
Talent Showcase Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"Taking center stage at the Children's Circus Festival at only 13 years old."
"If you give people voice, an audience, and a platform that allows them to showcase their talents, I think that's an extremely potent mix."
"The IPL is so good because it's given a stage to so many people who wouldn't otherwise have dreamed of being on that stage."
"Best performer is Santana Lopez the reason her and Rachel hated each other is because they were each other's biggest competition."
"Unleashing resilience at the tender age of 14, Courtney Hadwin didn't just perform on America's Got Talent, she left a lasting impression."
"Thank you for giving talented people a chance on your show."
"This is a time for you to step into the spotlight and be seen for all your talents and skills."
"I think that it's time that we give these kids a platform to actually show their worth and their talent."
"I am too blessed not to express it. I am too gifted not to show it."
"This is fantastic stuff and it gives them a window to the world to showcase their talent."
"Build a flash game and ship it, make it better, and you'll get everybody's attention if you've got the talent."
"Janine was giving the personality, she had the technique, she had the flavor, she had everything."
"American Idol was a show about Cinderella stories that was hugely likeable."
"Donnie Yen's remarkable martial arts skills combined with a wealth of acting talent."
"These are the avant-garde biopics, this is 'I'm Not There,' Todd Haynes's Bob Dylan biopic that depicts the man as a series of incompatible facets, each played by its own actor."
"Open Mic, when he came and he's from Chicago, he goes from Chicago and he just starts freestyling."
"This was an astounding effort involving thousands of incredibly talented individuals."
"Halo Infinite: A bold showcase of the industry's greatest talents."
"Kendall was a star out there on that stage. She shined."
"Sometimes, Miz can carry people because he's so good on the mic, but sometimes he's so good, he exposes people."
"He's showing that he can certainly play at a high level."
"Tide Dolla Sign's vocals, raw, he absolutely killed."
"Open tryouts are a great way to showcase your skills, but any other connections that you can build and help you if you have a better chance of making this team is gonna help you."
"It's just perfect pro wrestling with incredibly talented workers and high stakes."
"Every single queen looks so incredible, it just goes to show how seriously this cast took this season and how much talent there was."
"Let him dance a little bit one-on-one... he's dangerous."
"This is good work again, younger galactico stepping up to the occasion."
"Among today's artists we've got a skateboarder, a salsa dancer, and a swimmer."
"People love it no matter where you're 8 years old or you're 80 years old they love it to see what is ordinary boy two boys play such beautiful music."
"Unlike the naked girls, they were able to showcase their talent and passion for music."
"I never imagined that he would come into this setting today and put on the type of performance."
"This game is the result of some top-notch talent."
"We saw earlier the young kid Giuliano Stroy. Well, this next one is part of the unique group of superhuman kids."
"You're really watching somebody in the absolute height of their ability."
"Really talented, real signature part of coming to Legoland."
"Create a space for creative people to shine."
"I saw a video of a five-year-old girl playing Chop Suey by System of a Down on the drums and I was like, 'Man, yeah, that's... She's my biggest inspiration.'"
"That is really nice, oh, we actually incorporated actual flowers in that too, whoa, Tyson, you've got a talent, that is really, really cool."
"You can be a platform for people who absolutely deserve to have an audience because they're talented or they're brilliant or they're interesting or they're funny."
"It's crazy to watching her and right he said do that backside boardslide."
"Tatiana really proved how multi-faceted and talented she is during her time on Drag Race."
"It allows me to showcase wonderful magicians, which has been a really cool thing that I did not expect."
"Marvel is coming out guns blazing with a bunch of new talent."
"Yes, look at these skills guys, such skills."
"There's some real artistic talent on display here."
"Your talent will soon be showcased to the world. Keep practicing, don't stop."
"It wouldn't be my singing monsters live without taking a look at some beautiful splendiferous totally beautifully realized monster pieces sent in by the talented artists of our community."
"Chris Brown gets busy, can dance. He can dance his ass off."
"Excited to see him get a chance to show what he can do."
"MADDIE - Our Queen with amazing dance moves!"
"I want you guys to know that he's very good building."
"It's very peculiar that we've watched three different singers, and they all have such different things that they provide."
"Put yourself in positions to highlight your talents and skills."
"The freedom of choice is so important if you want to see these Queens at the top of the game and have them showcase the best parts about their talents."
"Just watch his film and you'll see what this guy can do."
"It's so great to see Michael is being able to showcase his riding."
"So much stoke going around. This is really a showcase of young talent."
"She looked like a million dollars, she flew around the ring like the hawk, and she could actually cut a promo too. A total package."
"It's got a whole team of like 10 or 11 composers behind it, all wickedly talented individuals."
"The fact that in that little bit of time he had, he showed so many things that we can be excited about."
"This race has been one of the most incredible things I've seen at a GDQ, all six of these players are so talented it's unbelievable."
"So many people just want to get their foot in the door. Once you get inside, then you show people what you got to offer."
"It's consistent back and forth action here and it just goes to show the two mid-card guys can carry the WCW main events if given the chance."
"One by one, the candidates show off their abilities from a boy who blinks fast, another who spits papers as bullets, a child who can fart, and one who can inflate his mucus."
"One of the greatest routines that anyone has ever done on stage is 'pen behind the ear.'"
"Every now and then funny people prove how great they are at dramatic work."
"Smash mods help bring these ideas to life and there is so much talent out there making cool stuff."
"This is a huge opportunity to prove that I have what it takes to be an Ink Master."
"This was such an astonishing performance from both guys."
"What a talent! Can you do this? I've got my eye on you. Oh my, pink suits you. I feel so alive. I could get used to this."
"To show what these amps can do takes a player that can play cleanly and with exceptional dynamics jeff is the only player i could think of."
"AJ Styles as always great but AJ has a tendency to give big men the best matches of their career."
"Survival shows provide a platform for talented individuals to showcase their skills and fulfill their dreams of becoming idols."
"The musical's narrative and the versatility and range required to play the role of Effie allow Jennifer Hudson to put her singing and acting talent on full display."
"Before we get to the winners, let's start with the showcase of some of the noteworthy and incredible entries."
"You shall win, just show how multi-faceted and talented you are."
"Jade Cargill's match did a good job of putting her over."
"It was exposed that a lot of the talents are already there but then they downplay them in the beginning to make the change seem really drastic."
"The good guys can finally show off their skills."
"You are the main attraction, it is your turn to show off your talents."
"The Negro National League provided a more stable structure for the great Negro League players to showcase their talents."
"I think this is probably going to be if not the best one of the best Royal fumbles but it is because they've got so many great talents any of whom arguably could be the guy it's just a question of which one would be best guy."
"He's got everything he needs to succeed and here it is like magic."
"You put your biggest talent front and center."
"You have all the tools you need to increase your income Good Fortune is coming to you soon and an opportunity may come for you to Showcase your talent."
"Nicely done Jenny, very nicely done, when you see it isn't it?"
"Kendrick Lamar with this album proved just how talented and how great he really is and how he was able to make phenomenal albums a day in the life of young Kendrick Lamar and Compton around 16 17 years old."
"Our next get together will be our up-and-comer show."
"Do you want to see your character brought to life by a crazy talented artist?"
"Holland has showcased immense talent averaging 19.5 points, 6.7 rebounds, and 2.9 assists per game."
"It's the perfect vehicle for him to show off his dancing skills."
"The NBA Summer League, a place where many players come together to show off their skills for a chance to make it to the NBA."
"Prodigy Bowlers Tour, a series of unofficial, informal, and impromptu after-league challenge matches staged by some of the most talented youth bowlers in this part of the country."
"This is your chance, kid. This is your time to show everyone you got talent."
"Once again we're going to put Chris's superstar abilities to the test."
"How will they fare against the Fae's top talent?"
"Take your talent into your hands and go show it to the world."
"The reason the shows are so popular is because of the talent that they have on there."
"The best gladiators across North America put their talents to the test."
"Single Sunday will not disappoint, we got some great talent in the house."
"We want people to be able to come and see our talent."
"To block out pop culture and its drive for attention and simply focus on your talents, knowledge, and experience to simply share your value."
"The WWE needs an off season to let top stars rest and let all the unknown superstars shine."
"You ready to show off some of these lovely paintings?"
"I think from his clearly got amazing skill and talent, and maybe he's not the most talented, but seeking the moment and then executing in that moment, he's unbelievable."
"What made you want to do the show? There is no competition, negativity is just coming here and showing what you do and show the world who you are."
"He had many different interests and many talents."
"Casting was phenomenal, ranging from extremely fitting youth to celebrated British talent."
"It's one of the only shows that really highlights raw talent."
"Tonight, you will see an explosion of offensive talent."
"We got a surprise guest for you, world-class talent."
"It's absolutely stunning what YouTube is; the fact that you can show everyone on the planet what the best people in any given field can do."
"You need to engage in work that'll let your talent shine."
"Within the electrifying confines of that iconic show, he morphed into a comedic dynamo."
"It's really good opportunity to show off your other side of your craft which is not just technical but also your expressive artistic abilities."
"You're what this show is all about."
"The 1984 draft was the greatest NBA draft ever."
"We got some big-time players here, all contributing."
"It's about some good music from three badass artists."
"Hello there and welcome to Stars in Their Eyes Kids, your chance to see the next generation of pop idols."
"We love being able to showcase players who don't normally get time in the spotlight."
"It was so exciting to see the talents... everybody wanted to be there, they didn't want to miss a damn thing."
"I think his riding is doing the talking now."
"I took my talents online and I got a hundred thousand people."
"Believe in yourself, showcase your talents."
"It's such an incredible platform for which he can really show all the things he can do as a musician."
"The stakes were high for Mariah as she had a unique opportunity to demonstrate the extent of her vocal talent and definitely establish herself as a new pop sensation."
"Sometimes you got to switch your surroundings to show the world your talents."
"He's basically shown that young players can play for Chelsea."
"Sometimes going with what is trendy will help boost and show off your talents."
"We're trying to show the personality of the people, the players, because they are just so talented, so skilled."
"It's great to see talented performers come into the arena and grace us with their presence."
"That's the talent that everybody wants to see, that's the timing, that's tight NFL coverage."
"She rocks the house on this, as good as I've ever seen her do."
"You're designed to show off your unique talents and abilities."
"If you're talented, just put it out yourself and let the public decide."
"If you have some sort of hidden talent, gift, skill, or ability, now is the time to put it out into the world."
"It did show or display the strength of some of the younger riders."
"It is certainly safe to say no city has ever had the pleasure of viewing as much talent at one time as New York did."
"You can go on Cirque du Soleil's website I believe and just make an account and then you upload videos of what you can do."
"You can still show your lyrical wizardry at the same time."
"Ninety percent of the people who are on X Factor can really, really sing."
"And boy, do we have some talented players to watch out for this evening."
"My main goal was to showcase some of the best talent in the world to the racquetball community."
"Every time I rhyme, I be flipping a wig."
"There were a lot of performances in this top 20, so I want to focus on the ones that really stood out to me."
"205 Live is a natural progression to showcase the depth of their roster with world-class talent."
"It's going to bring a lot of people in, see how good it is, and just really show off the skills the kids have."
"AW has an incredibly talented roster and there were some very, very good matches as well."
"Social media... literally made a whole new lane for entertainers to start showing off their talents."