
Development Tools Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Snapdragon Spaces is an open-cross device horizontal platform that delivers the tools to bring developers' ideas to life."
"With plugins it's also possible to take over the entire properties panel and bring in other developer tools inside of figma."
"Another thing that can be incredibly useful to development teams is handing them full-fledged prototypes, things that they can actually touch and click and interact with."
"UE5's new tools allowed devs to do just that with fewer roadblocks than ever before."
"Flash carts are insanely useful to not only people looking to play some games, but also homebrew developers, ROM hackers, content creators, and more."
"Import cost: forces you to look at the size of your third-party JavaScript packages."
"In conclusion, Scriptable Object is a vital tool in your toolbox."
"If you're new to web development, consider yourself lucky because it used to be a hell of a lot worse."
"We're providing a completely integrated development environment with infusion, no more text editors when you want to make a change."
"Flutter is cross-platform; you can use it on Mac, Windows, Linux."
"Flutter is fast, compiling your source code to machine instructions."
"What I really like about Material UI is the fact that you get so many pre-made components ready to go."
"The Angular CLI's ng update command unlocks all that the newest Angular has to offer."
"Technology or language doesn't support unit testing? It might be worth looking harder because it probably does."
"I'm fully integrated into VS Code now. Let me know what you think below of this new setup. I really like it."
"It's really important to have these propTypes set up to make it really easy to figure out if you have an error like that because it'll show up right in your console."
"Set up eslint... your text editor is going to catch anything that could potentially have a problem."
"Angular CLI is powerful, allowing dynamic generation of components and services."
"Being able to refactor things very quickly and with confidence... and being able to get a quick feedback loop as soon as I type this right."
"APIs: the communication channel between the front end and the back end."
"Referencing the scripting runtime library is incredibly useful."
"Rails Installer: Get up and running quickly."
"Having the ability to iterate and tune, having that logic all live in Blueprint is super valuable to us."
"The most simple use case that you'll find is just console logging at different points within the observable."
"Unity is feature-rich. It has everything: 2D, 2.5D, 3D, VR, AR, cinematics, animation, state machines..."
"Every developer will have some sort of an assistant in the IDE."
"Tasks class in C# is amazing but not available in the current version of Unity's dotnet library."
"All you need now is those two files, the vagrant file and the bootstrap file, to create this environment."
"Expo is an ecosystem of tools on top of react native enabling us to not worry about the native part of our app in most cases and to have web-like developer experience."
"Now, the nice thing about this is every single time I click save in our project, it'll automatically refresh the browser."
"Bun has a built-in bundler that's faster than webpack and parcel and many others."
"...we've got some components from Shad Cen, they've created Button, Input, and Sheet. Really handy."
"Having access to the dev tools, we can look at everything that's going on also through Playwright as things are happening."
"Vitest is not framework specific. It is unit testing, and also a general purpose for framework agnostic test owner."
"So we're going to be talking today about Vitest. Vitest is blazing fast unit testing built on top of Vite."
"...this is a tool that we can use to boilerplate full Vue applications which come along with all the configuration and structure that we need to create full Vue websites or single page applications."
"Visual Studio 2019 for Mac is the IDE of choice."
"Dev: nodemon server.js - The dev script uses nodemon, which automatically restarts the server whenever you change your code."
"The possibilities of creating different kinds of data experiences are limitless, and Looker can give you the development tools to build rich data experiences at scale."
"I love dev tools and programming languages, this is like my bread and butter."
"It's a great tool, I think it sets up my game as a developer."
"Hey developers, have you ever wanted to create your back end visually instead of having to write it in code?"
"All in all, Tailwind CSS IntelliSense, Tailwindocs, and Headwind are three great Tailwind extensions to improve your Tailwind workflow inside of VS Code."
".NET Hot Reload is the ability to make changes to your code and apply them to the running app without having to rebuild it or restart it."
"It's also a set of CLI tools for deployment, monitoring, debugging, and the simulation tools that allow you to sort of build things before you build them and test hypotheses before you spend the money to go and actually build hardware."
"Dev tool can really be a lifesaver."
"Netlify has awesome building tools we are also going to use to set up that automated CI CD pipeline."
"Your dev tools are your best friend when it comes to coding."
"Your development cycle can be as much as two to five times faster if you're using Postman."
"The easiest way, I think, is to go to the Solution Explorer, and then right click on 'References' and select 'Add Reference'."
"However, they're available through a special tool called NuGet."
"So do check it out, and this will hopefully help you in your day-to-day development."
"It facilitates the creation of software."
"The command menu is a really useful way to speed up a lot of routine tasks."
"Debugging with the sources panel can be very helpful."
"Once you have Quasar installed, you can then create a new project with the Quasar create command."
"My favorite is Visual Studio Code which is free and easy to install and has important features such as support for Intellisense, code completion, debugging, and code refactoring."
"Web pack dev server is a really nice tool to have if you're working with web pack."
"Previews are really like one of the super useful tools when you make Swift UI."
"One of the major additions for testing is multi-preview support for Jetpack Compose."
"If you're working with React, I would definitely try out the React developer tools and use Chrome to do your development work."
"Expo is one of the best, easiest build tools to create the React Native application."
"This will allow the students to use programming languages and various development tools as well as the applications in a dedicated secure environment isolated from the Chrome OS."
"DevTools lets you see exactly what your app is doing while it's running, so you can spot opportunities to make it faster or more reliable."
"The goal of replit is to help new developers write their first lines of code and find some level of success."
"Those are just my favorite things that we've added in Visual Studio 2017 to help make your dotnet development awesome."
"We've really focused on improving those editors."
"It brings testing as a first class citizen as part of the tool chain."
"It definitely speeds up the process and also removes a lot of the boilerplate headache that comes with setting up a Redux application."
"CloudFormation also integrates with other CI/CD and development tools."
"Having these tools readily available ultimately means that it will reduce the amount of time it takes for us to develop applications."
"We also preview drawables, so in edit text has an actual attribute to set the icon that's shown when you are selecting and it's right there, you can see we are previewing it for you."
"Workspaces allows me to bring in a folder on my system into the dev tools and edit it."
"If you want to find out how to make your app your site fast, I recommend you take a look at the Timeline inside the Chrome Dev tools."
"The object allocation tracker is a brand new tool if you're doing a lot of memory analysis."
"An IDE has a debugger which allows you to run it in a safe environment."
"DevTools actually has a debugger built in Flutter."
"We can test this endpoint using Thunder Cent or Postman."
"I think you'll find that's much faster experience than what you had in the Web IDE."
"The platform is very complex; we have a lot already there for you, tools to build on."
"Remix is an in-browser IDE for writing smart contracts."
"Part of the mission for this talk is to make you see just how powerful editor tools are and why you really should spend some time on making your own editor tools to make your life easier when developing your projects."
"Swagger UI will help you do that."
"The tools I use for this project include Vite, a rapid development build tool for modern web projects."
"Yarn really does seem to be a lot faster than npm, that's why I'm enjoying it so far."
"Tools like Lighthouse and Source Map Explorer can help you find and understand performance bottlenecks."
"The Salesforce DX trail in Trailhead has a ton of different resources and it will talk to you about getting the extensions for Visual Studio Code."
"This is an app running with code that I don't have on my local machine in a language that I don't really use and I don't even have installed on my local machine or on my remote machine and I was able to run it and I can continue developing it. Wow, that's super cool."
"Angular DevTools is a Chrome DevTools extension that you can install from the Chrome Web Store."
"Auto layout is the tool that all of us, all average developers, must master in order to build apps for iPhone and iPad."
"Lightweight, portable, and comes as part of the Visual Studio or Visual Basic packages."
"We're free to build any kinds of development tools we want using these kinds of techniques; the sky is really the limit."
"You're working with feature flags, and this package can help you."
"Libraries like Polymer give us the tools to build those experiences."
"This is just a dev tool, a wrapper around JavaScript to make your life easier and safer."
"Heroku is great for our purposes for testing and for building cool new things."
"I'm the advocacy lead for dev tools, so I give my voice to dev tools, collect input and feedback."
"We didn't really focus on designers when building the dev tools before, but it makes a lot of sense."
"How will making dev tools a joy to use, will making it really simple and easier."
"It hooks right into the Chrome Developer Tools."
"It's important to understand the full capabilities that dev tools can offer you."
"Another cool thing I'll state about this Adonis serve command is that as you edit your JS files and save them, it's going to restart your server for you automatically."