
Aquarius Quotes

There are 285 quotes

"Aquarians are hungry for knowledge. This is the one sign that I have found they're hungry for knowledge."
"Aquarians are the universal friends. They will treat everyone equally the same."
"The life purpose of Aquarius is service, always pouring this big pot that is full of water, knowledge, love, compassion."
"Aquarians are rebels with a cause, fighting for humanitarian causes."
"Aquarians are futuristic people. They are very very progressive."
"Life is a struggle for Aquarians until they find their powers. They have tremendous talent and everything to give out there."
"Aquarius rules those fields of information, of knowledge, of absolutely pure knowledge and wisdom that can be downloaded instantaneously."
"We are entering into the age of Aquarius, which will carry 2,500 years."
"Aquarius seeks to completely shatter all dogmatic blind ways of thinking and instead bring down higher knowledge to the world, open-minded knowledge."
"Aquarius, the water bearer, literally pouring water, the new knowledge and ways of thinking onto humanity, revolutionizing the human soul."
"You're often very quirky, Aquarius. Think outside the box, that is your superpower."
"Aquarius people are very complex beings, complex robotic engineering."
"Some of you guys are pregnant, Aquarius. Congratulations."
"Y'all are Aquarius is are very very fucking creative you guys are like masterminds I swear like y'all are creative as hell soldiers like hone in on that."
"Aquarius has the ability to change the whole mood of something."
"There's a huge karmic healing moment for Aquarius this month."
"This is someone that wants it all with you, Aquarius."
"Big money opportunities are coming your way, Aquarius."
"It's a story of enormous wealth, fervent faith, and dried bird droppings set in 540 Acres of Glorious English Countryside."
"Aquarius, I'm going to call them the intellectual flirts."
"Aquarius moon: 'Rebels, seeking to fly their freak flag, dynamic and visionary.'"
"Aquarius is really good at helping other people to be better, do better, be themselves."
"The Age of Aquarius is here; it's time for a big, beautiful expansion."
"The moment that Venus and Mars go into Aquarius at four degrees, that's when we start to feel things really shift inside of us."
"When this age of Aquarius hits, we're in the transition period."
"I really like Aquarius. Aquarius people are just awesome."
"This is what Aquarius is here to teach you— the difference between your emotions and your mind."
"Aquarian season really embraces us. We are so different, so weird."
"Finding an alignment with your spiritual path will be a big story for every single one of us Aquarians over the next 20 years."
"Aquarius is the sign of the outsider, the outcast, the rebel, the technologist, and the visionary."
"Some Aquarians are bringing something to life or bringing something to fruition."
"Aquarius is all about exposing what's really underlying there."
"They say that by the end of Aquarius, most people have developed a direct connection and interact with the 'central intelligence' of the universe."
"Declare that you're going to land on the bright side of the moon in Aquarius."
"I feel like you're fed up, Aquarius, kind of picking up on that energy here, like you've had enough."
"Wow, Aquarius, there's a whole new world coming in here for you."
"There will be an opportunity here Aquarius to move forward and have a new beginning."
"Queen of love showing up here for my Aquarians."
"Wishing you a beautiful week ahead, I hope you have a lovely Aquarius full moon."
"Clarity: The divine was in line, very beautiful things are happening for you, Aquarius."
"There's something mysterious about you Aquarius."
"Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time in March of 2023."
"It ain't none of they business what you spend your money on, it's your money Aquarius."
"You're irreplaceable Aquarius, the way you love can never be matched."
"Pluto is going to move into Aquarius for good, where it's gonna transit for the next 20 years, which is a huge shift."
"The Wheel of Fortune features a seated angel reaching a book in the left upper corner, representing the fixed sign of Aquarius."
"The purpose of being an Aquarius in the Aquarian age is to take that knowledge, take that information, and to share it to the world."
"That's your purpose as an Aquarius, is to help humanity."
"This is someone who wants to invest in you, Aquarius, with the Seven of Pentacles."
"You're focused Aquarius, now you're going to have like a an epiphany or this is like divine intervention."
"Manifesting new money, new love, new homes, new car, new peace. New Beginnings, Aquarius."
"Aquarius, some of y'all been doing good, you high vibing Aquarius. Don't stoop to these people's level."
"Aquarius, you are out here heavy."
"Aquarius believes in equality, brotherhood, and live and let live."
"Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac, begins approximately January 20th or 21st."
"Aquarius rising, everything about you is just completely different and futuristic thinking."
"Aquarius rising, you love seeking knowledge and talking to people."
"Aquarius rising, you're like a natural-born leader."
"Aquarius rising, you're attractive because you do what you want and express yourself how you want."
"Aquarius rising, they don't have an ego when it comes to information, they really want to learn things."
"The age of Aquarius is also a sign, an archetype having to do with groups."
"Aquarius is democracy, personal freedoms."
"I think Libras and aquariuses kind of click in some kind of way on a romantic tip."
"Aquarius is really about throwing all the rules and all the old ideas out the window."
"Aquarius likes freedom and revolution and innovation and new ideas."
"I see this as being really big for the Aquarius and Aquarius Rising people."
"Remember you Aquarius are never alone, the spirit of life is with you, the world takes care of you. Allow yourself to rest in this realization and feel the lightness in you."
"Aquarius is all about ideas over institutions and personal freedom and Innovation and radical new ways of thinking."
"Aquarians don't play games, they are actually like that."
"I'm an Aquarius, when I clock out from this, baby, I go sit down, I go play my PlayStation."
"Aquarius... Innovative, admired, eccentric."
"Independent and enigmatic Aquarians are unique."
"Following your dreams, your ideas, is expanding your knowledge, going down a new career path. Anything like that, Aquarius, it leads to great success."
"There is a blessing coming on a friendship, Aquarius."
"Things are going to start happening quickly for you. You're a powerful manifestor at this time, Aquarius."
"we just like what we like all right and we're fair aquarius people are fair occurs women are fair people all right"
"Pluto ingressing into Aquarius in 2025."
"Make room for the new here, Aquarius. Open yourself up, be receptive, be positive."
"You're not afraid to tell the truth or speak your mind, Aquarius."
"This is your confirmation today, Aquarius, that you are going to receive this. There is fulfillment, there is attainment."
"Pluto is moving firmly into Aquarius, allowing you to connect with your tribe."
"Expression comes naturally to you, Aquarius. You are very skilled at communicating your thoughts through conversation and creative pursuits."
"Pluto in Aquarius: power to the people, significant shifts, power given to technology."
"This is karma. I see good karma coming for you, Aquarius."
"Pluto moving into Aquarius is very much a dramatic, huge astrological event that is going to shape the next two decades."
"Pluto and Aquarius can also bring a lot more diversity into leadership roles."
"Pluto in Aquarius is a game changer."
"Aquarians want to do a job that will create sort of a revolution, a whole new way of doing things."
"Aquarians are the least likely of the whole zodiac to sell out and do a meaningless job or sell their souls for money."
"Aquarius has intuition too, and that's what leads to innovation."
"Aquarius energy makes people feel some type of way. You either highly motivated or highly agitated by Aquarius energy. That's just that, all that. There's like no between with it, okay? You guys hate it or you love it."
"Aquarius gets a bad rap because people think you're a little bit detached, cold in some sort of way, but that's actually your function."
"Aquarius, you're going to be the one to write the rules."
"Aquarius, you might have to test a philosophy to see if it is real or not because otherwise, there's something here about needing to expand your sense of spirituality."
"He is also Aquarius the water bearer, always represented in the ancient system of the zodiac as a man carrying a pitcher of water on his shoulder."
"Six Aquarian placements this month, including a new moon on February 9th."
"Oh, I forgot, yeah, so you're hella compatible and I love Aquariuses, they're the best."
"Miracles are about to happen in your life, Aquarius, after all these obstacles."
"Your blessings are coming in, Aquarius, prepare yourself, miracles after miracles."
"This person wants to be with you, Aquarius."
"You're very unique, Aquarius. There's nobody out here like you. Something that you do could be very unique."
"You're very inspiring, Aquarius. You could do something online; you could be very inspirational to this person."
"Sun in Aquarius... forward thinking, innovative."
"Aquarius is a sign of independent thinking."
"Pluto in Aquarius is a lot of power to the people, and now we are taking back our minds, we are shifting how we see the world around us, we are empowering ourselves in new ways."
"Under this new moon in Aquarius, you have an opportunity to rewrite that story."
"If you're an Aquarian, you are an Innovative Liberator, a true humanitarian."
"Aquarians have almost all of their energy up here in their mind; they are absolutely brilliant."
"Full moon in Aquarius is coming in a few days, wow."
"Aquariuses are very intelligent and talented, they're proud, truthful, they can be very shy, they may be considered different because they can be quirky, they're courteous, talkative, opinionated, driven, and clever."
"Aquarius ascendant people... naturally want to know how nature works and what is the driving force behind nature."
"I hope that my Aquarius zodiac signs out there enjoy this particular illustration of my interpretation of the sign."
"I'm an Aquarius, and literally everything they said was so accurate."
"This is a real-life Spiritual Awakening for Aquarius right now."
"The sign of Aquarius is ruled both by Uranus, being a modern-day ruler, and Saturn, being the traditional ruler."
"Aquarius like to march at the beat of their own drum."
"We're building an age of Aquarius that's going to last for two thousand years."
"There's a rather crazy new moon in Aquarius happening on the 9th which is bringing unexpected new beginnings and change."
"A Scorpio with Aquarius moon is very unpredictable, exciting, funny, creative, extremely smart, and capable."
"The ozone layer represents Aquarius, fixed air, protecting the earth and all underneath it."
"Aquarius take their time getting to the place in a romantic relationship where it gets really serious."
"Aquarius is the point in the soul's journey where the focal point moves permanently from being very ego-based to actually being very collective based."
"Aquarians are the humanitarians of the zodiac sign, inventors, people who think outside of the box."
"When Pluto goes into Aquarius, guess who's controlling things? The people."
"Aquarius is the sign of Brotherly Love, so if they ride with you, they ride with you for real."
"New moon in Aquarius: open up to change."
"It's going to be a very powerful month for the majority of the Aquarians."
"Aquarius has a lot to do with AI, robotics, technical things, engineering, communication, scientific breakthroughs."
"Aquarius natives may go into some type of meditation and spiritual retreats."
"The archetype of Aquarius means the need to liberate from some pre-existing condition."
"Aquarians are great because they understand space and at the same time they're a little quirky."
"You were always destined to bring in this beautiful essence, Aquarian energy, venusian energy, breaking out of the box, being free-spirited enough to go your own way."
"Excellent time to organize that in the home for Aquarius natives."
"I love you, Aquarius, I love you so much."
"We're moving from this dualistic Piscean Age to the Age of Aquarius."
"True spiritual will, the conscious direction of energy by intelligent ideation and self-conscious volition, is the supreme criterion and sovereign talisman of Aquarian humanity."
"Aquarians are friendly, humanitarian, honest, inventive, and independent."
"Aquarius on the cusp of my seventh house suggests a nonconformist approach and a high need for freedom in relationships."
"Aquarius is inviting, taking that vessel of water and giving it to the world."
"Aquarius rules inventions, and the moon in Aquarius will confirm a woman or man to have an inventive streak."
"The moon in Aquarius harbors a certain level of genius that is inherent from birth."
"With Pluto in Aquarius, the power is shifting from the corporations and government to the people."
"I truly believe that from Pluto in Capricorn to Pluto and Aquarius, the power is shifting from the corporations and government to the people."
"Aquarius is most attracted to the unconventional and unpredictable."
"Aquarians are the absolute best at creating a brand-new map that no one knew existed."
"Aquarius: strong sense of social justice and making the world a better place, seeing themselves as one of the links in an endless human chain."
"Aquarius people... are the innovators, they are the ones who push us into the future."
"The age of Aquarius is coming when the red star Regulus aligns with the gaze of the Sphinx just before dawn."
"Aquarius woman can be a futuristic thinker, where she's thinking about things that are far ahead of our generation."
"Aquarius woman tends to be really honest, honest to a fault."
"Happy birthday Aquarius, you may not always agree with an Aquarian but don't expect to argue with one and win."
"Aquarius, you have passion, energy, motivation, and wisdom."
"Aquarius are the visionaries of the zodiac."
"Aquarius is always speak up about the things that bother them or the things that are really on their minds."
"Aquarius is the friendly sign in the zodiac, they always are available to help a friend in need, a stranger in need."
"Aquarius people are some of the most gifted people in the world."
"Aquarius are not emotionless, they do feel things on a very deep level."
"You're an Aquarius. A lover of stimulating conversation and experiences."
"This is your year, this is Aquarius's year."
"This is the week you know that right, with Pluto moving into Aquarius."
"We're entering the age of the human. Aquarius is the age of the human being."
"Aquarius wants to feel seen for being themselves."
"Aquarius is also about Joy, it's also about connecting to our truest versions of ourselves."
"You have been worthy to belong to love all along, Aquarius, without any need to improve; in fact, you are love itself."
"We're also in the energy of the full moon in Aquarius right now too."
"You're going to reach heights in your life that you have never reached before, Aquarius."
"Aquariuses bring faith, hope, healing. Aquarius energy, the Star energy, makes your wishes come true."
"Take the time to celebrate yourselves, Aquarius."
"Moon in Aquarius people are interesting."
"The moon of the Aquarius moon person is always thinking about their responsibility to the world."
"Both of you can create a very happy relationship, Aquarius."
"Pluto in the sign of Aquarius... Aquarius rules innovation, rebellion, striking out, and doing things differently."
"Aquarius, what I am getting very strongly here is that you might be dealing with someone from your past."
"Manifestations are going to be huge right now for you, Aquarius."
"Now is a lucky time for you, Aquarius."
"Aquarians are known to be eccentric, weird, and quirky."
"Overall, Aquarians are just misunderstood."
"Many of you Aquarians are going to start to reap the rewards."
"You have someone here who really wants you Aquarius, they are into you, they really are, they want this connection to be a successful one."
"Tell an Aquarius they can't do something and watch them do it ten times as fast, ten times as better."
"You are here in control, Aquarius."
"This person restores healing and balance for you, brings you back to where you need to be in true Aquarian energy."
"Keep being a good person... don't stop being a giver, Aquarius."
"Justice is in your favor, twice is double justice in your favor, Aquarius."
"You have a creative type of energy within you, Aquarius Nation."
"You are very well acquainted with yourself, Aquarius, through all the processes you've been through."
"You're not backing down, Aquarius, you know your worth."
"It really does feel like you're moving into a beautiful new cycle here, moving into some very sunny days, Aquarius."
"Happy new moon, happy new you, Aquarius."
"Finally, Aquarius found the light within themselves."
"You're entering into this time of abundance, and there's clearly a lot of happiness, joy, excitement coming in for you here, Aquarius."
"Happy birthday Aquarius, I hope you're having a really great birthday season."
"You are in the spotlight now Aquarius."
"Someone sees potential in this Aquarius, someone finds you very extremely attractive."
"Life is beautiful, finally for you Aquarians."
"Pluto will spend 21 years in the sign of Aquarius."
"You're moving towards the finer things in life, Aquarius, which is not just about paper and coins, money, it is also about peace."
"Your intentions are sincere, Aquarius, your heart is in the right place, and there's really no 'but' to it."
"Get yourself mentally and physically prepared for financial independence, Aquarius."
"You're a phoenix rising from the ashes, Aquarius."