
Unrequited Love Quotes

There are 524 quotes

"Above all, Davy Jones never stopped loving Calypso, and his sorrow not only shows us the pain he feels over her betrayal but the guilt he feels over her imprisonment."
"Perhaps you could say that my one-sided crush of many years was finally reaching a conclusion."
"You're waiting for something that's never coming, and she's kind of got you on the back burner while she's looking for something that is."
"I'm never not thinking about you and I wish we could be more than friends."
"Orihime has always had feelings for Ichigo, which explains why she was always flustered whenever Ichigo would approach her or speak to her."
"I love you, Cassie. I got tired of being in the friend zone."
"You are trying to love somebody but, once again, the more you chase a person, the more they're going to resist you."
"It takes a phenomenal amount of strength to see this person as a friend when obviously your feelings for them run much deeper."
"The one thing he could not do is to make Mistress Death love him; he could force her to speak directly to him, but in the end, she would not be doing it of her own accord."
"How long can you love something that doesn't love you back?"
"Think about how Connie feels; she's been in love with Ethel for years."
"You'll always be the one they think back to."
"They don't want my love, they just want my potential."
"I'm still desperately longing for you, I'm still tormented by this connection."
"Going for somebody who's unavailable or inappropriate? Very common. It's partly from a sense of need, it's partly from distorted thinking, I call it magical thinking."
"Stop holding on to a piece of that won't give you the time of day."
"Isabella spends the whole summer approaching Phineas romantically, but it fails every time until he finally realizes his feelings for her."
"I proceeded to tell Oscar that I loved him and wished that we could be together but that I don't see how it could ever work with things like what he was doing right now."
"The idea of these men being so deluded by their one-sided perspective of a love they never had is uncomfortable."
"I'm addicted to the high of being obsessed with someone I have convinced myself is Out Of Reach."
"Limerence almost always causes inescapable suffering: either infatuated with someone who will never feel the same, or when they do, it usually doesn't work out."
"Drake clearly felt a strong attachment to Rihanna that she wasn't reciprocating."
"There is nothing desirable about someone who does not desire you."
"I wish that Taylor Swift was in love with me, period, point the end of story."
"No matter what you do, if a woman doesn't want you, she's never going to wake up one day and suddenly you're the man she wants."
"They never got over you, they're not getting over you."
"This person is the king of queen of their throne and you're sitting there hoping they'll notice you but doing that is literally just gonna get you stuck if you don't actually make a move."
"At least bask in the energy that you've got somebody that's feeling like you're the one that got away."
"Even if they try to find new love, they'll still always want to go back to you."
"My heart breaks for the little boy that couldn't ever feel the love in return."
"Even if we never meet again you'll always hold the key to my heart."
"How the hell do I deal with unrequited love? What's more of an important question is asking yourself why do you want a love that was never promised to you?"
"Ayo, when you love someone and they don't love you back, damn."
"Don't be chasing people who are not interested in you."
"The sailor loves the girl but that's not his place."
"Oh Anna, if only there were somebody who loved you."
"It hurt a lot when you love somebody and they don't be there for you."
"They're still very obsessed with you but they're not coming forward."
"You got what I need, but you say he's just a friend."
"I couldn't handle my true feelings for you so I kept you as a friend and nothing more."
"You've always put love on a shelf in another room in someone else's house in another state in a different universe."
"The hardest part about falling in love with my local 7-Eleven cashier is knowing she'll never go out with me as she scans my Double Gulp cup full of nacho cheese. #Heartbroken"
"This is someone that feels a very strong soulmate connection with you, but they feel like it's one-sided or there's a lot of confusion."
"I have a wife and I love her so much that if she didn't love me back, I would lock her in my garage and set her on fire."
"The deepest trauma we experience regarding the narcissist is the lie of not ever being really loved."
"Clapton's frustration for his unrequited love for Boyd becomes even more desperate in verse three."
"Protect yourself, protect your loved ones, and protect yourself for the ones you love that don't love you back."
"I'm in love with another man's girl, I want to cry."
"The memory of what could've been is so much stronger than what actually happened because the memory of perfection lasts longer. And even though we didn't end up together, that'll never change the fact that you changed my life forever." - Zutara
"You are close to me like family, you are that spouse that should have been, that is supposed to be mine."
"It was all about connection and finally meeting someone but you can't have them."
"Sometimes the person that you want doesn't deserve you."
"Fear of intimacy and fear of rejection, they miss you. They've always loved you every day from afar."
"Jaime says maybe you're right maybe they'll never love you like me but I love you like me."
"Secretly in love and broken-hearted, reading your old messages."
"I still love you even if you don't love me back."
"It's sad when somebody chases after somebody else and that love is not returned. It's hard and it's very hard."
"The nice guy will begin to become bitter or hostile when their romantic interests chooses someone else."
"Love is never wasted, its value isn't defined by reciprocity."
"We have to forgive ourselves for loving people who didn't love us back."
"Don't try to date anyone who you know you're in the friend zone with."
"Imagine being hopelessly in love with your best friend."
"Ava Gardner, a great beauty unfulfilled, love always searching for the love that was just out of reach."
"In my delusional mind, I've made myself believe that this boy also likes me."
"I miss her, she don't miss you. I can tell you that."
"Pretending to date you was a bit impossible, me dating a radiant girl like her."
"I had no right to claim him. I knew it. But in a solitary life there are rare moments when another soul dips near yours as stars once a year brush the earth. Such a constellation was he to me."
"Comics, for as much as we love comics, sometimes comics does not love you back."
"Being in love with someone who doesn't love you or having your heart broken is an absolutely awful feeling that only time can heal."
"I'm resisting, trying so hard to resist coming together with you."
"I just want to be with you, I loved you until my final breath, why wasn't that enough?"
"Lenore walks away muttering about how she's a fool because Felipe is destined to marry a princess and not a nobody like her."
"If someone doesn't like you back, don't force it, move on, there's plenty of fish in the sea."
"Energetically they're avoiding you right, they're avoiding this beautiful love that's on offer to them because they feel this shame."
"Even if they don't love you back, you still gotta love."
"The desire burns very strongly in this person for you, and there is still a sense in this person to rekindle, despite the pain."
"I do get the vibe that there's some unrequited love on the part of the masculine towards the feminine at first."
"I love this moment and find it very powerful considering that all Jimmy has ever wanted was Chuck's love and respect which Chuck can never give."
"Somebody is obsessed with thinking about you but they just won't do anything about it."
"You deserve someone to share love with... I can't get over you... can't stop thinking about you."
"Obviously this isn't working, unrequited love. You knowing that you deserve love."
"I wish I could say I was finally over you... that's not the truth."
"I'm really trying hard so that one day I can be there for you emotionally. And even if we never meet again, I want you to know that I will never love anyone like I love you."
"I was thinking about a woman who might have loved me but I never knew..."
"You're so adorable, and you can't see me like that."
"Every relationship I've ever been in, it turns out they didn't really love me, so this is nothing new."
"The one thing I want is the one thing I can't have."
"I truly loved her, but I knew she was only with me out of pity."
"She's given me these feelings that I've never felt before, but she will never know that I'm in love with her."
"If a man wants a woman who doesn't want him, he cannot win. His neededness will undermine any possible relationship, and his woman will never be able to trust him."
"Even if they were to come forward and say, 'I've been in love with you for so long, I want to be with you,' they're not even on your level."
"I love him from the perspective of the divine but I'm not for him."
"However, if we sift through all the authenticated Hadith, you will only find a single Hadith about the encounter between the Prophet and someone called a Christian."
"I hope you see my face and that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over."
"Dream, I told you I loved you and you didn't say anything."
"I'm swimming after you it's too bad I can't put the ocean on fire."
"Maybe you won't be loved and returned but isn't that the point of it all?"
"If the love is unrequited... if they want to communicate, let them reach out and come forward."
"But what's most admirable about this one-sided romance is just how undying your love is."
"If he couldn't have Emma, he'd see to it that no one would."
"How long can you love something that don't love you back?"
"We had a time in our life where we loved something that didn't love us back."
"You know how it feels to be heartbroken, you know how it feels to love something that doesn't love you back."
"You swear that you love me, but where were the clues? I died on the altar waiting for the proof."
"It's the worst thing in the world to give someone feelings and not receive them back."
"You're not broken; you're just hung up on someone."
"Love is a rebellious bird that no one can tame."
"He needs to be loved but he doesn't need to love you back."
"You don't know how many times I wish that I could mold you into someone who could cherish me as much as I cherish you."
"Have you ever really liked a girl and you just can't have her? You have no idea."
"I tried moving on, but they're not you."
"It hurts seeing and knowing that you are there but not aware of me."
"Nothing hurts more than loving somebody that does not love you."
"Marius admits to Frida that he is in love with her and she answers that she doesn't love him back."
"At first, I just wanted her to know how I felt about her irrespective of her response, but now I would dearly like for her to return the same feelings for me."
"I've liked you for years and I couldn't give up."
"It's a love that would never be fulfilled."
"The one she loves is oddly the one who's able to reject her."
"You know, one of the most painful things you can see with a friend, one-sided love."
"Because he doesn't want you. You want him."
"Unrequited love is a subsect of that meaning you can experience a deep and meaningful love with somebody who doesn't even know that you exist."
"We've all been in that position before where we had feelings for somebody and they didn't reciprocate."
"I don't feel like she feels the way I feel."
"They've been carrying a torch for you all alone but unable to confess their love due to their fear of rejection."
"You can't force somebody to love or like you. You gotta move on."
"It's one thing to have feelings for someone you can't have, it is another thing entirely to act on them."
"He said their friendship was important enough to him that he would prefer being quietly in love with her forever to trying something and ruining it. And that's kind of where I came in I guess."
"Obsessive love for someone you can't have is a kind of hell."
"You're beautiful, and I saw your face in a crowded place, but I'll never be with you."
"I think his most outrageous dream is that I'll ever like him back."
"Chris and Herbert have never been a couple, obviously–but in Herbert’s sick, twisted mind, they’re star-crossed lovers; Chris just doesn’t know it yet."
"She loves a boy who is in love with someone else."
"I was mad about you you've no idea how miserable it feels to worship someone who barely acknowledges your existence."
"It's all right to love someone who doesn't love you back as long as they're worth you loving them, as long as they deserve it."
"He just wanted to be the person that she wanted."
"If I could see Maurizio again I would tell him that I love him because he is the person who has mattered most to me in life but when she was asked what she thought he would say back to her she said I think he'd say the feeling wasn't mutual."
"She's already in love with someone else."
"I lived in the fantasy of having you, even if it wasn't you."
"This is a person that is used to wanting people that they cannot have... someone that's experienced a lot of unrequited love."
"They see you as their missed opportunity, their one."
"I should probably stick to admiring from afar. It's much less painful."
"You're constantly on their mind and no matter what they do, who they mess with, sleep with, whatever they do to help them disconnect, it doesn't work. You're still right there."
"Most people are in love with the people that don't love them. Just let me put that out there. Most people are in love with the people that don't love them."
"When you find yourself in love with someone who doesn't love you or who can't love you properly, it can be a psychological trap."
"You fell in love with what never loved you."
"Have you ever fell in love with somebody that didn't love you?"
"Loving someone who can't love you back properly is one of the most painful ways you can spend your life."
"You want them, and they don't want you anymore."
"Just because you like somebody doesn't mean they ultimately like you."
"They're battling with themselves to not think about you but it's like they know that in their heart that you're the one and that you're the one that got away."
"You'll never have her and why is that? Because I love you."
"Yet though I cannot be beloved still let me love."
"You've got to go forward, Ken, not back. Well, then you've got to accept you can't make Deirdre love you."
"Do you have any idea how agonizing it is to live every day loving someone that doesn't love you back?"
"Watching your high school crush go to the prom with somebody else over and over and over, it never gets any better."
"They're crushing hard on you but are convinced it's one-sided."
"...how bad it would feel to have feelings for somebody and just realize that they had no intention of ever dating you they weren't even attracted to you anything you know how bad it feels for a man to get used in that sense it feels like [ __ ]."
"I'm not in love with anybody who isn't in love with me. But he is. No, he isn't. If he was, he..."
"I just couldn't fall out of love with her."
"People understand this, man. I understand, you know what I'm saying? It is difficult. It's hard. It's hard accepting that the people who we like don't like us back."
"When you feel like you're the only one in it and you're putting someone before you, and that person doesn't choose you ever, that's really disappointing."
"Sometimes you will fall in love with someone and want to be with them with your all. You will pour your heart out to them as if they were your anchor. But you will wonder why they cannot seem to love you."
"I worshipped you. I grew jealous of everyone to whom you spoke."
"Typical me, falling for a guy who couldn't love her back."
"I wish I loved you as much as you loved me."
"You love Iris but she does not love you."
"What had truly ended his life was obsession and his unrequited love for a celebrity who was far beyond his reach."
"They feel like now they're desperate for you, but you don't want them."
"The ultimate challenge is you like someone, but no matter what you do, they never like you back."
"What's even more obvious is when one has a crush and the other isn't interested."
"The girls in the reverse situation act annoyed and will sometimes make their disinterest clear, but more often than not, they grin and bear it and try to pretend the crush doesn't exist."
"I think most of us have been in a situation as a teenager where we try to impress someone who doesn't feel the same way."
"It's you Amanda, I've been a fan even before I met you, you're so beautiful and amazing and it's driving me crazy because I'm just this poor boy and you're an unreachable star."
"It's just awful to be in love with someone and to not have it reciprocated. It is just the worst."
"I feel like I learned how much I could like someone even if it's not reciprocated."
"...I have only ever thought of you as a friend."
"I would literally give the clothes off my back for this girl and does she want them no she's gonna buy herself her own pair of pants."
"No suitor ever loved her enough to sacrifice his life."
"Even if she doesn't love him back, I don't think he's just going to stop serving her."
"I'm having issues with how I should not be in love with him already."
"Maybe not, but I'm smart enough to know that wanting you to fall in love with me is asking too much."
"I'm tired of not loving you. He has these walls up, she wants to love him but he's not letting her. Relatable, dude, relatable."
"This woman cannot love you, okay? She is going to just rip your heart apart and stomp it."
"You never once said you loved me," she narrows her eyes. "Love is for fools, Christian."
"There's nothing about Shanti that causes him to be in love."
"I tried so very hard not to love her anymore when she was alive, and it didn't work."
"Best — Oh, it’s another Spock and Nurse Chapel deal, the characters who should be together but can’t be, because reasons! I’m such a sucker for that, I just love it when characters I like are prevented from leading happy and fulfilling lives."
"This whole song is about... being more in love with somebody than they are with you."
"Stop trying to make someone love you who has no interest in you."
"I'm haunted by us. I didn't follow my heart, now I don't know how to let you go."
"She loved me so, why did she marry Edgar Linton? It's all your fault, Catherine. I haven't broken your heart, you've broken it, and you've broken mine too."
'I would rather, I said, "Will you be my Valentine?" and she said, "Who are you?" I would have saved a lot of effort.'
"She loved him too soon and he loved her too late."
"Swift recounts her memories of a lost lover listing off the things she loved about him before hoping that he'd return to her simply knowing that it's in vain."
"Aquarius, somebody's obsessed with you. They can't move on from you. They've tried everything."
"'My music may be plaints, my physic tears, if this be all the fruit my love tree bears.'"
"In this concept album, there is a very lonely creature that's very isolated and experiencing unrequited love."
"I can't force myself to love him like family."
"The only person who showed her genuine decency is unable to love her back."
"She expressed understanding for my unrequited love for Barrett and empathized with how hard it must be for me to see her marry the love of my life."