
Costumes Quotes

There are 339 quotes

"We know you're tired of cute costumes with mostly Nintendo-themed decorations."
"The costumes in the show were as much of a part of the appeal as the plot itself."
"The costumes, hairstyles, and makeup worn by the characters of Black Panther are incredibly impressive."
"The costumes were more than deserving of their Oscar win."
"The greatest appeal of me costumes is being able to play as a character you wouldn't otherwise be able to."
"Halloween is now seen as a fun event for both adults and children, people of all ages will dress in fancy dress for parties."
"The magical girl outfits and card collection and Sakura and Charon's relationship being really wholesome are worthwhile."
"I think it's pretty cool. I was putting on like costumes and it kind of takes you away from real life, don't it?"
"Cowboys are my favorite, not football, just cowboys. Cowboys, I like cowboys. Hey, I got a couple outfits, I could uh, turn this into a really interesting, you know?"
"Forbidden power bar Easter makes more sense to dress up as zombies than Halloween. Love it."
"The popularity of costumed pinup photos led to a new idea of sexy costumes."
"Don't forget our costumes have a secret little meaning behind the update."
"I love Halloween. We might have to do costumes every single Friday."
"Exactly! Plus, when she sees you in that Glitch Trap suit, she's gonna freak. It's gonna be like looking at a ghost."
"Think we missed any dazzling threads? Let us know in the comments what your favorite ranger suits are."
"If you're going out for Halloween get a nice sheer black top and throw on a black lip and you will feel like the only '90s like the craft it's so fun."
"If you blink you'll miss it but if you slow it down or freeze frame it you can definitely see his new suit."
"This is so amazing. They built this Halloween costume around his wheelchair."
"I think that these were the perfect added touch to finish off my little elf."
"I wanna dress up, will you dress up with me?"
"It's revealed that the mimic loves putting on costumes, just like you see in ruin."
"Happy Halloween! What are you dressed up as?"
"Manat almost holds a candle to the Laura costume."
"You want the best costume for Guile in the game, we got it."
"This is like the perfect costume, in my opinion."
"The cat mario headgear... it can go well with a lot of different other outfits."
"So much fun on Halloween, so many costumes and friends to see."
"If you show up to a Halloween party wearing this, you're going to look good and everyone is going to like your costume because it is a good costume."
"This is just way cuter than some dead gory clown."
"Another Super expert clear and I unlocked like five costumes. Pretty cool stuff."
"Costumes for kiddos under the age of 14 are totally okay, but as an adult, you can't impersonate a character."
"It's time for Super Smash Brothers Ultimate costume origins."
"This is the one time of year you come to Disneyland in your favorite costume, you can get free candy."
"Luigi's first alternate costume is, of course, his archrival Waluigi."
"I may have bought some Halloween costumes... 350 Halloween costumes."
"Every time I see the costume, whether it's Mr. Knight or the classic, well, the quote-unquote classic costume, I feel like I'm a kid again."
"I was already buying him outfits... last year he was a pirate."
"It's because of the passion that I have for examining the origins of these costumes that I try to give the treatment of having great outfits to every character introduced..."
"Hop, this is for your own good buddy. I know you don't want to dress up as a donut. Sprinkle loves trying to dress people up as donuts. I understand that it's a frustrating proposition, but penguin babies, focus on the goal, Hopper."
"Look forward to Pikachu wearing Mimikyu costumes."
"Veronica attended a party at a local bar the scene was packed with people in all kinds of costumes."
"I'm so obsessed with our costumes this year."
"Costumes, a superhero's look can quickly become part of their iconography, a quick visual cue as to who you're looking at, an association that builds over time, a feeling can be attached to that outfit or look."
"This is a good Halloween costume, she is super duper excited."
"I love costumes. I may not love fashion, but baby, I love costumes."
"I think the thing I appreciate about most is the fact that they actually built a lot of costumes and stuff and did a lot of like cool practical... The production value was insane."
"The costumes for the show are so cute like there is not a single costume that I don't like."
"The design and costumes and figuring out how characters should look takes time and dare I say skill."
"I love Halloween with all the different costumes!"
"It was a blast getting to make each of the costumes look a little bit different."
"It would be crazy to talk about any of these characters and say that they are rare but what we love most about them is seeing all the different costumes they appear to have throughout the years."
"Even though you're saying there were very few costume changes, and that was restrained, the costumes are extraordinary in the film."
"Batman costumes, and you just fist-fight, I'd love it, I really appreciate that."
"They had attractive actresses that looked like actual women and they put them in tight fitting costumes like who knew such a crazy idea could still happen in this thing."
"He had a lot of costumes in Batman Forever, didn't he? It's safe to say that Jim Carrey's Edward Enigma was definitely something of a fashion icon."
"Round of applause for you guys, like these are great costumes."
"When they showed us the costumes I said you've got to be kidding where the pants where are the pants I love the costumes because all our members wearing a skin-tight pajamas is just bursting with myself."
"I love this so much I mean this just brings back memories and they're all good to me I mean these remember like when I think of the costumes it doesn't make me sad it's just like fun memories."
"Wow, amazing costume! And your ship looks like the real thing."
"Are you wearing a dog costume, Abigail?"
"You cannot wear costumes in Disneyland if you are over the age of 14."
"I was at my mom's house doing a stream and I was looking through old boxes of costumes to try to figure something out."
"It's amazing seeing the costumes out in the world, amazing seeing so many people connect over them."
"If you wear a vampire costume, you're basic as [ __ ]. But you're probably also really [ __ ] hot."
"It's a way for our community to have fun with these costumes."
"Every Halloween I dress up in an amazing costume."
"What a year for new costumes, such an impressive lineup."
"Original Halloween costumes? Yeah, I get it. I like it."
"The costumes in the show are so good, they're so fun."
"Kate Hawley's costumes are perfect in complementing the gothic romantic genre."
People often ask me, "What do you do with these costumes after you make them?" I hoard them.
"...these costumes are gorgeous and that is because so much attention to detail given to these specific costumes."
"If you're all in costume and everything, it's just, it's so festive and everyone's just kind of like complimenting each other on their costumes and taking pictures together."
"The costumes accurately reflect the attire worn by The Bushwhackers during that period, portraying them as youthful individuals which aligns with historical records."
"So this town really seems to go all out for this Land of Oz festival a bunch of people in costumes as you saw the little museum that we just went in I mean this is a really big event for this town"
"the most popular Halloween costume for kids was action or superheroes Pacific superheroes like Batman spider-man and Wonder Woman"
"for adults the most popular Halloween costume was an old classic the perennially popular witch costume"
"If you want to see us in our costumes for Halloween, make sure you follow us on Instagram."
"Word on the street is that she went through a grand total of 60 catsuits over the duration of the entire shoot."
"The Kelts believed that on Halloween, the boundaries between the world of the living and the Dead were blurred, so they wore costumes to fool the demons, thus avoiding being dragged to Hell."
"I want to do some deep dives into the weird world of Halloween costumes because there are some weird companies there are some weird costumes and just Halloween in general tends to bring out some weird things."
"...to the Guelaguetza, this is the area of the typical or traditional costumes of Oaxaca."
"In addition to the hairstyle for David and his band, special costumes were also sewn by his friend, the tailor Freddie Burretti."
"Early wardrobe tests were a little rough too they went to a costume shop and found some used dresses from other movies but the costumes weren't in great shape."
"The costumes to make up for the megazords looking bad, awesome costumes."
"We learned so much about the characters through their costumes."
"Grimsley, the great creepy Italian clown from Spirit Halloween 2017."
"Clown on stilts from Lowe's this year, an unreleased prop, finally released in his full glory, and he is amazing."
"Little Daisy and the Maestro from Spirit Halloween 2020, he has a really cool concept."
"It's a classic trick-or-treating costumes fresh air free candy mic drop."
"You know what the simple costumes are going to do it for me every single time I don't care."
"But it was pretty cool how he had them like on his actual costume, we like saw him use them."
"...I'm kind of over what, you know, the sexy costume is the girl you want to take home but not take to mom, so to speak."
"They should not be spending as much because a lot of those costumes everything carry backward and pay already from Game of Thrones."
"The Gokaiger costumes are quite striking as the black helps pop the silver and ranger colors immensely."
"The costumes alone are worth the price of admission."
"I love the cast member costumes for Monsters after Dark Response Team."
"What four-person costume theme can we be?"
"We are dealing with actors with modern bodies. Many of them have never worn late 19th-century underpinnings, so we cannot possibly expect their silhouette to be 100% accurate."
"Everybody's Halloween costume this year was so good."
"As they see two brand new Spider-People costumes."
"So many badass Halloween costumes in this movie."
"Disneyland Resort photo pass photographers debuted new breathable ventilated blue and green costumes on Thursday"
"They're going to win the costume contest. I don't care what anyone says. Their costumes were pretty cute."
"Shout out to the costumes, everything's leather in this."
"Dumpster diving for Halloween costumes sounds kind of weird, but it's true."
"I made it my mission this year to find really really really affordable costumes for everyone to enjoy on a budget."
"I just love the dance and the costumes, everything."
"All the amazing costumes may be the best part of Halloween."
"the costumes are also often heartbreaking because it's a child playing dress up"
"Just because it's a costume doesn't mean it has to look like crap."
"...they're throwing out huge bags of the costumes because Halloween is over and they don't want to store them until next year"
"It's fun to see everybody dressing up and all their costumes what they put together some go all out some just you know put a bandana on or something and yeah it's really fun."
"I want to find that crowd of Barbie fans, when they see it, they get taken back to like a place in childhood, like 'Oh my God, I remember that, I used to love that doll.' Those are the kind of things I like to do with my costumes."
"I'm so glad that Abby didn't give Maddie that green costume or I know those moms would go ballistic."
"But I gotta say I think Robin looks cooler because the Cape is so much better he learned a great deal from Batman one of the things he learned most from Batman though is how to have an awesome costume even though Red X costume is way sicker."
"In hindsight, you know, that just really seems like a costumes and not production design thing."
"This Halloween, telling you guys, your boy's going all out. Should we make a rule, no sexy costumes though?"
"Halloween costumes can be done really well."
"Some bad costumes are funny and good because of the fact that they're bad."
"Talking about Halloween costumes, we're going to look at some not so great Halloween costumes today."
"That's really good. Maybe like a T Bird from Grease."
"What are you going as for Halloween?"
"Every spring I decide I'm over my obsession with Outlander's costumes, then autumn rolls back around and I realize I'll never be over it."
"...I was impressed with the authenticity of their costumes and the wagons and wanted to see them up close."
"The costumes are incredible, truly incredible."
"I always appreciate the creative costumes, you know, rather than the store-bought ones. Like, I put three days into this, not five months."
"Sometimes it's fun to put on a costume and to pretend to be a character."
"From the October 31 festival, Celts would dress up in spooky costumes and go door to door, asking for treats."
"Halloween is the best holiday ever, and you know what? I just decided I'm gonna sleep in my bat costume and then wake up in the morning and wear it again all day long. Ha ha ha!"
"Happy Halloween, great seeing you out here, fabulous costume, you look great."
"Costumes always make things more fun."
"Comic cons generally, the most fun thing to do there is just go and watch all the costumes."
"You see kids now going to screenings dressed up like they're going to Hogwarts."
"The costumes have to tell the story every single time."
"Halloween's about costume and dressing up, not being scary."
"The effects, the costumes, the way they presented the world of Barbie is great."
"I love that they've got wheelchair costumes now."
"There's a new show guys, there's an Encanto show coming, I can't imagine the costumes we're gonna get, I'm so excited."
"It's also just 30 days until Halloween, so get going on your costumes."
"It's a little dog costume, it makes it look like a dog is playing the guitar."
"As everyone puts on their hero costumes."
"It's officially October, spooky season, so we're dressed up. Yay!"
"You dress up in costumes, go to people's houses, and get lots and lots of candy."
"Halloween is where everyone dresses up in funny clothes."
"I love this stuff, any of the stuff that you can transform yourself into a monster."
"He just looks so good in historical costumes."
"Some people don't look good in historical costumes, and he just looks great."
"Halloween costumes or decor... people love taking photos on Halloween."
"The kids who get the most candy are the people who have the scariest costumes because nothing says scary like an aluminum pumpkin outfit."
"Dress-ups are definitely a hit with toddlers and preschoolers, so I really recommend that as a project too."
"Ever notice how much more ridiculous you can be when you get into a costume?"
"Mumming was the practice of going door-to-door wearing costumes and singing songs to the dead."
"I'm really looking forward to Halloween and I hope we have good weather this year so I can see all the kids' costumes."
"It's October, which means it's the most appropriate time of the year to dress up."
"It's really surprising how often I end up emotionally attached to my costumes."
"Mickey's not the scary Halloween party is one of the only times, actually is the only time in Disney World that adults can wear costumes, full costumes in the parks."
"My new favorite was easily the Sanderson sisters... they looked amazing."
"These crime-fighting uniforms from the classic '66 series are some of the most iconic costumes from any era or genre of television."
"We're all nerds who dress up and people who wear cool costumes want to be told that their costumes are cool."
"It's only eight and the streets are already packed with costumed visitors, some to show off, others to blend in, but all to celebrate the magical night of Halloween."
"We like to hide ducks and we like to look for ducks, and everybody likes a good costume."
"I'm excited about Halloween; I think this is gonna be the year that I actually do my dream costume."
"Homemade costumes are the best because they're original and one of a kind."
"What was your favorite Halloween costume when you were a kid?"
"Costumes can say many things about a character."
"It's been really fun seeing people just go all out dressing up."
"Every Disney princess is going to have a costume head like a cute costume."
"Even though many of the costumes appear to be somewhat sexist, they also challenged those same stereotypes."
"Halloween is a fun night to start, huh? Yeah, I just put on the costumes and I decided to keep doing it."
"I enjoy the whole neighborhood overflowing with children dressed in nice costumes."
"Costume day was always the best day at the dance studio."
"Dance mania didn't feel real before, but with the costumes arriving, everything's falling into place."
"I wasn't allowed to be anything scary or anything gruesome or violent."
"They would dress up as animals and monsters so that the fairies were not tempted to kidnap them."
"Halloween's amazing, you get to dress up in costumes, you get to carve pumpkins, and you get to go trick-or-treating."
"The costumes in My Fair Lady, it's actually one of my favorite shows we've all done so far."
"It's really important to feel as if you live in them, and that they aren't costumes but they are clothes."
"Costumes inform your creative choices, as an actor."
"I love dressing up for theme parties."
"I love the costumes that they have on the stage show; those scream Christmas."
"Pluto has debuted a new Phantom Manor costume in Disneyland Paris."
"The costumes in Anastasia were breathtaking. Oh my goodness, amazing."
"Honestly, I'm here for it because Halloween dressing up is super fun."
"Costumes are a big part of the runDisney races and a really fun way to express yourself."
"Tonight it's pirate night, so all the characters dress as pirates."
"It's a rare case where I like the base suits more."
"It's always fun to check out some of the costumes and things like that that are running around downtown Gatlinburg."
"Putting kids in a costume can turn out to be one of the most hilarious things to do."
"Kids in monkey costumes are automatically the cutest things you've ever seen."
"Wonder Woman costumes never get old."
"We're going to be The Addams Family for Halloween; me and Daddy are going to be Morticia and Gomez."
"Well, here come the Kooky Spooks, the Halloween costume kits that make it easy for mom and make it tons of fun for the kids."
"Me and Michelle got matching costumes this year; she's going to be Little Bo Peep from Toy Story, and I'm going to be Woody, of course."
"Look at all of us; we all have amazing costumes."
"It's a show that can ask big philosophical questions and also have guys in rubber monster suits."
"Put on a costume, ready for fright, let's have fun on Halloween night!"
"I'm going a little all out for Halloween; you're doing Damon, right? You're doing Damon, oh my God, I love that."
"I've never even seen Beetlejuice, but I think they're really cool costumes."
"These boots could be on a ranger character, a medieval hunter, or some kind of knight."