
General Advice Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"Bringing such biblical and solid and logical thinking to so many topics."
"Financial education is so important, no matter where you are."
"Regardless of what you get, it's going to be a sweet result. I really love that."
"It's not all about the size; it's about how you use it."
"For most people who are willing to do the work, change their lifestyle, in most cases, ninety percent of cases, the issue is resolved."
"The most important things for health really have little if nothing to do with specific foods."
"Life is so short and I know it's the most generic thing to say but it really is."
"Here's my take on this: somewhere in the four and a half year range."
"I think every aspect of our society should be prepared."
"That's something that are going to be in play over the next few years."
"In crises, it's sometimes good to slow things down."
"So many questions but it's important to ask."
"It's not about the what, it's about the how."
"One thing we always continue to bring up all the time is balance in life."
"But let’s just start, let’s just start from the baseline."
"Diversity is very important... diversification is very important."
"Everyone deserves the truth, everyone has to protect yourself, protect your family."
"Making music should be nice. You should enjoy the sound in here."
"Approach everything like that, as you should."
"Safety is paramount, never take it for granted."
"We all tried our best, that's all you gotta do."
"I'm gonna try to give tip videos that help people across the board."
"I know for sure that you have to just be kind to everybody you come across."
"Of course, you want the food to be delicious."
"Despite all of this, limits should obviously be put in place."
"There's always an adventure for how you ride."
"Lots of value. It's a good lesson for everybody to learn."
"People need to know what they should be excited for in the future."
"It is something that should be in our remembrance at all times."
"There are so many issues, so it should still serve as like an alternative."
"It's going to help prevent any weird issues."
"It's very customizable as well... it is in your hands."
"Let the process play out, everybody said it."
"Cover does matter all the time. As far as I know, there's not different levels of cover here."
"It's not risk-free at the end of the day regardless of what you're doing."
"Depending on what you guys do and where you go because that's always expansive."
"There's always going to be room for improvement."
"Just take action, that's what you all do best."
"If you want to be successful, that's probably true."
"It's all about trying to get a better life and increase happiness, right?"
"People don't need good advice, they need good news."
"There shouldn't be a blanket solution to anything anyway."
"Being a nice guy almost never works in your favor."
"You got to be a little more General and you got to be a little safer."
"I hope this was informative and somewhat helpful."
"Everyone's different, these types of things affect everyone differently."
"Safety First, wear protection. That is the best advice you're ever going to get."
"That's what we do, we always try and tell everyone, hey, have fun."
"I really believe in a personalized approach, so I thought how the hell do I write a book for the general population that personalizes it."
"Save your money for whatever. Just save it, okay?"
"There is an excellent way, a more excellent way."
"Life does not happen when we are focusing on one thing."
"You don't need to be an expert to spot that something isn't going very well."
"That's probably the most important part, at the very least."
"Lower your expectations because that's how it is everywhere else."
"Not everyone, but a lot of you might resonate with that."
"Question everything guys, that's the message."
"It's the worst fears that aren't talked about and addressed."
"You need to practice a little bit of self-care."
"Remember this isn't a one-size-fits-all shoe."
"Simply effective is very, very simple yet effective."
"You can never go wrong with any of these three."
"An audience is very helpful for whatever you do."
"Walking is the best exercise for every human being, you know."
"Winning solves everything. Stuff worked, at least stuff they liked."
"Don't look for silver bullets, one solution to all of your problems."
"There's probably a pretty simple explanation and a pretty fundamental fix to whatever might be going on here."
"You can always make something a little better."
"It's always good to have a background in multiple things."
"Every car is different, every driver is different, and there are always exceptions to the rule."
"We'd prefer to leave you with all the numbers for this one."
"Real estate agent... a really good opportunity for a lot of people."
"Most people don't know what's good for them."
"Sometimes there are really simple solutions out there."
"At the end of the day, you've got to go back to the basics."
"You've got to control your emotions, true with anything in life."
"There will always be something good to watch."
"Fixing one thing often makes everything else work better."
"I think that by now, we all know not to get any expectations up for the most part."
"Every single human being on this planet can lose weight with diet and exercise."
"Everybody can get money, everybody can work with each other."
"Sometimes people are kind of coming with a certain personal experience."
"Having a general plan is also great. Let me know in the comments section Down Below, have you tried any of these tips?"
"If you improve everything, then everything improves."
"Safety is always number one paramount thing."
"Everybody's gonna have it happen, and everybody should be saying: Where's the accountability?"
"Just give it some time, it'll happen, you know."
"It's a general reading it may or may not resonate with you it does not matter what your sign is it's straight up energy reading it is a reading with me uh it's Timeless so whenever you find it you're meant to find it."
"Everyone wants to save some money these days."
"The bigger, the better. Not always, but you know, most of the time."
"We're just gonna go with balance, as everything should be."
"All strategies work, it depends on who's implementing it."
"That's something really that I think can be super helpful."
"If you're just looking for a blanket recommendation."
"Everybody needs to go chill, relax, and have some fun. Everybody's been busting their butts lately on the planet."
"It's always eat healthier, lose some weight."
"No one knows what next year holds but it'll be a lot better if you're..."
"Now's a good time to get a monitor in general."
"That seems like a very logical place to go now."
"It's all about finding that healthy balance."
"Always push but not necessarily to do anything with it."
"Shame on you for doing it so cut it out and you know that applies to everybody big channel or little doesn't make any difference."
"Get as prepared as you possibly can and be safe out there."
"I think it's important for everybody, no matter where you live, to have some sort of idea of what to do."
"Expect the unexpected. Let's hope it's good."
"Basic rule of thumb: higher numbers are better, lower numbers are worse."
"So it's something that we have to be incredibly mindful about." - Jamieleigh
"I think the general rule is like five years like if it's under five years don't even touch it."
"Whatever ends is for its highest good. I'm gonna keep it as general as possible because I feel like it may hit y'all all differently."
"If you survive, I need you to grab your kids and get out of this house."
"End of a tough cycle approaching well well well how many times have we heard that in almost every sign got that message this is Capricorn energy but it's not not exclusive to that for darn sure."
"I guess relationships vary depending on the people."
"Enjoy life, everyone listening, enjoy your life."
"It doesn't always work but sometimes it does and it doesn't hurt to try."
"High ground is advantageous in nearly any situation."
"Listen, a little variety of content never hurt anybody."
"If you're struggling, seek out help, that's pretty much the moral of the story." - Josh
"We all need a break, we all need to get away this summer."
"Guys, this is what you have to look forward to now."
"Take it with a grain of salt, everybody's different everybody wants and needs different things."
"These are General readings... not personal readings... take what resonates... leave what doesn't..."
"It's all about balance, okay? Everything in life actually is about balance."
"Relationships are hard, guys. Relationships are hard."
"It's just the best, it should be everyone's takeaway."
"Life isn't easy and you need little reliefs."
"You wanna think that everybody is about you. It's not about you at the end of the day."
"There's a way out of every box, a solution to every puzzle."
"I can really recommend Final Fantasy 5 for any final fantasy player in general or anyone who plays RPGs."
"That is definitely something that I would recommend."
"Patience is going to be so important. We're going to be okay."
"Have yourselves a fantastic day but above all else keep it."
"These readings are for thousands of people, not every message will be for you, and that's completely fine."
"Flexibility is important, almost unequivocally, it's almost always important."
"Nice guys don't finish last, not for me. I think nice guys finish last for immature girls."
"Breath is a huge one. Personal hygiene in general."
"Hope that helps out. I don't really have much to conclude here at this particular point in time."
"I'm hoping that this video can just be a general guide."
"Proper preparation is the key in any and everything."
"But in general, don't do it, be nice."
"Just breathe in general, come on."
"Make sure you enjoy Australia... These are all general guidelines and tips and I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time while you're there."
"For most people, that will be all they need to hear."
"Keep in mind it's a general reading, so if you don't resonate with the messages, please discard them."
"Most people could do with a good amount of inspiration."
"These are general and timeless readings."
"Be careful, and it's not just in mechanic shops, it's anything in life."
"Don't believe anything they tell you."
"Just take what resonates with you; it's a general reading."
"Remember, it's general, but I'm not trying to force it to fit; if it ain't yours, let it go."
"I think when they say honesty is the best policy, in general, that's always the case."
"It's a general reading, may or may not resonate with you, but if you're here, you're here for a reason."
"Just a little reminder that this is a general love reading; it may not resonate for everybody."
"Please just take what resonates for you, since it's a general reading."
"Keep in mind that these are general readings, so if the message doesn't resonate with you, it's probably not your message."
"Keep in mind these are general, so take the messages as they resonate."