
Investment Wisdom Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"Diversification is actually insurance against ignorance."
"Nothing can go straight up forever. Not crypto, not real estate, not stocks."
"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world."
"Compounding... famously has been called the eighth wonder of the world."
"I realized that the power of compounding your money, I realized the power of putting your money into the right assets."
"There's bulls, bears, and pigs. The bulls and bears each have their days, but the pigs always end up at the slaughterhouse."
"Scared money don't make money, especially not in trading."
"The absolute most important thing is to ensure whatever you hold is fundamentally a good business."
"A great business isn't a great investment if you get it at the wrong price."
"You don't want to be losing money in the bull market."
"The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient."
"Time in the market is more important than timing the market."
"If you only invest in Canadian companies you are missing out on the largest market in the world."
"Don't let it burn you twice once when you made your poor investment but a second time when you let that bad investment stop you from a good investment."
"Gold and silver are money. Everything else is credit."
"Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered. That's true."
"You had the good sense and the good fortune to acquire precious metals and precious metal stocks when they were hated."
"The whole beauty of buying a good quality mining stock doesn't matter if it's silver or whatever any metal that mining company its shares should outperform the metal and then generally speaking they do."
"Manage the downside, let the upside take care of itself."
"The four most dangerous words in the world are 'it's different this time.'"
"It's always smart to hold a diverse portfolio of stocks."
"High returns should be accompanied by high risk."
"Stocks sell at silly prices from time to time. It doesn't take a high IQ to figure out that they're cheap, but it does take a temperament that's willing to step up."
"Buy things that will sustain themselves even if the market continues to go down. That's what we call a risk-adjusted return."
"Never invest in something you don't fully understand."
"Respect your money, respect the dollar, respect your investment."
"Those who have the kind of longest term horizon tend to get the best rewards."
"When we invest our time, money, and energy, good things do manifest. Good things take time. Don't quit before the miracle happens."
"The fundamentals seem phenomenal and what are fundamentals of finance and I think this is an amazing thing because we all talk about Elon and what wisdom we can get from him."
"Compounding interest is the eighth wonder of the world."
"Limit risk by investing in protocols with real-world utility."
"You have to understand the nature of bubbles if you're going to be in them."
"Booms and busts are part of the stock market and every asset class has it."
"It's not paper handing to sell into green. It's smart to take some money into green."
"Smart business owners always have money for good investments, they never have money for another expense. Expenses are fat, investments are muscle."
"Every dollar you put into trying to build something, no matter what it is, like if you're buying Rolexes instead of crypto long term, man, you're going to feel bad."
"It's not about how much you can sell it for, it's about making your money on the buying side."
"I'd rather have 3% of something than 100% of absolutely nothing."
"Price and value are two very, very vastly different things."
"Financial advice except for Warren Buffett. So, yeah, that is financial... My favorite Warren Buffett quote is, 'The stock market is the transfer of wealth from the impatient to the patient.' Be the patient."
"Picking great businesses at bargain prices is the absolutely fundamental concept of smart investing."
"As long as you know the true intrinsic value of something, buy it."
"I believe the absolute best crypto projects to invest in are the ones that solve actual world problems."
"Money is made by having the right temperament, patience, and stomach for investing."
"Every wealthy investor made money by buying low and holding until it was high."
"The most dangerous thing about listening to this master investor is when you actually don't execute off the knowledge."
"It's tough to do nothing, but that's what the good ones do."
"The big money is not made in the buying and the selling, it's made in the waiting."
"You can't fake real estate. You can fake a lot of things, but not this."
"Be fearful when others are greedy, but greedy when others are fearful."
"Understanding the business is pretty important when it comes to investing. You don't want to invest in something that you don't completely understand."
"You do not get to have one without the other. And I think that's actually a really important piece of investing that people lose sight of, that if you want to achieve more returns, then you're going to have to take a little bit more risk."
"All the money is made when it's boring as hell."
"The market can be irrational longer than you can be solvent."
"In the short run, a market is a voting machine, but in the long run, it's a weighing machine."
"Don't invest in a company you don't understand and believe in."
"Real world assets have stood the test of time."
"You don't put money into things you don't know."
"It's worth more as a seed than it is for us as a sale because it's worth a hundred times when you sow it."
"Never invest in a business you cannot understand."
"The price you pay is less important than the value you receive."
"The people that understand money are the people that are buying assets."
"Never mistake short-term declines for permanent losses."
"Just because a company is a household name doesn't mean it's a good investment."
"Buy once, cry once when it comes to this type of stuff."
"That's Warren Buffett, he you know don't invest in things you don't understand."
"Understanding value and avoiding hype in investments."
"Legends and heroes are technically born in the bear market, remember that."
"This art of taking profits is one of the crowning jewels of true mastery, and so few people know how to do it."
"It taught a million young people that they need to have an asset in their portfolio that isn't simultaneously somebody else's liability, that is classical money, which is silver."
"The hardest investments to make are the ones that pay off the best."
"I'd rather buy a wonderful business at a fair price than a fair business at a wonderful price." - Warren Buffett
"I personally think that if you haven't income high enough to afford an iPhone 10, you've been smart enough in life to at least figure out where you want to make investments."
"Nobody knows what tomorrow brings. You cannot be overly convinced of any particular thesis."
"Bull markets don't die of old age, they die of euphoria."
"Price matters and even great businesses can be poor investments if you overpay."
"Assets put money in your pocket, liabilities take money from your pocket."
"Warren Buffett is one of the world's richest people he got rich off of stocks and his quote is don't invest in something that you don't understand."
"Anything that cannot be duplicated that's going to increase in value over the next five ten and not just over the next five ten fifteen years forever it's always going to gain."
"Diversification is what protects you from the blows you see."
"Make sure you're investing in something that actually has value."
"Regardless what the asset is, the utility of the thing is going to be worth future. That's a good investment."
"Investments are a good pair of proper shoes."
"Men are wisely avoiding a horrifically bad investment."
"Diamond hands don't build wealth - smart selling does."
"You gotta lose money to make money. That's the first rule of business."
"In a bull market, it's easy to look at the bear market and wish you bought."
"Follow the smart money, not the retail money."
"Never invest in a business you don't understand."
"Warren Buffett literally has a quote that says risk just comes from not knowing what you're doing."
"If you follow that, you'll be the person you love buying ten percent of."
"Follow the smart money, the people that have the best deal flow, the people that have the best resources, the people that have the best track records. Wouldn't that be the best investment strategy in the world?"
"Land is the most valuable thing you can purchase and own as a human being on planet earth."
"If you can get rich without using your own money then why not? That way your money can go to work for you instead of you working for the money."
"In the short run, the market is a voting machine; in the long run, it's a weighing machine." - Benjamin Graham
"When you're buying low and you're selling high, then you're doing it right."
"You have to use your brains. You cannot just throw money in anywhere you want to throw money in and make money. It's much harder than that."
"You got to give up something financially in the short term to have everything you want financially in the long term."
"I'd rather you get smart partner instead of smart money."
"You can make money as a bull or a bear but if you're a pig you truly make exceptional returns."
"We don't invest in other people's dreams, we invest in actual realities that exist today."
"I tell people the three words that you need to be able to say openly in investing is 'I was wrong.'"
"Money is not made in the bull market, it's made in the bear market."
"Timing is not that important. What you need to understand when you are investing or protecting your assets is risk."
"You can't guarantee something in cryptocurrency markets. Wisdom is looking at the back end of the project."
"A low PE ratio doesn't automatically mean a stock is undervalued and a high PE ratio doesn't necessarily mean a stock is overvalued."
"Everything fluctuates with time but nothing is held up longer and better than gold and silver throughout all the changes that have happened in history."
"Buffett didn't get rich because he bought stocks, there lot people get their ass kicked in stocks... Buffett made money in stocks because of what he knew."
"The longer you stay in the market, the better you will get."
"Past performances don't equal future results."
"I think the real money in the market was made by not trying to jump in and catch every single move, but try to catch the key move."
"Anything works in the stock market, just not all the time."
"Everybody understands the concept of buying low and selling high, but not many can implement it in charts."
"One of the last free lunches you have in the capital markets is the opportunity to diversify."
"Never have all your eggs in one basket."
"What's the best investment on earth? Earth."
"Buy low, sell high; if you bought in at a good time, you should be selling."
"Cash by itself has never hurt an investor."
"Only invest in things you understand."
"The time is the friend of the wonderful business."
"We need to be wise investors over the long term."
"Only take high probability trades."
"The greatest investors aren't the ones you see on television or the internet every week telling you which stocks you should buy."
"If you don't have risk, you don't really have potential for profit."
"You learn a lot about investing in dividends from running because by running, I start realizing, yeah, the long run, the marathon, that's what dividend stock investing is all about."
"If you don't understand it, then you do not invest in it."
"If you don't understand whatever you're investing in, please don't invest in it."
"It is not foolish to take something that you can't keep and turn it into something that you could never lose."
"Warren Buffett would tell you that stock prices are not perfectly efficient."
"A smart investor knows the difference between facts and opinions."
"Understand the investments that have been around a long time that have been proven to build wealth, make that the bulk of investments."
"You want to buy below replacement costs. Replacement cost for rich people is not money, it is time."
"It is easier to find good investments than investment managers."
"In the long run, as Ben Graham said, the market is a weighing machine."
"Investing is timing is everything."
"Ask for money and get advice, ask for advice, get money twice."
"The land always appreciates, it's not like an asset like a car that keeps on depreciating."
"Past returns do not guarantee similar returns in future."
"Your initial investment really isn't in necessarily in the watch that you're buying; it's in the person that you're buying it from."
"Not being a maximalist is crucial."
"The only form of money that still buys what it did once before is gold."
"I have an old-fashioned belief that I can only should expect to make money in things that I understand."
"The whole secret, the holy grail, is good risk-reward, high probability trades where you end up buying low, selling high."
"Invest in things that you understand."
"Remember, those who survive the bear thrive in the bull."
"Sometimes the best investments are the most obvious ones."