
Jewish Identity Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"To be Jewish is therefore intrinsically connected to keeping our eyes open to injustice. That is our spiritual and historical duty."
"What I want from Jewish representation is difficult to nail down, but it's more than waving a Menorah around."
"Non-Jews respect Jews who respect themselves."
"The jews own the banks, the jews own the newspapers, the jews run Hollywood, the jews are running the whole world. A machaya! It's a pleasure to read such a newspaper."
"Why the jews? I don't know if you saw the toilet graffiti: 'How odd of God to choose the jews' and somebody answered, 'No, not odd. The jews chose God.'"
"The Jewish people suffered for many, many years... don't worry about the unfairness."
"Messianic Judaism is a biblically based movement of people who, as committed Jews, believe in Yeshua (Jesus) as the Jewish Messiah of Israel, of whom the Jewish Law and Prophets spoke."
"Growing up Jewish, I've always enjoyed connecting with other Jews around the world."
"Clearly, you cannot explain Jewish history apart from God. True, you cannot."
"The Jew that God has assembled will not perish from off the earth... Let God do the math."
"Nothing sums up the Jewish Spirit better than that."
"God promised preservation... you'll never destroy all the Jews."
"Zelensky may be Jewish, but he's not the only one who suffered during the war."
"Jewish identity is now bound up with the rejection of logos."
"The Jewish people have an identity that is not political, it's not racial, it is theological."
"We have to address the Jewish problem. There is a Jewish problem. It is more urgent now than it was in 1890, it is much more serious now. We are on the brink of global nuclear war because of the Jewish problem."
"She's Jewish so she's really just down to earth, you wouldn't even think she is a super celebrity."
"Being Jewish in America at this point is not a one-size fits-all experience."
"Hollywood Jews may have wanted to marry into White America, but when it came to music, Jewish composers looked to Black America."
"Zionism is marked simultaneously by a deep commitment to the Jewish people and by an equally deep commitment to the transformation of the Jews."
"When you come to a Jew, you don't ask him, 'Would you like to become religious?' But when you stop a Jew and you say, 'Excuse me, are you Jewish?' That's true."
"No people has ever insisted more firmly than the Jews that history has a purpose and humanity has a destiny."
"The JAP stereotype first gained ground in American popular culture after World War II as upwardly mobile middle-class American Jews who felt established in the country still struggled to prove that they had acclimated to everyday American life."
"The Babylonian captivity is a very important event for Jewish identity."
"It's kind of not interesting to me because I see you as Jewish, and I'm much more interested in the moment where you said, 'But I'm Jewish,' and the guy said, 'Yeah, I'm kind of laughing at that.'"
"Just because you're Jewish and the majority of those who are Jewish have rejected the Messiah, Paul's point is not all of them have."
"David Sorkin asks questions focusing on issues defining moments in modern Jewish history and European history."
"Emancipation in the West, the emancipation of individuals, had not just been insufficient but been a disaster for the Jews."
"I learned to appreciate my Jewish roots far more."
"I never thought I'd live in a time where people were made to feel ashamed of being Jewish."
"The Talmud Torah's journey from resistance to celebration, symbolizing the evolution of Jewish identity in the East End."
"In Judaism, there's a general understanding that we're all Jews here."
"How did the Jews survive? What is it that set them apart from other peoples?"
"Being Jewish is based on being part of a family, the Jewish Family, feeling that Jewish history is one's own history and most important of all, binding oneself to the future of the Jewish people."
"To be a Jew is to be a member of a family which has Torah at its core, a way of life at its core, so much a religion since Torah is much less about what a person believes and is all about how a person is to behave."
"Being Jewish, knowing that wherever I move I will find a community, that is so comforting."
"There's not a Jew in the world who's not feeling connected to the Jewish people, to our destiny, with gratitude to our soldiers."
"It is honestly impossible to overstate the importance of Aliyah to this country and to the Jewish people."
"...the Jewish people, the Torah of Israel, and the land of Israel... have kept us going for so many thousands of years against the odds."
"We had the Mishnah, we had a written text, and it was controversial but extremely efficacious at preserving Jewish identity."
"More than the Jewish people have kept Shabbat, Shabbat has kept the Jewish people."
"Israel is the home of any Jew who wants to come."
"Life as a Jew is that you're made of two parts."
"In every generation, there are people who try to destroy us, but we the Jews endured."
"Literature and art must express the entire sweep of experiences, problems, and woes of the modern Jew who lives in the wide world, who is deeply and organically both Jew and man."
"It is absolutely not okay to lump all Jews together and attribute certain characteristics to the Jewish people as a whole."
"Destiny... yours, your destiny, and the destiny of all Jews everywhere."
"The Jewish people are 15 million bodies, but we only have one soul."
"Every civilization that ever sought to destroy Jews... has been consigned to history, and we, this tiny vulnerable people, can still stand and sing a new song: 'Am Yisrael Chai,' the people of Israel live."
"Hashem doesn't want a cholent, a melting pot of the Jewish people; Hashem wants a salad bowl, tapestry, mosaic, symphony of Am Israel."
"We are here in Mexico City with the Jewish Youth, and I want to say one thing: the Jewish people live, and we are not going anywhere."
"Every Jew who lives here feels as though they are an inseparable part of the community."
"The Jewish people are no longer going to stand up like question marks but they're going to stand straight up like exclamation points."
"When the Jewish people are crushed, especially through exile, there's always a Jewish leader of the caliber of Moshe to be found."
"Great great grandma Carolina didn't cross an ocean at 18 for me to be afraid to be Jewish."
"The actual Jewish idea is not that Jews are a race, but rather that Jews are a nation and a people with a long common history."
"I'm very proud to be Jewish and I love being Jewish."