
Gut Feeling Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"We're like all of a sudden, miracles happen when we follow our gut."
"Gut feeling got its name for a reason. Gut feeling is truth that comes from somewhere else."
"Making policy based on gut feelings is irresponsible."
"Intuition is hard to put into words; it's just a gut feeling that this is gonna work."
"I know in my gut there's feeling as a parent."
"When your gut, your intuition, is telling you that something isn't right, something probably isn't right."
"If something feels off or wrong about something, I strongly suggest that you always trust your gut."
"The lesson that I have taken away from this incident... is to always trust my gut."
"Following my gut always seemed to save me from storms and other things that just generally turned out good."
"Your heart has neurons and your stomach is your second brain."
"You're very intuitive... you need to listen to your intuition, listen to that gut feeling."
"Your gut is smarter than your brain because it doesn't doubt its own thinking."
"If something in your gut feels off about him, don't ignore it. Your intuition is very smart, your intuition knows more than you think it does."
"When your gut tells you something's not right, you follow it."
"Not all information exists outside of you; there is information within you, your gut information, your intuition."
"Trust your gut because if you have some instinct, there's probably a reason for it."
"Follow your intuition, follow your gut feeling."
"If you feel something in the pit of your stomach or that little voice in the back of your head is saying this doesn't feel right, it probably isn't right."
"Following your intuition and listening to your gut, I think they are like the most powerful forces in the universe."
"Keep your gut, okay? Your gut got space to hold important things like instinct."
"I've always been intuition-driven and gut-driven. And frankly, to be honest, I think everyone actually is."
"Trust your gut and if people don't know your gut feeling is like your second brain, the large and small intestines look like a brain for a reason, to trust your gut, trust your intuition."
"Sometimes you do just have a gut feeling."
"Intuition is living from your gut."
"That gut feeling is probably right."
"If you have a funny feeling in your stomach that someone is not right, that person is not right."
"Your gut feeling is absolutely right."
"Do what your gut tells you, follow your gut and you're gonna have a good ride."
"It could have been nothing they might have been planning to go to that gas station anyways but my gut was telling me otherwise."
"When it comes, it doesn't come on the level of intellect usually, it's usually like a gut feeling."
"Your gut instinct has been feeling this for some time."
"I throw that out the window. It's just gotta feel right."
"The most important organ when it comes to investing isn't your brain, it's actually your stomach."
"Your gut and your heart, if you pay attention, are pretty clear communicators."
"Our gut and our hearts are the two main intuitive centers."
"Trust that gut, you're more intuitive than you think."
"I always said gut feeling. Anytime I've ever not... gone with my gut instinct, it's gone wrong. That's honestly true."
"Your gut is literally trying to help you don't ever doubt your intuition."
"There's a reason why people say our gut is our second brain."
"We have this ew sense, a gut feeling like ew something's weird about that."
"I always say like go with your gut like go with that like intuition yeah, go with that like gut response because it's like your second brain trying to tell you something."
"Your gut produces 90% of the serotonin in your body. The stuff that makes you feel good, makes you feel happy."
"This is why always listen to your gut feeling. Never ignore your gut, 'cause your gut is going to protect you."
"I think it's time you listen to your gut."
"Remember how we just guessed on this patch panel? Sometimes you just gotta go with your gut."
"Listen to your gut feelings and trust your initial instincts. These may provide you with the first clues to unlocking your intuition."
"You just gotta go with your gut feeling, people. Sometimes you just gotta go with your gut feeling."
"Decisions decisions decisions trust your gut."
"You got to listen to your gut intuition and in most cases that's not gonna steer you wrong."
"Be aware, listen, take note and go with your gut."
"Feeling safe is a gut thing that you want to see."
"Follow your heart, but also follow your intuition like your gut always knows."
"Listen to your gut, both literally and figuratively."
"Don't dismiss your gut feeling. You know what's best for you and your family."
"I kind of just want to draw a circle so I'm going with my gut."
"That's why they say the gut is a second brain."
"Usually, it's always kind of right, like your gut feeling like, 'Maybe I shouldn't do that.'"
"We would say things like 'listen to your gut' or 'I feel it in my gut,' which kind of points to the fact that it is a second brain."
"My biggest takeaway I got from this situation was to trust my gut feeling when it's telling me something is not right."
"It was this feeling in the pit of my gut."
"Like they always say about gut feelings, they are rarely wrong."
"If you ever get a weird feeling in your gut about something, it's best to listen to that feeling."
"Trust that feeling in your stomach; that little feeling in there is there for a reason."
"When your bad gut feelings turn out to be true."
"People will resort to their gut feelings once it's a very important decision."
"We all have these feelings, gut feelings about something."
"It's about a feeling in your gut."
"The gut is the seat of all your intuition."
"It hit me in my gut like that drop in your stomach when you just know."