
20th Century Quotes

There are 190 quotes

"Digging the Channel Tunnel was one of the greatest engineering challenges of the 20th century."
"Film is the distinctive, narrative form of the 20th century, the signature form of storytelling for the 20th century."
"George Harrison was one of the biggest musical names of the 20th century."
"Examines both the staggering problems and astounding accomplishments of the 20th century."
"The great story of the 20th century was probably democracy, but if there is a second story theme that arcs that century, surely it is rights."
"America fought against totalitarianism in the 20th century."
"The incredible truth behind the 20th century's biggest art fraud."
"Truman is the first president in the 20th century to use the powers of the presidency to challenge racial discrimination."
"In the 1980s and '90s The Cult of Domesticity seemed to finally be abolished."
"When compiling a list of the greatest cultural icons of the 20th century, few would rank higher on that list than Elvis."
"The 20th century's most successful political idea is under attack: democracy is facing a crisis of confidence."
"It is my firm belief that the establishment of the State of Israel is the greatest political achievement of the 20th century."
"She’s often remembered as one of the greatest humanitarians of the 20th century."
"20th century methods involve increasing the wealth of the people by increasing their standard of living."
"The Legend of the lost city of Z: one of the greatest mysteries of the 20th century."
"He was one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th century."
"Almost exactly a year after Masarik was buried, France, Britain, Italy, and Germany signed the Munich Agreement."
"Debates among presidential candidates were not common until the mid-20th century."
"There is no World War One as by the 20th century the world is much more like the 18th."
"One of the great delusions of the 20th century... the superiority of planning over a free economy."
"In other words, something is going on that became big during the 20th century roughly speaking and that is important."
"The most important invention of the 20th century: the transistor."
"Barbara Walters, Martin Luther King Jr., and Anne Frank were all born in the same year, 1929."
"Wilt Chamberlain was the preeminent athletic talent of the 20th century."
"Doubtlessly one of the most influential and extraordinarily interesting musicians of the 20th century."
"The second half of the 20th century would have been dramatically different without US intervention."
"The Great Train Robbery was the pivotal crime of the last century."
"Along with Billy Graham and maybe internationally Winston Churchill, Dr. Martin Luther King was the most influential individual in the 20th century."
"The tank, undisputed king of the battlefield through the 20th century, they had been key to modern mobile warfare, the deciding factor in many of history's greatest battles."
"This car arguably can be considered one of the most influential cars or if not the most influential car in the entire 20th century."
"I firmly believe that Citroen DS is one of the most innovative cars of the 20th century."
"Alan Turing is one of the figures of the century."
"He lived the raw life of the gospels in the 20th century."
"Neon is the ultimate symbol of the 20th century."
"Franklin Delano Roosevelt was perhaps the most important president if not world leader during the 20th century."
"The most iconic building of the entire 20th century."
"The weird stasis went on for a long time. Between 1945 and 1973, there was this period of bizarre prosperity."
"In 1943 Ayn Rand, Isabel Paterson, and Rose Wilder Lane published their seminal works."
"But as the 20th century unfolded, there was a growing sense that it was a social problem which could only be treated by showing greater compassion."
"The literal rise of the skyscraper is one of the hallmarks of twentieth-century capitalist progress."
"It was the last big war of all the families in the 20th century."
"The American government has had more than a casual interest in the possibility of extraterrestrial presence since early in the 20th century."
"Emperor Haile Selassie's contribution to the oriental orthodox church in the 20th century."
"Giancana wouldn't know it then, but this would mark the beginning of the most infamous series of events of the 20th century."
"The musical creation of the 20th century is qualitatively different from that of the 18th century."
"Life expectancy was 41 years; it is now 67 years. Over the course of the 20th century, there's been an increase of 25 years of life."
"A design classic of the 20th century."
"Georgia O'Keeffe was one of the most famous American artists of the 20th century."
"And in 1914, the long 19th century finally came to an end with the gunshot heard round the world."
"Like no other time before it, the history of the 20th century can be measured out in the sheer volume of words we had to invent to describe it."
"It's the best piece of design of the 20th century."
"The 20th century saw the end of the naive ideas of determinism."
"Ford enjoyed unparalleled success throughout the first two decades of the 20th century."
"He was probably the most important artist of the 20th century."
"Physics became very strange in the 20th century."
"The Motorcar was just becoming the great invention that would help shape the 20th century."
"The 20th century was marked by unprecedented rivalry between the superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union."
"One of my favorite books from the 20th century."
"One of the amazing things about the 20th century is that the age of people's life expectancy has increased dramatically."
"The 20th century has really begun."
"...the seminal event of the 20th century."
"His reign would span the most dramatic decades of the 20th century: two world wars, invasion, revolution."
"The following case could not have been solved without the most advanced crime tool of the 20th century."
"Fantastic. It's one of the most durable designs of the 20th century."
"...he was considered one of the most significant cultural figures of the 20th century."
"Mother Teresa, a devout nun with a long history of humanitarianism, was one of the most celebrated figures of the 20th century."
"The 20th century stands unparalleled in its record of atrocities."
"The greatest unification I think of 20th century physics."
"I think this is the greatest song of the 20th century without a doubt."
"Beaton's work is an unmatched catalogue of the 20th century he left us an enormous document of his time and so much that I've learned today I've done through looking at his work."
"The 20th century is really the liberal century."
"The 20th Century saw many American Authors leave their mark on the world of American literature."
"We all know that something happened in the 20th century. We gained the technological ability to really do enormous harm to ourselves as a species."
"Depression is the story of the 20th century."
"Nowhere in the 20th century is the art of extending and multiplying the skill of the craftsman more highly developed than in the manufacture of bodies for 20th-century automobiles."
"The crowning intellectual achievement of the 20th century was the development of quantum theory."
"The big art forms of the 20th century were science and engineering."
"Richard Nixon was the most consequential political figure of the second half of the 20th century."
"Chemistry has changed our lives and has been one of the signs of the 20th century."
"This was a tragic history in the short 20th century."
"He's arguably the most influential automotive executive of the 20th century."
"The French 75s were probably more built in the 20th century than almost any other field piece."
"1984 is perhaps the most persuasively influential book of the 20th century."
"She is undoubtedly one of the most unique voices of 20th-century music."
"One of the great musicians of the 20th century."
"...the adagio is one of the great great pieces of 20th century music..."
"I think they are amongst the most emotionally moving works made in the second half of the 20th century."
"Throughout the 20th century, it's one political arc."
"...the fate of science in the early 20th century political landscape: science cannot provide us with values on its own."
"Jewish history in the 20th century has a lot to tell us about the early 21st century."
"From the early years of the 1960s to the end of the century in the 1990s, the aviation world was full of many new and technologically advanced aircraft."
"Camels are cool and camels were a classic image 1920s, 30s, 40s."
"A tribute to the American spirit in the first half of the 20th century."
"The 1964-65 New York World's Fair was a reflection of life in the United States in the mid 20th century."
"One of the greatest underreported stories of the 20th century."
"This is modeled on a sword that was found in Norway in the early 20th century."
"I've always wanted to do a very simple program about 20th century poetry to try and make it a bit more punchy."
"Truly a miracle and one of the greatest artistic feats of the 20th century."
"The opening years of the 20th century were a time of technological innovation."
"Jazz represents one of the greatest musical innovations to come out of the 20th century."
"Ludwig Mies van der Rohe has been called one of the greatest architects of the 20th century."
"She struck me as being an interesting person partly because her life sort of captures so much of the 20th century."
"Quantum field theory is one of the crowning achievements of science in the 20th century."
"Proust is wonderful. He's, I think, one of the greatest writers of the 20th century and one of the greatest French writers of all time."
"Cubism is a movement that unfolds over the first latter half of the first decade into the second decade of the 20th century."
"A large number of the geopolitical events that occurred in the 20th and even the 21st century can be traced back to this period."
"Ralph Ellison is the grandest, the most aloof, the most Olympian figure in 20th century American literature."
"In the era of iconic film stars, she effortlessly rose to become indisputably the most renowned woman of the 20th century."
"William Marion Branham, his life is probably the most unusual life of anyone in the 20th century."
"There were few artists in the 20th century blessed with as many talents as Leonard Bernstein."
"Deng Xiaoping is one of the most important political figures of the second half of the 20th century."
"It is the distinctive narrative form of the 20th century, the signature form of storytelling for the 20th century."
"The world population quadrupled in the 20th century but it's not even going to double in the 21st."
"They are and will remain one of the greatest, most era-defining country rock bands of the 20th century."
"It's really important to understand all of that kind of baggage of the first half of the 20th century if you want to understand the second half."
"Bernstein was perhaps the 20th Century's greatest Haydn conductor."
"He was the biggest star and biggest artist in the ballet world at the second half of the 20th century."
"I believe the eruption of Mount St. Helens is the geologic event of the 20th century."
"The eruption of Mount St. Helens is the geologic event of the 20th century."
"Truman Capote was one of the great writers of the 20th century, he was literally genius."
"When you look at those seven billion or even two or three hundred million participants in all these different sorts of group minds, you are looking at an intellectual resource that totally dwarfs all the intellectual resources of the 20th century world."
"One of the greatest Saints of the 20th century."
"They still had dueling until really quite into the 20th century."
"It's fabulous, so here for all of you Clumpists is a list of 12 essential 20th century Symphony Cycles."
"Plastic is one of the most significant inventions of the 20th century."
"Film is the 20th century's own art form."
"Esther R forged herself into one of the 20th Century's most influential civil rights champions."
"History sure to record that this marvelous man was the premier figure in the 20th century struggle for economic and political justice."
"Marvin Gaye is a man who needs no introduction, one of the most influential artists of the 20th century."
"I have a soft spot for the 20th century, probably because I am part of that century itself."
"So many great things and bad things happened in the 20th century, a huge hundred years of absolutely mental history."
"She spans the second half of the 20th century now into the 21st century."
"The Chinese Civil War, a pivotal conflict in 20th-century Chinese history, spanned several periods of fighting between 1927 and 1950."
"The 20th century would not go to the victor of the European conflict of powers, but it would be the American Century."
"We've added 30 years to life expectancy in the 20th century."
"...cemented his reputation as one of the foremost thinkers of the 20th century."
"One of the things that's so remarkable about this period is that there are more good violin concertos written after the turn of the 20th century than were written before."
"Decolonization is a critical moment in the 20th century."
"These are some of the greatest symphonic works of the 20th century."
"Leonard Bernstein wrote some of the best-known popular music of the 20th century."
"If you were to change the effects of the First World War, you would change most of the direction of the 20th century in general."
"Much of the 20th century literature criticism emerges as a direct opposition to the author-centric theories of the earlier period."
"The greatest political changes of the 20th century was obtaining the vote for women."
"He was one of the most interesting and important, I would say crucial, sculptors of the 20th century."
"Space-time and quantum mechanics really framed the central dramas of the 20th century."
"This luminal, ethereal, and utterly bewitching work from 1948 by Enrico Donati, one of the most fascinating and inimitable artists of the 20th century."
"The fleshiness of women's bodies is something that is never put on display in the 20th century; it's always airbrushed or suppressed. I'm trying to do it with a certain sympathy and emotion, and also put it in the context of feminist thought."
"In the middle of the 20th century, many composers wrote music that was completely incomprehensible to the general public."
"Finite simple groups is one of the great tales of 20th century mathematics."
"The body of work that they created is the most important body of work that's been created in the 20th century for popular culture."
"The 20th century has got much more literature and it also has got an immense amount of cultural production to its credit."
"Philosophy of science in the 20th century was dominated by logical positivism."
"His lifetime record of 236 and 106 gives him the highest winning percentage of any pitcher in the 20th century."
"The tearing down of the Berlin Wall was one of the most significant events of the late 20th century."
"The contributions of women writers... began to be acknowledged only from the early 1900 onwards."
"The discovery of Tutankhamun's small but lavish tomb... is perhaps the greatest archaeological discovery of the 20th century."
"The church remained central to black life through the 20th century, particularly at the height of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s."
"Harlem Renaissance is dated as 1918 to 1937, which means revival, and this kind of renaissance is happening especially among the African-American people."
"It was one of the biggest and most sudden psychological changes I've ever observed and I think that ever occurred in the history of the 20th century."
"Arguably one of the greatest works of art of the 20th century."
"To have had one's life saved by a saber-tooth tiger, and in the 20th century into the bargain, was an experience that was to say the least unique."