
Receptiveness Quotes

There are 472 quotes

"Have you ever truly just allowed yourself to receive all the things that are around you?"
"The mind that ultimately knows is the mind that, as it were, is receptive to a higher vibration of knowledge."
"The more grateful you are for what you already have, the more you'll be able to receive."
"Be receptive to what it is that they have to offer."
"Open your hearts to what God's word has to say to you."
"The universe wants to bring you all these good things; open your heart."
"I want to have better communication whether and I want to be receptive to what people are trying to really say."
"Moments like this are moments of encounter, and it is important that you pay attention, avoid distractions, and let your heart be open to receive."
"You are where you are because of your hard work, but you're really where you are because you let things come."
"Children are highly receptive to the new gadgets."
"You're trying to learn how to be receptive, especially if you're a divine feminine."
"Allow happiness to come off you put that energy out there you'll be a little bit more receptive."
"This is bad but unfortunately they're just not listening."
"As a matter of child psychology, children are actually pretty receptive to new things."
"When I give you the real, your sign is the absolute best at taking it in."
"Prepare for what you're actively receiving right now."
"Take the book, open your mouth, open your mind, open your heart, and digest the truth of God."
"We humans smile when we see head tilt it means we're receptive and we love great attitude you know what we hate bad attitude how many of you know somebody that has a bad attitude and they still breathe."
"If you're open and receptive, that's all that matters."
"Just lay it all out there for me, let me lap it up."
"Criticism is meaningless if it's just thrown out in a way that guarantees rejection."
"She is built to receive. Have I positioned myself to be receptive to what God is about to do?"
"Just be able to accept critique and not take it as a personal attack."
"When you are tapping into your feminine energy... you want to be more receptive to receiving."
"I've become more receptive to not only receiving gifts but receiving love and affirmations."
"Many Christians today are containers, they want to receive from God, they're not vehicles through whom God can bless."
"The universe is trying to deliver you blessings, and the more closed off you are, the more you're going to miss those blessings."
"See yourself as a magnet pulling in those things you are open to receiving."
"What are you ready to receive into your life or your experience so you can make this gentler on yourself?"
"The universe has many more blessings and many more gifts that wants to be brought to us and we're not going to be in the energy to receive them if we're not open."
"It's in the good stuff, so whatever this is, kind of allow it in, have a little fun."
"You can't be in charge of the miracle, but you can be willing to let it come through you."
"Embrace this receptive energy once you get into it and start looking for your opportunities."
"It requires us to have an open heart, open mind, open spirit - really be open towards it."
"Let others help you; once you shift those expectations, you'll be amazed at how quickly help arrives and gives you a leg up."
"Opening yourself up so that you can receive it from divine, from the universe."
"Empty your hands so your hands are big enough to catch what's trying to get to you."
"Are you ready to receive? Love and abundance are waiting."
"How can you critique without being amenable to critique?"
"Being open and receptive is a feminine quality that men love."
"You don't have to judge them, you just have to receive."
"This person wants you to have patience with them, wants you to be receptive when it is time to come back together."
"He's more willing to give than you are to receive."
"Make more time than usual for meditation because this is going to allow you to really be an open vessel for all of this information to flow through."
"What you need is out there, but you have to be willing to receive it."
"Allow God to show up and to speak to you. That's very important at this time."
"In order to become enlightened, we need to learn how to receive light."
"Open your mind, open your breath to receive that which you want to receive."
"One of the greatest blocks in our ability to manifest our greatest desires is an inability to allow ourselves to receive."
"Only few people can hear something and they'll be like 'you're right I won't do that.'"
"The change that you've been looking for will come knock on your door."
"If Quentin Tarantino says it's good, people will become much more receptive."
"Be open to receiving what the universe wants to bring into you."
"The energy is the source that God to the Creator Peace of Mind openness open to receiving."
"The answers you need are coming, and you're setting yourself up to be able to receive those answers."
"Things that come to you don't need to generate from you... they can come to you, they can be open to things, and maybe they become yours."
"God has already done his part, and what we need to do is learn to receive."
"Understanding what partnership is, just being more receptive."
"You're being taught how to be more receptive."
"The law of subtraction is that the degree to which you can let go, is the degree to which you will receive."
"The more empty you become, the more you will allow in."
"The universe is pouring its abundance out to you. So be open to receiving because you deserve it, you are worthy of it, you've worked hard for this, you've."
"Communication effectively is a hard thing because you need to communicate in a way that people are receptive to."
"We just have a posture to receive the things that you want to give us."
"Your first job as a Christian is to receive."
"Embrace the blessings that are coming your way."
"I'm ready to receive something that brings me love, abundance, joy, reciprocity. I'm ready to receive these higher blessings. Bring it on, universe."
"Gratitude means something's happening to you... your body then when you're feeling gratitude is in the perfect state of receiving."
"When you teach a people the truth, those who will listen. When you bring the truth, those who have the ear will hear."
"Ask for help because when you ask, you shall receive."
"Remember, criticism or support is all welcome."
"That's what can happen when we stop being so damn stubborn and just listen to what God is telling us to do."
"Put yourself in a space where you're more receptive."
"Notice the Blessings in Your Life, It's Going to Open You Wide to Receive."
"Our job is to be in the space where we can receive what the universe wants to give to us."
"Sometimes you've got to let person, place, or thing come to you for the help that it needs."
"Be open to receive, especially when there's opportunities just popping out of nowhere."
"Receive it, let yourself receive it, it's genuine."
"You are worthy of all the love, abundance, and opportunity that wants to present itself. You are ready and willing to receive and also perceive it as well."
"Receive more, listen more, and then ultimately, this is a yes."
"Get ready to receive because the universe now is blessing you."
"Be open to receive, sparks fly when you connect."
"Now is the time to allow flow to come into your life, be open to receive the new."
"If your mind is open to growth, if you're open to criticism from your coaches, from your teammates... you will improve much faster than the most skilled player who is shut off."
"Just take what fits and leave the rest out. I always encourage to just listen with an open mind and an open heart because you never know which message may be for you."
"Gratitude is a really, really, really powerful way to become receptive to all of the gifts that you already have."
"Be open to receive. This is receiving season for us."
"Open your mind, open to the love that the universe is trying to send you."
"I try to be humble... I try not to be defensive and instantly deny the validity of every critique that is brought to me."
"Let your spirit receive the depth of what I'm saying to you."
"Receive gifts from the universe. They come in dreams, they come in meditations, they come all of a sudden."
"Embrace this energy, be open and receptive to it, everyone."
"Allow that Divine hand to reach for you, beloved, do not turn it away."
"When hearts are open and receiving, and ears are hearing, and people are hungry, it's the best thing."
"It's not enough to love; you have to allow yourself to be loved."
"Be open to receiving hard messages; it's part of the process."
"Be open to receive something that's headed in your direction."
"You've got the freedom to grow now in their absence and that you can step into this receiving mode."
"I'm really loving that you guys are being receptive to it, you're being patient, and you're just wonderful."
"We're back to allowing the flow, because the flow of prosperity and abundance wants to come towards you."
"There's a precious gift coming your way, be open to receiving."
"A wise man receives criticism, and sometimes, if it's legitimate, you might find some truth in it."
"It's a kind of atmosphere that makes it easy for God to move because he doesn't have to try to get our attention he already has it."
"Literally just says you need to be open to receive, so it says like put yourself out there."
"Receiving, allow life to come to you, receive those things, the compliments, the money, receive it, the energy, receive it, the friendship, receive it."
"The universe is handing you something on a silver platter."
"If you have an open hand, it's open to receive all kinds of goodness."
"It's okay to repeat yourself... sometimes a person's in a more receptive space than they were before."
"Take a nice long deep breath and just set the intention that you are ready and willing to hear the messages you need the most."
"We found graduates were more receptive to new ideas and new agriculture technologies."
"Open and receptive, receive everything the universe is sending your way."
"What are you ready to let go of, and what are you ready to receive?"
"If two of the most successful football coaches... can be open to this kind of conversation... anybody listening to this almost deserves to give it a chance."
"Flexibility and receptiveness is cultivated when a person can find contentment, intrigue, and even fun in a wider set of circumstances."
"Sometimes they're not super open to it, you know."
"Those who are saved do not have a hardened heart when it comes to the voice of God."
"Your guardian angel can put people and things in our path, but we have to listen."
"Opportunities may come in unexpected ways, be open to receiving them."
"This person is going to like be there and be ready and receptive to whenever you feel like you are in the mood."
"I'm certainly open to correction and refutation of my arguments as I like to treat these opportunities the way I would if I was having a conversation with someone rather than some kind of indifferent denunciation of something that I disagree with."
"Correct a wise man and he will thank you. Correct a fool and he will hate you."
"Being open and receptive to whatever may happen."
"Don't try to convince people of your vision who are not willing to listen."
"We just gotta keep at it and the cool part is there's all these people out there and they're real receptive to what we do."
"Sometimes you just have to listen to the universe."
"People who are poor in spirit are in a position to receive."
"I'm a channel in this moment. I'm a vessel. I need to listen. I need to hear."
"If you were to actually say how you really feel about something, people willing to listen."
"You cannot graft a new idea on a closed mind."
"If somebody has a better way of doing things, I am all open for that."
"Opportunities are presenting themselves all the time."
"You ain't listening, but what we just said. I have no problem taking that type of criticism from a man if he can communicate it well."
"I'm a sponge, I feel like I'm a child reborn again."
"You're the type of person who will actually listen to someone giving you information that will benefit you."
"The narrative became that it doesn't matter what world class trainer you put in front of Ryan if he's not going to listen to him you can get all of them you can get Freddy Roach you can get anybody in here."
"You have to be able to listen to everyone in your career, you have to be able to be open for factors that maybe are beyond your scope."
"Receptive, waiting for the right time."
"What is the secret of growth? It's how you hear, it's the condition of the heart, it's the condition of the soil."
"When you're laughing you actually can take stuff in."
"You can't tell somebody something they're not willing to hear."
"Prepare yourself, make sure that you have the capacity to receive what you want."
"He was soft enough and receptive enough to move wherever we went."
"You have to create that space for something to happen. You can pause and stay in movement."
"Allow yourself to be open and receptive. Self-care here is going to also be very important."
"Opportunities knock, you gotta let them in."
"You've got to learn to receive the kingdom like a little child."
"Mindfulness is a quality that is infinitely receptive. It has a deep listening to it, the listening like looking into the eyes of another person is looking or listening to the sounds of the bird songs on these spring mornings."
"We want to stay open-minded and available for new information and ideas."
"Your guides can't do a thing for you unless you're genuinely receptive."
"Come with an open mind, not just to receive anything."
"...one other incredible positive thing about quadmilla is they're really receptive to feedback and that's something that I absolutely love and appreciate from them..."
"What does it take for you guys to start listening to what I've been saying for the last 20 years?"
"You have to be a little bit more open-minded."
"The heart of a youth is like an uncultivated piece of land, whatever you throw on it, it accepts."
"Thank you for the question, and he who has ears to hear, let him hear."
"Inspiration comes to prepared souls."
"Being open-minded is very important."
"No matter what a person says, if it's the craziest idea, you can't be dismissive."
"People who are open to new ideas and new experiences is uh it's very attractive."
"If any man has ears to hear will more be given him."
"To teach from a place of rootedness is to realize who is receptive to the information you're trying to bring forward."
"I've always had an open mind and I'm happy to listen to many sides of an argument."
"You're going to need to walk in there with an open mind and an open heart."
"What result are you looking for? Because if you're looking for me to be unguarded, have my defenses down, really be receptive to your message, then timing is really important."
"If a plan can get through all those guys, all those seals, then we need to make sure our minds are open and we're listening and taking input."
"Money flows effortlessly from both known and unknown sources, and I remain open and receptive to infinite prosperity and abundance."
"You have to get rid of every idea in your head."
"People are not ready to listen until they're ready to listen."
"If we're in any kind of posture when we're like, 'God speak to us,' God can speak to us."
"If something does catch the eye today, I'm open to it."
"When all you're doing is trying to defend what you believe, you're not in a place to hear anything."
"But if each of us makes our little world receptive and appropriate for God, then God has his home in the lowest world."
"Be openhearted... don't be closed off to any new opportunities."
"We're meant to approach the Lord with blank tablets."
"Lord we pray that as we open up our Bibles we could also open up our hearts Lord we pray that we would be open teachable."
"What's a blank canvas? What I mean by that is they're like a ready-made sponge or already made vacuum ready to suck up all the information you're giving them, especially if they're dedicated in terms of wanting to make professional status."
"If you walk up to a guy and you say, 'I could really use your help with something,' that one line is gonna have nine out of ten guys immediately receptive to whatever you say."
"You can't give the gospel to people who aren't interested in it."
"If you can't take correction I don't know what to tell you."
"Just allowing yourself to stay open to receive what's meant to come your way."
"It's pretty refreshing to have a client that's open to those cues."
"In terms of rushing the process, nah, I'm not receptive to that."
"In order to receive something, you must be open to receiving it."
"All that is wanted is an empty place, a vacuum, so that God can put it in."
"Your mind is so open to receive information that people who are closed off cannot receive."
"Keep your hands open to not only receive whatever he has for you, but to give whatever he asks of you."
"My mind and my heart were wide open and I heard her."
"In attention, do you allow yourself to be surprised by things that come in to you?"
"When you have a thankful heart, it's a more receptive heart to the things of the Lord."
"The real work is sitting down and receiving."
"There has to be a give and take between you and the painting. You have to listen to... you can't impose."
"Just having an openness I think is the best thing you can do."
"Father, I pray that we would be good soil to receive the seed of your word."
"I wanted to come into this with an open mind."
"We become receptive to looking for that key, but when we're looking for the key, we evaluate the key, we evaluate the claims."
"You got to receive the word with meekness, the engrafted word of God which is able to save your soul."
"...the Lord is not silent right now; for those who want to hear, He is very, very chatty."
"In those days, you will discover that when you pray, I will listen."
"Unlocking your ability to receive from God, and how to experience God's blessings on a daily basis."