith, the anointing, the presence in a family to the next generation."
"Freedom is not given to our people freedom is something that people have to fight for so they can value it and pass it down to the next generation until them children them and them children and speak for years."
"It's incumbent upon people like us... leave the next generation with a belief system."
"Thor is raising the next generation to be one of the good gods."
"We choose a future where our children can enjoy the ocean for years to come."
"Every generation has to teach good values to the next generation or the bad stuff comes up again."
"Just we not you, we're so aggressive for what we had to fight for. We don't know the next generation don't have to fight as hard so we're coming like we."
"Freedom must be earned and won in each generation, ours is an intergenerational sisterhood."
"You're gonna instill these good qualities in your child and it's gonna keep going on and on and on because you guys come from such a good family with a good history."
"I want to position myself to do just like my father did, you know set up land start growing food houses and businesses."
"I hope people continue to really support the park and what it stands for so those memories can continue to be made for future generations."
"The women on this list from around the world, we are the women who have paved a long beautiful runway for the next generation."
"Our children and grandchildren deserve to have the same sort of wonderful opportunity that our parents and grandparents gave us."
"Each generation tell his children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power."
"It's an obligation to pass it down to future generations."
"It's our responsibility, our cherished responsibility, to instill our values into our children."
"You've got to make it yourself, you've got to pass that baton on forward." - Roland Martin
"It's about longevity... We're gonna be those Jack granddad's."
"I want to make this world better for every single man, woman, and child. And you know, I believe that's what we're doing. I believe that this what this movement represents. We are securing the future for the next generation."
"It is truly becoming an heirloom for us to pass on to our children's children's children."
"It's preserving culture, I mean no matter what kind of culture you're talking about, you wouldn't want that to die out."
"When you send forth a parent you spend the rest of your life on earth trying to live up to it trying to be their extension trying to trying to be great sometimes for them even when you can't be great for yourself."
"The hope is in the resistance. Who will stand with me now for mine and future generations to inherit a healthy, just, and sustainable planet?"
"This gun will remain and it will be a connection to your generations to you and they will remember dad who was wise enough in 2009 or 2010 to go out spend a little money on a present that would last for ever."
"Discover and preserve magical knowledge, pass that knowledge onto one generation to the next."
"The most Alpha thing you can do is have babies and raise the babies to be legit upstanding citizens."
"In every generation, God has reserved a body of people that have carried the blueprint of heaven on earth." - Ian Clayton
"You can grow vegetables for yourself, fruit trees for your children, and nut trees for your grandchildren."
"We work to make a better life for ourselves, for our children, for the future."
"Each generation has written its history by reusing the legacy of past generations."
"On the shoulders of giants, it's time we become giants!"
"We cannot let freedom die with this generation."
"There are principles I want to share with you now the remnant that will preserve the purposes of the Christ and make that preservation transgenerational."
"If you want your children to inherit the blessings that generations of Americans have fought and died for, we must devote everything we have toward victory in 2020."
"What do we want to brag about? What do we want to be able to say that our generation did to hold on to democracy?"
"What our parents sacrificed and all that stuff and then what we should gain from it, let's give it to our children and move it on."
"Don't surrender potential future generations to the enemy."
"I broke the generational curse. So, the legacy is done."
"We're doing our job if we're building a better life for the next generation."
"Society works best when older men are planting trees they know they'll never have the pleasure of sitting in its shade."
"You have to protect your future and the future of the generations to come."
"I'm trying to tell you the facts of life," Atticus persevered. "Your aunt has asked me to try and impress upon you and Jean Louise that you are not from run-of-the-mill people. You are the product of several generations' gentle breeding."
"There's so much to do, my darling, and we can't do it in one lifetime. I need someone to carry on the light."
"I hope that the traditional food of Guangzhou, chick pie, can be passed down from generation to generation."
"The Boomers inherited a better country than they'll leave behind for their children."
"Millennials and Gen Z are their children and grandchildren; that's all part of their legacy."
"We're losing our culture and you know it just, things like this need to be around for the younger generation, that would be really awesome."
"Our actions today will surely determine our fate and that of the generations to come."
"If we're going to transition, let's leave our mark behind; let's set up a foundation for the generations behind us."
"We're only two generations away from our grandparents fighting in World War II, and they fought for our freedoms."
"We definitely chose things that will last for generations, so this is archival quality ink inside."
"We are all responsible for what we do in the present to construct the future for our children and our grandchildren."
"It is a feeling that can only come from a real history, an era of more than 100 years steeped in the blood, the sweat, and the tears of generations."
"The people who sat here, who grew old together, who married, who passed along their tickets to their kids and to their friends, had the real concept of what Mile High Stadium was all about."
"We have three boys; they're all military guys."
"They've frequently been the heroes of Equestria, but now it's their turn to take a step back and become the leaders and mentors, preparing the next generation of heroes."
"We need to give or pass on this earth to the coming generation the way we found it, and even better."
"If we want our kids to grow up with the same relationships to lakes that we've had, we're gonna have to put some work into it."
"It's moments that we always reminisce on, it's a beautiful time and we're passing it on to the next generation."
"God is saying, 'I want to do a work deep down in each person's heart and life so that they can enter their Promised Land and bring the next generation with them.'"
"I want to raise excellence; I want my lineage to be pure, to be blessed, to be holy, to be righteous, to be on top of it."
"What you do now is not for yourself, it's for the next generation."
"We want those young people to know what happened so what happened to my generation never happens again."
"I love it when things are passed down from generation to generation."
"Do we really comprehend, do we understand the tremendous significance of that which we have? We of this generation are the end harvest of all that has gone before."
"Every generation since we've been around a campfire has sent its best and its brightest out to the edge to explore."