
Market Competition Quotes

There are 563 quotes

"Inflation has begun to slow not stop but groceries are still expensive because we have so few big chains."
"Amazon is now doing more to actually unwind duopolies and monopolies in markets than the government."
"More market competition is generally good for the economy and for consumers."
"Coke's market share is almost double that of Pepsi, and for that reason, Pepsi has historically done some really wacky things to try to get a leg up on their competitor."
"This week, we've got to talk about a new cheap EV that looks like a pretty promising competitor."
"The Epic Game Store is definitely a very pro-developer platform. It offers an 88% revenue share compared to Steam's 70% revenue share."
"Which platform, to you, looks more friendly to competition than the other? Which one resembles more of a monopoly than the other? For me, the choice is evidently clear."
"Tesla is ruthless. They're just going to keep going down the market and make it even more difficult to compete with them once they have localized manufacturing on three continents."
"You can't just be better; you need to be so much better that people are willing to give up on a product that they already trust."
"From battery maker to the biggest electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer in China, BYD is inching closer to unseating Tesla as the largest EV maker in the world."
"You're talking about a network that's pushing through billions and billions of dollars, succeeding in what has become an Amazon-dominated world."
"Competition in the marketplace should not be based on the politics of the corporation but instead based on the quality of the product."
"The primary consideration under neoliberalism is capitalism, and the primary consideration under capitalism is competition against other competing entities for a greater share of the market with the end goal of monopoly."
"Intel's brought its prices down, but it's still not going lower than AMD for the most part."
"It's going to be tough for Intel to compete."
"Consider 30 years ago, who would have dreamed that an independent bookstore would triumph over Borders and Barnes & Noble?"
"If BYD comes in with a very affordable product, then it's probably going to be that either a consumer is going to buy BYD or they're going to buy Tesla."
"In all of these different networked markets, competition is just a click away."
"We can't compete with the clubs in the market. Sad reality. We desperately need change in the ownership."
"Lucid definitely pursuing more of that luxury that would be taking away sales from Mercedes, Aston Martin, Jaguar, Maserati."
"Amazon can afford to sell at a loss until the competitor eventually runs out of business, making Amazon almost a monopoly."
"Interesting market brewing between Intel and AMD."
"You don't want to be in the red ocean you do want to be in a blue you want to break away from competition and stand apart."
"Pepsi's market share more than doubled from 6% to 14%"
"The North American train Market is getting another big player that will drive more competition in an era when we need to get more Transit built."
"Pick something that's in fairly high demand in your area."
"AMD's Radeon RX 560: The underdog's comeback?"
"Just like in dating, be specific in your product specifications and details."
"The recognition did not stop here... everyone in the audience knew a spectacular new act had arrived."
"However, every firearms entrepreneur in the country and probably some outside the country looked at this as a fantastic opportunity for the gun that they designed which they knew was fantastic and best and the hottest thing on the market."
"Big tech lobbies for monopoly power to prevent market competition."
"The remedy will provide the wholesale price of Call of Duty games offered to Sony."
"20124 will be a year of intense competition for cost effectiveness in China."
"Red ocean would be like me deciding that I'm going to sell a caramel sugar mystery flavored soda that competes with Coke and Pepsi."
"A red ocean sucks and a blue ocean can take you to amazing new heights."
"Far Cry 5, sorry God of War, sorry Spider-Man. I'll take it from here."
"I think Xbox is done pretending they're in the console war."
"Microsoft Edge is also trying to dent the web browser market."
"We focused on the competing people using competing products."
"For now, it seems strong competition in the CPU market is here to stay."
"Cardano going head-to-head with bitcoin as interest among institutional-grade investors blows hot."
"In Canon's worry about cannibalizing their own market share, they've actually let Sony in."
"If the market worked the way it was supposed to work, then you would have a large number of vaccine manufacturers competing with each other."
"A sense of urgency around capturing e-commerce market share" - the driving force behind Amazon's growth.
"Increasingly, the technology is competing head-to-head with conventional power sources... without financial support."
"Kylie Cosmetics has shown that like yo like you could be a real top contender."
"The future of the automotive industry will be extremely brutal with only a few car companies able to survive."
"Our focus is trying to put the easy button into all of this for people... we're here to win it."
"General Motors reports surprising Q3 results while NIO passes them in market value after unveiling a new 100 kilowatt-hour battery."
"Who can really fight back in terms of traditional watch brands? There is only one in my opinion that has the chance of competing and that is Casio."
"This laptop directly competes with the MSI GS65 or P65, competes with the Razer Blade 15."
"That's where the phrase 'that's the way the cookie crumbles' comes from. It comes from the ever-increasing and highly competitive cookie market. The cookie wars are raging."
"Market competition is the surest way to improve the quality and promote innovation in education."
"I think we're going to see decentralized options emerge that competes with Amazon, Google."
"Apple own and more importantly created the stack top to bottom. Apple have no more a monopoly on iPhones than Sony has a monopoly on PlayStations."
"Brand loyalty is up for grabs, and we need to innovate to capture it."
"Competition is good for the consumer, I think it's... it takes complicated things and allows for simpler stories."
"At just under $3300, the 7000 is going Toe to Toe with stiff competition."
"I hope that Nvidia and AMD decide not to go with, um, I expect you to less demand. There's certainly going to be less demand and there will be more competition than ever like the GPU wars should be peaking for this generation."
"Tesla versus Neo, battle for the world's largest EV market."
"Nvidia can no longer sell GPUs simply by making them, they have to be compelling now."
"Great products are becoming a commodity. It's the combination between great products and a great business model is going to keep you ahead in competition in the coming decade."
"Simples! It's like, just do this, compare market must be livid."
"iPhone 13 is loaded with new technologies, including Cinematic mode, A15 Bionic that's faster than the competition, our most advanced dual-camera system with sensor-shift OIS, longer battery life, 5G, and so much more."
"Schwab and Fidelity are really in a position where they need to be more competitive to take market share away from Vanguard."
"Why don't they do that? That's what Netflix does but Disney's not doing good and their streaming service has been successful."
"Chinese firms are rapidly positioning themselves as cheap alternatives for launching payloads."
"Will Toyota's adoption of single piece castings challenge Tesla's dominance in the electric vehicle market?"
"There is much less competition in smaller securities because large institutions can't invest in them."
"Elon make it happen elon tweeted out truth social is currently beating twitter and tick tock on the apple store he said truth social."
"Beat the market, especially over the long term."
"Epic has defied the app store monopoly. In retaliation, Apple is blocking Fortnite from a billion devices."
"A combination of market growth, the explosion of the smartphone, and other competitors eventually pushed Kodak out of Photography."
"The big winners of Elon Musk not buying Twitter are truth and getter."
"This is the time where alternative ETH killers, other layer one smart contracts chains, are set to absolutely fly."
"If there was a company with the balls enough to do that and come out on top, it would be Coke."
"Electric cars are not necessarily created equal, and legacy automakers are struggling to compete with the Teslas of the world."
"Some companies believe it's subscription and cloud gaming and that's why Microsoft is a parent company is going to Lost lead and do what they can to eventually make that stuff work."
"Launching Lovelace at a price that makes any sense compared to the used market is going to be brutally hard for NVIDIA."
"For the first time in a long time, I think Prime Video has Netflix beat."
"This bill will expand consumer choices in a current non-competitive market."
"Avowed could be positioned as a competitor to Skyrim."
"I must say the truck is gorgeous they say they are benchmarking Bentley and Lincoln for interior quality which is what you should be doing."
"People are saying that some of these OLED deals have been at around this pricing for a while now. Well, either way, thank you competition because I am super, super into this."
"Apple needs to step up its game and come out with a really awesome looking next iteration of iPhone."
"GM is also beginning this EV onslaught in segments where it competes extremely well."
"Titanfall 2, perhaps more than any other game released in October 2016, suffered horrendously from its release window being sandwiched between two of the biggest first person shooter franchises in the known universe."
"If the price is anywhere near where it's supposed to be, it's going to just destroy Intel."
"Google working on a product called Keen, apparently gonna be a rival to Pinterest."
"This deal is good for competition, consumers, thousands of game developers."
"PlayStation needs better competition to force the platform to up its game."
"The next box, that's pretty good right next box?"
"Canon, whenever I start to think that they're falling behind, they do this thing where they leapfrog."
"Outriders will struggle to be remembered due to how similar it was to everything else at the time."
"Opening up your markets to other people's subsidized goods."
"If Ford can quickly get a truly affordable EV model to market before rivals like Tesla can, that will be a huge moment for the company and its EV division."
"PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X both launched at $499 both are extremely compelling yet Sony still edges out an early lead."
"Apple's new A13 processor is still around one to two years ahead in terms of raw performance when compared to the competition."
"Those small little ways of differentiating yourself in a super crowded Market by being fun or creative."
"Having better performance and a better price is a winning combination."
"Over-regulating a market relative to its level of natural competition generally leads to excess economic drag."
"Amazon doesn't share our values and if we don't make sure that they play by common sensical notions of fair play, they'll just crush us."
"This could signal the first time in more than 20 years that we've had a real third player in the laptop and desktop space."
"That's crazy, they're out here saying like yes we have the exact same for way less money."
"Prices are held down when people compete for us."
"It's like the gold rush, this is the crypto rush but it's the regulators who are rushing to grab the market."
"I think it's a winner take all. I think it's like Amazon, I think it's like Google."
"I honestly think Nvidia has done AMD the biggest favor ever because they've created this huge amount of hype for next-generation GPUs."
"At the moment it's looking like AMD's certainly put themselves in a better position."
"The combined firm would have the ability to exclude Microsoft's Rivals from access to some valuable gaming content."
"Competition from Tesla is gaining rapidly in unit sales and mind share."
"Losing market share is very annoying but it happens often when the leader is content, is happy, and no longer competes like they once used to."
"The v8 promises much more than a slightly lower priced Bentley - with Bentley specific tuning, it offers a performance advantage over the w12."
"Whichever product is better will win and you can be a part of that success or failure for that matter."
"Price matters. The Chinese are coming, I guarantee it."
"If they just came up with a bad corporate idea that we were able to take advantage of and then they folded shop and they're like, 'Well, that sucked, we didn't make money,' we'd say, 'Yeah, sorry, that was us but thanks for the ride.'"
"AMD is taking what Intel offers at the high end and dragging that right down into the mid-range."
"What I'm most happy about is Gigabyte are really bringing it to established brands in the budget market despite being a relatively new player for monitors."
"If Glock does not do something very soon to innovate, they are going to be left behind."
"The Amico falls flat when compared to the Switch... easy to run out of games to play."
"It's a fundamental overhaul of AMD's mobile offering that makes them much more competitive with Intel's powerhouse lineup."
"Kickstarter and Indiegogo are their competitors. It's like me selling hamburgers out of my garage and then saying that McDonald's is my competitor."
"Tesla's competition is the entire ice market."
"Tesla's competition is really not Toyota... Tesla is not competing with those people because they're not even in the running."
"If you think it's gonna be Amazon, comment below. If you think it's gonna be Walmart, comment below."
"Translation category has less competition, perfect for skilled freelancers."
"What's the real problem: that China may spy on us, or having a Chinese company compete at the top of the field?"
"The Garmin watches are what smart watches would look like if Apple hadn't created the Apple watch."
"The Radeon RX 6950xt does a great job and is an excellent competitor."
"We are bringing in commercial mining in coal sector. That garment monopoly is now being removed."
"There are very few situations in which there's just one person or organization looking to buy a product or service."
"I'd rather bet on the trends, that EVs are here to stay, not who's gonna win."
"Buffing trophies can be a competitive market, but the minor loot luck trophy holds potential."
"The best thing that's happened to AMD is Intel entering this market."
"Nvidia needs to drop the prices and it really needs to get another card out at the cheaper end as well to start fighting AMD harder."
"I still think AMD actually has the price to Performance win right now in this budget segment."
"If Elon's main goal with cars like this is to give the full smackdown to gas-powered cars, you want to give them every single reason across the board is better than a gas car."
"Unless you guilt your audience into doing business with you because you provided so much upfront value, you will get suffocated over the next decade."
"Starfield launched next to games that made it look ridiculous."
"Offer a better product than the next guy you offered at at a competitive price it gets good reviews which has good social proof you're gonna sell more than here right."
"You should simply make electric vehicles undeniable enough in order to beat them in the marketplace."
"We are finally finally seeing the first group of electric vehicles that really compete strongly against Tesla."
"Even though it's slow and steady every time Apple does steal an Android User it tends to be the case that this user stays with them."
"The ultimate solution is going to be through more Market competition."
"Disney Plus: a strong competitor straight out of the gates."
"The new consoles are really giving budget PC gaming a real run for their money now that like just the PS5 is a 360 Ti."
"Create a passion product, something unique and better than the competition."
"Xbox makes a quality product that people want to buy. They have several huge advantages over their domestic competition."
"The Giulia differentiates itself in two important ways: first, the base model is very fast; second, the base price is actually quite low when you take a look at the standard equipment."
"If you're really focused on the driving ability of the vehicle... there really is very little competition in this segment."
"In a sea of electric vehicle competitors, this one truck is packing more capability and variety than anything we've seen before."
"Ford Raptor has definitely had the market on it for far too long and it's good to have a little bit of competition."
"Nothing ear is priced at $149 or $129 and I am delighted to say that this is the same price as ear 2."
"It's great to see another hopefully competitive electric truck coming to Market."
"Competition is so good because it means you don't have to compromise."
"AMD is going to be relatively uncontested at this point."
"Mazda really brings a luxury feel to a price point that a lot of the other competition can't keep up with."
"Skimming: Setting high prices for innovative products before competitors catch up."
"Apple is facing declining consumer interest from Huawei's competition."
"This is a market share fight. This is about authorized repair versus unauthorized repair. Bottom line is they want to take that from us."
"I think they've caught up in average because there are actually real options now."
"Good competition is always a good thing for the consumer."
"If you do what everybody else does, you're fighting for a small pie."
"At the end of the day, I think we as consumers are winning here."
"The 3950 X critically demonstrates that this is a stronghold that Intel will fast lose."
"The 3950 X encroaches on Intel's high-end desktop territory in a serious way."
"Watch what you're putting in your body because it's showing up everywhere."
"If you can't offer better, the consumer is going to move to the one that can."
"How did one man produce a brand that could rival the popularity of the biggest designer brands?"
"For the first time in years, the Driver series felt like its own beast again and not just an imitator living in the shadow of a monolith."
"It's excellent for its class with low pricing compared to rivals."
"The most telling aspect of our success is that when a lot of our competitors recover from their supply chain challenges, we're still holding our share."
"It just shows how dominant that PlayStation has been this generation compared to the Xbox series X and S."
"Undeniably one of the most important video game characters ever created, Sonic the Hedgehog would eventually significantly cut into Nintendo's market share, even outselling them in the region for a time."
"You think Cole and Drake are going after the same exact audience? No, but they're both in the top ten, they'd like to, yeah, they'd like to share some but no, they're not going after the same audience."
"Epic seeks to end Apple's dominance over key technology markets, open up the space for progress and ingenuity, and ensure that Apple mobile devices are open to the same competition as Apple's personal computers."
"Why would they insult half of their customer base? They lack competition."
"This is crazy, so let's get into this thing right now."
"This might be the game changer, the true competitor to these Sony 1000x m3s."
"So if you have something that's cheaper, faster, and better, why wouldn't they use it?"
"Solar unsubsidized in Nevada in Saudi Arabia four point nine cents on subsidized nothing no new form of energy nothing can compete with that right."
"Google was already late to the smartphone game and so in a way the T-Mobile G1 had to be better."
"You know this is going to be one of the most crowded and competitive spaces on the internet."
"The second gen Rison CPUs are very competitive with Skylake X."
"If you make money, it's because you offer a better product at a better price, thereby contributing to general wellbeing."
"It's dominating because it took a loss for the first five years, practically gave the comp away for free."
"Product market fit is everything. Look at the metrics: new users, moat against competitors, IP, viral brand. Investing in those with product market fit is key."
"The best way to win a price war is not to get into one in the first place."
"The Note 10+ just looks so so much better. Not only does it have thinner bezels than the iPhone does but it also has a very very tiny camera module cut out in the middle of the display and that's basically it."
"Brazil just straight up said it: 'we don't give a f about Sony, this is about customers.'"
"Honda didn't really increase the price too much."
"Right in line with most of its other competitors."
"They're going to use this as a wedge to make their legitimate sellers' lives much more difficult."
"I'm 100 confident actually that BNB will flip Ethereum."
"More competition could be good for the consumer."
"I've been around for eight years and I've seen ten thousand cryptocurrencies come and go none of them have ever taken over bitcoin."
"Bitcoin's position as a global store of value or like this gold 2.0... we haven't seen that threatened by any good contender."
"In terms of the contenders space for bitcoin and the cryptocurrency niche I just don't see very many coming out."
"Microsoft may try to undercut Sony... and sell the Xbox Series X at $400."
"It will grab sales left and right from gas guzzling environment-destroying very expensive to operate Ford F-150s."