
Biblical Perspective Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Bringing such biblical and solid and logical thinking to so many topics."
"Understanding a biblical view of sexuality allows us to discern what is good, what should I approve, what should not prove, what should I affirm, what should not affirm."
"My goal is not just to make you hear me declare what is true about things but rather enable you with the tools and the information so that you can process things so that you become better at thinking biblically on your own."
"When I don't have an answer, I won't pretend I do. I will just try to give you the best thoughts I've got on that topic for you to be stirred up in your own thoughts and to learn to think biblically about everything."
"Thinking biblically about everything, that's where the treasure is, that's where the gold is. This is where our lives are changed, this is where our lives become pure, Godly, more confident, more peaceful, more patient, and more joyous."
"I will give you the best answers I can, trying to help you learn how to think biblically about everything."
"What I loved about the sermon was the way that he spoke the truth about current cultural issues from a biblical point of view, giving guidance and direction about what God says."
"Singleness is a gift from God, that's how the Bible talks about singleness. Not like it's some sort of second class status, but rather that it is a gift."
"When times get even more challenging, people are going to want to have a more biblical perspective, something that a lot of people don't even have."
"It's an opportunity for us to be there to share, and at some point, I think when times get even more challenging, people are going to want to have a more biblical perspective."
"Israel is not a political issue, Israel is a Bible issue."
"Racism is a terrible thing. But when you start with the Bible, we all go back to Adam and Eve. So how many races are there? Just one."
"Absolute morality makes sense in a biblical worldview about laws of logic."
"For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God."
"The Bible is the word of God and it paints a picture of mankind's condition with brutal accuracy."
"Just look at it from a biblical standpoint. How long are you gonna live that life before you get caught from what's behind you when you got your whole life ahead of you?"
"So when he talks about where this is coming from and where this hatred is understand the Bible makes it very clear."
"Debt is never talked about in this Bible as a good thing. It's always a curse. It's always a bad thing. You're always a slave."
"When everyone else saw Goliath, David saw God."
"Babylon is a financial system created outside of God's system."
"A correct biblical worldview helps you understand it's not about what we do that's bad, but the good that comes out of us."
"If the world hates us, we must remember that they hated him too." - Jesus
"We're the ones that are going to look at it through the lens of Scripture and that's when things get really really interesting."
"All I want to do is add a Biblical perspective to what you're saying because from a Biblical perspective, there's always the word hope."
"If we believe what the Bible says about this whole thing in the culture, if we believe that, then we know through death comes resurrection."
"Spirituality from the biblical view is a lot more than you think it is."
"I believe the god of the Bible is a very violent, vindictive, jealous, and petty god."
"What is essential and often doesn't get included is a Biblical perspective."
"Death is not good. The Bible insists that death is an enemy."
"We either claim that the world is a sufficient explanation for itself or we operate out of the biblical worldview…"
"What is required of a man who would call himself a husband? What does the Bible say a man must be if he's going to call himself a husband?"
"The Bible always speaks in the immediacy of things, that now is the accepted time, that now is the day of salvation."
"I just think you need to understand money from a Biblical perspective."
"...the truth is what sets us free and we want to be set free... with a Biblical mindset."
"I think Mark preserves a very precious thing. Not that Jesus wasn't resurrected in his view, I think he thinks he was."
"Sin doesn't win on the biblical perspective. Sin doesn't win on the biblical perspective."
"We just want that peace, that quietness. We want things to be quote unquote normal, but the Bible says it's never going to be normal."
"God has a lot to say about this. Sluggards love to sleep, they love rest."
"Loneliness is a result of the fall, but from a biblical perspective, you can find the true hope there is out of loneliness."
"Using politics to create fairness this is a sin the Bible is very clear about this."
"The future isn't uncertain; the future as the church, based upon Scriptures, is our friend."
"We are able through this Bible, Church, to see things differently than anybody else."
"When you have the Bible in one hand and the news in the other, and you know this Bible, you understand it, then you have a commentary of what is happening in the world."
"The god of the Bible created the universe; he wasn't a product of it."
"You meant this for evil, but God intended it for good."
"What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight."
"You can't have a biblical worldview if you don't trust the Bible as being the inspired word of God."
"The books are amazing if you've got a kiddo that is interested in dinosaurs and you want them to understand what the Bible has to say about it."
"You learn it in the context of a Biblical perspective, which I think is really true education."
"We want to find a biblical view of everything... then we can say what I believe to be true is right."
"If you're looking at things from a biblical perspective... the Bible is one of the most spiritual books that ever exists."