
Risk Perception Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"You're more likely to die in a car accident than you are likely to die skydiving."
"The riskiest thing in the world is the belief that there's no risk."
"It's the safest form of travel, really. It's probably more safe than me sitting in this chair right now."
"The flood of central bank stimulus and cheap money has convinced investors that risk has vanished eroding the market's role as a mechanism of price discovery."
"The hedge fund industry is perceived as bearing no real risk, leading to justified rage."
"The dirty secret of the stock market is that it's not a casino."
"That's how safe airplanes are. They don't crash and if they do crash, they're probably not going to kill you."
"I know a lot of people like get the heebie-jeebies at the word loss but do not fear loss."
"Is nuclear war indeed no longer the unthinkable?"
"You're really not catching a falling knife, you're really catching like soft balloons that are coming down that you can kind of like cuddle and and be thankful that you're catching them."
"Undeserved panic does no one any good but neither does ill-informed complacency."
"It's so incredible when you know something to that level. And I knew... I absolutely knew that... People considered it very risky, but for me it wasn't risky at all."
"I don't like it people emphasize the part where you die and people look at it as like rope climbing super dangerous and you're like no."
"The way you think about the odds of winning the lottery are different to the way you think about the odds of being in a car crash."
"Imagine living near that. Imagine that, bro. Like, well, I'd be worried that it's going to expand out, start caving in and expanding that out, you know? You gotta be a brave soul to fall asleep next to a hole that big, I'm just saying."
"It's like watching Daredevils on TV, wondering if they have a secret stash of invincibility potions."
"I'd rather feel like I'm gonna die in a haunted house than actually risk dying on a roller coaster."
"Do you want to be in a coma and hold your money in a historically secure place or feel like you're bleeding every single day?"
"Everything you do is a risk, and everything you don't do is a risk, and so you get to pick your risks."
"Let's talk about AI, you recently said in an interview with Piers Morgan in fact that the threat to humanity from the current iteration of AI is largely overstated."
"Anxieties about perceived danger are very different from actual danger."
"If you think you could be in danger, you are endangered."
"Most of you are more afraid of losing money than you are to go out and make it."
"We don't really need to be that afraid for the young kids."
"People are very poor at estimating risks and often react emotionally rather than rationally."
"I don't see those risks on the horizon right now. Could they happen? Possible, I just don't see it."
"Regardless of what happens, you're relatively safe."
"Men who grow up without fathers end up with an elevated sense of risk and danger."
"Risk is actually an addictive thing. It creates the same type of neurotransmitters in your brain as cocaine."
"The party should have a 30% chance of failure and a 70% chance of success but they should feel as if they have a 70% chance of failure and only a 30% chance of success."
"If I went to the casino with 2 000 bucks in my pocket and I got it up to 50 000 and I walked away with zero you know to me I lost 2 000 a lot of people think they lost 50."
"There's a primal, atavistic need to see other people play out a kind of danger that we're insulated from."
"Boosters cannot lower your risk of car accidents, and then show me there's no reduction in car accident deaths."
"I saw the risk as a positive. It made me very alive."
"It's not going to blow, nothing's going to happen to me." - Mount St. Helens anecdote
"The more and more precious metals continue to offer gains, the less risky it will begin to seem to investors."
"Jesus promises us the same thing... now they'll say well you're believing a lie but even believing a lie made them real dangerous because they didn't worry about dying."
"You didn't think, you just felt that well it was somebody else it would never happened to you."
"The actual odds of being involved in a plane accident is about 1 in 11 million, but the fact that the possibility is never zero still unnerves most people."
"All it takes is one person to assault you, to abuse you, to rape you, to kill you. I don't understand why people tell you the percentage is low. Doesn't matter. All it takes is one."
"Millions of cases, small amount of death, and you will see that in every state."
"That's a millionaire mindset. Getting stung by a stingray and dying that way can't be that bad."
"Risk doesn't mean only negative; it can be positive also."
"If there's an event that's 30 times more likely than it used to be, then the proper question would be to say, well, why haven't we seen an increase of 30 times over the last 50 years?"
"Explosions are fun. And hey, the closer the explosion is to your house, the more fun it is. Do you ever notice that?"
"People's perceptions of risks are based on emotional factors."
"How can that be if their national debt is skyrocketing you would think they're getting riskier."
"The instinctual mind is always seeing the potential of losing as a threat and triggers emotional hijackings at almost all the wrong times."
"People are more afraid of big losses than they are excited by big gains."
"The common misconception is that entrepreneurs take too much risk."
"Shark attacks are actually very rare. You get more chance of getting hit by lightning."
"Elephants perceive risks; they will avoid areas where there is risk."
"Your chances of dying in a car crash going to work is one in 30. Your chances of dying from a terrorist bomb is damn near one in a million."