
Abstinence Quotes

There are 275 quotes

"Recovery from addiction...often involves 30 days of complete abstinence."
"I have never had sex with anyone; even as of recording this video, I am still a virgin."
"Abstinence is bliss. It is so much easier to stay in recovery than it is to continually have to detoxify and withdraw and try to get sobriety again."
"If you're suffering from any addictions, it would be that abstinence is easier to maintain than the constant cycle of relapse and recovery."
"He's rad as hell. But Johnny Spells doesn't fuck. Seriously."
"I'm 38 and still a virgin. I've been intentional about that, as well as having addictive tendencies growing up."
"I'm being abstinent now and trying to re-enable my ability to emotionally connect with someone."
"The Christian rule is either marriage with complete faithfulness to your partner or else total abstinence."
"Abstinence... is not impossible... we have self-control, we have the power to treat our bodies with respect and responsibility."
"The only safe sex is a safe partner... or complete abstinence."
"No alcohol means no poison and no poison means no dead bodies."
"Abstinence is a legitimate goal but it's not the immediate goal for everybody."
"I didn't engage with sex with a man for almost nine years."
"Abstinence is not moral legalism but Christian discipleship."
"I just have a good time with it, I love drinking, I haven't drank for almost eight months now."
"Abstinence only? No sex until marriage? Okay, so I don't want sex like ever. Sex is a human experience, how dare you not want sex! Oh my God, it's just so God dang frustrating."
"In general I think that the idea that you can transcend sexual craving through pure abstinence is a very flawed idea."
"What even is abstinence? That's that face right now. Beautiful."
"To stop pursuing pleasure and abstain from your drug of choice for at least 1 month."
"Abstinence with my girlfriend is not waiting to love her. Abstinence with my girlfriend is loving her because I'm doing what's best for her."
"Don't have sex because the Bible says don't."
"Whenever I don't smoke at all, then there is much greater intensity of dreams."
"Sometimes you need abstinence to regain control. Stop for a short time to break the cycle."
"Did you know that cornflakes were invented to stop people masturbating?"
"I don't do no drugs; I don't party that much."
"We believed in no sex before marriage, all the great principles of what a marriage could be."
"Abstinence is an investment into your sex life."
"I felt this responsibility to the girls that I'm mentoring to let them know it is possible to get to the altar without having sex."
"Never once in my life did I smoke, never once in my life did I drink, and never once in my life did I do a drug."
"I committed to no sex until I got married before I even met her."
"I haven't had fast food in so long."
"So I'm still a virgin because I'm waiting for marriage. I grew up in the church, sex is a covenant between me, my God, and my future."
"I never smoked. I stayed away from cannabis."
"But for you, when you abstain, all you're doing is venturing to be in that top 1.1% of people who have real love."
"For many, abstinence is easier than perfect moderation."
"Waiting till marriage to have sex is what makes the marriage worth the wait."
"I feel like I'm not gonna want to eat chocolate for the next three years after this challenge."
"I made the decision of not having sexual relationships with her no more and I came to her and I was like you know what like I don't want to do this anymore I want to wait till we get married."
"Waiting for marriage was a good idea because it honors God."
"It wasn't the act of abstaining from sex that brought about positive change, but it was the intention, the clear intention behind abstaining that led to some really powerful shifts."
"If you can't have any, you are certainly not going to have a tablespoon of sugar."
"I encourage everybody not to drink and cleanse our body, you can eat healthy take care of yourself."
"Until people try abstinence for at least a period of a couple of weeks, they don't know what we're talking about."
"It talked about the benefits of holding off on physical things like kissing or holding hands."
"Eliminating alcohol completely from your diet is going to work wonders."
"Moderation or abstinence: one of the tenets of AA is to never take another drink again."
"Abstinence does become important at some time if you want to continue the healing growing journey."
"I never wanted to do the nasty because I was trying to save it for somebody special after I graduated, but it was time for me to act up."
"We've only ever been with each other and we waited until we were married to have sex."
"I don't drink anymore, I mean, I haven't drunk for eight for ages really."
"He never drank, he never smoked, never tried drugs."
"I have not had a regular or diet soda in over 17 years."
"I'm past all that. I don't do drugs. I don't alcohol. I don't. It's. I'm past all that. I don't even think about stuff like that no more."
"Touch not taste not, things that are perishing, things that are going to pass away."
"Purity culture...in a lot of ways is toxic because the purity is not in the beauty of sexuality, the purity is actually rooted in abstinence."
"The thought that you need to not have sex and then you gain superpowers, I wish it was that easy."
"And the single most important predictor for these patients long-term is alcohol abstinence."
"So if I understand you correctly, abstinence is okay if somebody can do it, but people, because what I see happening is people that can do it are kind of shamed and ridiculed."
"Waiting until sex is an investment in your marriage."
"People who go to Alcoholics Anonymous are depending on the study and the sample about 20 to 60% more likely to end up abstinent than people who do not."
"You don't have to do it. So if you've weighed the options and you've decided, you know, I'm gonna wait till marriage because this is what God's told me to do, stand firmly and confidently in that decision. So true. Amen for real on that one."
"Sex is out of the picture, there's no sexiness there's no sex."
"The Bible calls us to Purity which is abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage."
"Once they abstain for a long enough period of time, they lose attraction for it."
"I still never had a drink to this day ever ever."
"Abstinence can be freeing. Freedom doesn't consist in doing what you want, it's doing what you ought to do."
"Technical virginity is compromising true purity."
"We've made virginity the goal when the goal should be lifelong purity."
"Absolutely no matter what, I will not put anything in me today."
"That's the Mormon church's version of sex education: 'Don't do it.'"
"Celibacy, of course, is the big issue..."
"Abstinence saves lives, protects babies, gives sexual relations their proper value, and more importantly honors God."
"We've never had sex now we're waiting till marriage"
"Honestly, we practice abstinence. When you already start moving too quickly to making out part, there's not that much further to go."
"If you don't drink already, that's fine, no need to start drinking."
"For Lent, I'm giving up weed, I'm not smoking [ __ ], and I'm not masturbating."
"I am practicing abstinence right now."
"I'm abstinent, but I don't think a lot of people realize that those of us that can do it, it's not hard for us. Maybe it's my personality, but also my environment is set up that way."
"Abstinence is easier for me now. I never thought I'd be able to say that."
"We'll give you ten thousand for each week that you could go with no sex."
"No fapping, no good. Fapping, no good. Marriage, good."
"Remember: good effing riddance. Salt, sugar, sex."
"It's a reflection of biblical wisdom for a pastor or leader to abstain from alcohol."
"Abstaining happens organically, the worst thing we can do is say, let's just abstain."
"Avoiding sex and family: the answer to experiencing the resurrection."
"Now that don't mean she gotta stop having sex, now I got to not have sex unless you just really just holding on that Spirit, if you really, if you really want to try to be perfect celebrate until married, yeah."
"I wanted to commit to abstinence while we were dating."
"Keep your virginity if you can. It does bring you farther away from God. But also, if you're having intercourse with the guys you're interested in, like, what are they interested in? Probably like that side of you. So I would say, best advice, don't do that."
"I don't drink alcohol, not even a can of beer."
"As a girl living in this society that's done it both ways, I can say this: Choosing to remain abstinent until marriage was the best decision I ever made."
"Yes, I am saving myself for marriage."
"The people who have the best I Do's someday are the ones who today spend it saying I don't."
"The first recommendation is actually abstinence for long enough for your brain to reset baseline dopamine firing or baseline homeostasis."
"I ate absolutely nothing yesterday."
"Never have I ever had a drink of an alcoholic beverage."
"Chastity, abstinence, refraining from sex, celibacy, self-restraint. All that means the same thing, basically."
"No fizzy drink for me today. Now I have completed two months of having no fizzy drinks."
"I have had a really good week. My food has been on point. I've had no binging, and I'm happy to say that I am now 23 days abstinent."
"I feel no urge, no craving, no temptation to gamble at all."
"Put away sin, filthiness, and every detestable abomination from you."
"Abstain from the appearance of evil."
"This is a decision that I have made... my behavior was not a reflection of my values and I actually want to wait until marriage."
"This young lady here is a purity coach, and impressively enough, she's been abstinent now for 14 years and counting."
"Aren't you drinking? I never drink... wine."
"I will not sleep with any man until I'm married."
"Something that is totally lost on a lot of these people who grew up in Purity culture only or abstinence only."
"Fasting is not just about food; it's about going without."
"I can't drink anymore; if I cut myself, I'll bleed tomato juice."
"I'm dating for marriage, and I'm saving sex for marriage."
"Just for today, you don't use. You never have to use again."
"'Teetotaler', remember we talked about tea? So, you think: 'Ah, a teetotaler, I don't drink.' It means to not drink any alcohol whatsoever."
"I will not drink another drop of the fruit of the vine until I drink it again with you in my Father's kingdom."
"We don't shy away from talking about waiting till marriage because it is something that's very hard to do."
"Complete abstinence from anything is easier than slight moderation."
"I never smoked a cigarette in my life."
"Resolved not to defile themselves with the royal food and wine."
"You've not eaten bread and you've not drunk wine or strong drink, that you may know that I am the Lord your God."
"I'm not having no more sex until I get a girlfriend."
"It does take a period of abstinence from them for you to kind of forget how powerful those cravings are."
"Truly I say to you, I will never again drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the Kingdom of God."
"He will be great in the sight of the Lord and he will drink no wine or liquor, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit while yet in his mother's womb."
"Fasting is intentionally abstaining from things that are pleasurable for spiritual development."
"Saying no to premarital sex not because it's bad but because it's good."
"I am clearly and without a doubt an abstainer."
"Ramadan also includes abstaining from gossip, jealousy, and negative thoughts."
"Abstinence is easier than moderation."
"I have never had a social media account."
"I've never had that thing called coffee... I generally just survive on my pure pure energy."
"It is wise to abstain from strong stimulants like caffeinated or sugary drinks during the fast, including artificial sweeteners found in diet drinks."
"I'll not drink it again until the day that you and I are one."
"I had a long period of anguish, isolation, and illness, from which I emerged resolved on a life of comfortable and I hope rather cheerful abstinence."
"Abstinence is actually a much better conversation for adults who have a much higher capacity to actually like integrate the idea of just choosing self-control."
"I don't smoke the devil's lettuce, and I hope you know God is watching."
"I don't want to poison my body with drugs and alcohol and cigarettes or cloud my thoughts with sex."
"Abstinence is an expression of love; it's not the negation of love."
"Beloved believers, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul."
"I went fishing for 30 days with no beer."
"The AG teaches complete abstinence from alcohol."
"Food and booze are my two drugs. I've never done an illegal drug."
"I guess I'm never drinking or doing anything ever 'cause one, I don't want to, and two, God, I'm going to look good in my 50s."
"Don't drink, don't do drugs, and don't let anyone pressure you into doing anything that you are not ready for."
"Food will not commend us to God; we are no worse off if we do not eat, and no better off if we do."
"As anybody knows who has broken free from addiction, you have to abstain from that substance in order to start to heal."
"I haven't had McDonald's fries in probably three years."
"The safest limit of drinking alcohol is zero."
"We can live without sex, Jesus did, but we're not designed to live without intimacy."
"These allergic types can never safely use alcohol in any form at all."
"Complete sexual abstinence before marriage and total fidelity within marriage protect the sanctity of this sacred channel."
"The way to abundance is through abstinence."
"We are supposed to prove all things; hold fast that which is good and abstain from all appearance of evil."
"I don't do drugs, I don't do crime."
"No No November starts in less than 24 hours."
"I've decided to take September off with no type of marijuana."
"We encourage members to make healthy choices and to abstain from harmful and mind-altering substances."
"Abstinence from food is a powerful thing; the ability to be able to just say no and have complete control is freaking powerful as all heck."
"Do not have any minor vices; don't smoke nor drink nor use swear words."
"I never touch alcohol, which my wife will bear me out on, do I not love?"
"I never drank and have literally never been drunk in my life."
"I just don't do drugs period because of the experiences I had when I was a young young dude."
"I had still never touched a cigarette in my life."
"I plead the fifth. I gave up on sin about eight years ago, and I'm doing better."
"I don't want to have sex anymore... I want to start honoring God."
"I've never actually had a glass of wine."
"I'm in recovery and haven't placed a bet since July of 2015."
"I'm grateful to be in long-term recovery and live in a bet-free life."
"I swear I'm never gonna drink again."
"Thou shalt not eat any abominable thing."
"Recovery begins with abstinence. Abstinence resets the brain’s reward pathway and with it our capacity to take joy in simpler pleasures."
"I can't drink it. Why? Because I'm pregnant."
"You'll experience much more of the psychological good life by abstaining from things that are unhealthy."
"Fasting is a willful abstinence from the pleasures of life in pursuit of God and His purpose."
"Waiting until marriage is gonna be better for you; it's gonna be better for your relationships."
"Never have I ever smoked a cigarette."
"If it's addiction, you really do have to give it up altogether."
"I don't smoke no cigarettes, I don't smoke no weed, I don't pop pills, I don't do none of that."
"I have never had a glass of champagne since that time."
"I've not touched a drop of alcohol this year."
"I mean, I'm in a way doing a kind of Lent with giving up alcohol. It's really making me appreciate it and thinking about it."
"The pros of abstinence, ladies, is that you don't get yourself wrapped up emotionally through sexual intimacy with people that you have no business being emotionally attached to."
"We didn't kiss during when we were dating. First time we kissed was on our wedding day."
"I am not going to drink of the fruit of the vine until I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom."
"I'm against all drugs, I'm against alcohol, I'm even against painkillers."
"I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's Kingdom."
"You shall not sow nor reap its aftergrowth, nor gather in from its untrimmed vines for it is a Jubilee."
"Jesus says, 'But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom.'"
"I decided that I was never going to drink mainly because I don't want to put that stuff in my body."
"I am choosing this single time to be abstinent, to work on myself, to care deeply for myself, to give myself the life that I deserve."
"This is going to be my last glass of wine for a while."
"Take this wine and divide it among you, for I shall henceforth drink no more wine until the kingdom of God cometh."
"I am saving myself from having sex before marriage because I want to be able to fully give my all to my husband."
"It was my personal relationship with the Lord that kept me from entering into the things that other people did."
"I haven't had cheese in five years."
"I'm not waiting to have sex until I'm married because God said so; it's more about the self-respect that I have for myself and my future husband."
"Gandhi insists on the importance of abstaining from things, various forms of addiction."
"I never got into drugs, still have never done drugs, not even smoke weed."
"Fasting itself is just going without, and you can choose what you go without."
"I believe that every man who has ever been earnest to preserve his higher or poetic faculties in the best condition has been particularly inclined to abstain from animal food, and from much food of any kind."
"I'm just not going to touch anything until I feel better mentally."
"Just do your best to stay away from it for two weeks."
"I pray for the wealth, pray for my health. I never did drugs, I'm proud of myself."