
Omission Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"In behavioral analysis, when we talk about deception, we're also looking for statements of omission. This is when somebody holds something back or dances around the truth."
"The discovery of the crashed UFO was too sensitive to become public. These documents prove that they were afraid that people would panic fearing an extraterrestrial invasion."
"Hands up y'all, hands up! Oh [ __ ] oh I may have forgotten to mention one tiny detail."
"The lack of discussion in TZM surrounding this issue..."
"Omission is the failure to act when you have a legal obligation to act."
"I was never lying. I might have omitted a few details, but you're not supposed to."
"The most common way people lie is through omission."
"I think sometimes they just leave out the meat. They just leave out the stuff that matters and handle the outside, the garnish."
"In epistolary, it just wasn't in that letter, right?"
"Why aren't they actually mentioning China by name, right?"
"Little-known pirate ruler is conspicuously absent from most other historical texts."
"Lying also includes omissions of material facts."
"Many churches today preach a false gospel, leaving out the blood atonement of Christ."
"If you don't prepare, you're guaranteed to be [__]."
"Let's just put that part in, everything else today was [__]."
"This man just ignored the biggest political story of the week."
"No one would have ever told this story and included a very pivotal piece which is the Armon Wiggins piece."
"There are times I've realized that not drawing something is the key."
"The one thing you're not doing is fighting white supremacy, and as long as you're not doing that, they don't care what you're doing."
"Ending all war, I don't think that's gonna be mentioned."
"Surprise surprise I forgot to tell him though that um I don't have my my pink slip of paper."
"The single omission from the books that broke Game of Thrones."
"The devil is really in the omission because safe and effective for what?"
"Some of these media outlets omitted important details."
"I honestly Chuck Norris never even crossed my mind."
"Some cases slip through the cracks and go unol."
"An entire sequence in a hot spring that was cut out of the official English release."
"The film also fails to tell you that Harry's father like Sirius and Peter was an animus."
"Their roles have been airbrushed out of the record."
"Funny that Disney decided not to talk about how John Smith was charged with mutiny on this trip."
"Most of our regrets are acts of omission."
"Sin isn't just something that I do that I shouldn't, sin is also something that I don't do that I should."
"It's not lying, it's just not saying anything."
"It was supposed to be McCoy but they just didn't bother to rewrite it."
"Acts of omission can be as bad as acts of commission."
"You can speak something into existence and you can omit it out."
"Because of this, we were all [ __ ]."
"Omission is still wrong. Just because you didn't say it doesn't mean it's still not bad."
"The truth is omission, not lying."
"Omission isn't the same thing as denial."
"...it's important to note that the transaction history that wasn't admitted into evidence includes roughly 19 pages..."
"Could he have perhaps failed to mention it to you?"
"They left that out, they conveniently left out who you really was."
"We're showing you the way that it goes, okay? They had a problem with it, they just didn't film it."
"Scripture jumps ahead, skipping a lot of other information, to go down to the next point."
"Lying is more work. Lying is absolutely more work. You know what it is when I say lying and truth, you understand. I mean omitting."
"Uh, Jer? Aren't you forgetting something?"
"I'm absolutely astounded at how well it's done but I feel a little bit silly because I now realize there are a whole bunch of cars and stories that I've just left out."
"I usually leave that out of the story."
"But clearly that still should have been there."
"I didn't take the camera but we went to the extra party."
"You didn't tell the Captain Jack story."
"I didn't lie exactly," she said, "just left out some information."
"The notes you leave out might be the most important ones."
"And she purposely doesn't send me things."
"He never did any of those things."
"Of all the things that this loudmouth talks about, all the crimes he discusses, shooting anyone on March 14, 2022, never that never comes up."
"It feels like a very big Omission."
"Rather than go through the litany of things that he got wrong, I thought it would be more interesting to talk about the things he didn't even mention."
"The last years of Jesus Christ refer to the 18 years in which his history is omitted from the Bible."
"Very common to omit articles in headlines."
"But yeah, I didn't film it so it didn't become part of the story in the video"
"He deliberately omitted that last part, and you're saying this guy's a Christian? Could you be any stupider?"
"I have permission to leave out details that detract from the painting."
"You forgot the lamb sauce. This is good."
"Samson's story isn't quite what it seems. Some parts were left out because they didn't quite fit the religious teachings of the time."
"There seems to be some controversy about my not mentioning every film by name last night before announcing the Best Picture award."
"This is the moment that's completely skipped in your syllabus, it's completely skipped in your curriculum, but it's this moment that has all the secrets to unlock the mysteries that we're trying to solve."
"Morally injurious events can include acts of perpetration, acts of omission, or experiences of betrayal from leaders or trusted others."
"All of our purposes are living history, to teach the history that is being left out of history books right now."
"We have this strange tendency, over and over and over, to think that ducking is OK and that shielding is not."
"Looking at what's omitted can sometimes be just as revealing as looking at what is predominant."
"How is Carol Danvers not a part of the story?"
"If a writer of prose knows enough of what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows."
"You couldn't say three little words: Happy Birthday."
"It's a film made in 1945, and nobody mentions the war."
"In history class, this is what they tell you about the founding of our country: In 1620, the Pilgrims landed, and then in 1776, we declared our independence. They never seem to talk about what happened in between."
"From Gandalf's perspective, this part of the story begins an epic adventure that is almost entirely cut from the movies."
"It's what one leaves out that's really important."
"That was the news, no CM Punk mentioned, yay!"
"Just some [things] you leave out, you leave out out of respect for her as a woman."
"Big Hero 6 was an action-packed movie even without these next deleted characters."
"We are never very far away from the need for faith unto repentance, including repentance of our sins of omission."
"When you get a single template, what is the story leaving out?"
"Everybody's nominated except Donald Sutherland, which is an absolute travesty."
"It's not where you place your words; it's where you don't."
"Mastering of the draftsmanship is about what you don't draw."
"I think clearly one of the best to never win, I think it would be a travesty if they do a theme like this and Dominic isn't on there."
"It's not what you say, but what you don't say that matters."
"Well, Bubble Bass, what do you think? This is pretty good, only one thing, you forgot the pickle!"
"The power of what you don't paint is just as potent as the power of what you do paint."
"It's amazing what you can get away with leaving out."
"Ignoring evidence is a Lie by omission and we shouldn't lie about history or really anything else."
"What you don't play is important."
"It's not the thing you do, it's the thing you leave undone, which gives you a bit of heartache at the setting of the sun."
"Greta Gerwig is not nominated for best director, that is the true snub here."
"It's wild that we didn't talk about the big game."
"Invisible Man endures not simply for what Ellison put down on the published page but for what he left out."
"Nonfeasance is where you had a license to do something, you should have done something, and you failed to do something that should have been done."
"Throughout history, the topic of slavery has been something that has been discussed by many... but there's a lot of things that were omitted."
"Why didn't we get a funeral for Natasha?"
"You have to be ready to omit negative forces immediately."
"It's like teaching oceanography and never mentioning water."
"Our biggest regrets turn out to be the acts of omission, paths not taken, and they haunt us."