
Entertainment Preferences Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"I don't care about fandoms when it comes to music and I especially don't care about fandoms when it comes to anime. I'm here to watch anime to enjoy my Japanese entertainment."
"I could watch movies like this all day, every day. I fucking love it. The shittier, the better."
"I'd rather have a freaking terrible show that I can laugh at than one that's just okay and doesn't garner a response out of me."
"Men hate romantic comedies for the same reason you hate video games with over-sexualized female characters."
"I just don't want to hear [Progressive values] when I want to shoot some robots."
"I'm into incredibly stupid movies that are fun."
"Would I rather watch a first-run movie on HBO Max through the a9 system than just about anything else I've heard in the past year? Hell yes, 100."
"More Civ in space is fine by me, saving space, fine by you?"
"Concert versus gym, what would you choose? Concert. You can go to the gym any time, you can't go to a cool concert any time."
"I just want a real Paranormal Activity movie. Yeah, give me perfection."
"We always encourage each other to get out there and to get into better physical health, going to the gym and eating right, but it's about time we started paying more attention to our mental health as well."
"Free stuff is awesome but free stuff to spice up your bedroom is even better."
"I genuinely prefer AEW, Ring of Honor, that sort of stuff, but hot damn I think I do still love sports entertainment."
"The average dude that I know... a huge percentage of people that I know will listen to a three-hour traveler Ross video."
"If you are a Dragon Ball lover, it doesn't matter how bad the Dragon Ball game is, you will ride and die with Dragon Ball."
"I always like the games that were just baked in some kind of realism."
"For some of us, however good these shows may be, want something a little different, something with a bit more bite."
"I actually really enjoy Hallmark Christmas movies."
"If you're easily offended, you should just stay home. You shouldn't show up."
"I'm mostly just listened to atheist entertainment, I guess you wouldn't classify it."
"When it comes to deciding what comics to read, ask yourself what movies and TV you enjoy."
"The last thing I would want to watch right now is a drama about lockdown unless it's very gay and sexy."
"Black Clover is equal to, as my favorite right now with My Hero."
"ESPN is more fun to watch when Dallas loses."
"It's possible to watch some trash TV but also still recognize good taste when you see it."
"We want movies to be available for me to just watch at home, right? And I want that side of it to succeed."
"We would love to see more of these types of characters at the parks."
"So, which of those crazy animal sports would you most like to watch live?"
"For films, as long as they get the story right, I'm happy. For TV, it's all about the characters."
"They could have maybe fused what they had with Lightyear with that energy, where it's a bit more serious with the corny, hammed-up fun exploration of Star Command, and boom, a movie that I would have vastly preferred."
"I love aliens, I love alien and aliens. I don't know which one I like better and I don't have to choose, that's the beauty of it."
"This is intense. A lot of people are basically living to get to the fall start enjoying the haunt season."
"It's not cracking top 20. So it's again like Alex is saying, it may not necessarily be for us."
"Enough with the streaming already, you know, tired of sitting on my ass. People do want to get out, they want an escape."
"What are you most excited for on the titles that have been announced strictly from a fun perspective?"
"I want to see a heist movie show me a heist movie in the Star Wars universe and I will show you my money."
"Forget Game of Thrones, give me a baking montage in Steven Universe."
"Bro, Breaking Bad got ass after like three, four seasons. Bro, me and my girl were watching Grey's Anatomy. That [ __ ] was actually kinda hard."
"I absolutely hate cliffhangers with a burning passion."
"It should just be about the fights, the choreography, and that's all I care about when it comes to Mortal Kombat."
"If you don't like it, just tap out and stop watching it."
"I love seeing spy stuff, political Intrigue."
"It feels good to know that it's the weekend time, it's time to, you know, maybe catch up on some anime, maybe catch up on your favorite TV show."
"I freaking love horror movies, seriously you have no idea."
"It's better to have people that are not thinking and just buying a certain kind of... a traditional movie that is told in a specific way because we also need to relax sometimes."
"This is what I tune into at night because I don't watch TV."
"Family is number one, Netflix is better than going out."
"I don't like scary movies... I don't want to spend my time being scared if I could just laugh instead."
"I watch more YouTube than Netflix."
"Sometimes I want the serious, thought-provoking entertainment of Batman the Animated Series, and sometimes I just want something goofy that makes me laugh."