
Rhetorical Question Quotes

There are 328 quotes

"The first thing that comes to mind is if you know all this, why aren't you a billionaire?"
"If Jesus won, how do I have nearly 5 million subs? Answer that."
"It is time peaceful people were free to take on the challenges we face."
"The world doesn't revolve around you, or does it?"
"Do you think this Riot has anything to do with this?"
"Is nuclear war indeed no longer the unthinkable?"
"If you're asking that question, friend, you haven't seen mine."
"If you say alcohol kills people, why do we have it in the house?"
"If you can't win by argument who are you kidding."
"How many more people have to die for your personal growth?"
"Perfect timing doesn't exist. Oh, really? Then how do you explain this?"
"Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is reelected?"
"Is this what they meant when they promised to build back better?"
"When did earning an honest living become a bad thing?"
"How is it still in the hands of these prats? I don't know."
"Why do you think any of these people believe in a community anymore?"
"If Democrats really believe our democracy was at stake..."
"Do you ever wonder if there's a limit to the stupidity we're going to have to deal with in our modern society?"
"Transphobia doesn't feed your kids, does it? Transphobia doesn't pay the bills."
"It's nice... but what's the point when this feels so good?"
"Ashley won because who the [ __ ] else was supposed to?"
"Did any of you hear anything about planets in the text? Nope."
"Are we just going to tear ourselves apart from the inside? They could just fuel the fire...that's very...in the forefront of my mind."
"How many more Americans have to die? How much more suffering?"
"Entertainment, that's what you get on here. Entertainment. Are you entertained? Are you not entertained?"
"Who's the biggest f***ing star in the world?"
"How late does a post-birth abortion go because I could use one right now to not have to hear any more of this complete nonsense."
"How would you be concerned when you guys have the weapons?"
"Do you have to die to get what you want? No, it's easier to get what you want when you're alive."
"Did all IQs just drop sharply while I was away?"
"Why would anyone do drugs when they could just mow a lawn?"
"War bad. And like, what if we were anti-war?"
"You know what, how many rats are in New York, do you think?"
"Who gains from us being at each other's throats? It's not America."
"Is Apple evil? The short answer is of course not."
"On Callisto, why do people die for fondness? That's your protocol."
"The etiquette here is 'do you know who I am?'"
"If business is good, why would you want to hinder and impact business?"
"Does Russia really need five to ten aircraft carrier groups if we're not going to attack anyone?"
"Can we really say, come Monday morning, it's business as usual? I should think not."
"It looked perfect and when they hit it boom the place pop because they figured well these guys been doing jobs to everybody else they're not gonna win but they did."
"Can a nation live if it doesn't have a memory?"
"In what world do they think anybody's going to take this stuff seriously?"
"Are you not entertained? Are you not why you are here?"
"Who can separate us from the love of God? Nothing."
"Is anybody gonna die anymore? That's what I want to know. I'm really dying to know."
"Can you turn a hoe into a housewife? Absolutely."
"Honestly, could Trump love America just let the rest of the world have something nice for five minutes? 🤔😒"
"What do you have to lose? Your healthcare, your funding."
"So the only question I have left to ask is why aren't you playing it yet?"
"What’s the point of the internet [for Putin]?"
"How many more such victims are required before you stop putting up with it?"
"Do you think it's fair if I have a gun and you don't?"
"How do you impeach a president who didn't do anything wrong?"
"When's the last time you charge money to talk and think?"
"What are they going to do against the century? What are they going to do? Nothing."
"Your life is over. How desperate you have to be to want to die? Pretty desperate."
"Do you have a lot of ammo that you want to get rid of quickly? Do you have a bunch of enemies that you want to throw lead at as fast as humanly possible?"
"Who cares of how equality? Who cares about justice? Who cares about equal rights?"
"Why on Earth would the Democrats ever feel the need to have to cover up their corruption?"
"Not guilty! Did you do it? Yeah, but I'm not guilty because I overcome by the blood of the Lamb."
"What's wrong with mac and cheese? I mean, nothing. And at face value, it's absurd."
"What the hell is going on in the United States of America? The hell is wrong with us?"
"Does evil die tonight? Evil dies tonight... probably not."
"Why should he be the richest person in the world?"
"How can you not play these games or enjoy them?"
"How many massacres would get you to alter your position? It's a fair question."
"Is there any challenge on this wheel that can stop Real Madrid from winning? I don't think so."
"Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of them all?"
"What the [__] else am I going to do with it?"
"Why be free when they can be laboring for you?"
"Two people in the elevator and one of them farts, how many people know who did it? And that's the thought I'll leave you guys with today."
"Shall a trumpet be blown in the city and the people not be afraid?"
"The 21st century belongs to China? Which China are you talking about?"
"Is it fashion? But is it fashion?" - Peppermint
"Why in the world doesn't the US government do this?"
"What excuse does a father need to fight for his own children?"
"Where is your class? Where is your decorum? Who raised y'all?"
"Can this man be stopped? I don't want to see it happen."
"Because what the hell else you gonna do right?"
"Who said you need to do this stuff for a year to become Jewish?"
"There's never been an easier question ever presented right there: Do you want endless war or do you want historic peace?"
"Why would anybody want this? That's a good [ __ ]."
"Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?"
"Yeah, become president. What do you do? Run on your unrelenting support for 9/11 first responders?"
"Americans will just go right back to sleep. So the only question is, will we?"
"It'd be like me saying like, 'Oh why don't you like get shot in the leg without a band, without consent?'"
"Did America rid itself of its drinking problem? Well, we already know the answer."
"What more could you want out of life for God's sake?"
"How many more lives, American lives, is it worth? How many endless rows of headstones in Arlington National Cemetery?"
"Why is Mickey D's possibly more important than fixing your life?"
"Should we be afraid? Should we be trembling and soiling ourselves in fear?"
"Can't carry your own stuff 'cause that's not manly?"
"What else is there that can protect you folks?"
"If you destroy the free world where else are you going to go?"
"If Trump is so stupid, how dumb would that make Hillary, the DNC, and the left for losing to him? Exactly."
"It's like asking me, 'Is cancer more dangerous to you or is cerebral palsy more dangerous to you?' You're gonna die of both."
"How could something be unethical and not be cheating?"
"What is it that you want? 13% of executives being black people? What is the appropriate Hershey's to milk ratio that you would find satisfactory?" - Blonde Commentator
"Yeah, is this where we get to the hope? Yeah, I hope so!"
"If God wanted us to have them, why don't we have them?... It raises a question."
"What is something that you think you should get time off for?" - Amela
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who has opened the most glamorous doors of them all?"
"Bloody hell, what else is there? What else is there?"
"Name the person that you ever saw tackle Barry one on one? Nobody."
"How can any year that has Elden Ring be the worst year ever for gaming?"
"How many mistresses did Tiger Woods allegedly have? Oh, what am I keeping track of Tiger Woods affairs?"
"Why shouldn't you be afraid of the basilisk?"
"Does the world know we're here? Are we turning it upside down?"
"How much worse can you be without being dead?"
"Is laughter really the second best medicine?"
"At the end of the day, where the money at? That's what Apple's saying."
"Why would you play a punching Nazis game when you can just go outside?"
"If you ain't shooin' yourself, what's left to prove? True, yeah."
"It's a full plan, so my question to Senator Cruz is: What are your best campaign suggestions?"
"How do you scare a man with no fears? That's a trick question, you simply can't."
"When is it ever appropriate for that to happen?"
"I think if you told people about hey you know do you want the bald eagles to be extinct you'd be like hell no."
"Why in the world would they do that? I'll tell you why."
"What are you going to do, torture me? No, nothing so barbaric."
"Taking care of interiors seems to be a lot more complicated than taking care of the exterior, but is it?" - Mike Spinelli
"Who in the lord's name thinks Putin has the right to take territory from a neighboring country?"
"Isn't it just time for women to run the planet?"
"Where are the great saviors of liberty, freedom, and cooperation, Antifa? Nowhere to be seen."
"How can you not know who you are when they can't even?"
"There's no such thing as new normal, because what does normal mean?"
"Cause realistically though, who's suffering?"
"What would you want to destroy an innocent child like that?"
"If animals don't want to be eaten, why are they made out of food?"
"If part of your job is to contain something, then how the hell do these critters get out? It's kind of like asking the police why crimes still happen."
"Do I have to say, 'I don't necessarily think they're a good person' every time?"
"Is this who you want running our country making choices?"
"Where are you going to burn if there ain't no gas and there ain't no oil?"
"How does that happen? How do we get to this place? I worry about society, honestly."
"There's this underserved market in America called 51 percent of America that like it's like he's joking i'd be like why isn't there a conservative news station."
"Who would you rather was running your country? A Putin or Biden?"
"Did everybody die? No. Did everybody live? Yes, we're good."
"If I said to you, 'Do you want free money?' you'd be an idiot to be like, 'No, I don't like free money.'"
"Would you give your right-arm to go down in history?"
"Would you use your mother's name as a cuss word?"
"Why does nothing ever turn out like it should?"
"Is that the most important thing you should be talking about?"
"If we don't know you're slaves, how do you demand to be free?"
"Sorry guys, still don't think he's good enough. If he's the answer then we are asking the wrong question."
"Do you know where your children are right now?"
"Was it a lie that this is the greatest economy we've watched in our lifetime?"
"Men are not our enemies. If we kill them, with whom shall we live?"
"What do you want? It is not true that everything is possible."
"Agility, intelligence, or strength? What kind of speech will you give?"
"Who can eat at a time like this? Are missing people selfish?"
"Why would it be hard? Unless our institutions absolutely suck."
"Have you seen any Tesla ads on a YouTube video?"
"Are you a good guy? Yeah, because we've used the word so much, it means nothing."
"Where is the empathy? Where is the humanity?"
"I don't come to your home and say like, 'oh this is disgusting,' but do you even have a home?"
"Bottom line, then: is NVIDIA selling snake oil with RTX? Absolutely not. What kind of question is that?"
"Have you ever seen an ox eating meat?" - Patrick Baboumian
"I kind of screwed up, I kind of already put all my cards on the table. What do I do now?" - Xander
"Violence is never the answer. I say violence is the question, and the answer is yes."
"Can we agree that women are The Gatekeepers of sex and Men Are The Gatekeepers does that mean that does that mean that men get the last laugh though?"
"Does he understand what you’re truly asking of him? Do any of them?"
"Do you ever contemplate the majesty and wonder of this universe in which we live? Now neither do I."
"Do we ask mechanics how to drive in Formula One?"
"Can one truly say that they have enough candles in their house?"
"71 bullets, like how could you not kill a guy with 71 bullets, you know what i'm saying?"
"What's the point of saving the world if we're still gonna be on the bottom?"
"That's when I discovered myself... What you gonna do?"
"Do you think maybe this is what you deserve?"
"Can you think of a greater terrorist threat than governments around the world."
"If this is not a job for the government, then what could be a job for the government?"
"What happens when two political parties collaborate to deny their young generations a future?"
"You think Caesar Augustus was a God and a savior? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet."
"If the shoe was on the other foot, do you think that the Chinese officials would be treating a situation with kid gloves? Not in your life."
"What do you have to lose? Don't you want a real criminal in prison, not some sorry victim of circumstance like me? That's police work, catching the real criminals, right?"
"The Germans are coming! I mean they make cars, man. They make nice cars. Do you agree? Yes or no?"
"It's a ridiculous question. It doesn't matter. Just impeach him."
"If you're not [watching Game of Thrones], what's wrong with you?"
"How long, oh God, will we have a double standard of Justice?"
"Does the lion take care when he chases after the hare?"
"What does God need with a Starship? What does God need with a Starship?"
"Who would keep garbage in their room? Why would you do such a thing?"
"How can you miss, here? If you stand where Kier Starmer stands and you sit where Boris Johnson sits, you're not going to miss, here."
"Do we have political prisoners in the United States right now?" - Unknown speaker
"Phil Foden is a brilliant fantastic talent. Why not? Why not?"
"Who created cancel culture? People that needed to be canceled, I guess."
"What have you created for black people... other than yap about it?"
"The real question isn't why would I do that, the question should be why wouldn't I do that."
"Is there anything more satisfying than this? No, I don't think so."
"Why would you not put it to work? Do you hate money?"
"Where does it stop? Okay, well I'll tell you where it stops. Somewhere."
"We've been socially engineered and they be like, 'Well why can't you pull yourself up by your bootstrap?' Well you keep taking my bootstraps off my boots."
"You're going to have a day's laugh... You think you're special?"
"Oh my god, he'd be in business instead, do you lose?"
"If you're beautiful, you're beautiful. But what are you saying?"
"The way you judge whether or not something humane is first, ask if you'd want it done to yourself."
"How does he come up with this stuff? My goodness!"
"What about everyone else, Alex? Are they being, anyway, madness?"
"Do you think ever in a court case has been won by saying, 'But he had a silly hat'?"
"So should we give the government then the power to choose what stays and what goes and trust that they will make the decision in us all for us all? That's a lol right?"
"There's concerns but... what are you gonna do about it?"