
Platform Use Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"There's no point in having a platform if you're not transparent."
"I've come to realize that this is my platform and I can actually do what I want, and if people don't like it, that's okay because it's not my job to make everyone like me."
"Just bought a shirt and wanted to say that you truly evolved and use your platform for the better good. On you, it's nice to see."
"I want to raise more. I have big goals on raising money for charities. I just, I feel like that's what I want to do with my platform."
"Utilize my platform the way I should be using it... I got full control, I can do what I want to do."
"Mental health is in crisis... there is a lot more to mental health than mental illness and that is what we want to use our platform for."
"If you have a platform and you don't do something good with it, you've left a hole in the ground that can't be filled somewhere else."
"I think it's sort of my job as a K-pop fan to use a platform that I've built to speak on it and present it in a way that some may not have been able to see it."
"For a website that caters itself to an audience that is also under 18, flashing them with potential lap dances that they can literally buy through a website, we are literally turning Twitch into another cam website."
"I would never use my platform as a way to push my personal beliefs onto my subscribers. I respect you and your personal beliefs."
"She's not a savior, she just got given this platform and uses it to speak out."
"I'm doing this to make a stand. I'm doing this to stand up for the men and the women on Twitch who've been unfairly treated."
"I'm just glad to have a platform to be able to share with you guys."
"I appreciate you guys understanding and supporting that. We're not getting greedy with it, we're just using the platform in a way so that way your help will help us go help more families."
"It is incumbent upon everyone to use the platform they have to raise the alarm."
"It makes so much more sense to just use my platform to be sort of a super affiliate for businesses that I really, really, really believe in."
"Genuine companies do advertise on all of those platforms."
"Why not use this platform to elevate people that have been marginalized historically?"
"I think Zoe Laverne is a bad person who does not deserve to have her platform."
"You have a platform, you should be using it for at least some kind of good."
"If my platform could be used to make that happen, I would love to do it."
"For as long as I have this platform and an interest in speaking out, I'm gonna do and say what I can."
"I think it's really just about if you have a platform you lift your voice."
"If you are for the working class, use your platform for the people."
"I really want to use this platform to make a bigger difference in the world."
"We really can't be having you using the platform to talk [ __ ] about other gangs."
"I'm hoping I can use my platform to make a change."
"This platform is given you by God. So use it for God's work."
"I love that they're using their platform to promote black lives matter and support protesters."
"Everybody has a platform, but not everybody's at the same depth of their voice."
"Twitch wasted millions trying to get musicians to stream, but I'm here to actually play games."
"Using our platform as a way of raising money for charities and raising awareness of good causes."
"I'm humbled that I have a platform that I can used to connect with and help others."
"People really want and appreciate when people with platforms speak out."
"Jesus is the whole reason I'm on this platform."
"Thank you for using your platform to bring this problem to light."
"I've been trying to use my platform to show you should embrace your scars."
"Remember we all have a platform make sure to use yours today."
"Black people that have big platforms should use them for something that benefits black people."
"I want to use my platform to inspire as many as possible."
"I've had enough honestly, this situation is like the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm pretty pissed about this and I have a platform and I would like to use it to do something good."
"She was using her platform to silence her critics."
"I admire people who use their platform for more than just performing."
"Your voice is connected to someone living because you have that platform."
"We've got to use every platform that we possibly can knowing that we live in a world of censorship."
"Create content in your own world and still direct people to Amazon."
"This design as is would be good to upload to Teespring and Redbubble."
"Use your platform to raise the voice of others and actually have their voice on your own platform."
"Create art, sell it on various platforms, and let them do the marketing for you."
"The biggest thing you can do is make your voice heard on these platforms and support the voices that you see as being silenced."
"ACAA should not be allowed to have the platform."
"We encourage everyone to be actively engaged on our platform, Slack."
"My goal is to use this platform to share the truth unfettered."
"If I'm not using my platform for good then it's a wasted platform."
"I want to be a source of inspiration for everyone."
"I want to use this platform to really advocate for mental health and self-acceptance."
"I wanted to use my platform to help spread the word."
"What you're doing with your platform here it's very informative you're talking about some things that are really important and so I commend you for that."
"Thank you for giving me this platform to help people."
"Speaking up is always something that's important to me, but having a bigger platform obviously means you can make bigger changes."
"I've used my platform and I will continue to use my platform to be a platform to inspire other people."
"YouTube gives gun enthusiasts a place to go to get opinions that aren't necessarily based on heavily scripted storylines."
"That's why I'll continue to use this platform that I've been blessed with to call out the BS and to never sugarcoat the sin that we see pervasively on display in our everyday society."
"The fact that they were choosing their platform over telling the truth, there's one side that's right and one side that's wrong."
"One side says that it's misinformation and that this is homophobic or anti-semitic or racist and then they shut you out."
"What's the best thing that you could do with your platform is try to inspire people and elevate people."
"This is my platform, so this is where I will elaborate, this is where I will talk about things."
"Silence is approval for God to have given me such a big platform and for me not to use my voice."
"I want to be able to use my platform to amplify black voices and the voices that deserve to be heard"
"I think we were able to make something very exciting out of this platform."
"I love talking to people who are using their platforms for a greater purpose."
"What if we use the platform which can be used for honesty and integrity and you know where we have a natural direct method of communication with the subscribers for the first time in any like medium you are the one in control for your audiences."
"You don't owe your platform to be the voice for anyone, just because you have a platform."
"My voice in my platform had to be used for more than just sports."
"Stand up for these people and the platform we have, we need to use it to make it certainly clear on what our thoughts are."
"Never in my life would I have thought that I would be in a situation where I can have a platform give back."
"I'm excited that we can use our platform to help out in times like these. Check out UNICEF nexgen and donate if you can."
"I'm gonna use my platform for good because... I want to be known for that."
"She's using this platform to address that, to address beauty in different sizes and shapes and all that good stuff."
"I'm willing to use my platform because I will not say things that are so evidently untrue." - Neo
"Full circle moment for me, thankful for Jason Lee trusting me with his platform."
"I'm not going to use the platform that I have to distract from the obviously overwhelming peaceful protests."
"It just made me so happy that I could use the platform I have to shine this light on these women."
"Although I may receive a fair amount of hate for this video, it would be silly and irresponsible of me not to utilize my platform to speak about an issue that needs to be addressed."
"If you love it or you hate it, you can come here, be respectful, have your voice be heard."
"I just really wanted to use my platform to help others."
"They definitely did their thing and we're starting to see that a lot of these animators who are starting to build something are starting to use youtube as that platform"
"I think conversations like this are very much needed within the space so I appreciate being able to dissect these different things so we can come to a meaning of the minds of how we can put these ideologies forward until next time YouTube peace."
"I've gotten enough mileage out of the Runway platform, but I'm excited to see what Sora can do."
"I need to use this platform for something real and wonderful."
"If I have a platform that god gave me, I'm going to give him the platform, that's just what it is."
"I promised myself that if I ever was successful and got a platform from acting, then I would use that to not just fuel my own interests, but to help other people."
"From this point on I want to be using my platform to do everything I can to educate all of you to be as safe and as healthy as you can."
"Stand on the platform, build something more."
"Anything I could do, the next man could do. I do everything and show everything on my platform."
"The fact that one of the biggest freaking YouTube creators out there would use their platform to do said thing is absolutely freaking despicable."
"It is important to me whenever I have a platform to speak about things that are like you know what actually matters."
"I use my platform for good, I'm gonna tell you what's up."
"I'm not a racist, and I don't tolerate racism on any of my platforms."
"You have an amazing platform, your spirit and energy, and what you stand for is so wonderful."
"I do not use this platform to bash nobody, put nobody down, never."
"Take a political stance using your platform and treat people nicely."
"I have more of a responsibility than ever to use this platform to alleviate suffering and promote healing and growth."
"We going to do what we got to do to make the culture better, that's what the platform is about."
"We got to start using our platforms to promote peace and get better, not the platforms to promote wars."
"You have to use this platform wisely."
"Using my own platform... using it in a way that is actually beneficial."
"We do want to use our platform to amplify other voices and not just ours."
"Using your platform as a means to do something, that is giving back."
"I always want to use my platform to raise awareness about things that are important in life."
"What's more important about me having this platform is me giving love."
"Use your platform for something good."
"I do not like to use my platform for hate."
"We're going to use our platform to make a difference."
"I'm always going to use my platform for the betterment of not just my life, but other people's lives."
"This platform ain't to harbor negativity; I don't have time for the randomness."
"I just want to use my platform to keep doing good stuff."
"What we're doing today isn't good enough, and if we use the platform we can get to good enough."
"Using my platform for good, I love animals and I wanna do that."
"We love using our platform to inspire others."
"We wanted to use our platform to put out some positive stuff."
"So, to be someone who can use this platform and speak up for mental health, mental illness is very important to me."
"I do understand the gravity of what I said and want to use my platform to promote inclusivity and equality."
"Utilize my platform to drive a discussion."
"I want to use my platform for the right reasons, and this is definitely a topic that's very close to my heart."