
Cultural Beliefs Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"The gods reward those who take bold risks. 'Fortune favors the bold,' a popular saying throughout Orden, comes from Rioja."
"The Abominable Snowman is known to natives of Nepal as the Yeti."
"The ancient Egyptians truly believed that to speak the name of the dead was to make them live again. And surely they do."
"The idea of little people is not sort of just in fairy tales; it is in all cultures, all continents around the world."
"It is a testament to the intricacies of historical narratives, where the interplay of power, mythology, and cultural belief shape the collective consciousness of civilizations."
"It's been suggested that maybe they're seen to walk to the afterlife."
"Dealing with folklore, there's a thin line sometimes between folklore and religion, and deeply held cultural beliefs."
"The difference between kami and yokai is how they're worshiped."
"The evidence indicates very similar ideas can exist in primitive hunter-gatherer societies so the idea that customs and beliefs present in Genesis had to develop late is not the only possibility."
"I think most myths are based on reality anyway."
"Ancient Egyptians believed that cats were magical creatures capable of bringing great luck."
"So when a villager dies it turns into a goat or a water buffalo or a sheep or some form of food... so this is a playable version of villager nothing then that's actually that's a really ingenious idea."
"You may gift any good deeds to the deceased without any restrictions."
"Your good deeds are what you own. If somebody wants to transfer his good deeds to you, the verse does not negate that."
"The entire Ummah in our times has agreed that one may give good deeds to the deceased."
"If we can't say that the building block of our society is a man and a woman, what do we believe in?"
"You have to regard men and women as actually having some really fundamental differences."
"People in the village would worship the paintings and tell great stories about small people coming down from the sky in round-shaped flying objects abducting people and then never returning."
"Werewolves have never been proven; however, in certain countries, the topic is taken very seriously and sometimes connected with some sort of ancient witchcraft."
"We're lamenting by modern reductionist beliefs. It would sound crazy that these plants are wise teachers that gift healing songs to the students or shamans."
"The Mandate of Heaven is a crucial element of the historical Chinese psyche."
"Disturbing their final resting place is not only perceived as a physical intrusion but also a spiritual transgression, the sanctity of the burial site intended to serve the emperor in the afterlife is intricately woven into cultural beliefs."
"It's hard for many to wrap their heads around this subject but the Ojibwe and many other first nations and American tribes see the Sabbe, the Sasquatch, and Oma, etc., as spirit and flesh at the same time."
"America, it's not a new thing to believe in conspiracy theories."
"In many ancient traditions, a person's hair is closely tied with spirituality."
"Snow in June is a sign of injustice having happened. It was believed to suggest that even heaven knows the injustice."
"Excessive responses: superstition, threats, violence."
"Hundreds of comments suggested that the chant had summoned some kind of forest spirit."
"Many continue to believe in the power of witch doctors to create zombie soldiers."
"Beliefs like diamonds are a girl's best friend, diamonds are forever, that you can only truly propose to someone with a diamond ring is so ingrained in our culture."
"I thought that was like religious or something like that. I think it has its roots in religion, yes."
"Ayahuasca is like a maestro, a plant teacher, a divine goddess."
"The number 13, believed to bring misfortune or bad luck, is even categorized as a legitimate phobia."
"The evil eye belief transcends cultural and religious boundaries, influencing practices like prayer, amulet wearing, and rituals aimed at dispelling its perceived negative effects."
"The belief in ghosts has historical and cultural roots."
"I think the whole hotel is cursed because it's on an Indian burial ground."
"The radiation was nothing like we'd ever seen before. It's more than 30 years after the initial disaster and people still can't even go here for extended periods of time."
"In the ancient world it was believed that women had amazing powers of healing and creativity during menstruation."
"Luxury beliefs denote status and membership in the Elite Ivy League circles."
"Koreans believe it's destined for someone's fate."
"At the core of America is not an economy, it's a belief system. It's a diverse belief system but across religious affiliations and racial groups Americans have always had basically the same views on the basic things."
"I remember reading something on the weekend that was very similar to that, that he had made some sort of satanic deal."
"Humans in the 1700s were like, 'Oh, that woman's cursed, she's a witch for sure.' Then humans today are like, 'Ah, that stadium's cursed for sure.' Cursed, we haven't changed."
"They're going against science. It's because there's a witchcraft haze, if you will, over them."
"The belief in the afterlife is common across the world."
"Your ancestors are just trying to protect you."
"White people stole witchcraft from African beliefs."
"Maybe the shamans aren't crazy. Maybe the Native Americans weren't crazy. Maybe these people aren't crazy. Maybe they are actually tapping into a very profound experience that anyone can have."
"The pagan Norse believed that the dead in their burial mounds would become álfar - elves - spirits of the land."
"Those who have stolen rocks from the Uluru have experienced extremely bad luck."
"Every culture has its own unique superstitions regarding the sneeze."
"We never found the body of the old man and as a result the tribe was confirmed in its beliefs that he had been wafted off earth by unfriendly spirits into quote."
"Some old culture believed that photographs can steal a person's soul."
"The evil eye refers to the supernatural belief that a person's glare, glance, or gaze can harm another person."
"In the Greco-Roman world, the evil eye is intimately tied to envy."
"The evil eye belief complex appears in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam."
"As the veil between the living and the dead thins this time of year, many people find themselves wondering: are ghosts real?"
"Such deathbed visitations are much more common than sightings of angelic beings or indeed the traditional hooded Grim Reaper."
"The number nine is considered lucky amulet culture and lucky charms are huge here."
"For many native cultures, Sasquatch is a spiritual being and a real flesh and blood creature."
"The idea of the body being needed after death is age thousands of years ago."
"Talking about strange creatures, in certain cultures, it is a common thing to believe in dwarves, gnomes, and fairies."
"It was believed to be the one night a year where the veil between the mortal and the spirit world was the thinnest, allowing the living and the dead to party like it's 400 BC."
"The Hara impart acceptance and gratitude for the cycle of life and death."
"I think what happened is that King's race in ancient times actually worshiped Sun God Nika..."
"There has never been a society that didn't have at least a residual belief in witchcraft."
"In my culture, death is not the end. Rest in peace, friend."
"I believe so deeply in this message and the nine ancestral tenants in the ancestral living."
"I'm not sure how much of a bad omen this would be for crafting, but I also made sure that my elevator terminal on the inside of the building skips the fourth floor."
"There's actually a large amount of people who not only believe fairies are real but genuinely want to know how to contact them."
"The reality is, not only are psychedelics not bad, but they are actually 180 degrees opposite."
"Psychedelics can transform your life, they really can; they could be some of the greatest experiences ever."
"The only reason you believe it damages you is because you're believing your culture."
"Not all ghosts are products of Hollywood. Millions of us claim we've encountered them."
"The British royal family descended from King David with all of these reports reporting that the Queen of England had the monarchies lineage tree and had faith in it."
"Peacocks are very spiritual. It's very good karma, good luck, good energy because you deserve it."
"Few animals have as many superstitions built around them as cats, who seem to skirt the boundary between our waking world and unseen realities."
"Near-death experiences are one of those things that have entered the cultural mindset, but they do not demonstrate a God."
"The United States has more witchcraft at work here than any other nation on the earth."
"Can I tell you a theory? There's a lot of people that think that natives are descendants from Asia... But I believe that my mom believes in a theory that if natives started, it started here."
"The Ashlanders staunchly believe that the Tribunal betrayed Nerevar, murdering him for coming between them and the power of Lorkhan's heart."
"It's not anti-sex it's not a Puritan just the contrary it's because we hold it to be so sacred and significant that we surround it with all these restrictions."
"In the West African nation of Ghana, death is often viewed as the beginning of the afterlife which should not be mourned but celebrated."
"Skinwalkers are essentially anti-medicine men."
"Even in this dark hour, they would say Elune still watches over us. And that was almost certainly true, wasn't it?"
"Every world culture that has created themselves a god has fallen."
"Witches have a real relationship with the true magical world, following the flow of magic."
"Most tribes believe he's a protector of the forest and that he's somehow related to us, like a brother, but not human in that sense."
"Let's think about Taurus ruled by Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and beauty."
"As Saturn becomes no longer visible when January 30th to March the 6th, as a collective we may see a releasing of restrictions."
"They acted out on those beliefs in the way they ordered their settlements, the kinds of buildings they lived in, the kinds of clothes they wore, the way they buried their dead."
"Science has other views; they believe that ghost sightings result in part from the power of suggestion."
"Do you really think giants roamed the earth in the past or do you think giants are only creatures from folklore?"
"You may have heard stories about skinwalkers, Native American witches or spirits that turn into animals to cause harm."
"In the tradition of the day, they believed that at night all the spirits will come back to earth."
"Jinn, in the broader sense, are believed to be spirits (or sometimes even demons) that are invisible to human perception - at least, when they want to be."
"If you see a shooting star, you can make a wish."
"Ghosts and churches are sort of inherent with one another."
"It's not our family and our friends, it's always spiritual, it's our ancestors."
"The elaborated theory of witchcraft... had more or less coalesced by around 1450 to 1500 and thus set the stage for the frenzied persecutions which would follow."
"Mirrors in many cultures and traditions are seen as spirit traps or portals."
"Sinkholes provided fresh water to the inhabitants but some were believed to be portals to the dark and scary underworld."
"A lot of people say Santa Muerte is a demon and it isn't."
"You talked about the woman... when they twerk... how that affects the weather."
"I think the Aztecs also worshiped A God Called Quetzalcoatl which I think is almost too fitting to the giant snake thing that they had worshiped."
"If we ignore these sociological reasons for restrictions on man's desires within groups and instead follow this argument to its logical end, we must conclude that Christianity isn't the only divinely created religion. Instead, basically all religions are divine in origin."
"The mummies of Papua New Guinea are a reminder of a question we all ask about perhaps the greatest mystery of all: what happens after we die?"
"Definitely the orb activity, because that is what native American legends tell us that their whole civilization, if not the entire planet was seated by the gods or as they call them the kachinas the teachers from the sky, the all-knowing ones."
"Sometimes, the same people who revered serpents also held archaeoastronomy, the practice of building things in line with the sun, moon, and planets, sacred as well."
"He's like, 'No vaccine, don't trust nothing Western.'"
"History has shown us that almost all cultures have believed in some form of afterlife."
"The lady that makes these hats in Sardinia is known as a witch locally. She is the 24th generation to make these hats from the thread of a particular mollusk."
"They will say things like, 'Well, that was invented by white folks, that was invented by Europeans, right? And for us, the real right belief is all about, you know, is your religion Liberty's right?'"
"Skinwalkers are interesting legendary monsters in that they aren't really monsters in the literal sense; they are people who have elected to turn their backs on the path to harmony."
"Life when we have La Calavera as a godmother, as an advisor, our life takes a kind of meaning."
"Almost every culture, almost every religion except our culture today, believes that nobody can become wise unless they have a hard life."
"To the Tongans, the ancient or, you know, Tongans, these were the three highest gods that had, you know, that governed the world, you know."
"The majority of the people that watch, they are like, well they're Christians so you do believe that your ancestors are always with you like most African religions do believe."
"Culturally presupposed beliefs in windigo transformation have been understood as components of the disorder, causing both sufferers and their companions to identify psychiatric symptoms as signs of an inevitable monstrous condition."
"...it might be some form of mumification um or not mumification but like uh embalming but also I believe White Ash is seen as a purifying kind of thing because it did just come right out of a fire yeah."
"For the Yurok and Karuk of Northwest California, Bigfoot is just another Denizen of the forest worthy of cautious respect just like a bear or a cougar."
"These beliefs were more than mere folklore. They were a matter of life and death."
"Cats were still linked to creatures of the old gods and forgotten magic."
"The significance of these grave Goods lay not in showcasing the status of the deceased but in ensuring their comfort in the afterlife."
"Son Of Heaven is believed to refer to the Chinese emperor, with the empress being wished a thousand autumns of joy without sorrow."
"Traditionally, their tattoo ink is most often made with soot or charcoal as these materials were often believed to ward off evil."
"We have always argued that there is a realm for the ancestors."
"Thousands of years ago, the Aztec people believed they would know where to build a great city when they saw an eagle perched on a cactus eating a snake."
"Rain on your wedding day is actually considered quite good luck."
"Depending on the culture you're from, does your culture have anything specific to say about Sirius?"
"Cochise was raised to believe in the spiritual world around his people."
"The belief in storks as bringers of babies came about over 600 years ago in medieval times; storks have likely been associated with birth and fertility as far back as ancient Egypt."
"Wildlings do believe in giving mercy to children and are strong enough to follow through with it."
"In China, 8 is considered to be a really, really lucky number as it sounds very similar to 'fa', which literally means 'get rich'."
"Every culture has written fables to assure themselves that death is not the end."
"The Sea became a word of fear among them and a token of death."
"What really sets the ancient Egyptians apart is their view of death."
"In many cultures, dragons are also associated with creation myths and are believed to have played a role in the formation of the world."
"By protecting the home and the harvest, foxes were therefore considered sacred."
"My favorite class was magic, witchcraft, and religion."
"The Muska people called the peak of the mountain the Gateway of the Gods."
"Ancient Egyptians believed that if a person was buried in a boat, that boat would carry them into the Afterlife."
"In our Asian culture, people say that when thunder strikes somewhere, often it is to strike down a malevolent force or spirit."
"When I came to know that these days the people of the countryside were very heavy with their supernatural creature beliefs, I decided to ask the villagers if it was really true."
"The Mongols had two main deities: the earth or mother goddess known as Etugen, and Tengri, the blue sky or eternal heaven."
"Never sleep with your head towards the north."
"People celebrating believed that the barriers between the physical world and the spiritual world broke down during Samhain."
"So eating this will often bring, you know, you and your loved ones good luck for the New Year."
"What is very real is the almost universal belief in the existence of such beings."
"Cats are considered Guardian spirits in many cultures for a reason."
"In Thailand, many houses have ghosts... a little house within your home to honor your ghost."
"I think it's more to do with the third option, it's a place connected with people's spiritual beliefs."
"In certain areas of Trinidad, a chicken's claw bound with a black ribbon is a death warning."
"God was always called mother father god in our culture."
"Everyone, it has been decided that from now on, cows will be treated as divine protected creatures in this country."
"Once these military soldiers started coming to the island with this cargo... they thought that by calling on the ancestors they can make these gods return and bring them more blessings."
"They were actually made originally to ward off evil spirits."
"Mother hippos were seen as a positive force and worshipped as a god of pregnancy."
"Life after death fits into the larger cultural framework that makes us human beings."
"To the Egyptians, the false doors represented a physical threshold between the world of the living and the world of the dead."
"In my culture, the number 13 is either a very unlucky number or a lucky number."
"Cows are considered a sacred animal."
"Everything has its twin, so accordingly there is the living village and there is those who are dead for the village, and they both are simultaneous."
"We talk about some of the commonly held beliefs about China, particularly beliefs held in the West."
"The story of Gilgamesh is an amazing story because it shows that the people then had many of the same ideas and beliefs that we have."
"They believe that when they die, first of all, that their bodies should be burned, and then the idea is that the soul goes up to the sky and they become the stars."
"Every single culture virtually every single culture in history has believed in some kind of higher power."
"In Japan, soybeans are believed to have sacred power to ward off evil and have long featured in seasonal rituals."
"Aren't we Chinese fond of pairs? My mom always says pairs bring good luck."
"In many cultures, mountains are known to have god-like energies that are to be revered or feared, worshiped or stayed away from."
"The pyramid of the sun was built to a god of water, the god of rains."
"Certain cultures, especially French Canadians, believe that loved ones sometimes come back as cardinals."