
Public Communication Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"Transparency is especially important today... we have a special obligation to explain ourselves clearly, to provide transparency to the public and their elected representatives in Congress."
"I think the onus needs to be on science communicators and people in the government to work better on their communication."
"I believe, as you do, that in the fight against this pandemic, we must lead with science and that a key piece of our ongoing work is communicating consistently with the American people."
"I come to this podium having served both in the White House and at the State Department as the spokesperson there, and I traveled the world on trips to promote democracy where I saw the power of the United States and of course the power of this podium and the power of truth and the importance of setting an example of engagement and transparency."
"Straight talk is so important today... I'm so tired of having people say to me, 'Oh, if you tell them the stuff, they're gonna panic.'"
"Trump admitted to Woodward on March 19th, 'I don't want to create a panic.'"
"Misinformation is spreading in our city fast, so I'm going to need you to take what I'm about to say at face value and believe it."
"We changed that description, so as the president said, anyone who on a doctor's order wants to be tested can at a doctor's indication be tested."
"There is no known correlation... it's probably just a little bit of extra stress guys don't ever for a single second think that your government is lying to you."
"Well, come on, man. The American people deserve a straight answer."
"Environmental justice will be at the center of all we do, addressing the disproportionate health and environmental and economic impacts on communities of color."
"Trump botched the rhetoric. Trump shouldn't have taken it lightly in terms of how he spoke about this publicly."
"We know it's critically important for us as leaders to remain healthy."
"I'm not going to tell you that I know the end date; we'll keep you informed."
"We need to communicate to the public what the truth is."
"Once we're told World War III has started, that's just the public statement about it."
"To alleviate the misunderstandings that have arisen, Mueller urged the release of the reports introductions and executive summaries."
"We had to be thinking constantly about what we needed to do on the collection side; what do we need to do in terms of informing policymakers, coming up with options, informing Congress, what to say publicly?"
"Trump is doing what he's supposed to be doing, he's here's what's happening Trump says, 'Look at all these fine, beautiful law enforcement we have right here, let them know what you need and they're here to accommodate.'"
"Ensuring the American people know we're going to work to address this current challenge."
"Dictator Biden has turned all comments on the White House YouTube channel off, but it was the will of the people that voted him in."
"Jerome Powell wanted to at least tentatively punt the question by saying hey you know what we'll let the minutes decide that"
"I live it, it's all over Twitter, but it's coming directly from the President of the United States."
"Nobody wants to actually turn around to their general public and say, hey, you know, we don't know what they are, B, we don't know where they're coming from and C, we haven't got control over the phenomena."
"People just want to hear why. That's all we are, what we would say behind closed doors is what they want to hear."
"This is not a secondary coming out video... this is not me coming out of something else."
"If he really cared about the investigation, he would have been upfront with people and wouldn't withhold information from his audience."
"The American people will hear you. Stick to the teleprompter, Mr. President. No exaggeration, just say what's true."
"What the American people need especially in a moment like this is straight answers and they need to believe that their government is using the tools that we have."
"I have some very good news we sent out 80 million deposits and less than 1% had even little problems."
"Thank you for getting the truth out to the people."
"I want to give people the right information."
"I've never seen more powerful people be careful with the words they're choosing today."
"We're just left in the dark to have to believe second-hand information."
"You should trust the experts, you guys were off by thousand."
"We'd prefer to post about stuff so people understand why are we making the decisions we do."
"A few times the past week CDPR has made clear that there are no more delays coming."
"New York is the epicenter but Andrew Cuomo continues to remind people we're testing more people, that's why our numbers are so high."
"Putin has always sounded confident in every one of the speeches, interviews, meetings."
"I don't talk about every threat we get. I don't give away information in that regard that could result in other people being put at risk. In this instance I had no choice and we're going to talk about it."
"Bruno Fernandez has put it out there publicly to communicate to the fans his own frustration at what the fans are seeing and I haven't got a problem with that at all."
"I sincerely hope that this is the last video I have to make about the threats we face in such a contentious political season."
"Vaccines are on the way but how soon? This morning my interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci."
"We hear you. We know those seeking our services need and deserve this commitment."
"If our public response to this is like nano nano nano or some more sophisticated version of that, then we are quickly going to fall prey."
"China has renamed COVID from 'new coronavirus pneumonia' to 'new coronavirus infection'."
"Transparency, even about the uncertainty, is really important." - Dr. Koza
"For now, I hope that you can just heed the warnings, take it seriously, don't panic, stay tuned for future updates."
"What works and what doesn't, what confuses people... you want to find out what works."
"We didn't get any toxicology information in this press conference."
"The president doesn't comment on everything."
"Let me introduce Dr. Deborah Burks to speak about that patient experience and about the importance of the right people seeking the testing in the days ahead."
"This misleading thing that, oh well, they're changing most of the pipes, have been changed."
"Every time he talks, he's putting himself into a bigger criminal hole. But that's not his objective. His objective is purely political at this point. Because that is the only mechanism that exists in a democracy."
"I want people to see what was done. So people have some idea of what I'm talking about."
"Public officials are listening better to geologists."
"I've always loved looking up things and establishing what I actually feel about it and then communicating it to a greater audience."
"Because it turns out, he would say things to me... 'Oh, yeah, the virus is coming. I always tried to play it down. I don't want to panic people.'"
"Your safety is our top priority, so we are taking immediate measures."
"We have to counter the misinformation and disinformation."
"It's not a threat, it's a public service announcement."
"That's what's ahead is the public phase taking these facts and then making them clearer to the public."
"A president should not be on live television telling the country, 'Hey, I've heard somewhere this might help.'"
"Their mixed messaging and ever-shifting rules and regulations have caused confusion."
"Address it publicly truthfully including if I was wrong."
"I'll keep you guys updated with the president's condition and also what is going on with the second stimulus check."
"President Trump needs to go directly to the American people and force Democrats to defend their position."
"Don't lose your mind don't get scared we're not fear-mongering here we're only looking at we're trying to suss out what the most rational likely scenario is."
"If the press in this country were honest it wasn't corrupt if it wasn't fake our country would be so much further ahead but we're doing really great thank you all very much."
"You are The Young Turks and we have spread that Progressive message wide and far." - Dr. Rashad Ritchie
"What information were they privy to when they were telling the public?"
"Get out there on the internet, talk about these things with the people that you can."
"We've been very candid in sharing with people at every step of the way exactly what we are doing and why we are doing it and what the evidence shows."
"I'm not changing my message and pandering to anybody I'm going to tell the truth the truth matters."
"The truth is the truth whether it scares you or not. Tell the people the truth whether it scares them or not."
"People just want to hear someone who's real and honest and says things the way they are."
"Instead of trying to spread panic, I could spread panic a whole lot better than you, but I'm not doing that. I want to have our country become and strong and fight and win."
"I think it's important to explain to the American people ... two very different Futures."
"President Biden needs to be honest with the American people."
"When Justin Trudeau takes to the stupid Zoom meetings and says, 'Hey Mom, I'd like to talk to your kids,' that's stranger danger."
"If you are looking for good news today on the numbers, this is good news."
"People want to hear from the president right now about what they can do to be safe, to protect their families, to protect their communities, and it's a credibility test for him."
"Read a little bit, understand, interrogate the agenda, be so informed that when you address millions of people, make sure that you're not just part of a conspiracy theory."
"Ultimately what really needs to happen is our news needs to stop lying to the American people and simply talk to us like normal."
"Transparency with the general public is important. We have to tell them, people are not stupid, we're not a bunch of sheep."
"I write you as a concerned American who wishes only to share the information that I know to be true so that we can lay to the rest of conspiracy theories."
"Bruce Lee's mission now becomes to communicate this truth to the world."
"We have to guess that something else was running... like they took one look at the parameters and said, 'Geezers, no, stop, let's not panic people.'"
"I hope if you guys take away anything from this video at all it's that we should probably just retire it."
"Trump is like a great car salesman; he sells the vaccine, but when push came to shove, he blew it."
"This is a very critical time for the American people and the American people deserve real information."
"Trusted influencers are needed, this is a way to combat misinformation."
"Let me be clear, as I listen to that press conference, it's infuriating."
"If somebody puts misinformation in the public domain, we address it."
"Usually when we're talking in the realm of policy or we're telling people to do things we're working in the realm of prescriptive claims."
"Stay safe out there, everybody. Thanks for listening, bye."
"You know, in some ways, for some of you, this might be new that you're hearing this."
"Greg doesn't comment on this to his audience enough... you're publicly actively teaching people something that's wrong."
"The burden is on the president to explain why this matters."
"These things escalate to that point and I actually think it's a duty of people like us...to be very clear with people...instead of basically downplaying it."
"The job of the president of the United States is to level with the American people about everything."
"I am not a white supremacist. The name of the show is The Rubin Report and I will continue telling you to the best of my ability what's going on in the world and I enjoy those of you who enjoy it."
"I think misinformation has a lot to do with it, and this is why I think we need to continue to push that information that works."
"Tucker is a popular host who already has a massive audience...he sure as hell can provide that large audience with some actually useful information for a few minutes which is exactly what he did."
"Leave it up, put 'retracted' at the beginning of the title, with an explanation, an apology, and maybe a big header graphic saying 'Oops'."
"I do not trust a single word out of these people's mouths."
"When Joe Biden pulled America out of Afghanistan, he said it was in part to do with bringing to an end America being involved in Forever Wars." - Neil Oliver
"Free and open speech is what I intend to do."
"Shameful. That's what you say about like a cake when you didn't really nail the recipe, not a thousand plus deaths a day." - Jonathan Swan
"He's being open honest transparent and so there should be no haters he's being honest he's telling you what he's doing you don't need to listen to it."
"A lot of people who watch my videos sometimes take it personally if they're Christian or they get offended. I'm not trying to bash all Christians, all Christianity. I wanna make that very clear right now."
"We need to prepare our audience for all of that and I think that's really important as we move forward again; election day is two weeks from today."
"NASA has hired a number of theologians paid theologians priests and others to join its ranks in order to figure out how best to talk to the American people in the world about aliens living amongst us."
"When you love, you want to tell the world about it, and that's what science is for him."
"How can any responsible government or military possibly think they're going to be able to describe this to the public?"
"Who cares about that man anyway you have anything else you want to tell the people besides uh this case is yeah I want to say a couple of things."
"The president's tone on the virus this week seems to have changed. He's advocated for Americans to wear masks and said the pandemic would get worse before it gets better."
"That is flat out wrong, that is not the policy of the United States."
"It's hardly an incumbent Republican who Trump hasn't at some point torched... as a fundraising and base energizing tool."
"Andre 3000 gave y'all two websites y'all need to write down."
"Diddy's letter was well written; there was nothing wrong with it."
"I was really serious but I was warning people about what might happen."
"Raising awareness, but still shallow in information."
"They know what they're doing. I want to assume and hope that they're just not telling the public everything because they don't have to, and eventually, hopefully, it will come out."
"The honest headline is the Arizona Supreme Court ruled."
"The Biden Administration hears you and is listening."
"Looking back, him tweeting things like 'tesla stock price is too high' does seem dramatically irresponsible."
"It's over. The pandemic is over." - Joe Biden
"His tweets will bypass Twitter's filters designed to show people the best content possible. The algorithm now artificially boosted Musk's tweets by a factor of one thousand."
"We got to come at you and tell us when we make predictions that are right, but also more importantly when we make predictions that are wrong."
"We'd like to see some more accountability when it comes to communication with the public."
"This isn't the war, we're not collapsing, everything's fine."
"You have to spoon-feed people, present information honestly and transparently."
"We live at a time when it is vitally necessary... that the bounds of public discourse become widened."
"Black people like me, he needs to talk more about what he's going to do, not just have black people say I like you."
"We're almost there and we'll be there very, very soon for the American people." - Vice President
"I think a lot of us would have been much more reassured if the government was more open about its thinking and the trade-offs."
"The incredible great news yesterday the president united states addressed the american people about the progress."
"Unlawful for a government officer to seize work product materials by a person reasonably believed to have a purpose to disseminate to the public a newspaper, book, broadcast, or other similar form of Public Communication."
"I keep forgetting that you're still alive." [Elon Musk's tweet response]
"But I'm just saying that they should not be plugging given these conditions okay that's what I'm trying to say."
"The King made it the decision to put out the details of his condition."
"I cannot answer questions privately, so please understand I have to choose that which is the largest benefit."
"Communication with the public is perhaps the most important thing that can be done in difficult and troubling times."
"Follow the science, follow the data, be as transparent as possible, and don't treat the public like children."
"The presidency was a bully pulpit."
"What can we do? Can we talk to the fans, talk to the people?"